Module cvpysdk.recovery_targets

Main file for performing Recovery Target specific operations.

RecoveryTargets and RecoveryTarget are 2 classes defined in this file.

RecoveryTargets: Class for representing all the recovery targets

RecoveryTarget: Class for a single recovery target selected, and to perform operations on that recovery target


init() – initialize object of RecoveryTargets class

str() – returns all the Recovery Targets

_get_recovery_targets() – Gets all the recovery targets

has_recovery_target() – Checks if a target is present in the commcell.

get() – returns the recovery target class object of the input target name

refresh() – refresh the targets present in the client

Recoverytargets Attributes

**all_targets**             --  returns the dictioanry consisting of all the targets that are
present in the commcell and their information such as id and name


init() – initialize object of RecoveryTarget with the specified recovery target name

_get_recovery_target_id() – method to get the recovery target id

_get_recovery_target_properties() – get the properties of this ecovery target

refresh() – refresh the object properties

Recoverytarget Attributes

**recovery_target_id**      -- Returns the id of the recovery target
**recovery_target_name**    -- Returns the name of the Recovery Target
**destination_hypervisor**  -- Returns the name of destination hypervisor
**vm_prefix**               -- Returns the prefix of the vm name
**destination_host**        -- Returns the destination host
** def datastore**          -- Returns the datastore host
**resource_pool**           -- Returns the resource_pool host
**destination_network**     -- Returns the destination_network host
**no_of_cpu**               -- Returns the no_of_cpu host
**no_of_vm**                -- Returns the no_of_vm hos
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright Commvault Systems, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------

"""Main file for performing Recovery Target specific operations.

RecoveryTargets and RecoveryTarget are 2 classes defined in this file.

RecoveryTargets:     Class for representing all the recovery targets

RecoveryTarget:      Class for a single recovery target selected, and to perform operations on that recovery target

    __init__()                   --  initialize object of RecoveryTargets class

    __str__()                   --  returns all the Recovery Targets

    _get_recovery_targets()     -- Gets all the recovery targets

    has_recovery_target()       -- Checks if a target is present in the commcell.

    get()                        --  returns the recovery target class object of the input target name

    refresh()                   --  refresh the targets present in the client

RecoveryTargets Attributes

    **all_targets**             --  returns the dictioanry consisting of all the targets that are
    present in the commcell and their information such as id and name

    __init__()                   --   initialize object of RecoveryTarget with the specified recovery target name

    _get_recovery_target_id()   --   method to get the recovery target id

    _get_recovery_target_properties()  --   get the properties of this ecovery target

    refresh()                   --   refresh the object properties

RecoveryTarget Attributes

    **recovery_target_id**      -- Returns the id of the recovery target
    **recovery_target_name**    -- Returns the name of the Recovery Target
    **destination_hypervisor**  -- Returns the name of destination hypervisor
    **vm_prefix**               -- Returns the prefix of the vm name
    **destination_host**        -- Returns the destination host
    ** def datastore**          -- Returns the datastore host
    **resource_pool**           -- Returns the resource_pool host
    **destination_network**     -- Returns the destination_network host
    **no_of_cpu**               -- Returns the no_of_cpu host
    **no_of_vm**                -- Returns the no_of_vm hos

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import unicode_literals

from cvpysdk.exception import SDKException

class RecoveryTargets:

    """Class for representing all the clients associated with the commcell."""

    def __init__(self, commcell_object):
        """Initialize object of the Clients class.

                commcell_object (object)  --  instance of the Commcell class

        self._commcell_object = commcell_object

        self._cvpysdk_object = commcell_object._cvpysdk_object
        self._services = commcell_object._services
        self._update_response_ = commcell_object._update_response_
        self._RECOVERY_TARGETS = self._services['GET_ALL_RECOVERY_TARGETS']

        self._recovery_targets = None

    def __str__(self):
        """Representation string consisting of all targets .

                str     -   string of all the targets

        representation_string = '{:^5}\t{:^20}\n\n'.format('S. No.', 'RecoverTargets')

        for index, recovery_target in enumerate(self._recovery_targets):
            sub_str = '{:^5}\t{:20}\n'.format(
                index + 1,
            representation_string += sub_str

        return representation_string.strip()

    def _get_recovery_targets(self):
        """Gets all the recovery targets.

                dict - consists of all targets in the client
                         "target1_name": target1_id,
                         "target2_name": target2_id

                    if response is empty

                    if response is not success

        flag, response = self._cvpysdk_object.make_request('GET', self._RECOVERY_TARGETS)

        if flag:
            if response.json() and 'policy' in response.json():

                recovery_target_dict = {}

                for dictionary in response.json()['policy']:
                    temp_name = dictionary['entity']['vmAllocPolicyName'].lower()
                    recovery_target_dict[temp_name] = str(dictionary['entity']['vmAllocPolicyId'])

                return recovery_target_dict
                raise SDKException('Response', '102')
            raise SDKException('Response', '101', self._update_response_(response.text))

    def all_targets(self):
        """Returns dict of all the targets.

         Returns dict    -   consists of all targets

                    "target1_name": target1_id,

                    "target2_name": target2_id

        return self._recovery_targets

    def has_recovery_target(self, target_name):
        """Checks if a target is present in the commcell.

                target_name (str)  --  name of the target

                bool - boolean output whether the target is present in commcell or not

                    if type of the target name argument is not string

        if not isinstance(target_name, str):
            raise SDKException('Target', '101')

        return self._recovery_targets and target_name.lower() in self._recovery_targets

    def get(self, recovery_target_name):
        """Returns a target object.

                target_name (str)  --  name of the target

                object - instance of the target class for the given target name

                    if type of the target name argument is not string

                    if no target exists with the given name

        if not isinstance(recovery_target_name, str):
            raise SDKException('Target', '101')
            recovery_target_name = recovery_target_name.lower()

            if self.has_recovery_target(recovery_target_name):
                return RecoveryTarget(
                    self._commcell_object, recovery_target_name, self.all_targets[recovery_target_name])

            raise SDKException('RecoveryTarget', '102', 'No target exists with name: {0}'.format(recovery_target_name))

    def refresh(self):
        """Refresh the recovery targets"""
        self._recovery_targets = self._get_recovery_targets()

class RecoveryTarget:

