
Main file for managing users on this commcell

Users and User are only the two classes defined in this commcell


init() – initializes the users class object

str() – returns all the users associated with the commcell

repr() – returns the string for the instance of the Users class

_get_users() – gets all the users on this commcell

_process_add_or_delete_response() – process the add or delete users response

add() – adds local/external user to commcell

has_user() – checks if user with specified user exists on this commcell

get() – returns the user class object for the specified user name

delete() – deletes the user on this commcell

refresh() – refreshes the list of users on this commcell

all_users() – Returns all the users present in the commcell

_get_users_on_service_commcell() – gets the users from service commcell

User init() – initiaizes the user class object

__repr__()                          --  returns the string for the instance of the
                                        User class

_get_user_id()                      --  returns the user id associated with this

_get_user_properties()              --  gets all the properties associated with
                                        this user

_update_user_props()                --  updates the properties associated with
                                        this user

_update_usergroup_request()         --  makes the request to update usergroups
                                        associated with this user

user_name()                         --  returns the name of this user

user_id()                           --  returns the id of this user

description()                       --  returns the description of this user

email()                             --  returns the email of this user

associated_usergroups()             --  returns the usergroups associated with
                                        this user

associated_external_usergroups()    -- returns the external usergroups associated with this user

add_usergroups()                    --  associates the usergroups with this user

remove_usergroups()                 --  disassociated the usergroups with this user

overwrite_usergroups()              --  reassociates the usergroups with this user

refresh()                           --  refreshes the properties of this user

update_security_associations()      --  updates 3-way security associations on user

request_OTP()                       --  fetches OTP for user

user_security_associations()        --  returns sorted roles and custom roles present on the
                                        different entities.

status()                            --  returns the status of user

update_user_password()              --  Updates new passwords of user

user_guid()                         --  returns user GUID

age_password_days()                 --  returns age password days for user

user_company_name()                 -- returns company name if user is a company user else returns empty str

get_account_lock_info()             -- returns account lock information

unlock()                            --  Unlocks user account
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright Commvault Systems, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------

"""Main file for managing users on this commcell

Users and User are only the two classes defined in this commcell

    __init__()                          --  initializes the users class object

    __str__()                           --  returns all the users associated with the

    __repr__()                          --  returns the string for the instance of the
                                            Users class

    _get_users()                        --  gets all the users on this commcell

    _process_add_or_delete_response()   --  process the add or delete users response

    add()                               --  adds local/external user to commcell

    has_user()                          --  checks if user with specified user exists
                                            on this commcell

    get()                               --  returns the user class object for the
                                            specified user name

    delete()                            --  deletes the user on this commcell

    refresh()                           --  refreshes the list of users on this

    all_users()                         --  Returns all the users present in the commcell

    _get_users_on_service_commcell()    -- gets the users from service commcell

    __init__()                          --  initiaizes the user class object

    __repr__()                          --  returns the string for the instance of the
                                            User class

    _get_user_id()                      --  returns the user id associated with this

    _get_user_properties()              --  gets all the properties associated with
                                            this user

    _update_user_props()                --  updates the properties associated with
                                            this user

    _update_usergroup_request()         --  makes the request to update usergroups
                                            associated with this user

    user_name()                         --  returns the name of this user

    user_id()                           --  returns the id of this user

    description()                       --  returns the description of this user

    email()                             --  returns the email of this user

    associated_usergroups()             --  returns the usergroups associated with
                                            this user

    associated_external_usergroups()    -- returns the external usergroups associated with this user

    add_usergroups()                    --  associates the usergroups with this user

    remove_usergroups()                 --  disassociated the usergroups with this user

    overwrite_usergroups()              --  reassociates the usergroups with this user

    refresh()                           --  refreshes the properties of this user

    update_security_associations()      --  updates 3-way security associations on user

    request_OTP()                       --  fetches OTP for user

    user_security_associations()        --  returns sorted roles and custom roles present on the
                                            different entities.

    status()                            --  returns the status of user

    update_user_password()              --  Updates new passwords of user

    user_guid()                         --  returns user GUID

    age_password_days()                 --  returns age password days for user

    user_company_name()                 -- returns company name if user is a company user else returns empty str

    get_account_lock_info()             -- returns account lock information

    unlock()                            --  Unlocks user account

from base64 import b64encode
from .security_association import SecurityAssociation
from ..exception import SDKException

class Users(object):
    """Class for maintaining all the configured users on this commcell"""

    def __init__(self, commcell_object):
        """Initializes the users class object for this commcell

                commcell_object (object)  --  instance of the Commcell class

                object - instance of the Clients class
        self._commcell_object = commcell_object
        self._users = self._get_users()
        self._users_on_service = None

    def __str__(self):
        """Representation string consisting of all users of the commcell.

                str - string of all the users configured on the commcell
        representation_string = '{:^5}\t{:^20}\n\n'.format('S. No.', 'Users')

        for index, user in enumerate(self._users):
            sub_str = '{:^5}\t{:20}\n'.format(index + 1, user)
            representation_string += sub_str

        return representation_string.strip()

    def __repr__(self):
        """Representation string for the instance of the Users class."""
        return "Users class instance for Commcell: '{0}'".format(

    def _get_users(self):
        """Returns the list of users configured on this commcell

                dict of all the users on this commcell
                        'user_name_1': user_id_1

        get_all_user_service = self._commcell_object._services['USERS']

        flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'GET', get_all_user_service

        if flag:
            if response.json() and 'users' in response.json():
                users_dict = {}

                for user in response.json()['users']:
                    temp_name = user['userEntity']['userName'].lower()
                    temp_id = user['userEntity']['userId']
                    users_dict[temp_name] = temp_id

                return users_dict
                raise SDKException('Response', '102')
            response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text)
            raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)

    def _process_add_or_delete_response(self, flag, response):
        """Processes the flag and response received from the server during add delete request

                request_object  (object)  --  request objects specifying the details
                                              to request

                    if response is empty

                    if reponse is not success
        if flag:
            if response.json():
                error_code = -1
                error_message = ''
                if 'response' in response.json():
                    response_json = response.json()['response'][0]
                    error_code = response_json['errorCode']
                    if 'errorString' in response_json:
                        error_message = response_json['errorString']
                elif 'errorCode' in response.json():
                    error_code = response.json()['errorCode']
                    if 'errorMessage' in response:
                        error_message = response['errorMessage']

                return error_code, error_message

                raise SDKException('Response', '102')
            response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text)
            raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)

    def _add_user(self, create_user_request):
        """Makes the add user request on the server

                create_user_request     (dict)  --  request json to create an user

                    if failed to add user
        add_user = self._commcell_object._services['USERS']

        flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'POST', add_user, create_user_request
        error_code, error_message = self._process_add_or_delete_response(flag, response)

        if not error_message:
            error_message = 'Failed to add user. Please check logs for further details.'

        if error_code != 0:
            raise SDKException('User', '102', error_message)

        self._users = self._get_users()

        return response.json()

    def add(self,
        """Adds a local/external user to this commcell

                user_name                     (str)     --  name of the user to be

                full_name                     (str)     --  full name of the user to be

                email                         (str)     --  email of the user to be

                domain                        (str)     --  Needed in case you are adding
                                                            external user

                password                      (str)     --  password of the user to be
                    default: None

                local_usergroups              (list)     --  user can be member of
                                                            these user groups
                                                            Ex:1. ["master"],
                                                               2. ["group1", "group2"]

                system_generated_password     (bool)    --  if set to true system
                                                            defined password will be used
                                                            default: False

                entity_dictionary   --      combination of entity_type, entity names
                                            and role

                e.g.: security_dict={
                                        'entity_type':['entity_name', 'entity_name'],
                                        'role': ['role1']
                                        'mediaAgentName': ['networktestcs', 'standbycs'],
                                        'clientName': ['Linux1'],
                                        'role': ['New1']
                entity_type         --      key for the entity present in dictionary
                                            on which user will have access

