Module cvpysdk.subclients.casubclient

File for operating on a Cloud Apps Subclient.

CloudAppsSubclient is the only class defined in this file.

CloudAppsSubclient: Derived class from Subclient Base class, representing a cloud apps subclient, and to perform operations on that subclient.

Note: GoogleSubclient class is used for OneDrive subclient too.


new() – Method to create object based on specific cloud apps instance type

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright Commvault Systems, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------

"""File for operating on a Cloud Apps Subclient.

CloudAppsSubclient is the only class defined in this file.

CloudAppsSubclient: Derived class from Subclient Base class, representing a
cloud apps subclient, and to perform operations on that subclient.

Note: GoogleSubclient class is used for OneDrive subclient too.


    __new__()   --  Method to create object based on specific cloud apps instance type


from __future__ import unicode_literals

from ..subclient import Subclient
from ..exception import SDKException

class CloudAppsSubclient(Subclient):
    """Class for representing a subclient of the Cloud Apps agent."""

    def __new__(cls, backupset_object, subclient_name, subclient_id=None):
        from .cloudapps.salesforce_subclient import SalesforceSubclient
        from .cloudapps.google_subclient import GoogleSubclient
        from .cloudapps.cloud_storage_subclient import CloudStorageSubclient
        from .cloudapps.cloud_database_subclient import CloudDatabaseSubclient
        from .cloudapps.dynamics365_subclient import MSDynamics365Subclient
        from .cloudapps.teams_subclient import TeamsSubclient
        from .cloudapps.spanner_subclient import GoogleSpannerSubclient

        instance_types = {
            1: GoogleSubclient,
            2: GoogleSubclient,
            3: SalesforceSubclient,
            4: CloudDatabaseSubclient,  # Amazon RDS Subclient
            5: CloudStorageSubclient,  # AmazonS3 Subclient
            6: CloudStorageSubclient,  # AzureBlob Subclient
            7: GoogleSubclient,  # OneDrive Subclient. GoogleSuclient class is used for OneDrive too
            14: CloudStorageSubclient,  # OracleCloud Subclient
            15: CloudStorageSubclient,  # Openstack Subclient
            20: CloudStorageSubclient,  # Google Cloud Instance
            21: CloudStorageSubclient,  # azure data lake gen2
            26: CloudDatabaseSubclient,  # Amazon Redshift subclient
            27: CloudDatabaseSubclient,  # Amazon Document DB subclient
            25: CloudStorageSubclient,  # AliBaba
            24: CloudStorageSubclient,  # IBM
            22: CloudDatabaseSubclient,  # Amazon DynamoDB subclient
            35: MSDynamics365Subclient,  # Office 365 Apps -> MS Dynamics 365 Subclient
            36: TeamsSubclient,  # Office 365 Apps -> MS Teams
            37: GoogleSpannerSubclient  # Google Cloud Spanner Subclient

        cloud_apps_instance_type = backupset_object._instance_object._properties[

        if cloud_apps_instance_type in instance_types:
            instance_type = instance_types[cloud_apps_instance_type]
            raise SDKException('Subclient', '112')

        return object.__new__(instance_type)


class CloudAppsSubclient (backupset_object, subclient_name, subclient_id=None)

Class for representing a subclient of the Cloud Apps agent.

Initialise the Subclient object.


backupset_object (object) – instance of the Backupset class

subclient_name (str) – name of the subclient

subclient_id (str) – id of the subclient default: None


object - instance of the Subclient class

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class CloudAppsSubclient(Subclient):
    """Class for representing a subclient of the Cloud Apps agent."""

    def __new__(cls, backupset_object, subclient_name, subclient_id=None):
        from .cloudapps.salesforce_subclient import SalesforceSubclient
        from .cloudapps.google_subclient import GoogleSubclient
        from .cloudapps.cloud_storage_subclient import CloudStorageSubclient
        from .cloudapps.cloud_database_subclient import CloudDatabaseSubclient
        from .cloudapps.dynamics365_subclient import MSDynamics365Subclient
        from .cloudapps.teams_subclient import TeamsSubclient
        from .cloudapps.spanner_subclient import GoogleSpannerSubclient

        instance_types = {
            1: GoogleSubclient,
            2: GoogleSubclient,
            3: SalesforceSubclient,
            4: CloudDatabaseSubclient,  # Amazon RDS Subclient
            5: CloudStorageSubclient,  # AmazonS3 Subclient
            6: CloudStorageSubclient,  # AzureBlob Subclient
            7: GoogleSubclient,  # OneDrive Subclient. GoogleSuclient class is used for OneDrive too
            14: CloudStorageSubclient,  # OracleCloud Subclient
            15: CloudStorageSubclient,  # Openstack Subclient
            20: CloudStorageSubclient,  # Google Cloud Instance
            21: CloudStorageSubclient,  # azure data lake gen2
            26: CloudDatabaseSubclient,  # Amazon Redshift subclient
            27: CloudDatabaseSubclient,  # Amazon Document DB subclient
            25: CloudStorageSubclient,  # AliBaba
            24: CloudStorageSubclient,  # IBM
            22: CloudDatabaseSubclient,  # Amazon DynamoDB subclient
            35: MSDynamics365Subclient,  # Office 365 Apps -> MS Dynamics 365 Subclient
            36: TeamsSubclient,  # Office 365 Apps -> MS Teams
            37: GoogleSpannerSubclient  # Google Cloud Spanner Subclient

        cloud_apps_instance_type = backupset_object._instance_object._properties[

        if cloud_apps_instance_type in instance_types:
            instance_type = instance_types[cloud_apps_instance_type]
            raise SDKException('Subclient', '112')

        return object.__new__(instance_type)



Inherited members