    """Class for performing target operations"""

    def __init__(self, commcell_object, recovery_target_name, recovery_target_id=None):
        """Initialize the instance of the RecoveryTarget class.

                commcell_object   (object)    --  instance of the Commcell class

                target_name      (str)       --  name of the target

                target_id        (str)       --  id of the target

                    default: None

        self._commcell_object = commcell_object

        self._cvpysdk_object = commcell_object._cvpysdk_object
        self._services = commcell_object._services
        self._update_response_ = commcell_object._update_response_
        self._recovery_target_name = recovery_target_name.lower()

        if recovery_target_id:
            # Use the target id mentioned in the arguments
            self._recovery_target_id = str(recovery_target_id)
            # Get the target id if target id is not provided
            self._recovery_target_id = self._get_recovery_target_id()
        self._RECOVERY_TARGET = self._services['GET_RECOVERY_TARGET'] %(self._recovery_target_id)

        self._recovery_target_properties = None

        self._policy_type = None
        self._application_type = None
        self._destination_hypervisor = None
        self._access_node = None
        self._access_node_client_group = None
        self._users = []
        self._user_groups = []
        self._vm_prefix = ''
        self._vm_suffix = ''

        self._destination_host = None
        self._vm_storage_policy = None
        self._datastore = None
        self._resource_pool = None
        self._destination_network = None
        self._expiration_time = None
        self._failover_ma = None
        self._isolated_network = None
        self._no_of_cpu = None
        self._no_of_vm = None
        self._iso_paths = []

        self._resource_group = None
        self._region = None
        self._availability_zone = None
        self._storage_account = None
        self._vm_size = None
        self._disk_type = None
        self._virtual_network = None
        self._vm_folder = None
        self._security_group = None
        self._create_public_ip = None
        self._restore_as_managed_vm = None
        self._test_virtual_network = None
        self._test_security_group = None
        self._test_vm_size = None

        # AWS
        self._volume_type = None
        self._encryption_key = None
        self._iam_role_id = None
        self._iam_role_name = None
        self._instance_type = None


    def _get_recovery_target_id(self):
        """Gets the target id associated with this target.

                str - id associated with this target

        target = RecoveryTargets(self._commcell_object)
        return target.get(self._recovery_target_name)

    def _get_recovery_target_properties(self):
        """Gets the target properties of this target.

                    if response is empty

                    if response is not success

        flag, response = self._cvpysdk_object.make_request('GET', self._RECOVERY_TARGET)

        if flag:
            if response.json() and 'policy' in response.json():
                self._recovery_target_properties = response.json()['policy'][0]
                self._application_type = self._recovery_target_properties['vmPolicyAppType']
                self._destination_hypervisor = self._recovery_target_properties['destinationHyperV']['clientName']
                vm_name_edit_string = self._recovery_target_properties.get('vmNameEditString')
                vm_name_edit_type = self._recovery_target_properties.get('vmNameEditType', 1)
                if vm_name_edit_string and vm_name_edit_type == 2:
                    self._vm_suffix = self._recovery_target_properties.get('vmNameEditString')
                elif vm_name_edit_string and vm_name_edit_type == 1:
                    self._vm_prefix = self._recovery_target_properties.get('vmNameEditString')
                self._access_node = self._recovery_target_properties.get('proxyClientEntity', {}).get('clientName')
                self._access_node_client_group = (self._recovery_target_properties.get('proxyClientGroupEntity', {})
                self._users = self._recovery_target_properties.get('securityAssociations', {}).get('users')
                self._user_groups = self._recovery_target_properties.get('securityAssociations', {}).get('userGroups')
                self._policy_type = self._recovery_target_properties.get("entity", {}).get("policyType")

                if self._policy_type == 1:
                    self._availability_zone = (self._recovery_target_properties.get('amazonPolicy',{}).get('availabilityZones', [{}])[0].get('availabilityZoneName', None))
                    self._volume_type = self._recovery_target_properties.get('amazonPolicy', {}).get('volumeType', None)
                    self._encryption_key = self._recovery_target_properties.get('amazonPolicy', {}).get('encryptionOption',{}).get('encryptionKeyName', 'Auto')
                    self._iam_role_name = self._recovery_target_properties.get('roleInfo', {}).get('name')
                    self._iam_role_id = self._recovery_target_properties.get('roleInfo', {}).get('id')
                    self._destination_network = self._recovery_target_properties.get('networkList', [{}])[0].get('name', None)
                    self._security_group = self._recovery_target_properties.get('securityGroups', [{}])[0].get('name', '')
                    self._instance_type = (self._recovery_target_properties.get('amazonPolicy', {}).get('instanceType', [{}])[0].get('instanceType', {}).get('vmInstanceTypeName',''))
                    expiry_hours = self._recovery_target_properties.get("minutesRetainUntil", None)
                    expiry_days = self._recovery_target_properties.get("daysRetainUntil", None)
                    if expiry_hours:
                        self._expiration_time = f'{expiry_hours} hours'
                    elif expiry_days:
                        self._expiration_time = f'{expiry_days} days'
                    self._test_virtual_network = self._recovery_target_properties.get('networkInfo', [{}])[0].get('label', None)
                    self._test_security_group = self._recovery_target_properties.get('testSecurityGroups', [{}])[0].get('name', '')
                    self._test_vm_size = (self._recovery_target_properties.get('amazonPolicy', {}).get('vmInstanceTypes', [{}])[0].get('vmInstanceTypeName',''))

                elif self._policy_type == 2:
                    self._vm_folder = self._recovery_target_properties['dataStores'][0]['dataStoreName']
                    self._destination_network = self._recovery_target_properties['networkList'][0]['networkName']
                    self._destination_host = self._recovery_target_properties['proxyClientEntity']['hostName']
                elif self._policy_type == 7:
                    self._resource_group = self._recovery_target_properties['esxServers'][0]['esxServerName']
                    self._region = self._recovery_target_properties['region']
                    self._availability_zone = (self._recovery_target_properties['amazonPolicy']
                    self._storage_account = self._recovery_target_properties['dataStores'][0]['dataStoreName']

