Module cvpysdk.policies.configuration_policies

Main file for performing Configuration Policies related related operations on the commcell.

ConfigurationPolicies: Class for representing all the Configuration Policies associated with the Commcell

ConfigurationPolicy: Class for representing a single Configuration Policy. Contains method definitions for common methods among all Configuration Policies

ArchivePolicy: Class for representing a single Archive Policy associated with the Commcell; inherits ConfigurationPolicy

JournalPolicy: Class for representing a single Journal Policy associated with the Commcell; inherits ConfigurationPolicy

CleanupPolicy: Class for representing a single Cleanup Policy associated with the Commcell; inherits ConfigurationPolicy

RetentionPolicy: Class for representing a single Retention Policy associated with the Commcell; inherits ConfigurationPolicy

ContentIndexingPolicy: Class for representing a single Content Indexing Policy associated with the Commcell; inherits ConfigurationPolicy


init(commcell_object) – initialize the ConfigurationPolicies instance for the Commcell

str() – returns all the ConfigurationPolicies policies associated with the Commcell

repr() – returns a string for the instance of the ConfigurationPolicies class

_get_policies() – gets all the Configuration policies of the Commcell

_get_ci_policies() – gets all the CI configuration policies of the Commcell

has_policy(policy_name) – checks if a Configuration policy exists with the given name in a particular instance

get(policy_name) – returns a ConfigurationPolicy object of the specified Configuration policy name

add(policy_object) – adds a new Configuration policy to the ConfigurationPolicies instance, and returns an object of corresponding policy_type

delete(policy_name) – removes the specified Configuration policy from the Commcell

get_policy_object() – get the policy object based on policy type

run_content_indexing() – runs a Content indexing job for the CI policy


init() – initializes the ContentIndexingPolicy instance for the given policy name

_initialize_policy_json() – creates a JSON payload for the Content Indexing Policy

ContentIndexingPolicy Attributes:

**name**                    --  name of the Content Indexing policy

**include_doc_types**       --  list of all the file types to be included while Content Indexing

**index_server_name**       --  index server name to be used for Content Indexing

**data_access_node**        --  data access node's client name

**min_doc_size**            --  minimum documents size in MB

**max_doc_size**            --  maximum documents size in MB

**exclude_paths**           --  list of all the paths to be excluded from Content Indexing
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright Commvault Systems, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------

"""Main file for performing Configuration Policies related related operations on the commcell.

ConfigurationPolicies:  Class for representing all the Configuration Policies associated
                            with the Commcell

ConfigurationPolicy:    Class for representing a single Configuration Policy. Contains
                            method definitions for common methods among all Configuration Policies

ArchivePolicy:          Class for representing a single Archive Policy associated with
                            the Commcell; inherits ConfigurationPolicy

JournalPolicy:          Class for representing a single Journal Policy associated with
                            the Commcell; inherits ConfigurationPolicy

CleanupPolicy:          Class for representing a single Cleanup Policy associated with
                            the Commcell; inherits ConfigurationPolicy

RetentionPolicy:        Class for representing a single Retention Policy associated with
                            the Commcell; inherits ConfigurationPolicy

ContentIndexingPolicy:  Class for representing a single Content Indexing Policy associated with
                            the Commcell; inherits ConfigurationPolicy


    __init__(commcell_object)   --  initialize the ConfigurationPolicies instance for the Commcell

    __str__()                   --  returns all the ConfigurationPolicies policies associated
    with the Commcell

    __repr__()                  --  returns a string for the instance of the
    ConfigurationPolicies class

    _get_policies()             --  gets all the Configuration policies of the Commcell

    _get_ci_policies()          --  gets all the CI configuration policies of the Commcell

    has_policy(policy_name)     --  checks if a Configuration policy exists with the
    given name in a particular instance

    get(policy_name)            --  returns a ConfigurationPolicy object of the
    specified Configuration policy name

    add(policy_object)          --  adds a new Configuration policy to the
    ConfigurationPolicies instance, and returns an object of corresponding policy_type

    delete(policy_name)         --  removes the specified Configuration policy from the Commcell

    get_policy_object()         --  get the policy object based on policy type

    run_content_indexing()      --  runs a Content indexing job for the CI policy


    __init__()                  --  initializes the ContentIndexingPolicy instance for the given policy name

    _initialize_policy_json()   --  creates a JSON payload for the Content Indexing Policy

ContentIndexingPolicy Attributes:

    **name**                    --  name of the Content Indexing policy

    **include_doc_types**       --  list of all the file types to be included while Content Indexing

    **index_server_name**       --  index server name to be used for Content Indexing

    **data_access_node**        --  data access node's client name

    **min_doc_size**            --  minimum documents size in MB

    **max_doc_size**            --  maximum documents size in MB

    **exclude_paths**           --  list of all the paths to be excluded from Content Indexing


from __future__ import unicode_literals

from ..exception import SDKException
from ..job import Job

class ConfigurationPolicies(object):
    """Class for getting all the Configuration policies associated with the commcell."""

    def __init__(self, commcell_object):
        """Initialize object of the ConfigurationPolicies class.

                commcell_object     (object)    --  instance of the Commcell class

                object  -   instance of the ConfigurationPolicies class

        self._commcell_object = commcell_object

        self._cvpysdk_object = commcell_object._cvpysdk_object
        self._services = commcell_object._services
        self._update_response_ = commcell_object._update_response_

        self._POLICY = self._services['GET_CONFIGURATION_POLICIES']
        self._POLICY_FS = self._services['GET_CONFIGURATION_POLICIES_FS']
        self._CREATE_TASK = self._services['CREATE_TASK']
        self._policies = None
        self._ci_policies = None

    def __repr__(self):
        """Representation string for the instance of the ConfigurationPolicies class."""
        return "ConfigurationPolicies class instance for Commcell: '{0}'".format(

    def _get_policies(self):
        """Gets all the Configuration policies associated to the
            commcell specified by commcell object.

                dict    -   consists of all Configuration policies of the commcell

                        "configuration_policy1_name": configuration_policy1_id,

                        "configuration_policy2_name": configuration_policy2_id

                    if response is empty

                    if response is not success

        flag, response = self._cvpysdk_object.make_request('GET', self._POLICY)

        if flag:
            if response.json() and 'policies' in response.json():
                policies = response.json()['policies']

                if policies == []:
                    return {}

                policies_dict = {}

                for policy in policies:
                    temp_name = policy['policyEntity']['policyName'].lower()
                    temp_id = str(policy['policyEntity']['policyId']).lower()
                    temp_policytype = str(policy['detail']['emailPolicy']
                    policies_dict[temp_name] = [temp_id, temp_policytype]

                return policies_dict
                return {}
            response_string = self._update_response_(response.text)
            raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)

    def has_policy(self, policy_name):
        """Checks if a Configuration policy exists in the commcell with
            the input Configuration policy name.

                policy_name     (str)   --  name of the Configuration policy

                bool    -   boolean output whether the Configuration policy exists in the commcell
                or not

                    if type of the configuration policy name argument is not string

        if not isinstance(policy_name, str):
            raise SDKException('ConfigurationPolicies', '101')

        return (self._policies and policy_name.lower() in self._policies) or \
               (self._ci_policies and policy_name.lower() in self._ci_policies)

    def _get_ci_policies(self):
        """Gets all the Content Indexing policies associated to the commcell specified by commcell object.

                 dict    -   consists of all Configuration policies of the commcell
                                "ci_policy1_name": [ci_policy1_id, ci_policy_type],

                                "ci_policy2_name": [ci_policy2_id, ci_policy_type]

                        if response is empty

                        if response is not success

        flag, response = self._cvpysdk_object.make_request('GET', self._POLICY_FS)

        if flag:
            policies_dict = {}
            if response.json() and 'policies' in response.json():
                policies = response.json()['policies']
                for policy in policies:
                    temp_name = policy['policyEntity']['policyName'].lower()
                    temp_id = str(policy['policyEntity']['policyId']).lower()
                    temp_policy_type = str(policy['detail']['filePolicy']
                    policies_dict[temp_name] = [temp_id, temp_policy_type]
            return policies_dict
            response_string = self._update_response_(response.text)
            raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)

    def _get_policy_id(self, policy_name):

        if not isinstance(policy_name, str):
            raise SDKException('ConfigurationPolicies', '101')
        if policy_name.lower() in self._policies:
            return self._policies[policy_name.lower()][0]
        if policy_name.lower() in self._ci_policies:
            return self._ci_policies[policy_name.lower()][0]

    def get(self, configuration_policy_name, policy_type):
        """Returns a ConfigurationPolicy object of the specified Configuration policy name.

                configuration_policy_name     (str)   --  name of the configuration policy
                policy_type                    (str)   --  type of the policy

                object - instance of the ConfigurationPolicy class for the given policy name

                    if type of the Configuration policy name argument is not string

                    if no Configuration policy exists with the given name
        if not isinstance(configuration_policy_name, str):
            raise SDKException('ConfigurationPolicies', '101')

        if self.has_policy(configuration_policy_name):
            return ConfigurationPolicy(
                self._commcell_object, configuration_policy_name, self._get_policy_id(

            raise SDKException(
                'ConfigurationPolicies', '102', 'No policy exists with name: {0}'.format(

    def get_policy_object(self, policy_type, configuration_policy_name):
        """Get a  Policy object based on policy type

                policy_type                 (str)   --  type of policy to create the object of

                    Valid values are:

                        - Archive

                        - Cleanup

                        - Retention

                        - Journal

                        - Content Indexing

                configuration_policy_name   (str)   --  name of the configuration Policy

                object  -   instance of the appropriate Policy class


        policy_types = {
            "Archive": ArchivePolicy,
            "Journal": JournalPolicy,
            "Cleanup": CleanupPolicy,
            "Retention": RetentionPolicy,
            "ContentIndexing": ContentIndexingPolicy

            return policy_types[policy_type](self._commcell_object, configuration_policy_name)
        except KeyError:
            raise SDKException(
                'Policy Type {} is not supported'.format(policy_type)

    def run_content_indexing(self, ci_policy_name):
        """Runs Content indexing job from the CI policy level

                ci_policy_name      -       Content indexing policy name

                Job                 -       Job class object for the CI Job

                    No CI policy exists     -   if given policy name does not exist
                    Failed to run CI job    -   if CI job failed to start
                    Response was not success
                    Response received is empty

        if not self.has_policy(ci_policy_name):
            raise SDKException('ConfigurationPolicies', '102', f'No CI policy exists with name: {ci_policy_name}')
        request_json = {
            "taskInfo": {
                "task": {
                    "taskType": 1,
                    "initiatedFrom": 1,
                    "policyType": 0,
                    "taskId": 0,
                    "taskFlags": {
                        "disabled": False
                "subTasks": [
                        "subTaskOperation": 1,
                        "subTask": {
                            "subTaskType": 1,
                            "operationType": 5022
                        "options": {
                            "adminOpts": {
                                "contentIndexingOption": {
                                    "fileAnalytics": False,
                                    "subClientBasedAnalytics": False
                                "contentIndexingPolicyOption": {
                                    "policyId": int(self._get_policy_id(ci_policy_name)),
                                    "policyName": ci_policy_name,
                                    "policyDetailType": 5,
                                    "policyType": 2
        flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'POST', self._CREATE_TASK, request_json)
        if flag:
            if response.json():
                if "jobIds" in response.json():
                    return Job(self._commcell_object, response.json()['jobIds'][0])
                elif "errorCode" in response.json():
                    error_message = response.json()['errorMessage']

                    o_str = 'Content Index job failed\nError: "{0}"'.format(error_message)
                    raise SDKException('ConfigurationPolicies', '102', o_str)
                raise SDKException('ConfigurationPolicies', '102', 'Failed to run the content indexing job')
            raise SDKException('Response', '102')
        response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text)
        raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)

    def delete(self, configuration_policy_name):
        """Deletes a Configuration policy from the commcell.

                configuration_policy_name (str)  --  name of the configuration policy to delete

                    if type of the configuration policy name argument is not string

                    if failed to delete configuration policy

                    if response is empty

                    if response is not success
        if not isinstance(configuration_policy_name, str):
            raise SDKException('ConfigurationPolicies', '101')

        if self.has_policy(configuration_policy_name):
            policy_delete_service = self._services['DELETE_CONFIGURATION_POLICY'] % (

            flag, response = self._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
                'DELETE', policy_delete_service

            if flag:
                    if response.json():
                        if response.json()['errorCode'] != 0:
                            error_message = response.json()['errorMessage']
                            o_str = 'Failed to delete Configuration policy\nError: "{0}"'

                            raise SDKException(
                                'ConfigurationPolicies', '102', o_str.format(error_message))
                except ValueError:
                    if response.text:
                        return response.text.strip()
                        raise SDKException('Response', '102')
                response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text)
                raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)
            raise SDKException(
                'ConfigurationPolicies', '102', 'No policy exists with name: {0}'.format(

    def add_policy(self, policy_object):
        """Adds a new Configuration Policy to the Commcell.

                policy_object(object)         --  policy onject based on type
                                                    of policy
                    if failed to create configuration policy

                    if response is empty

                    if response is not success

        json = policy_object._initialize_policy_json()
        configuration_policy_name =

        create_configuration_policy = self._services['CREATE_CONFIGURATION_POLICIES']

        flag, response = self._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'POST', create_configuration_policy, json

        if flag:
            if response.json():
                if 'policy' in response.json():
                    # initialize the policies again
                    # so the policies object has all the policies
                    return ConfigurationPolicy(
                        self._commcell_object, configuration_policy_name,
                elif 'error' in response.json():
                    error_message = response.json()['error']['errorMessage']
                    o_str = 'Failed to create Configuration policy\nError: "{0}"'

                    raise SDKException('ConfigurationPolicies', '102', o_str.format(error_message))
                raise SDKException('Response', '102')
            response_string = self._update_response_(response.text)
            raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)

    def refresh(self):
        """Refresh the Virtual Machine policies."""
        self._policies = self._get_policies()
        self._ci_policies = self._get_ci_policies()

class ConfigurationPolicy(object):