                entity_name         --      Value of the key

                 role               --      key for role name you specify

                e.g.: {"clientName":"Linux1"}
                entity_type:    clientName, mediaAgentName, libraryName, userName,
                                userGroupName, storagePolicyName, clientGroupName,
                                schedulePolicyName, locationName, providerDomainName,
                                alertName, workflowName, policyName, roleName

                entity_name:    client name for entity_type 'clientName'
                                Media agent name for entitytype 'mediaAgentName'
                                similar for other entity_typees

                    if data type of input is invalid

                    if user with specified name already exists

                    if password or system_generated_password are not set

                    if failed to add user to commcell
        if domain:
            username = "{0}\\{1}".format(domain, user_name)
            password = ""
            system_generated_password = False
            username = user_name
            if not password:
                system_generated_password = True

        if not (isinstance(username, str) and
                isinstance(email, str)):
            raise SDKException('User', '101')

        if self.has_user(username):
            raise SDKException('User', '103', 'User: {0}'.format(username))

        if password is not None:
            password = b64encode(password.encode()).decode()
            password = ''

        if local_usergroups:
            groups_json = [{"userGroupName": lname} for lname in local_usergroups]
            groups_json = [{}]

        security_json = {}
        if entity_dictionary:
            security_request = SecurityAssociation._security_association_json(
            security_json = {
                "associationsOperationType": "ADD",
                "associations": security_request

        create_user_request = {
            "users": [{
                "password": password,
                "email": email,
                "fullName": full_name,
                "systemGeneratePassword": system_generated_password,
                "userEntity": {
                    "userName": username
                "securityAssociations": security_json,
                "associatedUserGroups": groups_json
        response_json = self._add_user(create_user_request)

        created_user_username = response_json.get("response", [{}])[0].get("entity", {}).get("userName")

        return self.get(created_user_username)

    def has_user(self, user_name):
        """Checks if any user with specified name exists on this commcell

                user_name         (str)     --     name of the user which has to be
                                                   checked if exists

                    if data type of input is invalid
        if not isinstance(user_name, str):
            raise SDKException('User', '101')

        return self._users and user_name.lower() in self._users

    def get(self, user_name):
        """Returns the user object for the specified user name

                user_name  (str)  --  name of the user for which the object has to be

                    if user doesn't exist with specified name
        if not self.has_user(user_name):
            raise SDKException(
                'User', '102', "User {0} doesn't exists on this commcell.".format(

        return User(self._commcell_object, user_name, self._users[user_name.lower()])

    def delete(self, user_name, new_user=None, new_usergroup=None):
        """Deletes the specified user from the existing commcell users

                user_name       (str)   --  name of the user which has to be deleted

                new_user        (str)   --  name of the target user, whom the ownership
                                            of entities should be transferred

                new_usergroup   (str)   --  name of the user group, whom the ownership
                                            of entities should be transferred

                Note: either user or usergroup  should be provided for ownership
                transfer not both.

                    if user doesn't exist

                    if new user and new usergroup any of these is passed and these doesn't
                    exist on commcell

                    if both user and usergroup is passed for ownership transfer

                    if both user and usergroup is not passed for ownership transfer

                    if response is not success

        if not self.has_user(user_name):
            raise SDKException(
                'User', '102', "User {0} doesn't exists on this commcell.".format(
        if new_user and new_usergroup:
            raise SDKException(
                'User', '102', "{0} and {1} both can not be set as owner!! "
                "please send either new_user or new_usergroup".format(new_user, new_usergroup)
            if new_user:
                if not self.has_user(new_user):
                    raise SDKException(
                        'User', '102', "User {0} doesn't exists on this commcell.".format(
                new_user_id = self._users[new_user.lower()]
                new_group_id = 0
                if new_usergroup:
                    if not self._commcell_object.user_groups.has_user_group(new_usergroup):
                        raise SDKException(
                            'UserGroup', '102', "UserGroup {0} doesn't exists "
                            "on this commcell.".format(new_usergroup)
                    raise SDKException(
                        'User', '102',
                        "Ownership transfer is mondatory!! Please provide new owner information"
                new_group_id = self._commcell_object.user_groups.get(new_usergroup).user_group_id
                new_user_id = 0

        delete_user = self._commcell_object._services['DELETE_USER'] %(
            self._users[user_name.lower()], new_user_id, new_group_id)
        flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'DELETE', delete_user
        error_code, error_message = self._process_add_or_delete_response(flag, response)
        if not error_message:
            error_message = 'Failed to delete user. Please check logs for further details.'
        if error_code != 0:
            raise SDKException('User', '102', error_message)
        self._users = self._get_users()

    def _get_users_on_service_commcell(self):
        """gets the userspace from service commcell

            list  - consisting of all users assciated with service commcell

                    ['user1', 'user2']
                if response is empty

                if response is not success

        flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'GET', self._commcell_object._services['GET_USERSPACE_SERVICE']

        if flag:
            if response.json() and 'users' in response.json():
                users_space_dict = {}
                for user in response.json()['users']:
                    users_space_dict[user['userEntity']['userName']] = user
                return users_space_dict
                raise SDKException('Response', '102')

            response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text)
            raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)

    def service_commcell_users_space(self):
        """Returns the user space from service commcell

        list - consists of users space from service commcell
        if self._users_on_service is None:
            self._users_on_service = self._get_users_on_service_commcell()
        return self._users_on_service

    def refresh(self):
        """Refresh the list of Users on this commcell."""
        self._users = self._get_users()
        self._users_on_service = None

    def all_users(self):
        """Returns the dict of all the users on the commcell

        dict of all the users on commcell
                      'user_name_1': user_id_1
        return self._users

class User(object):
    """Class for representing a particular user configured on this commcell"""

    def __init__(self, commcell_object, user_name, user_id=None):
        """Initialize the User class object for specified user

                commcell_object (object)  --  instance of the Commcell class

                user_name         (str)     --  name of the user

                user_id           (str)     --  id of the user
                    default: None

        self._commcell_object = commcell_object
        self._user_name = user_name.lower()

        if user_id is None:
            self._user_id = self._get_user_id(self._user_name)
            self._user_id = user_id

        self._user = self._commcell_object._services['USER'] % (self._user_id)
        self._user_status = None
        self._email = None
        self._description = None
        self._associated_external_usergroups = None
        self._associated_usergroups = None
        self._properties = None
        self._tfa_status = None

    def __repr__(self):
        """String representation of the instance of this class."""
        representation_string = 'User class instance for User: "{0}"'
        return representation_string.format(self.user_name)

    def _get_user_id(self, user_name):
        """Gets the user id associated with this user

                user_name         (str)     --     name of the user whose

                int     -     id associated to the specified user
        users = Users(self._commcell_object)
        return users.get(user_name).user_id

    def _get_user_properties(self):
        """Gets the properties of this user"""
        flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'GET', self._user

        if flag:
            if response.json() and 'users' in response.json():
                self._properties = response.json()['users'][0]
                self._security_properties = self._properties.get('securityAssociations', {}).get(
                    'associations', {})
                self._security_associations = SecurityAssociation.fetch_security_association(
                if 'enableUser' in self._properties:
                    self._user_status = self._properties['enableUser']

                if 'email' in self._properties:
                    self._email = self._properties['email']

                if 'description' in self._properties:
                    self._description = self._properties['description']

                if 'associatedUserGroups' in self._properties:
                    self._associated_usergroups = self._properties['associatedUserGroups']

                if 'associatedExternalUserGroups' in self._properties:
                    self._associated_external_usergroups = self._properties['associatedExternalUserGroups']
                raise SDKException('Response', '102')
            response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text)
            raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)

    def _update_user_props(self, properties_dict, **kwargs):
        """Updates the properties of this user

                properties_dict (dict)  --  user property dict which is to be updated
                    e.g.: {
                            "description": "My description"
                ** kwargs(dict)         --  Key value pairs for supported arguments
                Supported arguments values:
                    new_username (str)  -- New login name for the user
                User Properties update dict
                    If invalid type arguments are passed
                    Response was not success.
                    Response was empty.
        request_json = {
            "users": [{
                "userEntity": {
                    "userName": self.user_name
        new_username = kwargs.get("new_username", None)
        if new_username is not None:
            if not isinstance(new_username, str):
                raise SDKException("USER", "101")
            request_json["users"][0]["userEntity"]["userName"] = new_username

        flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'POST', self._user, request_json

        if flag:
            if response.json():
                if 'response' in response.json():
                    response_json = response.json()['response'][0]
                    error_code = response_json['errorCode']
                    error_message = response_json['errorString']
                    if not error_code == 0:
                        raise SDKException('Response', '101', error_message)
                raise SDKException('Response', '102')
            response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text)
            raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)

    def _update_usergroup_request(self, request_type, usergroups_list=None):
        """Updates the usergroups this user is associated to

                usergroups_list     (list)     --     list of usergroups to be updated

                request_type         (str)     --     type of request to be done


                    if failed to update usergroups

                    if usergroup is not list

                    if usergroup doesn't exixt on this commcell

        update_usergroup_request = {
            "NONE": 0,
            "OVERWRITE": 1,
            "UPDATE": 2,
            "DELETE": 3,

        if not isinstance(usergroups_list, list):
            raise SDKException('USER', '101')

        for usergroup in usergroups_list:
            if not self._commcell_object.user_groups.has_user_group(usergroup):
                raise SDKException(
                    'UserGroup', '102', "UserGroup {0} doesn't "
                    "exists on this commcell".format(usergroup)

        associated_usergroups = []
        if usergroups_list:
            for usergroup in usergroups_list:
                temp = {
                    "userGroupName": usergroup

        update_usergroup_dict = {
            "associatedUserGroupsOperationType": update_usergroup_request[
            "associatedUserGroups": associated_usergroups


    def name(self):
        """Returns the User display name"""
        return self._properties['userEntity']['userName']

    def full_name(self):
        """Returns the full name of this commcell user"""
        return self._properties.get('fullName','')

    def user_name(self):
        """Returns the user name of this commcell user"""
        return self._user_name

    def user_id(self):
        """Returns the user id of this commcell user"""
        return self._user_id

    def description(self):
        """Returns the description associated with this commcell user"""
        return self._description

    def email(self):
        """Returns the email associated with this commcell user"""
        return self._email

    def user_name(self, value):
        """Sets the new username for this commcell user"""
        self._update_user_props("", new_username=value)

    def email(self, value):
        """""Sets the description for this commcell user"""
        props_dict = {
            "email": value

    def description(self, value):
        """Sets the description for this commcell user"""
        props_dict = {
            "description": value

    def associated_usergroups(self):
        """Returns the list of associated usergroups"""
        usergroups = []
        if self._associated_usergroups is not None:
            for usergroup in self._associated_usergroups:
        return usergroups

    def associated_external_usergroups(self):
        """Returns the list of associated external usergroups"""
        usergroups = []
        if self._associated_external_usergroups is not None:
            for usergroup in self._associated_external_usergroups:
        return usergroups

    def user_security_associations(self):
        """Returns security associations from properties of the User."""
        return self._security_associations

    def status(self):
        """Returns the status of this commcell user"""
        return self._user_status

    def status(self, value):
        """Sets the status for this commcell user"""
        request_json = {
                "enableUser": value
        usergroup_request = self._commcell_object._services['USER']%(self._user_id)
        flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'POST', usergroup_request, request_json
        if flag:
            if response.json():
                if 'response' in response.json():
                    response_json = response.json()['response'][0]
                    error_code = response_json['errorCode']
                    error_message = response_json['errorString']
                    if not error_code == 0:
                        raise SDKException('Response', '101', error_message)
                raise SDKException('Response', '102')
            response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text)
            raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)

    def user_guid(self):
        returns user guid
        return self._properties.get('userEntity', {}).get('userGUID')

    def age_password_days(self):
        returns age password days
        return self._properties.get('agePasswordDays')

    def user_company_name(self):
        returns user associated company name
        return self._properties.get('userEntity', {}).get('entityInfo', {}).get('companyName', "").lower()

    def age_password_days(self, days):
        sets the age password days

            days    (int) -- number of days password needs to be required
        if isinstance(days, int):
            props_dict = {
                "agePasswordDays": days
            raise SDKException('User', '101')

    def update_user_password(self, new_password, logged_in_user_password):
        """updates new passwords of user

                new_password            (str)   --  new password for user

                logged_in_user_password (str)   --  password of logged-in user(User who is changing
                                                    the password) for validation.
        password = b64encode(new_password.encode()).decode()
        validation_password = b64encode(logged_in_user_password.encode()).decode()
        props_dict = {
            "password": password,
                "password": validation_password,
                "passwordOperationType": 2

    def add_usergroups(self, usergroups_list):
        """UPDATE the specified usergroups to this commcell user

                usergroups_list     (list)  --     list of usergroups to be added
        self._update_usergroup_request('UPDATE', usergroups_list)

    def remove_usergroups(self, usergroups_list):
        """DELETE the specified usergroups to this commcell user

                usergroups_list     (list)  --     list of usergroups to be deleted
        self._update_usergroup_request('DELETE', usergroups_list)

    def overwrite_usergroups(self, usergroups_list):
        """OVERWRITE the specified usergroups to this commcell user

                usergroups_list     (list)  --     list of usergroups to be overwritten

        self._update_usergroup_request('OVERWRITE', usergroups_list)

    def refresh(self):
        """Refresh the properties of the User."""

    def update_security_associations(self, entity_dictionary, request_type):
        """handles three way associations (role-user-entities)

                entity_dictionary   --      combination of entity_type, entity names
                                            and role
                e.g.: security_dict={
                                        'entity_type':['entity_name', 'entity_name'],
                                        'role': ['role1']
                                        'mediaAgentName': ['networktestcs', 'standbycs'],
                                        'clientName': ['Linux1'],
                                        'role': ['New1']

                entity_type         --      key for the entity present in dictionary
                                            on which user will have access

                entity_name         --      Value of the key

                role                --      key for role name you specify

                e.g.: {"clientName":"Linux1"}

                Entity Types are:   clientName, mediaAgentName, libraryName, userName,
                                    userGroupName, storagePolicyName, clientGroupName,
                                    schedulePolicyName, locationName, providerDomainName,
                                    alertName, workflowName, policyName, roleName

                entity_name:        client name for entity_type 'clientName'
                                    Media agent name for entitytype 'mediaAgentName'
                                    similar for other entity_types

                request_type        --      decides whether to ADD, DELETE or
                                            OVERWRITE user security association.


                    if response is not success
        update_user_request = {
            "NONE": 0,
            "OVERWRITE": 1,
            "UPDATE": 2,
            "DELETE": 3,

        sec_request = {}
        if entity_dictionary:
            sec_request = SecurityAssociation._security_association_json(

        request_json = {

    def request_otp(self):
        """fetches OTP for user
            OTP generated for user
                    if response is not successful

        if self._commcell_object.users.has_user(self.user_name):
            get_otp = self._commcell_object._services['OTP'] % (self.user_id)

        flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'GET', get_otp
        if flag:
            if response.json():
                if 'value' in response.json():
                    return response.json()['value']
                raise SDKException('Response', '102')
            response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text)
            raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)

    def _get_tfa_status(self):
        Gets the status of two factor authentication for this user
        url = self._commcell_object._services['TFA_STATUS_OF_USER'] % self._user_name
        flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'GET', url=url

        if flag:
            if response.json() and 'errorCode' in response.json():
                if response.json().get('errorCode') != 0:
                    raise SDKException('User',
                                       "Failed to get two factor authentication "
                                       "status. error={0}".format(response.json().get('errorMessage')))
            if response.json() and 'twoFactorInfo' in response.json():
                info = response.json().get('twoFactorInfo')
                self._tfa_status = info.get('isTwoFactorAuthenticationEnabled', False)
                raise SDKException('Response', '102')
            response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text)
            raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)

    def is_tfa_enabled(self):
        Returns the status of two factor authentication for this user