                    self._vm_size = (self._recovery_target_properties['amazonPolicy']['vmInstanceTypes']
                    self._disk_type = self._recovery_target_properties['amazonPolicy']['volumeType']
                    self._virtual_network = self._recovery_target_properties['networkList'][0]['networkDisplayName']
                    self._security_group = self._recovery_target_properties['securityGroups'][0]['name']
                    self._create_public_ip = self._recovery_target_properties['isPublicIPSettingsAllowed']
                    self._restore_as_managed_vm = self._recovery_target_properties['restoreAsManagedVM']

                    expiry_hours = self._recovery_target_properties.get("minutesRetainUntil")
                    expiry_days = self._recovery_target_properties.get("daysRetainUntil")
                    if expiry_hours:
                        self._expiration_time = f'{expiry_hours} hours'
                    elif expiry_days:
                        self._expiration_time = f'{expiry_days} days'
                    self._test_virtual_network = self._recovery_target_properties['networkInfo'][0]['label']
                    self._test_vm_size = (self._recovery_target_properties['amazonPolicy']['instanceType'][0]
                elif self._policy_type == 13:
                    self._destination_host = self._recovery_target_properties['esxServers'][0]['esxServerName']
                    self._datastore = self._recovery_target_properties['dataStores'][0]['dataStoreName']
                    self._resource_pool = self._recovery_target_properties['resourcePoolPath']
                    self._vm_folder = self._recovery_target_properties['folderPath']
                    self._destination_network = self._recovery_target_properties['networkList'][0]['destinationNetwork']

                    self._vm_storage_policy = self._recovery_target_properties.get('vmStoragePolicyName')
                    expiry_hours = self._recovery_target_properties.get("minutesRetainUntil")
                    expiry_days = self._recovery_target_properties.get("daysRetainUntil")
                    if expiry_hours:
                        self._expiration_time = f'{expiry_hours} hours'
                    elif expiry_days:
                        self._expiration_time = f'{expiry_days} days'
                    if self._recovery_target_properties.get('mediaAgent', {}):
                        self._failover_ma = self._recovery_target_properties['mediaAgent']['clientName']

                    self._isolated_network = self._recovery_target_properties.get("createIsolatedNetwork")

                    self._no_of_cpu = self._recovery_target_properties.get('maxCores')
                    self._no_of_vm = self._recovery_target_properties.get('maxVMQuota')
                    self._iso_paths = [iso['isoPath'] for iso in
                                       self._recovery_target_properties.get('isoInfo', [])]
                    if self._recovery_target_properties.get('associatedClientGroup'):
                        self._server_group = (self._recovery_target_properties["associatedClientGroup"]
                raise SDKException('Response', '102')
            raise SDKException('Response', '101', self._update_response_(response.text))

    def recovery_target_id(self):
        """Returns: (str) the id of the recovery target"""
        return self._recovery_target_id

    def recovery_target_name(self):
        """Returns: (str) the display name of the recovery target"""
        return self._recovery_target_name

    def policy_type(self):
        """Returns: (str) the policy type ID
            1  - AWS
            2  - Microsoft Hyper-V
            7  - Azure
            13 - VMware
        return self._policy_type

    def application_type(self):
        """Returns: (str) the name of the application type
            0 - Replication type
            1 - Regular type
        return self._application_type

    def destination_hypervisor(self):
        """Returns: (str) the client name of destination hypervisor"""
        return self._destination_hypervisor

    def access_node(self):
        """Returns: (str) the client name of the access node/proxy of the recovery target"""
        return self._access_node

    def access_node_client_group(self):
        """Returns: (str) The client group name set on the access node field of recovery target"""
        return self._access_node_client_group

    def security_user_names(self):
        """Returns: list<str> the names of the users who are used for ownership of the hypervisor and VMs"""
        return [user['userName'] for user in self._users]

    def vm_prefix(self):
        """Returns: (str) the prefix of the vm name to be prefixed to the destination VM"""
        return self._vm_prefix

    def vm_suffix(self):
        """Returns: (str) the suffix of the vm name to be suffixed to the destination VM"""
        return self._vm_suffix

    def destination_host(self):
        """Returns: (str) VMware: the destination ESX host name"""
        return self._destination_host

    def vm_storage_policy(self):
        """Returns: (str) VMware: the vm storage policy name"""
        return self._vm_storage_policy

    def datastore(self):
        """Returns: (str) VMware: the datastore name"""
        return self._datastore

    def resource_pool(self):
        """Returns: (str) VMware: the resource pool name"""
        return self._resource_pool

    def vm_folder(self):
        """Returns: (str) VMware/Hyper-V: the destination VM folder"""
        return self._vm_folder

    def destination_network(self):
        """Returns: (str) VMware/Hyper-V/AWS: the network name of the destination VM"""
        return self._destination_network

    def expiration_time(self):
        """Returns: (str) VMware/Azure: the expiration time of the test boot VM/test failover VM
            eg: 4 hours or 3 days
        return self._expiration_time

    def failover_ma(self):
        """Returns: (str) VMware: the preferred Media Agent to be used for test failover job"""
        return self._failover_ma

    def isolated_network(self):
        """Returns: (bool) VMware: whether the target is configured to create isolated network or not"""
        return self._isolated_network

    def iso_path(self):
        """Returns: list<str> VMware regular: the path of ISOs used for test boot operations"""
        return self._iso_paths

    def server_group(self):
        """Returns: (str) VMware regular: the name of the server group to be associated with the recovery target"""
        return self._server_group

    def no_of_cpu(self):
        """Returns: (str) VMware regular: the maximum number of CPU cores for live mount"""
        return self._no_of_cpu

    def no_of_vm(self):
        """Returns: (str) VMware regular: the maximum number of VMs to be deployed for live mount"""
        return self._no_of_vm

    def resource_group(self):
        """Returns: (str) Azure: the resource group name for destination VM"""
        return self._resource_group

    def region(self):
        """Return: (str) Azure: the recovery target region for destination VM"""
        return self._region