    """Class for representing a single Configuration Policy. Contains method definitions for
        common operations among all Configuration Policies"""

    def __init__(self, commcell_object, configuration_policy_name, configuration_policy_id=None):
        Initialize object of the ConfigurationPolicy class.
                commcell_object    (object)  --  instance of the Commcell class
                configuration_policy_name     (str)     --
                configuration_policy_id       (int)     --
                object - instance of the ConfigurationPolicies class

        self._configuration_policy_name = configuration_policy_name
        self._commcell_object = commcell_object
        self._cvpysdk_object = commcell_object._cvpysdk_object
        self._services = commcell_object._services
        self._update_response_ = commcell_object._update_response_

        if configuration_policy_id:
            self._configuration_policy_id = str(configuration_policy_id)
            self._configuration_policy_id = self._get_configuration_policy_id()

        self._CONGIGURATION_POLICY = self._services['GET_CONFIGURATION_POLICY'] % (

    def configuration_policy_id(self):
        """Treats the configuration policy id as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._configuration_policy_id

    def configuration_policy_name(self):
        """Treats the configuration policy name as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._configuration_policy_name

    def _get_configuration_policy_id(self):
        """Gets the Configuration policy id asscoiated with the Configuration policy"""

        configuration_policies = ConfigurationPolicies(self._commcell_object)
        return configuration_policies._get_policy_id(self._configuration_policy_name)

class ArchivePolicy():
    """Class for performing Archive policy operations for a specific archive policy"""

    def __init__(self, commcell_object, archive_policy_name):
        """Initialise the Archive Policy class instance."""
        self._commcell_object = commcell_object

        self._name = archive_policy_name
        self._email_policy_type = 1
        self._archive_mailbox = False
        self._backup_deleted_item_retention = False
        self._backup_stubs = False
        self._disabled_mailbox = True
        self._enable_mailbox_quota = False
        self._include_messages_larger_than = 0
        self._include_messages_older_than = 0
        self._include_messages_with_attachements = False
        self._primary_mailbox = True
        self._include_discovery_holds_folder = False
        self._include_purges_folder = False
        self._include_version_folder = False
        self._save_conversation_meta_data = False
        self._include_categories = False
        self._skip_mailboxes_exceeded_quota = 10240
        self._include_folder_filter = "Deleted Items,Drafts,Inbox,Sent Items"
        self._exclude_folder_filter = "Deleted Items,Drafts,Inbox,Sent Items,Junk Mail,Sync Issues"
        self._exclude_message_class_filter = "Appointments,Contacts,Schedules,Tasks"
        self._content_index_behind_alert = False
        self._content_index_data_over = 0
        self._deferred_days = 0
        self._enable_content_index = False
        self._enable_deferred_days = False
        self._enable_preview_generation = False
        self._jobs_older_than = 0
        self._retention_days_for_ci = -1
        self._start_time = 0
        self._synchronize_on = False
        self._path = ""
        self._username = ""
        self._password = ""
        # self._initialize_archive_policy_properties()

    def name(self):
        """Treats the name as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._name

    def name(self, name):
        """Sets the name of the policy"""
        self._name = name

    def email_policy_type(self):
        """Treats the email_policy_type as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._email_policy_type

    def archive_mailbox(self):
        """Treats the archive_mailbox as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._archive_mailbox

    def archive_mailbox(self, archive_mailbox):
        """Enable/Disable archive_mailbox option for policy"""
        self._archive_mailbox = archive_mailbox

    def backup_deleted_item_retention(self):
        """Treats the backup_deleted_item_retention as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._backup_deleted_item_retention

    def backup_deleted_item_retention(self, backup_deleted_item_retention):
        """Enable/Disable backup deleted item retention"""
        self._backup_deleted_item_retention = backup_deleted_item_retention

    def backup_stubs(self):
        """Treats the backup_stubs as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._backup_stubs

    def backup_stubs(self, backup_stubs):
        """Sets backup stubs option on policy"""
        self._backup_stubs = backup_stubs

    def disabled_mailbox(self):
        """Treats the disabled_mailbox as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._disabled_mailbox

    def disabled_mailbox(self, disabled_mailbox):
        """Enable/Disable disable mailbox on policy"""
        self._disabled_mailbox = disabled_mailbox

    def enable_mailbox_quota(self):
        """Treats the enable_mailbox_quota as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._enable_mailbox_quota

    def enable_mailbox_quota(self, enable_mailbox_quota):
        """Sets the mailbox quota value"""
        self._enable_mailbox_quota = enable_mailbox_quota

    def include_messages_larger_than(self):
        """Treats the include_messages_larger_than as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._include_messages_larger_than

    def include_messages_larger_than(self, include_messages_larger_than):
        """Sets the message rule include message larger than"""
        self._include_messages_larger_than = include_messages_larger_than

    def include_messages_older_than(self):
        """Treats the include_messages_older_than as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._include_messages_older_than

    def include_messages_older_than(self, include_messages_older_than):
        """Sets the message rule include messages older than"""
        self._include_messages_older_than = include_messages_older_than

    def include_messages_with_attachements(self):
        """Treats the include_messages_with_attachements as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._include_messages_with_attachements

    def include_messages_with_attachements(self, include_messages_with_attachements):
        """Sets the message rule include messages with attachments"""
        self._include_messages_with_attachements = include_messages_with_attachements

    def primary_mailbox(self):
        """Treats the primary_mailbox as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._primary_mailbox

    def primary_mailbox(self, primary_mailbox):
        """Enable/Disable primary mailbox on policy """
        self._primary_mailbox = primary_mailbox

    def skip_mailboxes_exceeded_quota(self):
        """Treats the skip_mailboxes_exceeded_quota as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._skip_mailboxes_exceeded_quota

    def skip_mailboxes_exceeded_quota(self, skip_mailboxes_exceeded_quota):
        """Sets the mailbox exceeded quota value"""
        self._skip_mailboxes_exceeded_quota = skip_mailboxes_exceeded_quota

    def include_discovery_holds_folder(self):
        """Treats the include_discovery_holds_folder as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._include_discovery_holds_folder

    def include_discovery_holds_folder(self, include_discovery_holds_folder):
        """Enable/Disable disocvery hold folder"""
        self._include_discovery_holds_folder = include_discovery_holds_folder

    def include_purges_folder(self):
        """Treats the include_purges_folder as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._include_purges_folder

    def include_purges_folder(self, include_purges_folder):
        """Enable/Disable Purges folder"""
        self._include_purges_folder = include_purges_folder

    def include_version_folder(self):
        """Treats the include_version_folder as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._include_version_folder

    def include_version_folder(self, include_version_folder):
        """Enable/Disable versions folder"""
        self._include_version_folder = include_version_folder

    def save_conversation_meta_data(self):
        """Treats the save_conversation_meta_data as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._save_conversation_meta_data

    def save_conversation_meta_data(self, save_conversation_meta_data):
        """sets the save conversation meta data"""
        self._save_conversation_meta_data = save_conversation_meta_data

    def include_categories(self):
        """Treats the include_categories as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._include_categories

    def include_categories(self, include_categories):
        """sets the include categories option on policy"""
        self._include_categories = include_categories

    def include_folder_filter(self):
        """Treats the include_folder_filter as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._include_folder_filter

    def include_folder_filter(self, include_folder_filter):
        """sets include folder filter on policy"""
        self._include_folder_filter = include_folder_filter

    def exclude_folder_filter(self):
        """Treats the exclude_folder_filter as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._exclude_folder_filter

    def exclude_folder_filter(self, exclude_folder_filter):
        """sets exclude folder filter on policy"""
        self._exclude_folder_filter = exclude_folder_filter

    def exclude_message_class_filter(self):
        """Treats the exclude_message_class_filter as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._exclude_message_class_filter

    def exclude_message_class_filter(self, exclude_message_class_filter):
        """sets message class filters on policy"""
        self._exclude_message_class_filter = exclude_message_class_filter

    def content_index_behind_alert(self):
        """Treats the content_index_behind_alert as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._content_index_behind_alert

    def content_index_behind_alert(self, content_index_behind_alert):
        """sets content index alert"""
        self._content_index_behind_alert = content_index_behind_alert

    def content_index_data_over(self):
        """Treats the content_index_data_over as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._content_index_data_over

    def content_index_data_over(self, content_index_data_over):
        """sets content Index data over value"""
        self._content_index_data_over = content_index_data_over

    def deferred_days(self):
        """Treats the deferred_days as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._deferred_days

    def deferred_days(self, deferred_days):
        """sets deferred days"""
        self._deferred_days = deferred_days

    def enable_content_index(self):
        """Treats the enable_content_index as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._enable_content_index

    def enable_content_index(self, enable_content_index):
        """Enable/Disable ContentIndex"""
        self._enable_content_index = enable_content_index

    def enable_deferred_days(self):
        """Treats the enable_deferred_days as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._enable_deferred_days

    def enable_deferred_days(self, enable_deferred_days):
        """Enable/Disable deferred days"""
        self._enable_deferred_days = enable_deferred_days

    def enable_preview_generation(self):
        """Treats the enable_preview_generation as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._enable_preview_generation

    def enable_preview_generation(self, enable_preview_generation):
        """Enable/Disable preview generation"""
        self._enable_preview_generation = enable_preview_generation

    def jobs_older_than(self):
        """Treats the jobs_older_than as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._jobs_older_than

    def jobs_older_than(self, jobs_older_than):
        """sets job older than value"""
        self._jobs_older_than = jobs_older_than

    def retention_days_for_ci(self):
        """Treats the retention_days_for_ci as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._retention_days_for_ci

    def retention_days_for_ci(self, retention_days_for_ci):
        """sets retention for ContentIndex"""
        self._retention_days_for_ci = retention_days_for_ci

    def start_time(self):
        """Treats the start_time as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._start_time

    def start_time(self, start_time):
        """sets start time"""
        self._start_time = start_time

    def synchronize_on(self):
        """Treats the synchronize_on as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._synchronize_on

    def synchronize_on(self, synchronize_on):
        """sets synchronize on for ContentIndex"""
        self._synchronize_on = synchronize_on

    def path(self):
        """Treats the path as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._path

    def path(self, path):
        """sets previewpath for ContentIndex"""
        self._path = path

    def username(self):
        """Treats the username as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._username

    def username(self, username):
        """sets username for ContentIndex"""
        self._username = username

    def password(self):
        """Treats the password as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._password

    def password(self, password):
        self._password = password

    def _initialize_policy_json(self):
            sets values for creating the add policy json

        policy_json = {
            "policy": {
                "policyType": 1,
                "agentType": {
                    "appTypeId": 137
                "detail": {
                    "emailPolicy": {
                        "emailPolicyType": 1,
                        "archivePolicy": {
                            "includeMsgsLargerThan": self._include_messages_larger_than,
                            "skipMailBoxesExceededQuota": self._skip_mailboxes_exceeded_quota,
                            "backupDeletedItemRetention": self._backup_deleted_item_retention,
                            "primaryMailbox": self._primary_mailbox,
                            "includeMsgsOlderThan": self._include_messages_older_than,
                            "archiveMailbox": self._archive_mailbox,
                            "disabledMailbox": self._disabled_mailbox,
                            "backupStubs": self._backup_stubs,
                            "enableMailBoxQuota": self._enable_mailbox_quota,
                            "includeOnlyMsgsWithAttachemts": self._include_messages_with_attachements,
                            "includeDiscoveryHoldsFolder": self._include_discovery_holds_folder,
                            "includePurgesFolder": self._include_purges_folder,
                            "includeVersionsFolder": self._include_version_folder,
                            "saveConversationMetaData": self._save_conversation_meta_data,
                            "includeCategories": self._include_categories,
                            "includeFolderFilter": {
                                "folderPatternsAvailable": [
                                    "Deleted Items",
                                    "Sent Items"
                            "excludeFolderFilter": {
                                "folderPatternsSelected": [
                                    "Junk Mail",
                                    "Sync Issues"
                                "folderPatternsAvailable": [
                                    "Deleted Items",
                                    "Sent Items"
                            "contentIndexProps": {
                                "enableContentIndex": self._enable_content_index,
                                "contentIndexBehindAlert": self._content_index_behind_alert,
                                "synchronizeOn": self._synchronize_on,
                                "contentIndexDataOver": self._content_index_data_over,
                                "retentionDaysForCI": self._retention_days_for_ci,
                                "startTime": self._start_time,
                                "jobsOlderThan": self._jobs_older_than,
                                "enablePreviewGeneration": self._enable_preview_generation,
                                "deferredDays": self._deferred_days,
                                "enableDeferredDays": self._enable_deferred_days,
                                "pattern": [
                                "previewPathDir": {
                                    "path": self._path,
                                    "userAccount": {
                                        "userName": self._username,
                                        "password": self._password
                            "excludeMessageClassFilter": {
                                "folderPatternsAvailable": [
                "policyEntity": {
                    "policyName": self._name

        return policy_json

class JournalPolicy():

    """Class for performing Journal policy operations for a specific journal policy"""

    def __init__(self, commcell_object, journal_policy_name):
        """Initialise the Journal Policy class instance."""

        self._commcell_object = commcell_object

        self._name = journal_policy_name
        self._commserver = commcell_object
        self._email_policy_type = 4
        self._complete_job_mapi_error = 0
        self._delete_archived_messages = True
        self._job_hours_run = 0
        self._job_messages_protected = 1
        self._include_folder_filter = "Deleted Items,Drafts,Inbox,Sent Items"
        self._exclude_folder_filter = "Deleted Items,Drafts,Inbox,Sent Items,Junk Mail,Sync Issues"
        self._exclude_message_class_filter = "Appointments,Contacts,Schedules,Tasks"
        self._content_index_behind_alert = False
        self._content_index_data_over = 0
        self._deferred_days = 0
        self._enable_content_index = False
        self._enable_deferred_days = False
        self._enable_preview_generation = False
        self._jobs_older_than = 0
        self._retention_days_for_ci = -1
        self._start_time = 0
        self._synchronize_on = False
        self._path = ""
        self._username = ""
        self._password = ""

    def name(self):
        """Treats the name as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._name

    def name(self, name):
        self._name = name

    def email_policy_type(self):
        """Treats the email_policy_type as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._email_policy_type

    def complete_job_mapi_error(self):
        """Treats the complete_job_mapi_error as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._complete_job_mapi_error

    def complete_job_mapi_error(self, complete_job_mapi_error):
        self._complete_job_mapi_error = complete_job_mapi_error

    def delete_archived_messages(self):
        """Treats the delete_archived_messages as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._delete_archived_messages

    def delete_archived_messages(self, delete_archived_messages):
        self._delete_archived_messages = delete_archived_messages

    def job_hours_run(self):
        """Treats the job_hours_run as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._job_hours_run

    def job_hours_run(self, job_hours_run):
        self._job_hours_run = job_hours_run

    def job_messages_protected(self):
        """Treats the job_messages_protected as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._job_messages_protected

    def job_messages_protected(self, job_messages_protected):
        self._job_messages_protected = job_messages_protected

    def include_folder_filter(self):
        """Treats the include_folder_filter as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._include_folder_filter

    def include_folder_filter(self, include_folder_filter):
        self._include_folder_filter = include_folder_filter

    def exclude_folder_filter(self):
        """Treats the exclude_folder_filter as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._exclude_folder_filter