        bool    --  tfa status
        return self._tfa_status

    def get_account_lock_info(self):
        Returns user account lock status
        dict     --  account lock info
                "isAccountLocked" : True,
                "lockStartTime" : 1646640752,
                "lockEndTime" : 1646727152
        lock_info = dict()
        lock_info['isAccountLocked'] = self._properties.get('isAccountLocked', False)
        lock_info['lockStartTime'] = self._properties.get('lockStartTime', 0)
        lock_info['lockEndTime'] = self._properties.get('lockEndTime', 0)
        return lock_info

    def unlock(self):
        Unlocks user account.
            status      (str)   --      unlock operation status
                "Unlock successful for user account"
                "Logged in user cannot unlock their own account"
                "Unlock failed for user account"
                "User account is not locked"
                "Logged in user does not have rights to unlock this user account"
                if response is empty
                if response is not success
        payload = {"lockedAccounts": [{"user": {"userName": self._user_name, "userId": self._user_id}}]}
        service = self._commcell_object._services['UNLOCK']
        flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'POST', service, payload
        if flag:
            if response and response.json() and 'lockedAccounts' in response.json():
                return response.json().get('lockedAccounts')[0].get('status'), response.json().get('lockedAccounts')[0].get('statusCode')
                raise SDKException('Response', '102')
            response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text)
            raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)


class User (commcell_object, user_name, user_id=None)

Class for representing a particular user configured on this commcell

Initialize the User class object for specified user


commcell_object (object) – instance of the Commcell class

user_name (str) – name of the user

user_id (str) – id of the user default: None

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class User(object):
    """Class for representing a particular user configured on this commcell"""

    def __init__(self, commcell_object, user_name, user_id=None):
        """Initialize the User class object for specified user

                commcell_object (object)  --  instance of the Commcell class

                user_name         (str)     --  name of the user

                user_id           (str)     --  id of the user
                    default: None

        self._commcell_object = commcell_object
        self._user_name = user_name.lower()

        if user_id is None:
            self._user_id = self._get_user_id(self._user_name)
            self._user_id = user_id

        self._user = self._commcell_object._services['USER'] % (self._user_id)
        self._user_status = None
        self._email = None
        self._description = None
        self._associated_external_usergroups = None
        self._associated_usergroups = None
        self._properties = None
        self._tfa_status = None

    def __repr__(self):
        """String representation of the instance of this class."""
        representation_string = 'User class instance for User: "{0}"'
        return representation_string.format(self.user_name)

    def _get_user_id(self, user_name):
        """Gets the user id associated with this user

                user_name         (str)     --     name of the user whose

                int     -     id associated to the specified user
        users = Users(self._commcell_object)
        return users.get(user_name).user_id

    def _get_user_properties(self):
        """Gets the properties of this user"""
        flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'GET', self._user

        if flag:
            if response.json() and 'users' in response.json():
                self._properties = response.json()['users'][0]
                self._security_properties = self._properties.get('securityAssociations', {}).get(
                    'associations', {})
                self._security_associations = SecurityAssociation.fetch_security_association(
                if 'enableUser' in self._properties:
                    self._user_status = self._properties['enableUser']

                if 'email' in self._properties:
                    self._email = self._properties['email']

                if 'description' in self._properties:
                    self._description = self._properties['description']

                if 'associatedUserGroups' in self._properties:
                    self._associated_usergroups = self._properties['associatedUserGroups']

                if 'associatedExternalUserGroups' in self._properties:
                    self._associated_external_usergroups = self._properties['associatedExternalUserGroups']
                raise SDKException('Response', '102')
            response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text)
            raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)

    def _update_user_props(self, properties_dict, **kwargs):
        """Updates the properties of this user

                properties_dict (dict)  --  user property dict which is to be updated
                    e.g.: {
                            "description": "My description"
                ** kwargs(dict)         --  Key value pairs for supported arguments
                Supported arguments values:
                    new_username (str)  -- New login name for the user
                User Properties update dict
                    If invalid type arguments are passed
                    Response was not success.
                    Response was empty.
        request_json = {
            "users": [{
                "userEntity": {
                    "userName": self.user_name
        new_username = kwargs.get("new_username", None)
        if new_username is not None:
            if not isinstance(new_username, str):
                raise SDKException("USER", "101")
            request_json["users"][0]["userEntity"]["userName"] = new_username

        flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'POST', self._user, request_json

        if flag:
            if response.json():
                if 'response' in response.json():
                    response_json = response.json()['response'][0]
                    error_code = response_json['errorCode']
                    error_message = response_json['errorString']
                    if not error_code == 0:
                        raise SDKException('Response', '101', error_message)
                raise SDKException('Response', '102')
            response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text)
            raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)

    def _update_usergroup_request(self, request_type, usergroups_list=None):
        """Updates the usergroups this user is associated to

                usergroups_list     (list)     --     list of usergroups to be updated

                request_type         (str)     --     type of request to be done


                    if failed to update usergroups

                    if usergroup is not list

                    if usergroup doesn't exixt on this commcell

        update_usergroup_request = {
            "NONE": 0,
            "OVERWRITE": 1,
            "UPDATE": 2,
            "DELETE": 3,

        if not isinstance(usergroups_list, list):
            raise SDKException('USER', '101')

        for usergroup in usergroups_list:
            if not self._commcell_object.user_groups.has_user_group(usergroup):
                raise SDKException(
                    'UserGroup', '102', "UserGroup {0} doesn't "
                    "exists on this commcell".format(usergroup)

        associated_usergroups = []
        if usergroups_list:
            for usergroup in usergroups_list:
                temp = {
                    "userGroupName": usergroup

        update_usergroup_dict = {
            "associatedUserGroupsOperationType": update_usergroup_request[
            "associatedUserGroups": associated_usergroups


    def name(self):
        """Returns the User display name"""
        return self._properties['userEntity']['userName']

    def full_name(self):
        """Returns the full name of this commcell user"""
        return self._properties.get('fullName','')

    def user_name(self):
        """Returns the user name of this commcell user"""
        return self._user_name

    def user_id(self):
        """Returns the user id of this commcell user"""
        return self._user_id

    def description(self):
        """Returns the description associated with this commcell user"""
        return self._description

    def email(self):
        """Returns the email associated with this commcell user"""
        return self._email

    def user_name(self, value):
        """Sets the new username for this commcell user"""
        self._update_user_props("", new_username=value)

    def email(self, value):
        """""Sets the description for this commcell user"""
        props_dict = {
            "email": value

    def description(self, value):
        """Sets the description for this commcell user"""
        props_dict = {
            "description": value

    def associated_usergroups(self):
        """Returns the list of associated usergroups"""
        usergroups = []
        if self._associated_usergroups is not None:
            for usergroup in self._associated_usergroups:
        return usergroups

    def associated_external_usergroups(self):
        """Returns the list of associated external usergroups"""
        usergroups = []
        if self._associated_external_usergroups is not None:
            for usergroup in self._associated_external_usergroups:
        return usergroups

    def user_security_associations(self):
        """Returns security associations from properties of the User."""
        return self._security_associations

    def status(self):
        """Returns the status of this commcell user"""
        return self._user_status

    def status(self, value):
        """Sets the status for this commcell user"""
        request_json = {
                "enableUser": value
        usergroup_request = self._commcell_object._services['USER']%(self._user_id)
        flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'POST', usergroup_request, request_json
        if flag:
            if response.json():
                if 'response' in response.json():
                    response_json = response.json()['response'][0]
                    error_code = response_json['errorCode']
                    error_message = response_json['errorString']
                    if not error_code == 0:
                        raise SDKException('Response', '101', error_message)
                raise SDKException('Response', '102')
            response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text)
            raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)

    def user_guid(self):
        returns user guid
        return self._properties.get('userEntity', {}).get('userGUID')

    def age_password_days(self):
        returns age password days
        return self._properties.get('agePasswordDays')

    def user_company_name(self):
        returns user associated company name
        return self._properties.get('userEntity', {}).get('entityInfo', {}).get('companyName', "").lower()