    def availability_zone(self):
        """Return: (str) Azure/AWS: the availability zone of the destination VM"""
        return self._availability_zone

    def storage_account(self):
        """Returns: (str) Azure: the storage account name used to deploy the VM's storage"""
        return self._storage_account

    def vm_size(self):
        """Returns: (str) Azure: the size of the destination VM. This defines the hardware config"""
        return self._vm_size

    def disk_type(self):
        """Returns: (str) Azure: the disk type of the destination VM"""
        return self._disk_type

    def virtual_network(self):
        """Returns: (str) Azure: the destination VM virtual network to assign NIC to"""
        return self._virtual_network

    def security_group(self):
        """Returns: (str) Azure/AWS: the destination VM network security group name"""
        return self._security_group

    def create_public_ip(self):
        """Returns: (bool) Azure: whether public IP will be created for destination VM"""
        return self._create_public_ip

    def restore_as_managed_vm(self):
        """Returns: (bool) whether the destination VM will be a managed VM"""
        return self._restore_as_managed_vm

    def test_virtual_network(self):
        """Returns: (str) Azure: the destination VM virtual network for test failover"""
        return self._test_virtual_network

    def test_security_group(self):
        """Returns: (str) AWS: the clone VM security group for test failover"""
        return self._test_security_group

    def test_vm_size(self):
        """Returns: (str) Azure: the destination VM size for test failover"""
        return self._test_vm_size

    def volume_type(self):
        """Returns: (str) AWS: the destination VM volume type/disk type"""
        return self._volume_type

    def encryption_key(self):
        """Returns: (str) AWS: the encryption key of the destination VM"""
        return self._encryption_key

    def iam_role_id(self):
        """Returns: (str) AWS: the AWS IAM Role ID associated with the destination VM"""
        return self._iam_role_id

    def iam_role_name(self):
        """Returns: (str) AWS: the AWS IAM Role name associated with the destination VM"""
        return self._iam_role_name

    def instance_type(self):
        """Returns: (str) AWS: the AWS instance type which is used for defining hardware config"""
        return self._instance_type

    def refresh(self):
        """Refresh the properties of the Recovery Target."""


class RecoveryTarget (commcell_object, recovery_target_name, recovery_target_id=None)

Class for performing target operations

Initialize the instance of the RecoveryTarget class.


commcell_object (object) – instance of the Commcell class

target_name (str) – name of the target

target_id (str) – id of the target

default: None
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class RecoveryTarget:

    """Class for performing target operations"""

    def __init__(self, commcell_object, recovery_target_name, recovery_target_id=None):
        """Initialize the instance of the RecoveryTarget class.

                commcell_object   (object)    --  instance of the Commcell class

                target_name      (str)       --  name of the target

                target_id        (str)       --  id of the target

                    default: None

        self._commcell_object = commcell_object

        self._cvpysdk_object = commcell_object._cvpysdk_object
        self._services = commcell_object._services
        self._update_response_ = commcell_object._update_response_
        self._recovery_target_name = recovery_target_name.lower()

        if recovery_target_id:
            # Use the target id mentioned in the arguments
            self._recovery_target_id = str(recovery_target_id)
            # Get the target id if target id is not provided
            self._recovery_target_id = self._get_recovery_target_id()
        self._RECOVERY_TARGET = self._services['GET_RECOVERY_TARGET'] %(self._recovery_target_id)

        self._recovery_target_properties = None

        self._policy_type = None
        self._application_type = None
        self._destination_hypervisor = None
        self._access_node = None
        self._access_node_client_group = None
        self._users = []
        self._user_groups = []
        self._vm_prefix = ''
        self._vm_suffix = ''

        self._destination_host = None
        self._vm_storage_policy = None
        self._datastore = None
        self._resource_pool = None
        self._destination_network = None
        self._expiration_time = None
        self._failover_ma = None
        self._isolated_network = None
        self._no_of_cpu = None
        self._no_of_vm = None
        self._iso_paths = []

        self._resource_group = None
        self._region = None
        self._availability_zone = None
        self._storage_account = None
        self._vm_size = None
        self._disk_type = None
        self._virtual_network = None
        self._vm_folder = None
        self._security_group = None
        self._create_public_ip = None
        self._restore_as_managed_vm = None
        self._test_virtual_network = None
        self._test_security_group = None
        self._test_vm_size = None

        # AWS
        self._volume_type = None
        self._encryption_key = None
        self._iam_role_id = None
        self._iam_role_name = None
        self._instance_type = None


    def _get_recovery_target_id(self):
        """Gets the target id associated with this target.

                str - id associated with this target

        target = RecoveryTargets(self._commcell_object)
        return target.get(self._recovery_target_name)

    def _get_recovery_target_properties(self):
        """Gets the target properties of this target.

                    if response is empty

                    if response is not success

        flag, response = self._cvpysdk_object.make_request('GET', self._RECOVERY_TARGET)

        if flag:
            if response.json() and 'policy' in response.json():
                self._recovery_target_properties = response.json()['policy'][0]
                self._application_type = self._recovery_target_properties['vmPolicyAppType']
                self._destination_hypervisor = self._recovery_target_properties['destinationHyperV']['clientName']
                vm_name_edit_string = self._recovery_target_properties.get('vmNameEditString')
                vm_name_edit_type = self._recovery_target_properties.get('vmNameEditType', 1)
                if vm_name_edit_string and vm_name_edit_type == 2:
                    self._vm_suffix = self._recovery_target_properties.get('vmNameEditString')
                elif vm_name_edit_string and vm_name_edit_type == 1:
                    self._vm_prefix = self._recovery_target_properties.get('vmNameEditString')
                self._access_node = self._recovery_target_properties.get('proxyClientEntity', {}).get('clientName')
                self._access_node_client_group = (self._recovery_target_properties.get('proxyClientGroupEntity', {})
                self._users = self._recovery_target_properties.get('securityAssociations', {}).get('users')
                self._user_groups = self._recovery_target_properties.get('securityAssociations', {}).get('userGroups')
                self._policy_type = self._recovery_target_properties.get("entity", {}).get("policyType")