    def exclude_folder_filter(self, exclude_folder_filter):
        self._exclude_folder_filter = exclude_folder_filter

    def exclude_message_class_filter(self):
        """Treats the exclude_message_class_filter as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._exclude_message_class_filter

    def exclude_message_class_filter(self, exclude_message_class_filter):
        self._exclude_message_class_filter = exclude_message_class_filter

    def content_index_behind_alert(self):
        """Treats the content_index_behind_alert as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._content_index_behind_alert

    def content_index_behind_alert(self, content_index_behind_alert):
        self._content_index_behind_alert = content_index_behind_alert

    def content_index_data_over(self):
        """Treats the content_index_data_over as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._content_index_data_over

    def content_index_data_over(self, content_index_data_over):
        self._content_index_data_over = content_index_data_over

    def deferred_days(self):
        """Treats the deferred_days as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._deferred_days

    def deferred_days(self, deferred_days):
        self._deferred_days = deferred_days

    def enable_content_index(self):
        """Treats the enable_content_index as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._enable_content_index

    def enable_content_index(self, enable_content_index):
        self._enable_content_index = enable_content_index

    def enable_deferred_days(self):
        """Treats the enable_deferred_days as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._enable_deferred_days

    def enable_deferred_days(self, enable_deferred_days):
        self._enable_deferred_days = enable_deferred_days

    def enable_preview_generation(self):
        """Treats the enable_preview_generation as a read-only attribute."""
        return self.enable_preview_generation

    def enable_preview_generation(self, enable_preview_generation):
        self._enable_preview_generation = enable_preview_generation

    def jobs_older_than(self):
        """Treats the jobs_older_than as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._jobs_older_than

    def jobs_older_than(self, jobs_older_than):
        self._jobs_older_than = jobs_older_than

    def retention_days_for_ci(self):
        """Treats the retention_days_for_ci as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._retention_days_for_ci

    def retention_days_for_ci(self, retention_days_for_ci):
        self._retention_days_for_ci = retention_days_for_ci

    def start_time(self):
        """Treats the start_time as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._start_time

    def start_time(self, start_time):
        self._start_time = start_time

    def synchronize_on(self):
        """Treats the synchronize_on as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._synchronize_on

    def synchronize_on(self, synchronize_on):
        self._synchronize_on = synchronize_on

    def path(self):
        """Treats the path as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._path

    def path(self, path):
        self._path = path

    def username(self):
        """Treats the username as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._username

    def username(self, username):
        self._username = username

    def password(self):
        """Treats the password as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._password

    def password(self, password):
        self._password = password

    def _initialize_policy_json(self):
            sets values for creating the add policy json
        policy_json = {
            "policy": {
                "policyType": 1,
                "agentType": {
                    "appTypeId": 137
                "detail": {
                    "emailPolicy": {
                        "emailPolicyType": 4,
                        "journalPolicy": {
                            "deleteArchivedMessages": self._delete_archived_messages,
                            "contentIndexProps": {
                                "enableContentIndex": self._enable_content_index,
                                "contentIndexBehindAlert": self.content_index_behind_alert,
                                "synchronizeOn": self._synchronize_on,
                                "contentIndexDataOver": self._content_index_data_over,
                                "retentionDaysForCI": -self._retention_days_for_ci,
                                "startTime": self._start_time,
                                "jobsOlderThan": self._jobs_older_than,
                                "enablePreviewGeneration": self._enable_preview_generation,
                                "deferredDays": self._deferred_days,
                                "enableDeferredDays": self._enable_deferred_days,
                                "pattern": [
                                "previewPathDir": {
                                    "path": self._path,
                                    "userAccount": {
                                        "userName": self._username,
                                        "password": self._password

                            "excludeMessageClassFilter": {
                                "folderPatternsAvailable": [
                            "includeFolderFilter": {
                                "folderPatternsAvailable": [
                                    "Deleted Items",
                                    "Sent Items"
                            "excludeFolderFilter": {
                                "folderPatternsSelected": [
                                    "Junk Mail",
                                    "Sync Issues"
                                "folderPatternsAvailable": [
                                    "Deleted Items",
                                    "Sent Items"
                "policyEntity": {
                    "policyName": self._name

        return policy_json

class CleanupPolicy():

    """Class for performing Cleanup policy operations for a specific cleanup policy"""

    def __init__(self, commcell_object, cleanup_policy_name):
        """Initialise the cleanup Policy class instance."""

        self._commcell_object = commcell_object
        self._name = cleanup_policy_name
        self._email_policy_type = 2
        self._add_recall_link = True
        self._archive_if_size = 90
        self._archive_mailbox = False
        self._collect_messages_with_attachments = False
        self._collect_messages_days_after = 0
        self._collect_messages_larger_than = 0
        self._create_stubs = True
        self._disabled_mailbox = True
        self._enable_message_rules = True
        self._leave_message_body = True
        self._mailbox_quota = False
        self._number_of_days_for_source_pruning = 730
        self._primary_mailbox = True
        self._prune_erased_messages_or_stubs = False
        self._prune_messages = False
        self._prune_stubs = False
        self._skip_unread_messages = False
        self._stop_archive_if_size = 75
        self._truncate_body = False
        self._truncate_body_to_bytes = 1024
        self._used_disk_space = False
        self._used_disk_space_value = 50
        self._include_folder_filter = "Deleted Items,Drafts,Inbox,Sent Items"
        self._exclude_folder_filter = "Deleted Items,Drafts,Inbox,Sent Items,Junk Mail,Sync Issues"
        self._exclude_message_class_filter = "Appointments,Contacts,Schedules,Tasks"

    def name(self):
        """Treats the name as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._name

    def name(self, name):
        self._name = name

    def email_policy_type(self):
        """Treats the email_policy_type as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._email_policy_type

    def add_recall_link(self):
        """Treats the add_recall_link as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._add_recall_link

    def add_recall_link(self, add_recall_link):
        self._add_recall_link = add_recall_link

    def archive_if_size(self):
        """Treats the archive_if_size as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._archive_if_size

    def archive_if_size(self, archive_if_size):
        self._archive_if_size = archive_if_size

    def archive_mailbox(self):
        """Treats the archive_mailbox as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._archive_mailbox

    def archive_mailbox(self, archive_mailbox):
        self._archive_mailbox = archive_mailbox

    def collect_messages_with_attachments(self):
        """Treats the collect_messages_with_attachments as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._collect_messages_with_attachments

    def collect_messages_with_attachments(self, collect_messages_with_attachments):
        self._collect_messages_with_attachments = collect_messages_with_attachments

    def collect_messages_days_after(self):
        """Treats the collect_messages_days_after as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._collect_messages_days_after

    def collect_messages_days_after(self, collect_messages_days_after):
        self._collect_messages_days_after = collect_messages_days_after

    def collect_messages_larger_than(self):
        """Treats the collect_messages_larger_than as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._collect_messages_larger_than

    def collect_messages_larger_than(self, collect_messages_larger_than):
        self._collect_messages_larger_than = collect_messages_larger_than

    def create_stubs(self):
        """Treats the create_stubs as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._create_stubs

    def create_stubs(self, create_stubs):
        self._create_stubs = create_stubs

    def disabled_mailbox(self):
        """Treats the disabled_mailbox as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._disabled_mailbox

    def disabled_mailbox(self, disabled_mailbox):
        self._disabled_mailbox = disabled_mailbox

    def enable_message_rules(self):
        """Treats the enable_message_rules as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._enable_message_rules

    def enable_message_rules(self, enable_message_rules):
        self._enable_message_rules = enable_message_rules

    def leave_message_body(self):
        """Treats the leave_message_body as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._leave_message_body

    def leave_message_body(self, leave_message_body):
        self._leave_message_body = leave_message_body

    def mailbox_quota(self):
        """Treats the mailbox_quota as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._mailbox_quota

    def mailbox_quota(self, mailbox_quota):
        self._mailbox_quota = mailbox_quota

    def number_of_days_for_source_pruning(self):
        """Treats the number_of_days_for_source_pruning as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._number_of_days_for_source_pruning

    def number_of_days_for_source_pruning(self, number_of_days_for_source_pruning):
        self._number_of_days_for_source_pruning = number_of_days_for_source_pruning

    def primary_mailbox(self):
        """Treats the primary_mailbox as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._primary_mailbox

    def primary_mailbox(self, primary_mailbox):
        self._primary_mailbox = primary_mailbox

    def prune_erased_messages_or_stubs(self):
        """Treats the prune_erased_messages_or_stubs as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._prune_erased_messages_or_stubs

    def prune_erased_messages_or_stubs(self, prune_erased_messages_or_stubs):
        self._prune_erased_messages_or_stubs = prune_erased_messages_or_stubs

    def prune_messages(self):
        """Treats the prune_messages as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._prune_messages

    def prune_messages(self, prune_messages):
        self._prune_messages = prune_messages

    def prune_stubs(self):
        """Treats the prune_stubs as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._prune_stubs

    def prune_stubs(self, prune_stubs):
        self._prune_stubs = prune_stubs

    def skip_unread_messages(self):
        """Treats the skip_unread_messages as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._skip_unread_messages

    def skip_unread_messages(self, skip_unread_messages):
        self._skip_unread_messages = skip_unread_messages

    def stop_archive_if_size(self):
        """Treats the stop_archive_if_size as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._stop_archive_if_size

    def stop_archive_if_size(self, stop_archive_if_size):
        self._stop_archive_if_size = stop_archive_if_size

    def truncate_body(self):
        """Treats the truncate_body as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._truncate_body

    def truncate_body(self, truncate_body):
        self._truncate_body = truncate_body

    def truncate_body_to_bytes(self):
        """Treats the truncate_body_to_bytes as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._truncate_body_to_bytes

    def truncate_body_to_bytes(self, truncate_body_to_bytes):
        self._truncate_body_to_bytes = truncate_body_to_bytes

    def used_disk_space(self):
        """Treats the used_disk_space as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._used_disk_space

    def path(self, used_disk_space):
        self._used_disk_space = used_disk_space

    def used_disk_space_value(self):
        """Treats the used_disk_space_value as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._used_disk_space_value

    def used_disk_space_value(self, used_disk_space_value):
        self._used_disk_space_value = used_disk_space_value

    def include_folder_filter(self):
        """Treats the include_folder_filter as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._include_folder_filter

    def include_folder_filter(self, include_folder_filter):
        self._include_folder_filter = include_folder_filter

    def exclude_folder_filter(self):
        """Treats the exclude_folder_filter as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._exclude_folder_filter

    def exclude_folder_filter(self, exclude_folder_filter):
        self._exclude_folder_filter = exclude_folder_filter

    def exclude_message_class_filter(self):
        """Treats the exclude_message_class_filter as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._exclude_message_class_filter

    def exclude_message_class_filter(self, exclude_message_class_filter):
        self._exclude_message_class_filter = exclude_message_class_filter

    def _initialize_policy_json(self):
            sets values for creating the add policy json

        policy_json = {
            "policy": {
                "policyType": 1,
                "agentType": {
                    "appTypeId": 137
                "detail": {
                    "emailPolicy": {
                        "emailPolicyType": 2,
                        "cleanupPolicy": {
                            "usedDiskSpace": self._used_disk_space,
                            "createStubs": self._create_stubs,
                            "usedDiskSpaceValue": self._used_disk_space_value,
                            "pruneMsgs": self._prune_messages,
                            "primaryMailbox": self._primary_mailbox,
                            "disabledMailbox": self._disabled_mailbox,
                            "pruneErasedMsgsOrStubs": self._prune_erased_messages_or_stubs,
                            "collectMsgsDaysAfter": self._collect_messages_days_after,
                            "numOfDaysForSourcePruning": self._number_of_days_for_source_pruning,
                            "collectMsgsLargerThan": self._collect_messages_larger_than,
                            "skipUnreadMsgs": self._skip_unread_messages,
                            "collectMsgWithAttach": self._collect_messages_with_attachments,
                            "leaveMsgBody": self._leave_message_body,
                            "mailboxQuota": self.mailbox_quota,
                            "truncateBody": self._truncate_body,
                            "pruneStubs": self._prune_stubs,
                            "enableMessageRules": self._enable_message_rules,
                            "archiveMailbox": self._archive_mailbox,
                            "archiveIfSize": self._archive_if_size,
                            "truncateBodyToBytes": self._truncate_body_to_bytes,
                            "addRecallLink": self._add_recall_link,
                            "stopArchiveIfSize": self._stop_archive_if_size,
                            "excludeMessageClassFilter": {
                                "folderPatternsAvailable": [
                            "includeFolderFilter": {
                                "folderPatternsAvailable": [
                                    "Deleted Items",
                                    "Sent Items"
                            "excludeFolderFilter": {
                                "folderPatternsSelected": [
                                    "Junk Mail",
                                    "Sync Issues"
                                "folderPatternsAvailable": [
                                    "Deleted Items",
                                    "Sent Items"
                "policyEntity": {
                    "policyName": self._name

        return policy_json

class RetentionPolicy():
    """Class for performing Retention policy operations for a specific retention policy"""

    def __init__(self, commcell_object, retention_policy_name):
        """Initialise the Rentention Policy class instance."""