    def age_password_days(self, days):
        sets the age password days

            days    (int) -- number of days password needs to be required
        if isinstance(days, int):
            props_dict = {
                "agePasswordDays": days
            raise SDKException('User', '101')

    def update_user_password(self, new_password, logged_in_user_password):
        """updates new passwords of user

                new_password            (str)   --  new password for user

                logged_in_user_password (str)   --  password of logged-in user(User who is changing
                                                    the password) for validation.
        password = b64encode(new_password.encode()).decode()
        validation_password = b64encode(logged_in_user_password.encode()).decode()
        props_dict = {
            "password": password,
                "password": validation_password,
                "passwordOperationType": 2

    def add_usergroups(self, usergroups_list):
        """UPDATE the specified usergroups to this commcell user

                usergroups_list     (list)  --     list of usergroups to be added
        self._update_usergroup_request('UPDATE', usergroups_list)

    def remove_usergroups(self, usergroups_list):
        """DELETE the specified usergroups to this commcell user

                usergroups_list     (list)  --     list of usergroups to be deleted
        self._update_usergroup_request('DELETE', usergroups_list)

    def overwrite_usergroups(self, usergroups_list):
        """OVERWRITE the specified usergroups to this commcell user

                usergroups_list     (list)  --     list of usergroups to be overwritten

        self._update_usergroup_request('OVERWRITE', usergroups_list)

    def refresh(self):
        """Refresh the properties of the User."""

    def update_security_associations(self, entity_dictionary, request_type):
        """handles three way associations (role-user-entities)

                entity_dictionary   --      combination of entity_type, entity names
                                            and role
                e.g.: security_dict={
                                        'entity_type':['entity_name', 'entity_name'],
                                        'role': ['role1']
                                        'mediaAgentName': ['networktestcs', 'standbycs'],
                                        'clientName': ['Linux1'],
                                        'role': ['New1']

                entity_type         --      key for the entity present in dictionary
                                            on which user will have access

                entity_name         --      Value of the key

                role                --      key for role name you specify

                e.g.: {"clientName":"Linux1"}

                Entity Types are:   clientName, mediaAgentName, libraryName, userName,
                                    userGroupName, storagePolicyName, clientGroupName,
                                    schedulePolicyName, locationName, providerDomainName,
                                    alertName, workflowName, policyName, roleName

                entity_name:        client name for entity_type 'clientName'
                                    Media agent name for entitytype 'mediaAgentName'
                                    similar for other entity_types

                request_type        --      decides whether to ADD, DELETE or
                                            OVERWRITE user security association.


                    if response is not success
        update_user_request = {
            "NONE": 0,
            "OVERWRITE": 1,
            "UPDATE": 2,
            "DELETE": 3,

        sec_request = {}
        if entity_dictionary:
            sec_request = SecurityAssociation._security_association_json(

        request_json = {

    def request_otp(self):
        """fetches OTP for user
            OTP generated for user
                    if response is not successful

        if self._commcell_object.users.has_user(self.user_name):
            get_otp = self._commcell_object._services['OTP'] % (self.user_id)

        flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'GET', get_otp
        if flag:
            if response.json():
                if 'value' in response.json():
                    return response.json()['value']
                raise SDKException('Response', '102')
            response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text)
            raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)

    def _get_tfa_status(self):
        Gets the status of two factor authentication for this user
        url = self._commcell_object._services['TFA_STATUS_OF_USER'] % self._user_name
        flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'GET', url=url

        if flag:
            if response.json() and 'errorCode' in response.json():
                if response.json().get('errorCode') != 0:
                    raise SDKException('User',
                                       "Failed to get two factor authentication "
                                       "status. error={0}".format(response.json().get('errorMessage')))
            if response.json() and 'twoFactorInfo' in response.json():
                info = response.json().get('twoFactorInfo')
                self._tfa_status = info.get('isTwoFactorAuthenticationEnabled', False)
                raise SDKException('Response', '102')
            response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text)
            raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)

    def is_tfa_enabled(self):
        Returns the status of two factor authentication for this user

        bool    --  tfa status
        return self._tfa_status

    def get_account_lock_info(self):
        Returns user account lock status
        dict     --  account lock info
                "isAccountLocked" : True,
                "lockStartTime" : 1646640752,
                "lockEndTime" : 1646727152
        lock_info = dict()
        lock_info['isAccountLocked'] = self._properties.get('isAccountLocked', False)
        lock_info['lockStartTime'] = self._properties.get('lockStartTime', 0)
        lock_info['lockEndTime'] = self._properties.get('lockEndTime', 0)
        return lock_info

    def unlock(self):
        Unlocks user account.
            status      (str)   --      unlock operation status
                "Unlock successful for user account"
                "Logged in user cannot unlock their own account"
                "Unlock failed for user account"
                "User account is not locked"
                "Logged in user does not have rights to unlock this user account"
                if response is empty
                if response is not success
        payload = {"lockedAccounts": [{"user": {"userName": self._user_name, "userId": self._user_id}}]}
        service = self._commcell_object._services['UNLOCK']
        flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'POST', service, payload
        if flag:
            if response and response.json() and 'lockedAccounts' in response.json():
                return response.json().get('lockedAccounts')[0].get('status'), response.json().get('lockedAccounts')[0].get('statusCode')
                raise SDKException('Response', '102')
            response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text)
            raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)

Instance variables

var age_password_days

returns age password days

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def age_password_days(self):
    returns age password days
    return self._properties.get('agePasswordDays')
var associated_external_usergroups

Returns the list of associated external usergroups

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def associated_external_usergroups(self):
    """Returns the list of associated external usergroups"""
    usergroups = []
    if self._associated_external_usergroups is not None:
        for usergroup in self._associated_external_usergroups:
    return usergroups
var associated_usergroups

Returns the list of associated usergroups

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def associated_usergroups(self):
    """Returns the list of associated usergroups"""
    usergroups = []
    if self._associated_usergroups is not None:
        for usergroup in self._associated_usergroups:
    return usergroups
var description

Returns the description associated with this commcell user

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def description(self):
    """Returns the description associated with this commcell user"""
    return self._description
var email

Returns the email associated with this commcell user

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def email(self):
    """Returns the email associated with this commcell user"""
    return self._email
var full_name

Returns the full name of this commcell user

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def full_name(self):
    """Returns the full name of this commcell user"""
    return self._properties.get('fullName','')
var get_account_lock_info

Returns user account lock status dict – account lock info example: { "isAccountLocked" : True, "lockStartTime" : 1646640752, "lockEndTime" : 1646727152 }

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def get_account_lock_info(self):
    Returns user account lock status
    dict     --  account lock info
            "isAccountLocked" : True,
            "lockStartTime" : 1646640752,
            "lockEndTime" : 1646727152
    lock_info = dict()
    lock_info['isAccountLocked'] = self._properties.get('isAccountLocked', False)
    lock_info['lockStartTime'] = self._properties.get('lockStartTime', 0)
    lock_info['lockEndTime'] = self._properties.get('lockEndTime', 0)
    return lock_info
var is_tfa_enabled

Returns the status of two factor authentication for this user

bool – tfa status

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def is_tfa_enabled(self):
    Returns the status of two factor authentication for this user

    bool    --  tfa status
    return self._tfa_status
var name

Returns the User display name

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def name(self):
    """Returns the User display name"""
    return self._properties['userEntity']['userName']
var status

Returns the status of this commcell user

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def status(self):
    """Returns the status of this commcell user"""
    return self._user_status
var user_company_name

returns user associated company name

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def user_company_name(self):
    returns user associated company name
    return self._properties.get('userEntity', {}).get('entityInfo', {}).get('companyName', "").lower()
var user_guid

returns user guid

Expand source code Browse git
def user_guid(self):
    returns user guid
    return self._properties.get('userEntity', {}).get('userGUID')
var user_id

Returns the user id of this commcell user

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def user_id(self):
    """Returns the user id of this commcell user"""
    return self._user_id
var user_name

Returns the user name of this commcell user

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def user_name(self):
    """Returns the user name of this commcell user"""
    return self._user_name
var user_security_associations

Returns security associations from properties of the User.