                if self._policy_type == 1:
                    self._availability_zone = (self._recovery_target_properties.get('amazonPolicy',{}).get('availabilityZones', [{}])[0].get('availabilityZoneName', None))
                    self._volume_type = self._recovery_target_properties.get('amazonPolicy', {}).get('volumeType', None)
                    self._encryption_key = self._recovery_target_properties.get('amazonPolicy', {}).get('encryptionOption',{}).get('encryptionKeyName', 'Auto')
                    self._iam_role_name = self._recovery_target_properties.get('roleInfo', {}).get('name')
                    self._iam_role_id = self._recovery_target_properties.get('roleInfo', {}).get('id')
                    self._destination_network = self._recovery_target_properties.get('networkList', [{}])[0].get('name', None)
                    self._security_group = self._recovery_target_properties.get('securityGroups', [{}])[0].get('name', '')
                    self._instance_type = (self._recovery_target_properties.get('amazonPolicy', {}).get('instanceType', [{}])[0].get('instanceType', {}).get('vmInstanceTypeName',''))
                    expiry_hours = self._recovery_target_properties.get("minutesRetainUntil", None)
                    expiry_days = self._recovery_target_properties.get("daysRetainUntil", None)
                    if expiry_hours:
                        self._expiration_time = f'{expiry_hours} hours'
                    elif expiry_days:
                        self._expiration_time = f'{expiry_days} days'
                    self._test_virtual_network = self._recovery_target_properties.get('networkInfo', [{}])[0].get('label', None)
                    self._test_security_group = self._recovery_target_properties.get('testSecurityGroups', [{}])[0].get('name', '')
                    self._test_vm_size = (self._recovery_target_properties.get('amazonPolicy', {}).get('vmInstanceTypes', [{}])[0].get('vmInstanceTypeName',''))

                elif self._policy_type == 2:
                    self._vm_folder = self._recovery_target_properties['dataStores'][0]['dataStoreName']
                    self._destination_network = self._recovery_target_properties['networkList'][0]['networkName']
                    self._destination_host = self._recovery_target_properties['proxyClientEntity']['hostName']
                elif self._policy_type == 7:
                    self._resource_group = self._recovery_target_properties['esxServers'][0]['esxServerName']
                    self._region = self._recovery_target_properties['region']
                    self._availability_zone = (self._recovery_target_properties['amazonPolicy']
                    self._storage_account = self._recovery_target_properties['dataStores'][0]['dataStoreName']

                    self._vm_size = (self._recovery_target_properties['amazonPolicy']['vmInstanceTypes']
                    self._disk_type = self._recovery_target_properties['amazonPolicy']['volumeType']
                    self._virtual_network = self._recovery_target_properties['networkList'][0]['networkDisplayName']
                    self._security_group = self._recovery_target_properties['securityGroups'][0]['name']
                    self._create_public_ip = self._recovery_target_properties['isPublicIPSettingsAllowed']
                    self._restore_as_managed_vm = self._recovery_target_properties['restoreAsManagedVM']

                    expiry_hours = self._recovery_target_properties.get("minutesRetainUntil")
                    expiry_days = self._recovery_target_properties.get("daysRetainUntil")
                    if expiry_hours:
                        self._expiration_time = f'{expiry_hours} hours'
                    elif expiry_days:
                        self._expiration_time = f'{expiry_days} days'
                    self._test_virtual_network = self._recovery_target_properties['networkInfo'][0]['label']
                    self._test_vm_size = (self._recovery_target_properties['amazonPolicy']['instanceType'][0]
                elif self._policy_type == 13:
                    self._destination_host = self._recovery_target_properties['esxServers'][0]['esxServerName']
                    self._datastore = self._recovery_target_properties['dataStores'][0]['dataStoreName']
                    self._resource_pool = self._recovery_target_properties['resourcePoolPath']
                    self._vm_folder = self._recovery_target_properties['folderPath']
                    self._destination_network = self._recovery_target_properties['networkList'][0]['destinationNetwork']

                    self._vm_storage_policy = self._recovery_target_properties.get('vmStoragePolicyName')
                    expiry_hours = self._recovery_target_properties.get("minutesRetainUntil")
                    expiry_days = self._recovery_target_properties.get("daysRetainUntil")
                    if expiry_hours:
                        self._expiration_time = f'{expiry_hours} hours'
                    elif expiry_days:
                        self._expiration_time = f'{expiry_days} days'
                    if self._recovery_target_properties.get('mediaAgent', {}):
                        self._failover_ma = self._recovery_target_properties['mediaAgent']['clientName']

                    self._isolated_network = self._recovery_target_properties.get("createIsolatedNetwork")

                    self._no_of_cpu = self._recovery_target_properties.get('maxCores')
                    self._no_of_vm = self._recovery_target_properties.get('maxVMQuota')
                    self._iso_paths = [iso['isoPath'] for iso in
                                       self._recovery_target_properties.get('isoInfo', [])]
                    if self._recovery_target_properties.get('associatedClientGroup'):
                        self._server_group = (self._recovery_target_properties["associatedClientGroup"]
                raise SDKException('Response', '102')
            raise SDKException('Response', '101', self._update_response_(response.text))

    def recovery_target_id(self):
        """Returns: (str) the id of the recovery target"""
        return self._recovery_target_id

    def recovery_target_name(self):
        """Returns: (str) the display name of the recovery target"""
        return self._recovery_target_name

    def policy_type(self):
        """Returns: (str) the policy type ID
            1  - AWS
            2  - Microsoft Hyper-V
            7  - Azure
            13 - VMware
        return self._policy_type

    def application_type(self):
        """Returns: (str) the name of the application type
            0 - Replication type
            1 - Regular type
        return self._application_type

    def destination_hypervisor(self):
        """Returns: (str) the client name of destination hypervisor"""
        return self._destination_hypervisor

    def access_node(self):
        """Returns: (str) the client name of the access node/proxy of the recovery target"""
        return self._access_node

    def access_node_client_group(self):
        """Returns: (str) The client group name set on the access node field of recovery target"""
        return self._access_node_client_group