        self._commcell_object = commcell_object
        self._name = retention_policy_name
        self._email_policy_type = 3
        self._number_of_days_for_media_pruning = -1
        self._retention_type = 0
        self._exchange_folder_retention = False
        self._exchange_retention_tags = False

    def name(self):
        """Treats the name as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._name

    def name(self, name):
        self._name = name

    def email_policy_type(self):
        """Treats the email_policy_type as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._email_policy_type

    def days_for_media_pruning(self):
        """Treats the number_of_days_for_media_pruning as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._number_of_days_for_media_pruning

    def days_for_media_pruning(self, days_for_media_pruning):
        self._number_of_days_for_media_pruning = days_for_media_pruning

    def retention_type(self):
        """Treats the retention_type as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._retention_type

    def retention_type(self, retention_type):
        self._retention_type = retention_type

    def exchange_folder_retention(self):
        """Treats the exchange_folder_retention as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._exchange_folder_retention

    def exchange_folder_retention(self, exchange_folder_retention):
        self._exchange_folder_retention = exchange_folder_retention

    def exchange_retention_tags(self):
        """Treats the exchange_retention_tags as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._exchange_retention_tags

    def exchange_retention_tags(self, exchange_retention_tags):
        self._exchange_retention_tags = exchange_retention_tags

    def _initialize_policy_json(self):
            sets values for creating the add policy json
        policy_json = {
            "policy": {
                "policyType": 1,
                "agentType": {
                    "appTypeId": 137
                "detail": {
                    "emailPolicy": {
                        "emailPolicyType": 3,
                        "retentionPolicy": {
                            "numOfDaysForMediaPruning": self.days_for_media_pruning,
                            "type": self.retention_type,
                            "advanceRetentionOption": {
                                "bExchangeFoldersRetention": self.exchange_folder_retention,
                                "bExchangeRetentionTags": self.exchange_retention_tags
                "policyEntity": {

        return policy_json

class ContentIndexingPolicy():
    """Class for performing Content Indexing policy operations for a specific CI policy"""

    def __init__(self, commcell_object, ci_policy_name):
        """Initialise the Content indexing Policy class instance."""
        self._commcell_object = commcell_object
        self._name = ci_policy_name
        self._file_policy_type = 5
        self._includeDocTypes = "*.bmp,*.csv,*.doc,*.docx,*.dot,*.eml,*.htm,*.html,*.jpeg,*.jpg," \
                                "*.log,*.msg,*.odg,*.odp,*.ods,*.odt,*.pages,*.pdf,*.png,*.ppt," \
        self._index_server_name = None
        self._data_access_node = None
        self._exclude_paths = ["C:\\Program Files", "C:\\Program Files (x86)", "C:\\Windows"]
        self._min_doc_size = 0
        self._max_doc_size = 50

    def name(self):
        """Treats the name as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._name

    def name(self, value):
        """Sets the value of name"""
        self._name = value

    def include_doc_types(self):
        """Treats the include_doc_types as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._includeDocTypes

    def include_doc_types(self, value):
        """Sets the value of include docs type"""
        self._includeDocTypes = value

    def index_server_name(self):
        """Treats the index_server_name as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._index_server_name

    def index_server_name(self, value):
        """Sets the value of index server name"""
        self._index_server_name = value

    def data_access_node(self):
        """Treats the data_access_node as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._data_access_node

    def data_access_node(self, value):
        """Sets the value of data access node"""
        self._data_access_node = value

    def min_doc_size(self):
        """Treats the min_doc_size as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._min_doc_size

    def min_doc_size(self, value):
        """Sets the value of minimum doc size"""
        self._min_doc_size = value

    def max_doc_size(self):
        """Treats the max_doc_size as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._max_doc_size

    def max_doc_size(self, value):
        """Sets the value of maximum doc size"""
        self._max_doc_size = value

    def exclude_paths(self):
        """Treats the exclude_paths as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._exclude_paths

    def exclude_paths(self, value):
        """Sets the value of exclude paths"""
        self._exclude_paths = value

    def _initialize_policy_json(self):
            sets values for creating the add policy json
        if not isinstance(self._index_server_name, str) or not isinstance(self._data_access_node, str) \
            or not isinstance(self._exclude_paths, list) or not isinstance(self._includeDocTypes, str) \
                or not isinstance(self._name, str) or not isinstance(self._min_doc_size, int) \
                or not isinstance(self._max_doc_size, int):
            raise SDKException('ConfigurationPolicies', '101')
        policy_json = {
            "policy": {
                "policyType": 2,
                "flags": 0,
                "agentType": {
                    "appTypeId": 33
                "detail": {
                    "filePolicy": {
                        "filePolicyType": self._file_policy_type,
                        "contentIndexingPolicy": {
                            "includeDocTypes": self._includeDocTypes,
                            "copyPrecedence": 1,
                            "minDocSize": self._min_doc_size,
                            "searchEngineId": int(self._commcell_object.index_servers.
                            "contentIndexVersionsAfterNumberOfDays": -1,
                            "maxDocSize": self._max_doc_size,
                            "globalFilterFlag": 0,
                            "excludePaths": self._exclude_paths,
                            "dataAccessNodes": {
                                "numberOfStreams": 0,
                                "dataAccessNodes": [
                                        "clientName": self._data_access_node,
                                        "clientId": int(self._commcell_object.clients.
                                        "_type_": 3
                "policyEntity": {
                    "policyName": self._name
        return policy_json


class ArchivePolicy (commcell_object, archive_policy_name)

Class for performing Archive policy operations for a specific archive policy

Initialise the Archive Policy class instance.

Expand source code Browse git
class ArchivePolicy():
    """Class for performing Archive policy operations for a specific archive policy"""

    def __init__(self, commcell_object, archive_policy_name):
        """Initialise the Archive Policy class instance."""
        self._commcell_object = commcell_object

        self._name = archive_policy_name
        self._email_policy_type = 1
        self._archive_mailbox = False
        self._backup_deleted_item_retention = False
        self._backup_stubs = False
        self._disabled_mailbox = True
        self._enable_mailbox_quota = False
        self._include_messages_larger_than = 0
        self._include_messages_older_than = 0
        self._include_messages_with_attachements = False
        self._primary_mailbox = True
        self._include_discovery_holds_folder = False
        self._include_purges_folder = False
        self._include_version_folder = False
        self._save_conversation_meta_data = False
        self._include_categories = False
        self._skip_mailboxes_exceeded_quota = 10240
        self._include_folder_filter = "Deleted Items,Drafts,Inbox,Sent Items"
        self._exclude_folder_filter = "Deleted Items,Drafts,Inbox,Sent Items,Junk Mail,Sync Issues"
        self._exclude_message_class_filter = "Appointments,Contacts,Schedules,Tasks"
        self._content_index_behind_alert = False
        self._content_index_data_over = 0
        self._deferred_days = 0
        self._enable_content_index = False
        self._enable_deferred_days = False
        self._enable_preview_generation = False
        self._jobs_older_than = 0
        self._retention_days_for_ci = -1
        self._start_time = 0
        self._synchronize_on = False
        self._path = ""
        self._username = ""
        self._password = ""
        # self._initialize_archive_policy_properties()

    def name(self):
        """Treats the name as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._name

    def name(self, name):
        """Sets the name of the policy"""
        self._name = name

    def email_policy_type(self):
        """Treats the email_policy_type as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._email_policy_type

    def archive_mailbox(self):
        """Treats the archive_mailbox as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._archive_mailbox

    def archive_mailbox(self, archive_mailbox):
        """Enable/Disable archive_mailbox option for policy"""
        self._archive_mailbox = archive_mailbox

    def backup_deleted_item_retention(self):
        """Treats the backup_deleted_item_retention as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._backup_deleted_item_retention

    def backup_deleted_item_retention(self, backup_deleted_item_retention):
        """Enable/Disable backup deleted item retention"""
        self._backup_deleted_item_retention = backup_deleted_item_retention

    def backup_stubs(self):
        """Treats the backup_stubs as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._backup_stubs

    def backup_stubs(self, backup_stubs):
        """Sets backup stubs option on policy"""
        self._backup_stubs = backup_stubs

    def disabled_mailbox(self):
        """Treats the disabled_mailbox as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._disabled_mailbox

    def disabled_mailbox(self, disabled_mailbox):
        """Enable/Disable disable mailbox on policy"""
        self._disabled_mailbox = disabled_mailbox

    def enable_mailbox_quota(self):
        """Treats the enable_mailbox_quota as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._enable_mailbox_quota

    def enable_mailbox_quota(self, enable_mailbox_quota):
        """Sets the mailbox quota value"""
        self._enable_mailbox_quota = enable_mailbox_quota

    def include_messages_larger_than(self):
        """Treats the include_messages_larger_than as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._include_messages_larger_than

    def include_messages_larger_than(self, include_messages_larger_than):
        """Sets the message rule include message larger than"""
        self._include_messages_larger_than = include_messages_larger_than

    def include_messages_older_than(self):
        """Treats the include_messages_older_than as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._include_messages_older_than

    def include_messages_older_than(self, include_messages_older_than):
        """Sets the message rule include messages older than"""
        self._include_messages_older_than = include_messages_older_than

    def include_messages_with_attachements(self):
        """Treats the include_messages_with_attachements as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._include_messages_with_attachements

    def include_messages_with_attachements(self, include_messages_with_attachements):
        """Sets the message rule include messages with attachments"""
        self._include_messages_with_attachements = include_messages_with_attachements

    def primary_mailbox(self):
        """Treats the primary_mailbox as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._primary_mailbox

    def primary_mailbox(self, primary_mailbox):
        """Enable/Disable primary mailbox on policy """
        self._primary_mailbox = primary_mailbox

    def skip_mailboxes_exceeded_quota(self):
        """Treats the skip_mailboxes_exceeded_quota as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._skip_mailboxes_exceeded_quota

    def skip_mailboxes_exceeded_quota(self, skip_mailboxes_exceeded_quota):
        """Sets the mailbox exceeded quota value"""
        self._skip_mailboxes_exceeded_quota = skip_mailboxes_exceeded_quota

    def include_discovery_holds_folder(self):
        """Treats the include_discovery_holds_folder as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._include_discovery_holds_folder

    def include_discovery_holds_folder(self, include_discovery_holds_folder):
        """Enable/Disable disocvery hold folder"""
        self._include_discovery_holds_folder = include_discovery_holds_folder

    def include_purges_folder(self):
        """Treats the include_purges_folder as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._include_purges_folder

    def include_purges_folder(self, include_purges_folder):
        """Enable/Disable Purges folder"""
        self._include_purges_folder = include_purges_folder

    def include_version_folder(self):
        """Treats the include_version_folder as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._include_version_folder

    def include_version_folder(self, include_version_folder):
        """Enable/Disable versions folder"""
        self._include_version_folder = include_version_folder

    def save_conversation_meta_data(self):
        """Treats the save_conversation_meta_data as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._save_conversation_meta_data

    def save_conversation_meta_data(self, save_conversation_meta_data):
        """sets the save conversation meta data"""
        self._save_conversation_meta_data = save_conversation_meta_data

    def include_categories(self):
        """Treats the include_categories as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._include_categories

    def include_categories(self, include_categories):
        """sets the include categories option on policy"""
        self._include_categories = include_categories

    def include_folder_filter(self):
        """Treats the include_folder_filter as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._include_folder_filter

    def include_folder_filter(self, include_folder_filter):
        """sets include folder filter on policy"""
        self._include_folder_filter = include_folder_filter

    def exclude_folder_filter(self):
        """Treats the exclude_folder_filter as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._exclude_folder_filter

    def exclude_folder_filter(self, exclude_folder_filter):
        """sets exclude folder filter on policy"""
        self._exclude_folder_filter = exclude_folder_filter

    def exclude_message_class_filter(self):
        """Treats the exclude_message_class_filter as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._exclude_message_class_filter

    def exclude_message_class_filter(self, exclude_message_class_filter):
        """sets message class filters on policy"""
        self._exclude_message_class_filter = exclude_message_class_filter

    def content_index_behind_alert(self):
        """Treats the content_index_behind_alert as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._content_index_behind_alert

    def content_index_behind_alert(self, content_index_behind_alert):
        """sets content index alert"""
        self._content_index_behind_alert = content_index_behind_alert

    def content_index_data_over(self):
        """Treats the content_index_data_over as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._content_index_data_over

    def content_index_data_over(self, content_index_data_over):
        """sets content Index data over value"""
        self._content_index_data_over = content_index_data_over

    def deferred_days(self):
        """Treats the deferred_days as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._deferred_days

    def deferred_days(self, deferred_days):
        """sets deferred days"""
        self._deferred_days = deferred_days

    def enable_content_index(self):
        """Treats the enable_content_index as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._enable_content_index

    def enable_content_index(self, enable_content_index):
        """Enable/Disable ContentIndex"""
        self._enable_content_index = enable_content_index

    def enable_deferred_days(self):
        """Treats the enable_deferred_days as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._enable_deferred_days

    def enable_deferred_days(self, enable_deferred_days):
        """Enable/Disable deferred days"""
        self._enable_deferred_days = enable_deferred_days

    def enable_preview_generation(self):
        """Treats the enable_preview_generation as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._enable_preview_generation

    def enable_preview_generation(self, enable_preview_generation):
        """Enable/Disable preview generation"""
        self._enable_preview_generation = enable_preview_generation

    def jobs_older_than(self):
        """Treats the jobs_older_than as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._jobs_older_than

    def jobs_older_than(self, jobs_older_than):
        """sets job older than value"""
        self._jobs_older_than = jobs_older_than

    def retention_days_for_ci(self):
        """Treats the retention_days_for_ci as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._retention_days_for_ci

    def retention_days_for_ci(self, retention_days_for_ci):
        """sets retention for ContentIndex"""
        self._retention_days_for_ci = retention_days_for_ci

    def start_time(self):
        """Treats the start_time as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._start_time

    def start_time(self, start_time):
        """sets start time"""
        self._start_time = start_time

    def synchronize_on(self):
        """Treats the synchronize_on as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._synchronize_on

    def synchronize_on(self, synchronize_on):
        """sets synchronize on for ContentIndex"""
        self._synchronize_on = synchronize_on

    def path(self):
        """Treats the path as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._path

    def path(self, path):
        """sets previewpath for ContentIndex"""
        self._path = path

    def username(self):
        """Treats the username as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._username

    def username(self, username):
        """sets username for ContentIndex"""
        self._username = username

    def password(self):
        """Treats the password as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._password

    def password(self, password):
        self._password = password

    def _initialize_policy_json(self):
            sets values for creating the add policy json

        policy_json = {
            "policy": {
                "policyType": 1,
                "agentType": {
                    "appTypeId": 137
                "detail": {
                    "emailPolicy": {
                        "emailPolicyType": 1,
                        "archivePolicy": {
                            "includeMsgsLargerThan": self._include_messages_larger_than,
                            "skipMailBoxesExceededQuota": self._skip_mailboxes_exceeded_quota,
                            "backupDeletedItemRetention": self._backup_deleted_item_retention,
                            "primaryMailbox": self._primary_mailbox,
                            "includeMsgsOlderThan": self._include_messages_older_than,
                            "archiveMailbox": self._archive_mailbox,
                            "disabledMailbox": self._disabled_mailbox,
                            "backupStubs": self._backup_stubs,
                            "enableMailBoxQuota": self._enable_mailbox_quota,
                            "includeOnlyMsgsWithAttachemts": self._include_messages_with_attachements,
                            "includeDiscoveryHoldsFolder": self._include_discovery_holds_folder,
                            "includePurgesFolder": self._include_purges_folder,
                            "includeVersionsFolder": self._include_version_folder,
                            "saveConversationMetaData": self._save_conversation_meta_data,
                            "includeCategories": self._include_categories,
                            "includeFolderFilter": {
                                "folderPatternsAvailable": [
                                    "Deleted Items",
                                    "Sent Items"
                            "excludeFolderFilter": {
                                "folderPatternsSelected": [
                                    "Junk Mail",
                                    "Sync Issues"
                                "folderPatternsAvailable": [
                                    "Deleted Items",
                                    "Sent Items"
                            "contentIndexProps": {
                                "enableContentIndex": self._enable_content_index,
                                "contentIndexBehindAlert": self._content_index_behind_alert,
                                "synchronizeOn": self._synchronize_on,
                                "contentIndexDataOver": self._content_index_data_over,
                                "retentionDaysForCI": self._retention_days_for_ci,
                                "startTime": self._start_time,
                                "jobsOlderThan": self._jobs_older_than,
                                "enablePreviewGeneration": self._enable_preview_generation,
                                "deferredDays": self._deferred_days,
                                "enableDeferredDays": self._enable_deferred_days,
                                "pattern": [
                                "previewPathDir": {
                                    "path": self._path,
                                    "userAccount": {
                                        "userName": self._username,
                                        "password": self._password
                            "excludeMessageClassFilter": {
                                "folderPatternsAvailable": [
                "policyEntity": {
                    "policyName": self._name

        return policy_json

Instance variables

var archive_mailbox

Treats the archive_mailbox as a read-only attribute.