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def user_security_associations(self):
    """Returns security associations from properties of the User."""
    return self._security_associations


def add_usergroups(self, usergroups_list)

UPDATE the specified usergroups to this commcell user


usergroups_list (list) – list of usergroups to be added

Expand source code Browse git
def add_usergroups(self, usergroups_list):
    """UPDATE the specified usergroups to this commcell user

            usergroups_list     (list)  --     list of usergroups to be added
    self._update_usergroup_request('UPDATE', usergroups_list)
def overwrite_usergroups(self, usergroups_list)

OVERWRITE the specified usergroups to this commcell user


usergroups_list (list) – list of usergroups to be overwritten

Expand source code Browse git
def overwrite_usergroups(self, usergroups_list):
    """OVERWRITE the specified usergroups to this commcell user

            usergroups_list     (list)  --     list of usergroups to be overwritten

    self._update_usergroup_request('OVERWRITE', usergroups_list)
def refresh(self)

Refresh the properties of the User.

Expand source code Browse git
def refresh(self):
    """Refresh the properties of the User."""
def remove_usergroups(self, usergroups_list)

DELETE the specified usergroups to this commcell user


usergroups_list (list) – list of usergroups to be deleted

Expand source code Browse git
def remove_usergroups(self, usergroups_list):
    """DELETE the specified usergroups to this commcell user

            usergroups_list     (list)  --     list of usergroups to be deleted
    self._update_usergroup_request('DELETE', usergroups_list)
def request_otp(self)

fetches OTP for user


OTP generated for user


Exception: if response is not successful

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def request_otp(self):
    """fetches OTP for user
        OTP generated for user
                if response is not successful

    if self._commcell_object.users.has_user(self.user_name):
        get_otp = self._commcell_object._services['OTP'] % (self.user_id)

    flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
        'GET', get_otp
    if flag:
        if response.json():
            if 'value' in response.json():
                return response.json()['value']
            raise SDKException('Response', '102')
        response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text)
        raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)
def unlock(self)

Unlocks user account.


status (str) – unlock operation status Example:- "Unlock successful for user account" "Logged in user cannot unlock their own account" "Unlock failed for user account" "User account is not locked" "Logged in user does not have rights to unlock this user account" statusCode


SDKException: if response is empty if response is not success

Expand source code Browse git
def unlock(self):
    Unlocks user account.
        status      (str)   --      unlock operation status
            "Unlock successful for user account"
            "Logged in user cannot unlock their own account"
            "Unlock failed for user account"
            "User account is not locked"
            "Logged in user does not have rights to unlock this user account"
            if response is empty
            if response is not success
    payload = {"lockedAccounts": [{"user": {"userName": self._user_name, "userId": self._user_id}}]}
    service = self._commcell_object._services['UNLOCK']
    flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
        'POST', service, payload
    if flag:
        if response and response.json() and 'lockedAccounts' in response.json():
            return response.json().get('lockedAccounts')[0].get('status'), response.json().get('lockedAccounts')[0].get('statusCode')
            raise SDKException('Response', '102')
        response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text)
        raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)
def update_security_associations(self, entity_dictionary, request_type)

handles three way associations (role-user-entities)


entity_dictionary – combination of entity_type, entity names and role e.g.: security_dict={ 'assoc1': { 'entity_type':['entity_name'], 'entity_type':['entity_name', 'entity_name'], 'role': ['role1'] }, 'assoc2': { 'mediaAgentName': ['networktestcs', 'standbycs'], 'clientName': ['Linux1'], 'role': ['New1'] } }

entity_type – key for the entity present in dictionary on which user will have access

entity_name – Value of the key

role – key for role name you specify

e.g.: {"clientName":"Linux1"}

Entity Types are: clientName, mediaAgentName, libraryName, userName, userGroupName, storagePolicyName, clientGroupName, schedulePolicyName, locationName, providerDomainName, alertName, workflowName, policyName, roleName


client name for entity_type 'clientName' Media agent name for entitytype 'mediaAgentName' similar for other entity_types

request_type – decides whether to ADD, DELETE or OVERWRITE user security association.



if response is not success
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def update_security_associations(self, entity_dictionary, request_type):
    """handles three way associations (role-user-entities)

            entity_dictionary   --      combination of entity_type, entity names
                                        and role
            e.g.: security_dict={
                                    'entity_type':['entity_name', 'entity_name'],
                                    'role': ['role1']
                                    'mediaAgentName': ['networktestcs', 'standbycs'],
                                    'clientName': ['Linux1'],
                                    'role': ['New1']

            entity_type         --      key for the entity present in dictionary
                                        on which user will have access

            entity_name         --      Value of the key

            role                --      key for role name you specify

            e.g.: {"clientName":"Linux1"}

            Entity Types are:   clientName, mediaAgentName, libraryName, userName,
                                userGroupName, storagePolicyName, clientGroupName,
                                schedulePolicyName, locationName, providerDomainName,
                                alertName, workflowName, policyName, roleName

            entity_name:        client name for entity_type 'clientName'
                                Media agent name for entitytype 'mediaAgentName'
                                similar for other entity_types

            request_type        --      decides whether to ADD, DELETE or
                                        OVERWRITE user security association.


                if response is not success
    update_user_request = {
        "NONE": 0,
        "OVERWRITE": 1,
        "UPDATE": 2,
        "DELETE": 3,

    sec_request = {}
    if entity_dictionary:
        sec_request = SecurityAssociation._security_association_json(

    request_json = {
def update_user_password(self, new_password, logged_in_user_password)

updates new passwords of user


new_password (str) – new password for user

logged_in_user_password (str) – password of logged-in user(User who is changing the password) for validation.

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def update_user_password(self, new_password, logged_in_user_password):
    """updates new passwords of user

            new_password            (str)   --  new password for user

            logged_in_user_password (str)   --  password of logged-in user(User who is changing
                                                the password) for validation.
    password = b64encode(new_password.encode()).decode()
    validation_password = b64encode(logged_in_user_password.encode()).decode()
    props_dict = {
        "password": password,
            "password": validation_password,
            "passwordOperationType": 2
class Users (commcell_object)

Class for maintaining all the configured users on this commcell

Initializes the users class object for this commcell


commcell_object (object) – instance of the Commcell class


object - instance of the Clients class

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class Users(object):
    """Class for maintaining all the configured users on this commcell"""

    def __init__(self, commcell_object):
        """Initializes the users class object for this commcell

                commcell_object (object)  --  instance of the Commcell class

                object - instance of the Clients class
        self._commcell_object = commcell_object
        self._users = self._get_users()
        self._users_on_service = None

    def __str__(self):
        """Representation string consisting of all users of the commcell.

                str - string of all the users configured on the commcell
        representation_string = '{:^5}\t{:^20}\n\n'.format('S. No.', 'Users')

        for index, user in enumerate(self._users):
            sub_str = '{:^5}\t{:20}\n'.format(index + 1, user)
            representation_string += sub_str

        return representation_string.strip()

    def __repr__(self):
        """Representation string for the instance of the Users class."""
        return "Users class instance for Commcell: '{0}'".format(

    def _get_users(self):
        """Returns the list of users configured on this commcell

                dict of all the users on this commcell
                        'user_name_1': user_id_1

        get_all_user_service = self._commcell_object._services['USERS']

        flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'GET', get_all_user_service

        if flag:
            if response.json() and 'users' in response.json():
                users_dict = {}

                for user in response.json()['users']:
                    temp_name = user['userEntity']['userName'].lower()
                    temp_id = user['userEntity']['userId']
                    users_dict[temp_name] = temp_id

                return users_dict
                raise SDKException('Response', '102')
            response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text)
            raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)

    def _process_add_or_delete_response(self, flag, response):
        """Processes the flag and response received from the server during add delete request

                request_object  (object)  --  request objects specifying the details
                                              to request

                    if response is empty

                    if reponse is not success
        if flag:
            if response.json():
                error_code = -1
                error_message = ''
                if 'response' in response.json():
                    response_json = response.json()['response'][0]
                    error_code = response_json['errorCode']
                    if 'errorString' in response_json:
                        error_message = response_json['errorString']
                elif 'errorCode' in response.json():
                    error_code = response.json()['errorCode']
                    if 'errorMessage' in response:
                        error_message = response['errorMessage']

                return error_code, error_message

                raise SDKException('Response', '102')
            response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text)
            raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)

    def _add_user(self, create_user_request):
        """Makes the add user request on the server

                create_user_request     (dict)  --  request json to create an user

                    if failed to add user
        add_user = self._commcell_object._services['USERS']

        flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'POST', add_user, create_user_request
        error_code, error_message = self._process_add_or_delete_response(flag, response)

        if not error_message:
            error_message = 'Failed to add user. Please check logs for further details.'