    def security_user_names(self):
        """Returns: list<str> the names of the users who are used for ownership of the hypervisor and VMs"""
        return [user['userName'] for user in self._users]

    def vm_prefix(self):
        """Returns: (str) the prefix of the vm name to be prefixed to the destination VM"""
        return self._vm_prefix

    def vm_suffix(self):
        """Returns: (str) the suffix of the vm name to be suffixed to the destination VM"""
        return self._vm_suffix

    def destination_host(self):
        """Returns: (str) VMware: the destination ESX host name"""
        return self._destination_host

    def vm_storage_policy(self):
        """Returns: (str) VMware: the vm storage policy name"""
        return self._vm_storage_policy

    def datastore(self):
        """Returns: (str) VMware: the datastore name"""
        return self._datastore

    def resource_pool(self):
        """Returns: (str) VMware: the resource pool name"""
        return self._resource_pool

    def vm_folder(self):
        """Returns: (str) VMware/Hyper-V: the destination VM folder"""
        return self._vm_folder

    def destination_network(self):
        """Returns: (str) VMware/Hyper-V/AWS: the network name of the destination VM"""
        return self._destination_network

    def expiration_time(self):
        """Returns: (str) VMware/Azure: the expiration time of the test boot VM/test failover VM
            eg: 4 hours or 3 days
        return self._expiration_time

    def failover_ma(self):
        """Returns: (str) VMware: the preferred Media Agent to be used for test failover job"""
        return self._failover_ma

    def isolated_network(self):
        """Returns: (bool) VMware: whether the target is configured to create isolated network or not"""
        return self._isolated_network

    def iso_path(self):
        """Returns: list<str> VMware regular: the path of ISOs used for test boot operations"""
        return self._iso_paths

    def server_group(self):
        """Returns: (str) VMware regular: the name of the server group to be associated with the recovery target"""
        return self._server_group

    def no_of_cpu(self):
        """Returns: (str) VMware regular: the maximum number of CPU cores for live mount"""
        return self._no_of_cpu

    def no_of_vm(self):
        """Returns: (str) VMware regular: the maximum number of VMs to be deployed for live mount"""
        return self._no_of_vm

    def resource_group(self):
        """Returns: (str) Azure: the resource group name for destination VM"""
        return self._resource_group

    def region(self):
        """Return: (str) Azure: the recovery target region for destination VM"""
        return self._region

    def availability_zone(self):
        """Return: (str) Azure/AWS: the availability zone of the destination VM"""
        return self._availability_zone

    def storage_account(self):
        """Returns: (str) Azure: the storage account name used to deploy the VM's storage"""
        return self._storage_account

    def vm_size(self):
        """Returns: (str) Azure: the size of the destination VM. This defines the hardware config"""
        return self._vm_size

    def disk_type(self):
        """Returns: (str) Azure: the disk type of the destination VM"""
        return self._disk_type

    def virtual_network(self):
        """Returns: (str) Azure: the destination VM virtual network to assign NIC to"""
        return self._virtual_network

    def security_group(self):
        """Returns: (str) Azure/AWS: the destination VM network security group name"""
        return self._security_group

    def create_public_ip(self):
        """Returns: (bool) Azure: whether public IP will be created for destination VM"""
        return self._create_public_ip

    def restore_as_managed_vm(self):
        """Returns: (bool) whether the destination VM will be a managed VM"""
        return self._restore_as_managed_vm

    def test_virtual_network(self):
        """Returns: (str) Azure: the destination VM virtual network for test failover"""
        return self._test_virtual_network

    def test_security_group(self):
        """Returns: (str) AWS: the clone VM security group for test failover"""
        return self._test_security_group

    def test_vm_size(self):
        """Returns: (str) Azure: the destination VM size for test failover"""
        return self._test_vm_size

    def volume_type(self):
        """Returns: (str) AWS: the destination VM volume type/disk type"""
        return self._volume_type

    def encryption_key(self):
        """Returns: (str) AWS: the encryption key of the destination VM"""
        return self._encryption_key

    def iam_role_id(self):
        """Returns: (str) AWS: the AWS IAM Role ID associated with the destination VM"""
        return self._iam_role_id

    def iam_role_name(self):
        """Returns: (str) AWS: the AWS IAM Role name associated with the destination VM"""
        return self._iam_role_name

    def instance_type(self):
        """Returns: (str) AWS: the AWS instance type which is used for defining hardware config"""
        return self._instance_type

    def refresh(self):
        """Refresh the properties of the Recovery Target."""

Instance variables

var access_node

Returns: (str) the client name of the access node/proxy of the recovery target

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def access_node(self):
    """Returns: (str) the client name of the access node/proxy of the recovery target"""
    return self._access_node
var access_node_client_group

Returns: (str) The client group name set on the access node field of recovery target

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def access_node_client_group(self):
    """Returns: (str) The client group name set on the access node field of recovery target"""
    return self._access_node_client_group
var application_type

Returns: (str) the name of the application type 0 - Replication type 1 - Regular type

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def application_type(self):
    """Returns: (str) the name of the application type
        0 - Replication type
        1 - Regular type
    return self._application_type
var availability_zone

Return: (str) Azure/AWS: the availability zone of the destination VM

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def availability_zone(self):
    """Return: (str) Azure/AWS: the availability zone of the destination VM"""
    return self._availability_zone
var create_public_ip

Returns: (bool) Azure: whether public IP will be created for destination VM

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def create_public_ip(self):
    """Returns: (bool) Azure: whether public IP will be created for destination VM"""
    return self._create_public_ip
var datastore

Returns: (str) VMware: the datastore name

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def datastore(self):
    """Returns: (str) VMware: the datastore name"""
    return self._datastore
var destination_host

Returns: (str) VMware: the destination ESX host name

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def destination_host(self):
    """Returns: (str) VMware: the destination ESX host name"""
    return self._destination_host
var destination_hypervisor

Returns: (str) the client name of destination hypervisor

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def destination_hypervisor(self):
    """Returns: (str) the client name of destination hypervisor"""
    return self._destination_hypervisor
var destination_network