Expand source code Browse git
def archive_mailbox(self):
    """Treats the archive_mailbox as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._archive_mailbox
var backup_deleted_item_retention

Treats the backup_deleted_item_retention as a read-only attribute.

Expand source code Browse git
def backup_deleted_item_retention(self):
    """Treats the backup_deleted_item_retention as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._backup_deleted_item_retention
var backup_stubs

Treats the backup_stubs as a read-only attribute.

Expand source code Browse git
def backup_stubs(self):
    """Treats the backup_stubs as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._backup_stubs
var content_index_behind_alert

Treats the content_index_behind_alert as a read-only attribute.

Expand source code Browse git
def content_index_behind_alert(self):
    """Treats the content_index_behind_alert as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._content_index_behind_alert
var content_index_data_over

Treats the content_index_data_over as a read-only attribute.

Expand source code Browse git
def content_index_data_over(self):
    """Treats the content_index_data_over as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._content_index_data_over
var deferred_days

Treats the deferred_days as a read-only attribute.

Expand source code Browse git
def deferred_days(self):
    """Treats the deferred_days as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._deferred_days
var disabled_mailbox

Treats the disabled_mailbox as a read-only attribute.

Expand source code Browse git
def disabled_mailbox(self):
    """Treats the disabled_mailbox as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._disabled_mailbox
var email_policy_type

Treats the email_policy_type as a read-only attribute.

Expand source code Browse git
def email_policy_type(self):
    """Treats the email_policy_type as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._email_policy_type
var enable_content_index

Treats the enable_content_index as a read-only attribute.

Expand source code Browse git
def enable_content_index(self):
    """Treats the enable_content_index as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._enable_content_index
var enable_deferred_days

Treats the enable_deferred_days as a read-only attribute.

Expand source code Browse git
def enable_deferred_days(self):
    """Treats the enable_deferred_days as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._enable_deferred_days
var enable_mailbox_quota

Treats the enable_mailbox_quota as a read-only attribute.

Expand source code Browse git
def enable_mailbox_quota(self):
    """Treats the enable_mailbox_quota as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._enable_mailbox_quota
var enable_preview_generation

Treats the enable_preview_generation as a read-only attribute.

Expand source code Browse git
def enable_preview_generation(self):
    """Treats the enable_preview_generation as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._enable_preview_generation
var exclude_folder_filter

Treats the exclude_folder_filter as a read-only attribute.

Expand source code Browse git
def exclude_folder_filter(self):
    """Treats the exclude_folder_filter as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._exclude_folder_filter
var exclude_message_class_filter

Treats the exclude_message_class_filter as a read-only attribute.

Expand source code Browse git
def exclude_message_class_filter(self):
    """Treats the exclude_message_class_filter as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._exclude_message_class_filter
var include_categories

Treats the include_categories as a read-only attribute.

Expand source code Browse git
def include_categories(self):
    """Treats the include_categories as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._include_categories
var include_discovery_holds_folder

Treats the include_discovery_holds_folder as a read-only attribute.

Expand source code Browse git
def include_discovery_holds_folder(self):
    """Treats the include_discovery_holds_folder as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._include_discovery_holds_folder
var include_folder_filter

Treats the include_folder_filter as a read-only attribute.

Expand source code Browse git
def include_folder_filter(self):
    """Treats the include_folder_filter as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._include_folder_filter
var include_messages_larger_than

Treats the include_messages_larger_than as a read-only attribute.

Expand source code Browse git
def include_messages_larger_than(self):
    """Treats the include_messages_larger_than as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._include_messages_larger_than
var include_messages_older_than

Treats the include_messages_older_than as a read-only attribute.

Expand source code Browse git
def include_messages_older_than(self):
    """Treats the include_messages_older_than as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._include_messages_older_than
var include_messages_with_attachements

Treats the include_messages_with_attachements as a read-only attribute.

Expand source code Browse git
def include_messages_with_attachements(self):
    """Treats the include_messages_with_attachements as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._include_messages_with_attachements
var include_purges_folder

Treats the include_purges_folder as a read-only attribute.

Expand source code Browse git
def include_purges_folder(self):
    """Treats the include_purges_folder as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._include_purges_folder
var include_version_folder

Treats the include_version_folder as a read-only attribute.

Expand source code Browse git
def include_version_folder(self):
    """Treats the include_version_folder as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._include_version_folder
var jobs_older_than

Treats the jobs_older_than as a read-only attribute.

Expand source code Browse git
def jobs_older_than(self):
    """Treats the jobs_older_than as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._jobs_older_than
var name

Treats the name as a read-only attribute.

Expand source code Browse git
def name(self):
    """Treats the name as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._name
var password

Treats the password as a read-only attribute.

Expand source code Browse git
def password(self):
    """Treats the password as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._password
var path

Treats the path as a read-only attribute.

Expand source code Browse git
def path(self):
    """Treats the path as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._path
var primary_mailbox

Treats the primary_mailbox as a read-only attribute.

Expand source code Browse git
def primary_mailbox(self):
    """Treats the primary_mailbox as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._primary_mailbox
var retention_days_for_ci

Treats the retention_days_for_ci as a read-only attribute.

Expand source code Browse git
def retention_days_for_ci(self):
    """Treats the retention_days_for_ci as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._retention_days_for_ci
var save_conversation_meta_data

Treats the save_conversation_meta_data as a read-only attribute.

Expand source code Browse git
def save_conversation_meta_data(self):
    """Treats the save_conversation_meta_data as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._save_conversation_meta_data
var skip_mailboxes_exceeded_quota

Treats the skip_mailboxes_exceeded_quota as a read-only attribute.

Expand source code Browse git
def skip_mailboxes_exceeded_quota(self):
    """Treats the skip_mailboxes_exceeded_quota as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._skip_mailboxes_exceeded_quota
var start_time

Treats the start_time as a read-only attribute.

Expand source code Browse git
def start_time(self):
    """Treats the start_time as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._start_time
var synchronize_on

Treats the synchronize_on as a read-only attribute.

Expand source code Browse git
def synchronize_on(self):
    """Treats the synchronize_on as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._synchronize_on
var username

Treats the username as a read-only attribute.

Expand source code Browse git
def username(self):
    """Treats the username as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._username
class CleanupPolicy (commcell_object, cleanup_policy_name)

Class for performing Cleanup policy operations for a specific cleanup policy

Initialise the cleanup Policy class instance.

Expand source code Browse git
class CleanupPolicy():

    """Class for performing Cleanup policy operations for a specific cleanup policy"""

    def __init__(self, commcell_object, cleanup_policy_name):
        """Initialise the cleanup Policy class instance."""

        self._commcell_object = commcell_object
        self._name = cleanup_policy_name
        self._email_policy_type = 2
        self._add_recall_link = True
        self._archive_if_size = 90
        self._archive_mailbox = False
        self._collect_messages_with_attachments = False
        self._collect_messages_days_after = 0
        self._collect_messages_larger_than = 0
        self._create_stubs = True
        self._disabled_mailbox = True
        self._enable_message_rules = True
        self._leave_message_body = True
        self._mailbox_quota = False
        self._number_of_days_for_source_pruning = 730
        self._primary_mailbox = True
        self._prune_erased_messages_or_stubs = False
        self._prune_messages = False
        self._prune_stubs = False
        self._skip_unread_messages = False
        self._stop_archive_if_size = 75
        self._truncate_body = False
        self._truncate_body_to_bytes = 1024
        self._used_disk_space = False
        self._used_disk_space_value = 50
        self._include_folder_filter = "Deleted Items,Drafts,Inbox,Sent Items"
        self._exclude_folder_filter = "Deleted Items,Drafts,Inbox,Sent Items,Junk Mail,Sync Issues"
        self._exclude_message_class_filter = "Appointments,Contacts,Schedules,Tasks"

    def name(self):
        """Treats the name as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._name

    def name(self, name):
        self._name = name

    def email_policy_type(self):
        """Treats the email_policy_type as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._email_policy_type

    def add_recall_link(self):
        """Treats the add_recall_link as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._add_recall_link

    def add_recall_link(self, add_recall_link):
        self._add_recall_link = add_recall_link

    def archive_if_size(self):
        """Treats the archive_if_size as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._archive_if_size

    def archive_if_size(self, archive_if_size):
        self._archive_if_size = archive_if_size

    def archive_mailbox(self):
        """Treats the archive_mailbox as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._archive_mailbox

    def archive_mailbox(self, archive_mailbox):
        self._archive_mailbox = archive_mailbox

    def collect_messages_with_attachments(self):
        """Treats the collect_messages_with_attachments as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._collect_messages_with_attachments

    def collect_messages_with_attachments(self, collect_messages_with_attachments):
        self._collect_messages_with_attachments = collect_messages_with_attachments

    def collect_messages_days_after(self):
        """Treats the collect_messages_days_after as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._collect_messages_days_after

    def collect_messages_days_after(self, collect_messages_days_after):
        self._collect_messages_days_after = collect_messages_days_after

    def collect_messages_larger_than(self):
        """Treats the collect_messages_larger_than as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._collect_messages_larger_than

    def collect_messages_larger_than(self, collect_messages_larger_than):
        self._collect_messages_larger_than = collect_messages_larger_than

    def create_stubs(self):
        """Treats the create_stubs as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._create_stubs

    def create_stubs(self, create_stubs):
        self._create_stubs = create_stubs

    def disabled_mailbox(self):
        """Treats the disabled_mailbox as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._disabled_mailbox

    def disabled_mailbox(self, disabled_mailbox):
        self._disabled_mailbox = disabled_mailbox

    def enable_message_rules(self):
        """Treats the enable_message_rules as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._enable_message_rules

    def enable_message_rules(self, enable_message_rules):
        self._enable_message_rules = enable_message_rules

    def leave_message_body(self):
        """Treats the leave_message_body as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._leave_message_body

    def leave_message_body(self, leave_message_body):
        self._leave_message_body = leave_message_body

    def mailbox_quota(self):
        """Treats the mailbox_quota as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._mailbox_quota

    def mailbox_quota(self, mailbox_quota):
        self._mailbox_quota = mailbox_quota

    def number_of_days_for_source_pruning(self):
        """Treats the number_of_days_for_source_pruning as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._number_of_days_for_source_pruning

    def number_of_days_for_source_pruning(self, number_of_days_for_source_pruning):
        self._number_of_days_for_source_pruning = number_of_days_for_source_pruning

    def primary_mailbox(self):
        """Treats the primary_mailbox as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._primary_mailbox

    def primary_mailbox(self, primary_mailbox):
        self._primary_mailbox = primary_mailbox

    def prune_erased_messages_or_stubs(self):
        """Treats the prune_erased_messages_or_stubs as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._prune_erased_messages_or_stubs

    def prune_erased_messages_or_stubs(self, prune_erased_messages_or_stubs):
        self._prune_erased_messages_or_stubs = prune_erased_messages_or_stubs

    def prune_messages(self):
        """Treats the prune_messages as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._prune_messages

    def prune_messages(self, prune_messages):
        self._prune_messages = prune_messages

    def prune_stubs(self):
        """Treats the prune_stubs as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._prune_stubs

    def prune_stubs(self, prune_stubs):
        self._prune_stubs = prune_stubs

    def skip_unread_messages(self):
        """Treats the skip_unread_messages as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._skip_unread_messages

    def skip_unread_messages(self, skip_unread_messages):
        self._skip_unread_messages = skip_unread_messages

    def stop_archive_if_size(self):
        """Treats the stop_archive_if_size as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._stop_archive_if_size

    def stop_archive_if_size(self, stop_archive_if_size):
        self._stop_archive_if_size = stop_archive_if_size

    def truncate_body(self):
        """Treats the truncate_body as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._truncate_body

    def truncate_body(self, truncate_body):
        self._truncate_body = truncate_body

    def truncate_body_to_bytes(self):
        """Treats the truncate_body_to_bytes as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._truncate_body_to_bytes

    def truncate_body_to_bytes(self, truncate_body_to_bytes):
        self._truncate_body_to_bytes = truncate_body_to_bytes

    def used_disk_space(self):
        """Treats the used_disk_space as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._used_disk_space

    def path(self, used_disk_space):
        self._used_disk_space = used_disk_space

    def used_disk_space_value(self):
        """Treats the used_disk_space_value as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._used_disk_space_value

    def used_disk_space_value(self, used_disk_space_value):
        self._used_disk_space_value = used_disk_space_value

    def include_folder_filter(self):
        """Treats the include_folder_filter as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._include_folder_filter

    def include_folder_filter(self, include_folder_filter):
        self._include_folder_filter = include_folder_filter

    def exclude_folder_filter(self):
        """Treats the exclude_folder_filter as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._exclude_folder_filter

    def exclude_folder_filter(self, exclude_folder_filter):
        self._exclude_folder_filter = exclude_folder_filter

    def exclude_message_class_filter(self):
        """Treats the exclude_message_class_filter as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._exclude_message_class_filter

    def exclude_message_class_filter(self, exclude_message_class_filter):
        self._exclude_message_class_filter = exclude_message_class_filter

    def _initialize_policy_json(self):
            sets values for creating the add policy json

        policy_json = {
            "policy": {
                "policyType": 1,
                "agentType": {
                    "appTypeId": 137
                "detail": {
                    "emailPolicy": {
                        "emailPolicyType": 2,
                        "cleanupPolicy": {
                            "usedDiskSpace": self._used_disk_space,
                            "createStubs": self._create_stubs,
                            "usedDiskSpaceValue": self._used_disk_space_value,
                            "pruneMsgs": self._prune_messages,
                            "primaryMailbox": self._primary_mailbox,
                            "disabledMailbox": self._disabled_mailbox,
                            "pruneErasedMsgsOrStubs": self._prune_erased_messages_or_stubs,
                            "collectMsgsDaysAfter": self._collect_messages_days_after,
                            "numOfDaysForSourcePruning": self._number_of_days_for_source_pruning,
                            "collectMsgsLargerThan": self._collect_messages_larger_than,
                            "skipUnreadMsgs": self._skip_unread_messages,
                            "collectMsgWithAttach": self._collect_messages_with_attachments,
                            "leaveMsgBody": self._leave_message_body,
                            "mailboxQuota": self.mailbox_quota,
                            "truncateBody": self._truncate_body,
                            "pruneStubs": self._prune_stubs,
                            "enableMessageRules": self._enable_message_rules,
                            "archiveMailbox": self._archive_mailbox,
                            "archiveIfSize": self._archive_if_size,
                            "truncateBodyToBytes": self._truncate_body_to_bytes,
                            "addRecallLink": self._add_recall_link,
                            "stopArchiveIfSize": self._stop_archive_if_size,
                            "excludeMessageClassFilter": {
                                "folderPatternsAvailable": [
                            "includeFolderFilter": {
                                "folderPatternsAvailable": [
                                    "Deleted Items",
                                    "Sent Items"
                            "excludeFolderFilter": {
                                "folderPatternsSelected": [
                                    "Junk Mail",
                                    "Sync Issues"
                                "folderPatternsAvailable": [
                                    "Deleted Items",
                                    "Sent Items"
                "policyEntity": {
                    "policyName": self._name

        return policy_json

Instance variables

Treats the add_recall_link as a read-only attribute.