        if error_code != 0:
            raise SDKException('User', '102', error_message)

        self._users = self._get_users()

        return response.json()

    def add(self,
        """Adds a local/external user to this commcell

                user_name                     (str)     --  name of the user to be

                full_name                     (str)     --  full name of the user to be

                email                         (str)     --  email of the user to be

                domain                        (str)     --  Needed in case you are adding
                                                            external user

                password                      (str)     --  password of the user to be
                    default: None

                local_usergroups              (list)     --  user can be member of
                                                            these user groups
                                                            Ex:1. ["master"],
                                                               2. ["group1", "group2"]

                system_generated_password     (bool)    --  if set to true system
                                                            defined password will be used
                                                            default: False

                entity_dictionary   --      combination of entity_type, entity names
                                            and role

                e.g.: security_dict={
                                        'entity_type':['entity_name', 'entity_name'],
                                        'role': ['role1']
                                        'mediaAgentName': ['networktestcs', 'standbycs'],
                                        'clientName': ['Linux1'],
                                        'role': ['New1']
                entity_type         --      key for the entity present in dictionary
                                            on which user will have access

                entity_name         --      Value of the key

                 role               --      key for role name you specify

                e.g.: {"clientName":"Linux1"}
                entity_type:    clientName, mediaAgentName, libraryName, userName,
                                userGroupName, storagePolicyName, clientGroupName,
                                schedulePolicyName, locationName, providerDomainName,
                                alertName, workflowName, policyName, roleName

                entity_name:    client name for entity_type 'clientName'
                                Media agent name for entitytype 'mediaAgentName'
                                similar for other entity_typees

                    if data type of input is invalid

                    if user with specified name already exists

                    if password or system_generated_password are not set

                    if failed to add user to commcell
        if domain:
            username = "{0}\\{1}".format(domain, user_name)
            password = ""
            system_generated_password = False
            username = user_name
            if not password:
                system_generated_password = True

        if not (isinstance(username, str) and
                isinstance(email, str)):
            raise SDKException('User', '101')

        if self.has_user(username):
            raise SDKException('User', '103', 'User: {0}'.format(username))

        if password is not None:
            password = b64encode(password.encode()).decode()
            password = ''

        if local_usergroups:
            groups_json = [{"userGroupName": lname} for lname in local_usergroups]
            groups_json = [{}]

        security_json = {}
        if entity_dictionary:
            security_request = SecurityAssociation._security_association_json(
            security_json = {
                "associationsOperationType": "ADD",
                "associations": security_request

        create_user_request = {
            "users": [{
                "password": password,
                "email": email,
                "fullName": full_name,
                "systemGeneratePassword": system_generated_password,
                "userEntity": {
                    "userName": username
                "securityAssociations": security_json,
                "associatedUserGroups": groups_json
        response_json = self._add_user(create_user_request)

        created_user_username = response_json.get("response", [{}])[0].get("entity", {}).get("userName")

        return self.get(created_user_username)

    def has_user(self, user_name):
        """Checks if any user with specified name exists on this commcell

                user_name         (str)     --     name of the user which has to be
                                                   checked if exists

                    if data type of input is invalid
        if not isinstance(user_name, str):
            raise SDKException('User', '101')

        return self._users and user_name.lower() in self._users

    def get(self, user_name):
        """Returns the user object for the specified user name

                user_name  (str)  --  name of the user for which the object has to be

                    if user doesn't exist with specified name
        if not self.has_user(user_name):
            raise SDKException(
                'User', '102', "User {0} doesn't exists on this commcell.".format(

        return User(self._commcell_object, user_name, self._users[user_name.lower()])

    def delete(self, user_name, new_user=None, new_usergroup=None):
        """Deletes the specified user from the existing commcell users

                user_name       (str)   --  name of the user which has to be deleted

                new_user        (str)   --  name of the target user, whom the ownership
                                            of entities should be transferred

                new_usergroup   (str)   --  name of the user group, whom the ownership
                                            of entities should be transferred

                Note: either user or usergroup  should be provided for ownership
                transfer not both.

                    if user doesn't exist

                    if new user and new usergroup any of these is passed and these doesn't
                    exist on commcell

                    if both user and usergroup is passed for ownership transfer

                    if both user and usergroup is not passed for ownership transfer

                    if response is not success

        if not self.has_user(user_name):
            raise SDKException(
                'User', '102', "User {0} doesn't exists on this commcell.".format(
        if new_user and new_usergroup:
            raise SDKException(
                'User', '102', "{0} and {1} both can not be set as owner!! "
                "please send either new_user or new_usergroup".format(new_user, new_usergroup)
            if new_user:
                if not self.has_user(new_user):
                    raise SDKException(
                        'User', '102', "User {0} doesn't exists on this commcell.".format(
                new_user_id = self._users[new_user.lower()]
                new_group_id = 0
                if new_usergroup:
                    if not self._commcell_object.user_groups.has_user_group(new_usergroup):
                        raise SDKException(
                            'UserGroup', '102', "UserGroup {0} doesn't exists "
                            "on this commcell.".format(new_usergroup)
                    raise SDKException(
                        'User', '102',
                        "Ownership transfer is mondatory!! Please provide new owner information"
                new_group_id = self._commcell_object.user_groups.get(new_usergroup).user_group_id
                new_user_id = 0

        delete_user = self._commcell_object._services['DELETE_USER'] %(
            self._users[user_name.lower()], new_user_id, new_group_id)
        flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'DELETE', delete_user
        error_code, error_message = self._process_add_or_delete_response(flag, response)
        if not error_message:
            error_message = 'Failed to delete user. Please check logs for further details.'
        if error_code != 0:
            raise SDKException('User', '102', error_message)
        self._users = self._get_users()

    def _get_users_on_service_commcell(self):
        """gets the userspace from service commcell

            list  - consisting of all users assciated with service commcell

                    ['user1', 'user2']
                if response is empty

                if response is not success

        flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'GET', self._commcell_object._services['GET_USERSPACE_SERVICE']

        if flag:
            if response.json() and 'users' in response.json():
                users_space_dict = {}
                for user in response.json()['users']:
                    users_space_dict[user['userEntity']['userName']] = user
                return users_space_dict
                raise SDKException('Response', '102')

            response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text)
            raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)

    def service_commcell_users_space(self):
        """Returns the user space from service commcell

        list - consists of users space from service commcell
        if self._users_on_service is None:
            self._users_on_service = self._get_users_on_service_commcell()
        return self._users_on_service

    def refresh(self):
        """Refresh the list of Users on this commcell."""
        self._users = self._get_users()
        self._users_on_service = None

    def all_users(self):
        """Returns the dict of all the users on the commcell

        dict of all the users on commcell
                      'user_name_1': user_id_1
        return self._users

Instance variables

var all_users

Returns the dict of all the users on the commcell

dict of all the users on commcell { 'user_name_1': user_id_1 }

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def all_users(self):
    """Returns the dict of all the users on the commcell

    dict of all the users on commcell
                  'user_name_1': user_id_1
    return self._users
var service_commcell_users_space

Returns the user space from service commcell

list - consists of users space from service commcell ['user1','user2']

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def service_commcell_users_space(self):
    """Returns the user space from service commcell

    list - consists of users space from service commcell
    if self._users_on_service is None:
        self._users_on_service = self._get_users_on_service_commcell()
    return self._users_on_service


def add(self, user_name, email, full_name=None, domain=None, password=None, system_generated_password=False, local_usergroups=None, entity_dictionary=None)