Returns: (str) VMware/Hyper-V/AWS: the network name of the destination VM

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def destination_network(self):
    """Returns: (str) VMware/Hyper-V/AWS: the network name of the destination VM"""
    return self._destination_network
var disk_type

Returns: (str) Azure: the disk type of the destination VM

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def disk_type(self):
    """Returns: (str) Azure: the disk type of the destination VM"""
    return self._disk_type
var encryption_key

Returns: (str) AWS: the encryption key of the destination VM

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def encryption_key(self):
    """Returns: (str) AWS: the encryption key of the destination VM"""
    return self._encryption_key
var expiration_time

Returns: (str) VMware/Azure: the expiration time of the test boot VM/test failover VM eg: 4 hours or 3 days

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def expiration_time(self):
    """Returns: (str) VMware/Azure: the expiration time of the test boot VM/test failover VM
        eg: 4 hours or 3 days
    return self._expiration_time
var failover_ma

Returns: (str) VMware: the preferred Media Agent to be used for test failover job

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def failover_ma(self):
    """Returns: (str) VMware: the preferred Media Agent to be used for test failover job"""
    return self._failover_ma
var iam_role_id

Returns: (str) AWS: the AWS IAM Role ID associated with the destination VM

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def iam_role_id(self):
    """Returns: (str) AWS: the AWS IAM Role ID associated with the destination VM"""
    return self._iam_role_id
var iam_role_name

Returns: (str) AWS: the AWS IAM Role name associated with the destination VM

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def iam_role_name(self):
    """Returns: (str) AWS: the AWS IAM Role name associated with the destination VM"""
    return self._iam_role_name
var instance_type

Returns: (str) AWS: the AWS instance type which is used for defining hardware config

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def instance_type(self):
    """Returns: (str) AWS: the AWS instance type which is used for defining hardware config"""
    return self._instance_type
var iso_path

Returns: list VMware regular: the path of ISOs used for test boot operations

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def iso_path(self):
    """Returns: list<str> VMware regular: the path of ISOs used for test boot operations"""
    return self._iso_paths
var isolated_network

Returns: (bool) VMware: whether the target is configured to create isolated network or not

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def isolated_network(self):
    """Returns: (bool) VMware: whether the target is configured to create isolated network or not"""
    return self._isolated_network
var no_of_cpu

Returns: (str) VMware regular: the maximum number of CPU cores for live mount

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def no_of_cpu(self):
    """Returns: (str) VMware regular: the maximum number of CPU cores for live mount"""
    return self._no_of_cpu
var no_of_vm

Returns: (str) VMware regular: the maximum number of VMs to be deployed for live mount

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def no_of_vm(self):
    """Returns: (str) VMware regular: the maximum number of VMs to be deployed for live mount"""
    return self._no_of_vm
var policy_type

Returns: (str) the policy type ID 1 - AWS 2 - Microsoft Hyper-V 7 - Azure 13 - VMware

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def policy_type(self):
    """Returns: (str) the policy type ID
        1  - AWS
        2  - Microsoft Hyper-V
        7  - Azure
        13 - VMware
    return self._policy_type
var recovery_target_id

Returns: (str) the id of the recovery target

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def recovery_target_id(self):
    """Returns: (str) the id of the recovery target"""
    return self._recovery_target_id
var recovery_target_name

Returns: (str) the display name of the recovery target

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def recovery_target_name(self):
    """Returns: (str) the display name of the recovery target"""
    return self._recovery_target_name
var region

Return: (str) Azure: the recovery target region for destination VM

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def region(self):
    """Return: (str) Azure: the recovery target region for destination VM"""
    return self._region
var resource_group

Returns: (str) Azure: the resource group name for destination VM

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def resource_group(self):
    """Returns: (str) Azure: the resource group name for destination VM"""
    return self._resource_group
var resource_pool

Returns: (str) VMware: the resource pool name

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def resource_pool(self):
    """Returns: (str) VMware: the resource pool name"""
    return self._resource_pool
var restore_as_managed_vm

Returns: (bool) whether the destination VM will be a managed VM

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def restore_as_managed_vm(self):
    """Returns: (bool) whether the destination VM will be a managed VM"""
    return self._restore_as_managed_vm
var security_group

Returns: (str) Azure/AWS: the destination VM network security group name

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def security_group(self):
    """Returns: (str) Azure/AWS: the destination VM network security group name"""
    return self._security_group
var security_user_names

Returns: list the names of the users who are used for ownership of the hypervisor and VMs

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def security_user_names(self):
    """Returns: list<str> the names of the users who are used for ownership of the hypervisor and VMs"""
    return [user['userName'] for user in self._users]
var server_group

Returns: (str) VMware regular: the name of the server group to be associated with the recovery target

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def server_group(self):
    """Returns: (str) VMware regular: the name of the server group to be associated with the recovery target"""
    return self._server_group
var storage_account

Returns: (str) Azure: the storage account name used to deploy the VM's storage

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def storage_account(self):
    """Returns: (str) Azure: the storage account name used to deploy the VM's storage"""
    return self._storage_account
var test_security_group

Returns: (str) AWS: the clone VM security group for test failover

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def test_security_group(self):
    """Returns: (str) AWS: the clone VM security group for test failover"""
    return self._test_security_group
var test_virtual_network

Returns: (str) Azure: the destination VM virtual network for test failover

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def test_virtual_network(self):
    """Returns: (str) Azure: the destination VM virtual network for test failover"""
    return self._test_virtual_network
var test_vm_size

Returns: (str) Azure: the destination VM size for test failover

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def test_vm_size(self):
    """Returns: (str) Azure: the destination VM size for test failover"""
    return self._test_vm_size
var virtual_network

Returns: (str) Azure: the destination VM virtual network to assign NIC to

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def virtual_network(self):
    """Returns: (str) Azure: the destination VM virtual network to assign NIC to"""
    return self._virtual_network
var vm_folder

Returns: (str) VMware/Hyper-V: the destination VM folder

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def vm_folder(self):
    """Returns: (str) VMware/Hyper-V: the destination VM folder"""
    return self._vm_folder
var vm_prefix