Expand source code Browse git
def add_recall_link(self):
    """Treats the add_recall_link as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._add_recall_link
var archive_if_size

Treats the archive_if_size as a read-only attribute.

Expand source code Browse git
def archive_if_size(self):
    """Treats the archive_if_size as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._archive_if_size
var archive_mailbox

Treats the archive_mailbox as a read-only attribute.

Expand source code Browse git
def archive_mailbox(self):
    """Treats the archive_mailbox as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._archive_mailbox
var collect_messages_days_after

Treats the collect_messages_days_after as a read-only attribute.

Expand source code Browse git
def collect_messages_days_after(self):
    """Treats the collect_messages_days_after as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._collect_messages_days_after
var collect_messages_larger_than

Treats the collect_messages_larger_than as a read-only attribute.

Expand source code Browse git
def collect_messages_larger_than(self):
    """Treats the collect_messages_larger_than as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._collect_messages_larger_than
var collect_messages_with_attachments

Treats the collect_messages_with_attachments as a read-only attribute.

Expand source code Browse git
def collect_messages_with_attachments(self):
    """Treats the collect_messages_with_attachments as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._collect_messages_with_attachments
var create_stubs

Treats the create_stubs as a read-only attribute.

Expand source code Browse git
def create_stubs(self):
    """Treats the create_stubs as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._create_stubs
var disabled_mailbox

Treats the disabled_mailbox as a read-only attribute.

Expand source code Browse git
def disabled_mailbox(self):
    """Treats the disabled_mailbox as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._disabled_mailbox
var email_policy_type

Treats the email_policy_type as a read-only attribute.

Expand source code Browse git
def email_policy_type(self):
    """Treats the email_policy_type as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._email_policy_type
var enable_message_rules

Treats the enable_message_rules as a read-only attribute.

Expand source code Browse git
def enable_message_rules(self):
    """Treats the enable_message_rules as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._enable_message_rules
var exclude_folder_filter

Treats the exclude_folder_filter as a read-only attribute.

Expand source code Browse git
def exclude_folder_filter(self):
    """Treats the exclude_folder_filter as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._exclude_folder_filter
var exclude_message_class_filter

Treats the exclude_message_class_filter as a read-only attribute.

Expand source code Browse git
def exclude_message_class_filter(self):
    """Treats the exclude_message_class_filter as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._exclude_message_class_filter
var include_folder_filter

Treats the include_folder_filter as a read-only attribute.

Expand source code Browse git
def include_folder_filter(self):
    """Treats the include_folder_filter as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._include_folder_filter
var leave_message_body

Treats the leave_message_body as a read-only attribute.

Expand source code Browse git
def leave_message_body(self):
    """Treats the leave_message_body as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._leave_message_body
var mailbox_quota

Treats the mailbox_quota as a read-only attribute.

Expand source code Browse git
def mailbox_quota(self):
    """Treats the mailbox_quota as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._mailbox_quota
var name

Treats the name as a read-only attribute.

Expand source code Browse git
def name(self):
    """Treats the name as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._name
var number_of_days_for_source_pruning

Treats the number_of_days_for_source_pruning as a read-only attribute.

Expand source code Browse git
def number_of_days_for_source_pruning(self):
    """Treats the number_of_days_for_source_pruning as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._number_of_days_for_source_pruning
var path

Treats the used_disk_space as a read-only attribute.

Expand source code Browse git
def used_disk_space(self):
    """Treats the used_disk_space as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._used_disk_space
var primary_mailbox

Treats the primary_mailbox as a read-only attribute.

Expand source code Browse git
def primary_mailbox(self):
    """Treats the primary_mailbox as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._primary_mailbox
var prune_erased_messages_or_stubs

Treats the prune_erased_messages_or_stubs as a read-only attribute.

Expand source code Browse git
def prune_erased_messages_or_stubs(self):
    """Treats the prune_erased_messages_or_stubs as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._prune_erased_messages_or_stubs
var prune_messages

Treats the prune_messages as a read-only attribute.

Expand source code Browse git
def prune_messages(self):
    """Treats the prune_messages as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._prune_messages
var prune_stubs

Treats the prune_stubs as a read-only attribute.

Expand source code Browse git
def prune_stubs(self):
    """Treats the prune_stubs as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._prune_stubs
var skip_unread_messages

Treats the skip_unread_messages as a read-only attribute.

Expand source code Browse git
def skip_unread_messages(self):
    """Treats the skip_unread_messages as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._skip_unread_messages
var stop_archive_if_size

Treats the stop_archive_if_size as a read-only attribute.

Expand source code Browse git
def stop_archive_if_size(self):
    """Treats the stop_archive_if_size as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._stop_archive_if_size
var truncate_body

Treats the truncate_body as a read-only attribute.

Expand source code Browse git
def truncate_body(self):
    """Treats the truncate_body as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._truncate_body
var truncate_body_to_bytes

Treats the truncate_body_to_bytes as a read-only attribute.

Expand source code Browse git
def truncate_body_to_bytes(self):
    """Treats the truncate_body_to_bytes as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._truncate_body_to_bytes
var used_disk_space

Treats the used_disk_space as a read-only attribute.

Expand source code Browse git
def used_disk_space(self):
    """Treats the used_disk_space as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._used_disk_space
var used_disk_space_value

Treats the used_disk_space_value as a read-only attribute.

Expand source code Browse git
def used_disk_space_value(self):
    """Treats the used_disk_space_value as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._used_disk_space_value
class ConfigurationPolicies (commcell_object)

Class for getting all the Configuration policies associated with the commcell.

Initialize object of the ConfigurationPolicies class.


commcell_object (object) – instance of the Commcell class


object - instance of the ConfigurationPolicies class

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class ConfigurationPolicies(object):
    """Class for getting all the Configuration policies associated with the commcell."""

    def __init__(self, commcell_object):
        """Initialize object of the ConfigurationPolicies class.

                commcell_object     (object)    --  instance of the Commcell class

                object  -   instance of the ConfigurationPolicies class

        self._commcell_object = commcell_object

        self._cvpysdk_object = commcell_object._cvpysdk_object
        self._services = commcell_object._services
        self._update_response_ = commcell_object._update_response_

        self._POLICY = self._services['GET_CONFIGURATION_POLICIES']
        self._POLICY_FS = self._services['GET_CONFIGURATION_POLICIES_FS']
        self._CREATE_TASK = self._services['CREATE_TASK']
        self._policies = None
        self._ci_policies = None

    def __repr__(self):
        """Representation string for the instance of the ConfigurationPolicies class."""
        return "ConfigurationPolicies class instance for Commcell: '{0}'".format(

    def _get_policies(self):
        """Gets all the Configuration policies associated to the
            commcell specified by commcell object.

                dict    -   consists of all Configuration policies of the commcell

                        "configuration_policy1_name": configuration_policy1_id,

                        "configuration_policy2_name": configuration_policy2_id

                    if response is empty

                    if response is not success

        flag, response = self._cvpysdk_object.make_request('GET', self._POLICY)

        if flag:
            if response.json() and 'policies' in response.json():
                policies = response.json()['policies']

                if policies == []:
                    return {}

                policies_dict = {}

                for policy in policies:
                    temp_name = policy['policyEntity']['policyName'].lower()
                    temp_id = str(policy['policyEntity']['policyId']).lower()
                    temp_policytype = str(policy['detail']['emailPolicy']
                    policies_dict[temp_name] = [temp_id, temp_policytype]

                return policies_dict
                return {}
            response_string = self._update_response_(response.text)
            raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)

    def has_policy(self, policy_name):
        """Checks if a Configuration policy exists in the commcell with
            the input Configuration policy name.

                policy_name     (str)   --  name of the Configuration policy

                bool    -   boolean output whether the Configuration policy exists in the commcell
                or not

                    if type of the configuration policy name argument is not string

        if not isinstance(policy_name, str):
            raise SDKException('ConfigurationPolicies', '101')

        return (self._policies and policy_name.lower() in self._policies) or \
               (self._ci_policies and policy_name.lower() in self._ci_policies)

    def _get_ci_policies(self):
        """Gets all the Content Indexing policies associated to the commcell specified by commcell object.

                 dict    -   consists of all Configuration policies of the commcell
                                "ci_policy1_name": [ci_policy1_id, ci_policy_type],

                                "ci_policy2_name": [ci_policy2_id, ci_policy_type]

                        if response is empty

                        if response is not success

        flag, response = self._cvpysdk_object.make_request('GET', self._POLICY_FS)

        if flag:
            policies_dict = {}
            if response.json() and 'policies' in response.json():
                policies = response.json()['policies']
                for policy in policies:
                    temp_name = policy['policyEntity']['policyName'].lower()
                    temp_id = str(policy['policyEntity']['policyId']).lower()
                    temp_policy_type = str(policy['detail']['filePolicy']
                    policies_dict[temp_name] = [temp_id, temp_policy_type]
            return policies_dict
            response_string = self._update_response_(response.text)
            raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)

    def _get_policy_id(self, policy_name):

        if not isinstance(policy_name, str):
            raise SDKException('ConfigurationPolicies', '101')
        if policy_name.lower() in self._policies:
            return self._policies[policy_name.lower()][0]
        if policy_name.lower() in self._ci_policies:
            return self._ci_policies[policy_name.lower()][0]

    def get(self, configuration_policy_name, policy_type):
        """Returns a ConfigurationPolicy object of the specified Configuration policy name.

                configuration_policy_name     (str)   --  name of the configuration policy
                policy_type                    (str)   --  type of the policy

                object - instance of the ConfigurationPolicy class for the given policy name

                    if type of the Configuration policy name argument is not string

                    if no Configuration policy exists with the given name
        if not isinstance(configuration_policy_name, str):
            raise SDKException('ConfigurationPolicies', '101')

        if self.has_policy(configuration_policy_name):
            return ConfigurationPolicy(
                self._commcell_object, configuration_policy_name, self._get_policy_id(

            raise SDKException(
                'ConfigurationPolicies', '102', 'No policy exists with name: {0}'.format(

    def get_policy_object(self, policy_type, configuration_policy_name):
        """Get a  Policy object based on policy type

                policy_type                 (str)   --  type of policy to create the object of

                    Valid values are:

                        - Archive

                        - Cleanup

                        - Retention

                        - Journal

                        - Content Indexing

                configuration_policy_name   (str)   --  name of the configuration Policy

                object  -   instance of the appropriate Policy class


        policy_types = {
            "Archive": ArchivePolicy,
            "Journal": JournalPolicy,
            "Cleanup": CleanupPolicy,
            "Retention": RetentionPolicy,
            "ContentIndexing": ContentIndexingPolicy

            return policy_types[policy_type](self._commcell_object, configuration_policy_name)
        except KeyError:
            raise SDKException(
                'Policy Type {} is not supported'.format(policy_type)

    def run_content_indexing(self, ci_policy_name):
        """Runs Content indexing job from the CI policy level

                ci_policy_name      -       Content indexing policy name

                Job                 -       Job class object for the CI Job

                    No CI policy exists     -   if given policy name does not exist
                    Failed to run CI job    -   if CI job failed to start
                    Response was not success
                    Response received is empty

        if not self.has_policy(ci_policy_name):
            raise SDKException('ConfigurationPolicies', '102', f'No CI policy exists with name: {ci_policy_name}')
        request_json = {
            "taskInfo": {
                "task": {
                    "taskType": 1,
                    "initiatedFrom": 1,
                    "policyType": 0,
                    "taskId": 0,
                    "taskFlags": {
                        "disabled": False
                "subTasks": [
                        "subTaskOperation": 1,
                        "subTask": {
                            "subTaskType": 1,
                            "operationType": 5022
                        "options": {
                            "adminOpts": {
                                "contentIndexingOption": {
                                    "fileAnalytics": False,
                                    "subClientBasedAnalytics": False
                                "contentIndexingPolicyOption": {
                                    "policyId": int(self._get_policy_id(ci_policy_name)),
                                    "policyName": ci_policy_name,
                                    "policyDetailType": 5,
                                    "policyType": 2
        flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'POST', self._CREATE_TASK, request_json)
        if flag:
            if response.json():
                if "jobIds" in response.json():
                    return Job(self._commcell_object, response.json()['jobIds'][0])
                elif "errorCode" in response.json():
                    error_message = response.json()['errorMessage']

                    o_str = 'Content Index job failed\nError: "{0}"'.format(error_message)
                    raise SDKException('ConfigurationPolicies', '102', o_str)
                raise SDKException('ConfigurationPolicies', '102', 'Failed to run the content indexing job')
            raise SDKException('Response', '102')
        response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text)
        raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)

    def delete(self, configuration_policy_name):
        """Deletes a Configuration policy from the commcell.

                configuration_policy_name (str)  --  name of the configuration policy to delete

                    if type of the configuration policy name argument is not string

                    if failed to delete configuration policy

                    if response is empty

                    if response is not success
        if not isinstance(configuration_policy_name, str):
            raise SDKException('ConfigurationPolicies', '101')

        if self.has_policy(configuration_policy_name):
            policy_delete_service = self._services['DELETE_CONFIGURATION_POLICY'] % (

            flag, response = self._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
                'DELETE', policy_delete_service

            if flag:
                    if response.json():
                        if response.json()['errorCode'] != 0:
                            error_message = response.json()['errorMessage']
                            o_str = 'Failed to delete Configuration policy\nError: "{0}"'