Adds a local/external user to this commcell


user_name (str) – name of the user to be created

full_name (str) – full name of the user to be created

email (str) – email of the user to be created

domain (str) – Needed in case you are adding external user

password (str) – password of the user to be created default: None

local_usergroups (list) – user can be member of these user groups Ex:1. ["master"], 2. ["group1", "group2"]

system_generated_password (bool) – if set to true system defined password will be used default: False

entity_dictionary – combination of entity_type, entity names and role

e.g.: security_dict={ 'assoc1': { 'entity_type':['entity_name'], 'entity_type':['entity_name', 'entity_name'], 'role': ['role1'] }, 'assoc2': { 'mediaAgentName': ['networktestcs', 'standbycs'], 'clientName': ['Linux1'], 'role': ['New1'] } } entity_type – key for the entity present in dictionary on which user will have access

entity_name – Value of the key

role – key for role name you specify

clientName, mediaAgentName, libraryName, userName, userGroupName, storagePolicyName, clientGroupName, schedulePolicyName, locationName, providerDomainName, alertName, workflowName, policyName, roleName
client name for entity_type 'clientName' Media agent name for entitytype 'mediaAgentName' similar for other entity_typees


SDKException: if data type of input is invalid

if user with specified name already exists

if password or system_generated_password are not set

if failed to add user to commcell
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def add(self,
    """Adds a local/external user to this commcell

            user_name                     (str)     --  name of the user to be

            full_name                     (str)     --  full name of the user to be

            email                         (str)     --  email of the user to be

            domain                        (str)     --  Needed in case you are adding
                                                        external user

            password                      (str)     --  password of the user to be
                default: None

            local_usergroups              (list)     --  user can be member of
                                                        these user groups
                                                        Ex:1. ["master"],
                                                           2. ["group1", "group2"]

            system_generated_password     (bool)    --  if set to true system
                                                        defined password will be used
                                                        default: False

            entity_dictionary   --      combination of entity_type, entity names
                                        and role

            e.g.: security_dict={
                                    'entity_type':['entity_name', 'entity_name'],
                                    'role': ['role1']
                                    'mediaAgentName': ['networktestcs', 'standbycs'],
                                    'clientName': ['Linux1'],
                                    'role': ['New1']
            entity_type         --      key for the entity present in dictionary
                                        on which user will have access

            entity_name         --      Value of the key

             role               --      key for role name you specify

            e.g.: {"clientName":"Linux1"}
            entity_type:    clientName, mediaAgentName, libraryName, userName,
                            userGroupName, storagePolicyName, clientGroupName,
                            schedulePolicyName, locationName, providerDomainName,
                            alertName, workflowName, policyName, roleName

            entity_name:    client name for entity_type 'clientName'
                            Media agent name for entitytype 'mediaAgentName'
                            similar for other entity_typees

                if data type of input is invalid

                if user with specified name already exists

                if password or system_generated_password are not set

                if failed to add user to commcell
    if domain:
        username = "{0}\\{1}".format(domain, user_name)
        password = ""
        system_generated_password = False
        username = user_name
        if not password:
            system_generated_password = True

    if not (isinstance(username, str) and
            isinstance(email, str)):
        raise SDKException('User', '101')

    if self.has_user(username):
        raise SDKException('User', '103', 'User: {0}'.format(username))

    if password is not None:
        password = b64encode(password.encode()).decode()
        password = ''

    if local_usergroups:
        groups_json = [{"userGroupName": lname} for lname in local_usergroups]
        groups_json = [{}]

    security_json = {}
    if entity_dictionary:
        security_request = SecurityAssociation._security_association_json(
        security_json = {
            "associationsOperationType": "ADD",
            "associations": security_request

    create_user_request = {
        "users": [{
            "password": password,
            "email": email,
            "fullName": full_name,
            "systemGeneratePassword": system_generated_password,
            "userEntity": {
                "userName": username
            "securityAssociations": security_json,
            "associatedUserGroups": groups_json
    response_json = self._add_user(create_user_request)

    created_user_username = response_json.get("response", [{}])[0].get("entity", {}).get("userName")

    return self.get(created_user_username)
def delete(self, user_name, new_user=None, new_usergroup=None)

Deletes the specified user from the existing commcell users


user_name (str) – name of the user which has to be deleted

new_user (str) – name of the target user, whom the ownership of entities should be transferred

new_usergroup (str) – name of the user group, whom the ownership of entities should be transferred

either user or usergroup should be provided for ownership

transfer not both.


SDKException: if user doesn't exist

if new user and new usergroup any of these is passed and these doesn't
exist on commcell

if both user and usergroup is passed for ownership transfer

if both user and usergroup is not passed for ownership transfer

if response is not success
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def delete(self, user_name, new_user=None, new_usergroup=None):
    """Deletes the specified user from the existing commcell users

            user_name       (str)   --  name of the user which has to be deleted

            new_user        (str)   --  name of the target user, whom the ownership
                                        of entities should be transferred

            new_usergroup   (str)   --  name of the user group, whom the ownership
                                        of entities should be transferred

            Note: either user or usergroup  should be provided for ownership
            transfer not both.

                if user doesn't exist

                if new user and new usergroup any of these is passed and these doesn't
                exist on commcell

                if both user and usergroup is passed for ownership transfer

                if both user and usergroup is not passed for ownership transfer

                if response is not success

    if not self.has_user(user_name):
        raise SDKException(
            'User', '102', "User {0} doesn't exists on this commcell.".format(
    if new_user and new_usergroup:
        raise SDKException(
            'User', '102', "{0} and {1} both can not be set as owner!! "
            "please send either new_user or new_usergroup".format(new_user, new_usergroup)
        if new_user:
            if not self.has_user(new_user):
                raise SDKException(
                    'User', '102', "User {0} doesn't exists on this commcell.".format(
            new_user_id = self._users[new_user.lower()]
            new_group_id = 0
            if new_usergroup:
                if not self._commcell_object.user_groups.has_user_group(new_usergroup):
                    raise SDKException(
                        'UserGroup', '102', "UserGroup {0} doesn't exists "
                        "on this commcell.".format(new_usergroup)
                raise SDKException(
                    'User', '102',
                    "Ownership transfer is mondatory!! Please provide new owner information"
            new_group_id = self._commcell_object.user_groups.get(new_usergroup).user_group_id
            new_user_id = 0

    delete_user = self._commcell_object._services['DELETE_USER'] %(
        self._users[user_name.lower()], new_user_id, new_group_id)
    flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
        'DELETE', delete_user
    error_code, error_message = self._process_add_or_delete_response(flag, response)
    if not error_message:
        error_message = 'Failed to delete user. Please check logs for further details.'
    if error_code != 0:
        raise SDKException('User', '102', error_message)
    self._users = self._get_users()
def get(self, user_name)

Returns the user object for the specified user name


user_name (str) – name of the user for which the object has to be created


SDKException: if user doesn't exist with specified name

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def get(self, user_name):
    """Returns the user object for the specified user name

            user_name  (str)  --  name of the user for which the object has to be

                if user doesn't exist with specified name
    if not self.has_user(user_name):
        raise SDKException(
            'User', '102', "User {0} doesn't exists on this commcell.".format(

    return User(self._commcell_object, user_name, self._users[user_name.lower()])
def has_user(self, user_name)

Checks if any user with specified name exists on this commcell


user_name (str) – name of the user which has to be checked if exists


SDKException: if data type of input is invalid

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def has_user(self, user_name):
    """Checks if any user with specified name exists on this commcell

            user_name         (str)     --     name of the user which has to be
                                               checked if exists

                if data type of input is invalid
    if not isinstance(user_name, str):
        raise SDKException('User', '101')

    return self._users and user_name.lower() in self._users
def refresh(self)

Refresh the list of Users on this commcell.

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def refresh(self):
    """Refresh the list of Users on this commcell."""
    self._users = self._get_users()
    self._users_on_service = None