Returns: (str) the prefix of the vm name to be prefixed to the destination VM

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def vm_prefix(self):
    """Returns: (str) the prefix of the vm name to be prefixed to the destination VM"""
    return self._vm_prefix
var vm_size

Returns: (str) Azure: the size of the destination VM. This defines the hardware config

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def vm_size(self):
    """Returns: (str) Azure: the size of the destination VM. This defines the hardware config"""
    return self._vm_size
var vm_storage_policy

Returns: (str) VMware: the vm storage policy name

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def vm_storage_policy(self):
    """Returns: (str) VMware: the vm storage policy name"""
    return self._vm_storage_policy
var vm_suffix

Returns: (str) the suffix of the vm name to be suffixed to the destination VM

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def vm_suffix(self):
    """Returns: (str) the suffix of the vm name to be suffixed to the destination VM"""
    return self._vm_suffix
var volume_type

Returns: (str) AWS: the destination VM volume type/disk type

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def volume_type(self):
    """Returns: (str) AWS: the destination VM volume type/disk type"""
    return self._volume_type


def refresh(self)

Refresh the properties of the Recovery Target.

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def refresh(self):
    """Refresh the properties of the Recovery Target."""
class RecoveryTargets (commcell_object)

Class for representing all the clients associated with the commcell.

Initialize object of the Clients class.


commcell_object (object) – instance of the Commcell class

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class RecoveryTargets:

    """Class for representing all the clients associated with the commcell."""

    def __init__(self, commcell_object):
        """Initialize object of the Clients class.

                commcell_object (object)  --  instance of the Commcell class

        self._commcell_object = commcell_object

        self._cvpysdk_object = commcell_object._cvpysdk_object
        self._services = commcell_object._services
        self._update_response_ = commcell_object._update_response_
        self._RECOVERY_TARGETS = self._services['GET_ALL_RECOVERY_TARGETS']

        self._recovery_targets = None

    def __str__(self):
        """Representation string consisting of all targets .

                str     -   string of all the targets

        representation_string = '{:^5}\t{:^20}\n\n'.format('S. No.', 'RecoverTargets')

        for index, recovery_target in enumerate(self._recovery_targets):
            sub_str = '{:^5}\t{:20}\n'.format(
                index + 1,
            representation_string += sub_str

        return representation_string.strip()

    def _get_recovery_targets(self):
        """Gets all the recovery targets.

                dict - consists of all targets in the client
                         "target1_name": target1_id,
                         "target2_name": target2_id

                    if response is empty

                    if response is not success

        flag, response = self._cvpysdk_object.make_request('GET', self._RECOVERY_TARGETS)

        if flag:
            if response.json() and 'policy' in response.json():

                recovery_target_dict = {}

                for dictionary in response.json()['policy']:
                    temp_name = dictionary['entity']['vmAllocPolicyName'].lower()
                    recovery_target_dict[temp_name] = str(dictionary['entity']['vmAllocPolicyId'])

                return recovery_target_dict
                raise SDKException('Response', '102')
            raise SDKException('Response', '101', self._update_response_(response.text))

    def all_targets(self):
        """Returns dict of all the targets.

         Returns dict    -   consists of all targets

                    "target1_name": target1_id,

                    "target2_name": target2_id

        return self._recovery_targets

    def has_recovery_target(self, target_name):
        """Checks if a target is present in the commcell.

                target_name (str)  --  name of the target

                bool - boolean output whether the target is present in commcell or not

                    if type of the target name argument is not string

        if not isinstance(target_name, str):
            raise SDKException('Target', '101')

        return self._recovery_targets and target_name.lower() in self._recovery_targets

    def get(self, recovery_target_name):
        """Returns a target object.

                target_name (str)  --  name of the target

                object - instance of the target class for the given target name

                    if type of the target name argument is not string

                    if no target exists with the given name

        if not isinstance(recovery_target_name, str):
            raise SDKException('Target', '101')
            recovery_target_name = recovery_target_name.lower()

            if self.has_recovery_target(recovery_target_name):
                return RecoveryTarget(
                    self._commcell_object, recovery_target_name, self.all_targets[recovery_target_name])

            raise SDKException('RecoveryTarget', '102', 'No target exists with name: {0}'.format(recovery_target_name))

    def refresh(self):
        """Refresh the recovery targets"""
        self._recovery_targets = self._get_recovery_targets()

Instance variables

var all_targets

Returns dict of all the targets.

Returns dict - consists of all targets

       "target1_name": target1_id,

       "target2_name": target2_id
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def all_targets(self):
    """Returns dict of all the targets.

     Returns dict    -   consists of all targets

                "target1_name": target1_id,

                "target2_name": target2_id

    return self._recovery_targets


def get(self, recovery_target_name)

Returns a target object.


target_name (str) – name of the target


object - instance of the target class for the given target name


SDKException: if type of the target name argument is not string

if no target exists with the given name
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def get(self, recovery_target_name):
    """Returns a target object.

            target_name (str)  --  name of the target

            object - instance of the target class for the given target name

                if type of the target name argument is not string

                if no target exists with the given name

    if not isinstance(recovery_target_name, str):
        raise SDKException('Target', '101')
        recovery_target_name = recovery_target_name.lower()

        if self.has_recovery_target(recovery_target_name):
            return RecoveryTarget(
                self._commcell_object, recovery_target_name, self.all_targets[recovery_target_name])

        raise SDKException('RecoveryTarget', '102', 'No target exists with name: {0}'.format(recovery_target_name))
def has_recovery_target(self, target_name)

Checks if a target is present in the commcell.


target_name (str) – name of the target


bool - boolean output whether the target is present in commcell or not


SDKException: if type of the target name argument is not string

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def has_recovery_target(self, target_name):
    """Checks if a target is present in the commcell.

            target_name (str)  --  name of the target

            bool - boolean output whether the target is present in commcell or not

                if type of the target name argument is not string

    if not isinstance(target_name, str):
        raise SDKException('Target', '101')

    return self._recovery_targets and target_name.lower() in self._recovery_targets
def refresh(self)

Refresh the recovery targets

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def refresh(self):
    """Refresh the recovery targets"""
    self._recovery_targets = self._get_recovery_targets()