                            raise SDKException(
                                'ConfigurationPolicies', '102', o_str.format(error_message))
                except ValueError:
                    if response.text:
                        return response.text.strip()
                        raise SDKException('Response', '102')
                response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text)
                raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)
            raise SDKException(
                'ConfigurationPolicies', '102', 'No policy exists with name: {0}'.format(

    def add_policy(self, policy_object):
        """Adds a new Configuration Policy to the Commcell.

                policy_object(object)         --  policy onject based on type
                                                    of policy
                    if failed to create configuration policy

                    if response is empty

                    if response is not success

        json = policy_object._initialize_policy_json()
        configuration_policy_name =

        create_configuration_policy = self._services['CREATE_CONFIGURATION_POLICIES']

        flag, response = self._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'POST', create_configuration_policy, json

        if flag:
            if response.json():
                if 'policy' in response.json():
                    # initialize the policies again
                    # so the policies object has all the policies
                    return ConfigurationPolicy(
                        self._commcell_object, configuration_policy_name,
                elif 'error' in response.json():
                    error_message = response.json()['error']['errorMessage']
                    o_str = 'Failed to create Configuration policy\nError: "{0}"'

                    raise SDKException('ConfigurationPolicies', '102', o_str.format(error_message))
                raise SDKException('Response', '102')
            response_string = self._update_response_(response.text)
            raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)

    def refresh(self):
        """Refresh the Virtual Machine policies."""
        self._policies = self._get_policies()
        self._ci_policies = self._get_ci_policies()


def add_policy(self, policy_object)

Adds a new Configuration Policy to the Commcell.


policy_object(object) – policy onject based on type of policy


SDKException: if failed to create configuration policy

if response is empty

if response is not success
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def add_policy(self, policy_object):
    """Adds a new Configuration Policy to the Commcell.

            policy_object(object)         --  policy onject based on type
                                                of policy
                if failed to create configuration policy

                if response is empty

                if response is not success

    json = policy_object._initialize_policy_json()
    configuration_policy_name =

    create_configuration_policy = self._services['CREATE_CONFIGURATION_POLICIES']

    flag, response = self._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
        'POST', create_configuration_policy, json

    if flag:
        if response.json():
            if 'policy' in response.json():
                # initialize the policies again
                # so the policies object has all the policies
                return ConfigurationPolicy(
                    self._commcell_object, configuration_policy_name,
            elif 'error' in response.json():
                error_message = response.json()['error']['errorMessage']
                o_str = 'Failed to create Configuration policy\nError: "{0}"'

                raise SDKException('ConfigurationPolicies', '102', o_str.format(error_message))
            raise SDKException('Response', '102')
        response_string = self._update_response_(response.text)
        raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)
def delete(self, configuration_policy_name)

Deletes a Configuration policy from the commcell.


configuration_policy_name (str) – name of the configuration policy to delete


SDKException: if type of the configuration policy name argument is not string

if failed to delete configuration policy

if response is empty

if response is not success
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def delete(self, configuration_policy_name):
    """Deletes a Configuration policy from the commcell.

            configuration_policy_name (str)  --  name of the configuration policy to delete

                if type of the configuration policy name argument is not string

                if failed to delete configuration policy

                if response is empty

                if response is not success
    if not isinstance(configuration_policy_name, str):
        raise SDKException('ConfigurationPolicies', '101')

    if self.has_policy(configuration_policy_name):
        policy_delete_service = self._services['DELETE_CONFIGURATION_POLICY'] % (

        flag, response = self._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'DELETE', policy_delete_service

        if flag:
                if response.json():
                    if response.json()['errorCode'] != 0:
                        error_message = response.json()['errorMessage']
                        o_str = 'Failed to delete Configuration policy\nError: "{0}"'

                        raise SDKException(
                            'ConfigurationPolicies', '102', o_str.format(error_message))
            except ValueError:
                if response.text:
                    return response.text.strip()
                    raise SDKException('Response', '102')
            response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text)
            raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)
        raise SDKException(
            'ConfigurationPolicies', '102', 'No policy exists with name: {0}'.format(
def get(self, configuration_policy_name, policy_type)

Returns a ConfigurationPolicy object of the specified Configuration policy name.


configuration_policy_name (str) – name of the configuration policy policy_type (str) – type of the policy


object - instance of the ConfigurationPolicy class for the given policy name


SDKException: if type of the Configuration policy name argument is not string

if no Configuration policy exists with the given name
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def get(self, configuration_policy_name, policy_type):
    """Returns a ConfigurationPolicy object of the specified Configuration policy name.

            configuration_policy_name     (str)   --  name of the configuration policy
            policy_type                    (str)   --  type of the policy

            object - instance of the ConfigurationPolicy class for the given policy name

                if type of the Configuration policy name argument is not string

                if no Configuration policy exists with the given name
    if not isinstance(configuration_policy_name, str):
        raise SDKException('ConfigurationPolicies', '101')

    if self.has_policy(configuration_policy_name):
        return ConfigurationPolicy(
            self._commcell_object, configuration_policy_name, self._get_policy_id(

        raise SDKException(
            'ConfigurationPolicies', '102', 'No policy exists with name: {0}'.format(
def get_policy_object(self, policy_type, configuration_policy_name)

Get a Policy object based on policy type


policy_type (str) – type of policy to create the object of

Valid values are:

    - Archive

    - Cleanup

    - Retention

    - Journal

    - Content Indexing

configuration_policy_name (str) – name of the configuration Policy


object - instance of the appropriate Policy class

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def get_policy_object(self, policy_type, configuration_policy_name):
    """Get a  Policy object based on policy type

            policy_type                 (str)   --  type of policy to create the object of

                Valid values are:

                    - Archive

                    - Cleanup

                    - Retention

                    - Journal

                    - Content Indexing

            configuration_policy_name   (str)   --  name of the configuration Policy

            object  -   instance of the appropriate Policy class


    policy_types = {
        "Archive": ArchivePolicy,
        "Journal": JournalPolicy,
        "Cleanup": CleanupPolicy,
        "Retention": RetentionPolicy,
        "ContentIndexing": ContentIndexingPolicy

        return policy_types[policy_type](self._commcell_object, configuration_policy_name)
    except KeyError:
        raise SDKException(
            'Policy Type {} is not supported'.format(policy_type)
def has_policy(self, policy_name)

Checks if a Configuration policy exists in the commcell with the input Configuration policy name.


policy_name (str) – name of the Configuration policy


bool - boolean output whether the Configuration policy exists in the commcell or not


SDKException: if type of the configuration policy name argument is not string

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def has_policy(self, policy_name):
    """Checks if a Configuration policy exists in the commcell with
        the input Configuration policy name.

            policy_name     (str)   --  name of the Configuration policy

            bool    -   boolean output whether the Configuration policy exists in the commcell
            or not

                if type of the configuration policy name argument is not string

    if not isinstance(policy_name, str):
        raise SDKException('ConfigurationPolicies', '101')

    return (self._policies and policy_name.lower() in self._policies) or \
           (self._ci_policies and policy_name.lower() in self._ci_policies)
def refresh(self)

Refresh the Virtual Machine policies.

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def refresh(self):
    """Refresh the Virtual Machine policies."""
    self._policies = self._get_policies()
    self._ci_policies = self._get_ci_policies()
def run_content_indexing(self, ci_policy_name)

Runs Content indexing job from the CI policy level


ci_policy_name - Content indexing policy name


Job - Job class object for the CI Job


SDKException: No CI policy exists - if given policy name does not exist Failed to run CI job - if CI job failed to start Response was not success Response received is empty

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def run_content_indexing(self, ci_policy_name):
    """Runs Content indexing job from the CI policy level

            ci_policy_name      -       Content indexing policy name

            Job                 -       Job class object for the CI Job

                No CI policy exists     -   if given policy name does not exist
                Failed to run CI job    -   if CI job failed to start
                Response was not success
                Response received is empty

    if not self.has_policy(ci_policy_name):
        raise SDKException('ConfigurationPolicies', '102', f'No CI policy exists with name: {ci_policy_name}')
    request_json = {
        "taskInfo": {
            "task": {
                "taskType": 1,
                "initiatedFrom": 1,
                "policyType": 0,
                "taskId": 0,
                "taskFlags": {
                    "disabled": False
            "subTasks": [
                    "subTaskOperation": 1,
                    "subTask": {
                        "subTaskType": 1,
                        "operationType": 5022
                    "options": {
                        "adminOpts": {
                            "contentIndexingOption": {
                                "fileAnalytics": False,
                                "subClientBasedAnalytics": False
                            "contentIndexingPolicyOption": {
                                "policyId": int(self._get_policy_id(ci_policy_name)),
                                "policyName": ci_policy_name,
                                "policyDetailType": 5,
                                "policyType": 2
    flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
        'POST', self._CREATE_TASK, request_json)
    if flag:
        if response.json():
            if "jobIds" in response.json():
                return Job(self._commcell_object, response.json()['jobIds'][0])
            elif "errorCode" in response.json():
                error_message = response.json()['errorMessage']

                o_str = 'Content Index job failed\nError: "{0}"'.format(error_message)
                raise SDKException('ConfigurationPolicies', '102', o_str)
            raise SDKException('ConfigurationPolicies', '102', 'Failed to run the content indexing job')
        raise SDKException('Response', '102')
    response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text)
    raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)
class ConfigurationPolicy (commcell_object, configuration_policy_name, configuration_policy_id=None)

Class for representing a single Configuration Policy. Contains method definitions for common operations among all Configuration Policies

Initialize object of the ConfigurationPolicy class. Args: commcell_object (object) – instance of the Commcell class configuration_policy_name (str) – configuration_policy_id (int) – Returns: object - instance of the ConfigurationPolicies class

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class ConfigurationPolicy(object):

    """Class for representing a single Configuration Policy. Contains method definitions for
        common operations among all Configuration Policies"""

    def __init__(self, commcell_object, configuration_policy_name, configuration_policy_id=None):
        Initialize object of the ConfigurationPolicy class.
                commcell_object    (object)  --  instance of the Commcell class
                configuration_policy_name     (str)     --
                configuration_policy_id       (int)     --
                object - instance of the ConfigurationPolicies class

        self._configuration_policy_name = configuration_policy_name
        self._commcell_object = commcell_object
        self._cvpysdk_object = commcell_object._cvpysdk_object
        self._services = commcell_object._services
        self._update_response_ = commcell_object._update_response_

        if configuration_policy_id:
            self._configuration_policy_id = str(configuration_policy_id)
            self._configuration_policy_id = self._get_configuration_policy_id()

        self._CONGIGURATION_POLICY = self._services['GET_CONFIGURATION_POLICY'] % (

    def configuration_policy_id(self):
        """Treats the configuration policy id as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._configuration_policy_id

    def configuration_policy_name(self):
        """Treats the configuration policy name as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._configuration_policy_name

    def _get_configuration_policy_id(self):
        """Gets the Configuration policy id asscoiated with the Configuration policy"""

        configuration_policies = ConfigurationPolicies(self._commcell_object)
        return configuration_policies._get_policy_id(self._configuration_policy_name)

Instance variables

var configuration_policy_id

Treats the configuration policy id as a read-only attribute.

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def configuration_policy_id(self):
    """Treats the configuration policy id as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._configuration_policy_id
var configuration_policy_name

Treats the configuration policy name as a read-only attribute.

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def configuration_policy_name(self):
    """Treats the configuration policy name as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._configuration_policy_name
class ContentIndexingPolicy (commcell_object, ci_policy_name)

Class for performing Content Indexing policy operations for a specific CI policy

Initialise the Content indexing Policy class instance.

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class ContentIndexingPolicy():
    """Class for performing Content Indexing policy operations for a specific CI policy"""

    def __init__(self, commcell_object, ci_policy_name):
        """Initialise the Content indexing Policy class instance."""
        self._commcell_object = commcell_object
        self._name = ci_policy_name
        self._file_policy_type = 5
        self._includeDocTypes = "*.bmp,*.csv,*.doc,*.docx,*.dot,*.eml,*.htm,*.html,*.jpeg,*.jpg," \
                                "*.log,*.msg,*.odg,*.odp,*.ods,*.odt,*.pages,*.pdf,*.png,*.ppt," \
        self._index_server_name = None
        self._data_access_node = None
        self._exclude_paths = ["C:\\Program Files", "C:\\Program Files (x86)", "C:\\Windows"]
        self._min_doc_size = 0
        self._max_doc_size = 50

    def name(self):
        """Treats the name as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._name

    def name(self, value):
        """Sets the value of name"""
        self._name = value

    def include_doc_types(self):
        """Treats the include_doc_types as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._includeDocTypes

    def include_doc_types(self, value):
        """Sets the value of include docs type"""
        self._includeDocTypes = value

    def index_server_name(self):
        """Treats the index_server_name as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._index_server_name

    def index_server_name(self, value):
        """Sets the value of index server name"""
        self._index_server_name = value

    def data_access_node(self):
        """Treats the data_access_node as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._data_access_node

    def data_access_node(self, value):
        """Sets the value of data access node"""
        self._data_access_node = value

    def min_doc_size(self):
        """Treats the min_doc_size as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._min_doc_size

    def min_doc_size(self, value):
        """Sets the value of minimum doc size"""
        self._min_doc_size = value

    def max_doc_size(self):
        """Treats the max_doc_size as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._max_doc_size

    def max_doc_size(self, value):
        """Sets the value of maximum doc size"""
        self._max_doc_size = value

    def exclude_paths(self):
        """Treats the exclude_paths as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._exclude_paths

    def exclude_paths(self, value):
        """Sets the value of exclude paths"""
        self._exclude_paths = value

    def _initialize_policy_json(self):
            sets values for creating the add policy json
        if not isinstance(self._index_server_name, str) or not isinstance(self._data_access_node, str) \
            or not isinstance(self._exclude_paths, list) or not isinstance(self._includeDocTypes, str) \
                or not isinstance(self._name, str) or not isinstance(self._min_doc_size, int) \
                or not isinstance(self._max_doc_size, int):
            raise SDKException('ConfigurationPolicies', '101')
        policy_json = {
            "policy": {
                "policyType": 2,
                "flags": 0,
                "agentType": {
                    "appTypeId": 33
                "detail": {
                    "filePolicy": {
                        "filePolicyType": self._file_policy_type,
                        "contentIndexingPolicy": {
                            "includeDocTypes": self._includeDocTypes,
                            "copyPrecedence": 1,
                            "minDocSize": self._min_doc_size,
                            "searchEngineId": int(self._commcell_object.index_servers.
                            "contentIndexVersionsAfterNumberOfDays": -1,
                            "maxDocSize": self._max_doc_size,
                            "globalFilterFlag": 0,
                            "excludePaths": self._exclude_paths,
                            "dataAccessNodes": {
                                "numberOfStreams": 0,
                                "dataAccessNodes": [
                                        "clientName": self._data_access_node,
                                        "clientId": int(self._commcell_object.clients.
                                        "_type_": 3
                "policyEntity": {
                    "policyName": self._name
        return policy_json

Instance variables

var data_access_node

Treats the data_access_node as a read-only attribute.

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def data_access_node(self):
    """Treats the data_access_node as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._data_access_node
var exclude_paths

Treats the exclude_paths as a read-only attribute.

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def exclude_paths(self):
    """Treats the exclude_paths as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._exclude_paths
var include_doc_types

Treats the include_doc_types as a read-only attribute.

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def include_doc_types(self):
    """Treats the include_doc_types as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._includeDocTypes
var index_server_name

Treats the index_server_name as a read-only attribute.

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def index_server_name(self):
    """Treats the index_server_name as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._index_server_name
var max_doc_size

Treats the max_doc_size as a read-only attribute.

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def max_doc_size(self):
    """Treats the max_doc_size as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._max_doc_size
var min_doc_size

Treats the min_doc_size as a read-only attribute.

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def min_doc_size(self):
    """Treats the min_doc_size as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._min_doc_size
var name

Treats the name as a read-only attribute.

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def name(self):
    """Treats the name as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._name
class JournalPolicy (commcell_object, journal_policy_name)

Class for performing Journal policy operations for a specific journal policy

Initialise the Journal Policy class instance.

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class JournalPolicy():

    """Class for performing Journal policy operations for a specific journal policy"""

    def __init__(self, commcell_object, journal_policy_name):
        """Initialise the Journal Policy class instance."""

        self._commcell_object = commcell_object

        self._name = journal_policy_name
        self._commserver = commcell_object
        self._email_policy_type = 4
        self._complete_job_mapi_error = 0
        self._delete_archived_messages = True
        self._job_hours_run = 0
        self._job_messages_protected = 1
        self._include_folder_filter = "Deleted Items,Drafts,Inbox,Sent Items"
        self._exclude_folder_filter = "Deleted Items,Drafts,Inbox,Sent Items,Junk Mail,Sync Issues"
        self._exclude_message_class_filter = "Appointments,Contacts,Schedules,Tasks"
        self._content_index_behind_alert = False
        self._content_index_data_over = 0
        self._deferred_days = 0
        self._enable_content_index = False
        self._enable_deferred_days = False
        self._enable_preview_generation = False
        self._jobs_older_than = 0
        self._retention_days_for_ci = -1
        self._start_time = 0
        self._synchronize_on = False
        self._path = ""
        self._username = ""
        self._password = ""

    def name(self):
        """Treats the name as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._name

    def name(self, name):
        self._name = name

    def email_policy_type(self):
        """Treats the email_policy_type as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._email_policy_type

    def complete_job_mapi_error(self):
        """Treats the complete_job_mapi_error as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._complete_job_mapi_error

    def complete_job_mapi_error(self, complete_job_mapi_error):
        self._complete_job_mapi_error = complete_job_mapi_error

    def delete_archived_messages(self):
        """Treats the delete_archived_messages as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._delete_archived_messages

    def delete_archived_messages(self, delete_archived_messages):
        self._delete_archived_messages = delete_archived_messages

    def job_hours_run(self):
        """Treats the job_hours_run as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._job_hours_run

    def job_hours_run(self, job_hours_run):
        self._job_hours_run = job_hours_run

    def job_messages_protected(self):
        """Treats the job_messages_protected as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._job_messages_protected

    def job_messages_protected(self, job_messages_protected):
        self._job_messages_protected = job_messages_protected

    def include_folder_filter(self):
        """Treats the include_folder_filter as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._include_folder_filter

    def include_folder_filter(self, include_folder_filter):
        self._include_folder_filter = include_folder_filter

    def exclude_folder_filter(self):
        """Treats the exclude_folder_filter as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._exclude_folder_filter

    def exclude_folder_filter(self, exclude_folder_filter):
        self._exclude_folder_filter = exclude_folder_filter

    def exclude_message_class_filter(self):
        """Treats the exclude_message_class_filter as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._exclude_message_class_filter

    def exclude_message_class_filter(self, exclude_message_class_filter):
        self._exclude_message_class_filter = exclude_message_class_filter

    def content_index_behind_alert(self):
        """Treats the content_index_behind_alert as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._content_index_behind_alert

    def content_index_behind_alert(self, content_index_behind_alert):
        self._content_index_behind_alert = content_index_behind_alert

    def content_index_data_over(self):
        """Treats the content_index_data_over as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._content_index_data_over

    def content_index_data_over(self, content_index_data_over):
        self._content_index_data_over = content_index_data_over

    def deferred_days(self):
        """Treats the deferred_days as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._deferred_days

    def deferred_days(self, deferred_days):
        self._deferred_days = deferred_days

    def enable_content_index(self):
        """Treats the enable_content_index as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._enable_content_index

    def enable_content_index(self, enable_content_index):
        self._enable_content_index = enable_content_index

    def enable_deferred_days(self):
        """Treats the enable_deferred_days as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._enable_deferred_days

    def enable_deferred_days(self, enable_deferred_days):
        self._enable_deferred_days = enable_deferred_days

    def enable_preview_generation(self):
        """Treats the enable_preview_generation as a read-only attribute."""
        return self.enable_preview_generation

    def enable_preview_generation(self, enable_preview_generation):
        self._enable_preview_generation = enable_preview_generation

    def jobs_older_than(self):
        """Treats the jobs_older_than as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._jobs_older_than

    def jobs_older_than(self, jobs_older_than):
        self._jobs_older_than = jobs_older_than

    def retention_days_for_ci(self):
        """Treats the retention_days_for_ci as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._retention_days_for_ci

    def retention_days_for_ci(self, retention_days_for_ci):
        self._retention_days_for_ci = retention_days_for_ci

    def start_time(self):
        """Treats the start_time as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._start_time

    def start_time(self, start_time):
        self._start_time = start_time

    def synchronize_on(self):
        """Treats the synchronize_on as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._synchronize_on

    def synchronize_on(self, synchronize_on):
        self._synchronize_on = synchronize_on

    def path(self):
        """Treats the path as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._path

    def path(self, path):
        self._path = path

    def username(self):
        """Treats the username as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._username

    def username(self, username):
        self._username = username

    def password(self):
        """Treats the password as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._password

    def password(self, password):
        self._password = password

    def _initialize_policy_json(self):
            sets values for creating the add policy json
        policy_json = {
            "policy": {
                "policyType": 1,
                "agentType": {
                    "appTypeId": 137
                "detail": {
                    "emailPolicy": {
                        "emailPolicyType": 4,
                        "journalPolicy": {
                            "deleteArchivedMessages": self._delete_archived_messages,
                            "contentIndexProps": {
                                "enableContentIndex": self._enable_content_index,
                                "contentIndexBehindAlert": self.content_index_behind_alert,
                                "synchronizeOn": self._synchronize_on,
                                "contentIndexDataOver": self._content_index_data_over,
                                "retentionDaysForCI": -self._retention_days_for_ci,
                                "startTime": self._start_time,
                                "jobsOlderThan": self._jobs_older_than,
                                "enablePreviewGeneration": self._enable_preview_generation,
                                "deferredDays": self._deferred_days,
                                "enableDeferredDays": self._enable_deferred_days,
                                "pattern": [
                                "previewPathDir": {
                                    "path": self._path,
                                    "userAccount": {
                                        "userName": self._username,
                                        "password": self._password

                            "excludeMessageClassFilter": {
                                "folderPatternsAvailable": [
                            "includeFolderFilter": {
                                "folderPatternsAvailable": [
                                    "Deleted Items",
                                    "Sent Items"
                            "excludeFolderFilter": {
                                "folderPatternsSelected": [
                                    "Junk Mail",
                                    "Sync Issues"
                                "folderPatternsAvailable": [
                                    "Deleted Items",
                                    "Sent Items"
                "policyEntity": {
                    "policyName": self._name

        return policy_json

Instance variables

var complete_job_mapi_error

Treats the complete_job_mapi_error as a read-only attribute.

Expand source code Browse git
def complete_job_mapi_error(self):
    """Treats the complete_job_mapi_error as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._complete_job_mapi_error
var content_index_behind_alert

Treats the content_index_behind_alert as a read-only attribute.

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def content_index_behind_alert(self):
    """Treats the content_index_behind_alert as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._content_index_behind_alert
var content_index_data_over

Treats the content_index_data_over as a read-only attribute.

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def content_index_data_over(self):
    """Treats the content_index_data_over as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._content_index_data_over
var deferred_days

Treats the deferred_days as a read-only attribute.

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def deferred_days(self):
    """Treats the deferred_days as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._deferred_days
var delete_archived_messages

Treats the delete_archived_messages as a read-only attribute.

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def delete_archived_messages(self):
    """Treats the delete_archived_messages as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._delete_archived_messages
var email_policy_type

Treats the email_policy_type as a read-only attribute.

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def email_policy_type(self):
    """Treats the email_policy_type as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._email_policy_type
var enable_content_index

Treats the enable_content_index as a read-only attribute.

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def enable_content_index(self):
    """Treats the enable_content_index as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._enable_content_index
var enable_deferred_days

Treats the enable_deferred_days as a read-only attribute.

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def enable_deferred_days(self):
    """Treats the enable_deferred_days as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._enable_deferred_days
var enable_preview_generation

Treats the enable_preview_generation as a read-only attribute.

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def enable_preview_generation(self):
    """Treats the enable_preview_generation as a read-only attribute."""
    return self.enable_preview_generation
var exclude_folder_filter

Treats the exclude_folder_filter as a read-only attribute.

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def exclude_folder_filter(self):
    """Treats the exclude_folder_filter as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._exclude_folder_filter
var exclude_message_class_filter

Treats the exclude_message_class_filter as a read-only attribute.

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def exclude_message_class_filter(self):
    """Treats the exclude_message_class_filter as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._exclude_message_class_filter
var include_folder_filter

Treats the include_folder_filter as a read-only attribute.

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def include_folder_filter(self):
    """Treats the include_folder_filter as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._include_folder_filter
var job_hours_run

Treats the job_hours_run as a read-only attribute.

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def job_hours_run(self):
    """Treats the job_hours_run as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._job_hours_run
var job_messages_protected

Treats the job_messages_protected as a read-only attribute.

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def job_messages_protected(self):
    """Treats the job_messages_protected as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._job_messages_protected
var jobs_older_than

Treats the jobs_older_than as a read-only attribute.

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def jobs_older_than(self):
    """Treats the jobs_older_than as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._jobs_older_than
var name

Treats the name as a read-only attribute.

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def name(self):
    """Treats the name as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._name
var password

Treats the password as a read-only attribute.

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def password(self):
    """Treats the password as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._password
var path

Treats the path as a read-only attribute.

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def path(self):
    """Treats the path as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._path
var retention_days_for_ci

Treats the retention_days_for_ci as a read-only attribute.

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def retention_days_for_ci(self):
    """Treats the retention_days_for_ci as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._retention_days_for_ci
var start_time

Treats the start_time as a read-only attribute.

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def start_time(self):
    """Treats the start_time as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._start_time
var synchronize_on

Treats the synchronize_on as a read-only attribute.

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def synchronize_on(self):
    """Treats the synchronize_on as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._synchronize_on
var username

Treats the username as a read-only attribute.

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def username(self):
    """Treats the username as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._username
class RetentionPolicy (commcell_object, retention_policy_name)

Class for performing Retention policy operations for a specific retention policy

Initialise the Rentention Policy class instance.

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class RetentionPolicy():
    """Class for performing Retention policy operations for a specific retention policy"""

    def __init__(self, commcell_object, retention_policy_name):
        """Initialise the Rentention Policy class instance."""

        self._commcell_object = commcell_object
        self._name = retention_policy_name
        self._email_policy_type = 3
        self._number_of_days_for_media_pruning = -1
        self._retention_type = 0
        self._exchange_folder_retention = False
        self._exchange_retention_tags = False

    def name(self):
        """Treats the name as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._name

    def name(self, name):
        self._name = name

    def email_policy_type(self):
        """Treats the email_policy_type as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._email_policy_type

    def days_for_media_pruning(self):
        """Treats the number_of_days_for_media_pruning as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._number_of_days_for_media_pruning

    def days_for_media_pruning(self, days_for_media_pruning):
        self._number_of_days_for_media_pruning = days_for_media_pruning

    def retention_type(self):
        """Treats the retention_type as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._retention_type

    def retention_type(self, retention_type):
        self._retention_type = retention_type

    def exchange_folder_retention(self):
        """Treats the exchange_folder_retention as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._exchange_folder_retention

    def exchange_folder_retention(self, exchange_folder_retention):
        self._exchange_folder_retention = exchange_folder_retention

    def exchange_retention_tags(self):
        """Treats the exchange_retention_tags as a read-only attribute."""
        return self._exchange_retention_tags

    def exchange_retention_tags(self, exchange_retention_tags):
        self._exchange_retention_tags = exchange_retention_tags

    def _initialize_policy_json(self):
            sets values for creating the add policy json
        policy_json = {
            "policy": {
                "policyType": 1,
                "agentType": {
                    "appTypeId": 137
                "detail": {
                    "emailPolicy": {
                        "emailPolicyType": 3,
                        "retentionPolicy": {
                            "numOfDaysForMediaPruning": self.days_for_media_pruning,
                            "type": self.retention_type,
                            "advanceRetentionOption": {
                                "bExchangeFoldersRetention": self.exchange_folder_retention,
                                "bExchangeRetentionTags": self.exchange_retention_tags
                "policyEntity": {

        return policy_json

Instance variables

var days_for_media_pruning

Treats the number_of_days_for_media_pruning as a read-only attribute.

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def days_for_media_pruning(self):
    """Treats the number_of_days_for_media_pruning as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._number_of_days_for_media_pruning
var email_policy_type

Treats the email_policy_type as a read-only attribute.

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def email_policy_type(self):
    """Treats the email_policy_type as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._email_policy_type
var exchange_folder_retention

Treats the exchange_folder_retention as a read-only attribute.

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def exchange_folder_retention(self):
    """Treats the exchange_folder_retention as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._exchange_folder_retention
var exchange_retention_tags

Treats the exchange_retention_tags as a read-only attribute.

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def exchange_retention_tags(self):
    """Treats the exchange_retention_tags as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._exchange_retention_tags
var name

Treats the name as a read-only attribute.

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def name(self):
    """Treats the name as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._name
var retention_type

Treats the retention_type as a read-only attribute.

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def retention_type(self):
    """Treats the retention_type as a read-only attribute."""
    return self._retention_type