Module cvpysdk.network_topology

Main file for performing network topology operations.

NetworkTopologies and NetworkTopology are 2 classes defined in this file.

NetworkTopologies: Class for representing all the network topologies in the commcell

NetworkTopology: class for a single topology in commcell


init(class_object) – initialize object of NetworkTopologies class associated with the commcell

repr() – returns the string to represent the instance of the NetworkTopologies class

all_network_topologies() – returns dict of all the network topologies in the commcell

len() – returns the number of topologies associated with the Commcell

add(topology_name) – adds a new network topology to the commcell

get(topology_name) – returns the NetworkTopology class object of the input topology name

delete(topology_name) – deletes the specified network topology from the commcell

refresh() – refresh the network topologies associated with the commcell


init(commcell_object, network_topology_name, network_topology_id=None) – initialize object of NetworkTopology class with the specified network topology name and id

repr() – return the network topology name, the instance is associated with

_get_network_topology_id() – method to get the network topology id if not specified

_initialize_network_topology_properties()– initializes the properties of this network topology

update() – update properties of existing network topology

network_topology_name() – updates new name for network topology

description() – updates description for network topology

network_topology_type() – updates network topology type

firewall_groups() – updates client groups associated with the topology

push_network_config() – performs a push network configuration on network topology

refresh() – refresh the properties of network topology

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright Commvault Systems, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------

"""Main file for performing network topology operations.

NetworkTopologies and NetworkTopology are 2 classes defined in this file.

NetworkTopologies: Class for representing all the network topologies in
the commcell

NetworkTopology: class for a single topology in commcell

    __init__(class_object)              --  initialize object of NetworkTopologies
                                            class associated with the commcell

    __repr__()                          --  returns the string to represent the instance
                                            of the NetworkTopologies class

    all_network_topologies()            -- returns dict of all the network topologies
                                            in the commcell

    __len__()                           --  returns the number of topologies associated
                                            with the Commcell

    add(topology_name)                  -- adds a new network topology to the commcell

    get(topology_name)                  --  returns the NetworkTopology class object of
                                            the input topology name

    delete(topology_name)               --  deletes the specified network topology
                                            from the commcell

    refresh()                           -- refresh the network topologies associated
                                            with the commcell


             network_topology_id=None)      -- initialize object of NetworkTopology class
                                               with the specified network topology name and id

    __repr__()                              -- return the network topology name, the instance
                                                is associated with

    _get_network_topology_id()              -- method to get the network topology id if
                                               not specified

    _initialize_network_topology_properties()-- initializes the properties of this network

    update()                                -- update properties of existing network topology

    network_topology_name()                 -- updates new name for network topology

    description()                           -- updates description for network topology

    network_topology_type()                 -- updates network topology type

    firewall_groups()                       -- updates client groups associated with the topology

    push_network_config()                   -- performs a push network configuration on
                                               network topology

    refresh()                               -- refresh the properties of  network topology


from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from .exception import SDKException

class NetworkTopologies(object):
    """Class for getting all the network topologies associated with client groups in commcell."""

    def __init__(self, commcell_object):
        """Initialize the NetworkTopologies object.

                commcell_object    (object)    --  instance of the Commcell class

                object  -   instance of the NetworkTopologies class


        self._commcell_object = commcell_object
        self._cvpysdk_object = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object
        self._services = self._commcell_object._services
        self._NETWORK_TOPOLOGIES = self._services['NETWORK_TOPOLOGIES']
        self._network_topologies = None

    def __repr__(self):
        """Representation string for the instance of NetworkTopologies class."""

        return "NetworkTopologies class instance for Commcell: '{0}'".format(

    def _get_network_topologies(self):
        """Gets all the network topologies associated with the commcell

                dict - consists of all network topologies of the commcell
                         "network_topology_name1": network_topology_id1,
                         "network_topology_name2": network_topology_id2

                    if response is empty

                    if response is not success

        flag, response = self._cvpysdk_object.make_request('GET', self._NETWORK_TOPOLOGIES)
        network_topologies_dict = {}
        if flag:
            if response.json():
                if 'error' in response.json() and response.json()['error']['errorCode'] == 0:
                    if 'firewallTopologies' in response.json():
                        network_topologies = response.json()['firewallTopologies']

                        for network_topology in network_topologies:
                            temp_name = network_topology['topologyEntity']['topologyName'].lower()
                            temp_id = network_topology['topologyEntity']['topologyId']
                            network_topologies_dict[temp_name] = temp_id

                        return network_topologies_dict

                        return network_topologies_dict

                    raise SDKException('NetworkTopology', '102', 'Custom error message')

                raise SDKException('Response', '102')
            response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text)
            raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)

    def all_network_topologies(self):
        """Returns dict of all the network topologies associated with the commcell

            dict - consists of all network topologies of the commcell
                         "network_topology_name": network_topology_id,

                         "network_topology_name": network_topology_id

        return self._network_topologies

    def __len__(self):
        """Returns the number of network topologies associated to the Commcell."""

        return len(self.all_network_topologies)

    def has_network_topology(self, network_topology_name):
        """Checks if a network topology exists in the commcell with the input network topology name.

                network_topology_name (str)  --  name of network topology

                bool - boolean output whether the network topology exists in the commcell or not

                    if type of the network topology name argument is not string

        if not isinstance(network_topology_name, str):
            raise SDKException('NetworkTopology', '101')

        return (self._network_topologies and
                network_topology_name.lower() in self._network_topologies)

    def verify_smart_topology_groups(is_smartTopology, count_mnemonic):
        """ Helper function to verify client groups while creating a smart topology

            is_smartTopology(bool) - If the type of topology is a smart topology

            count_mneomic(int) - The number of mnemonic groups within the input



        if is_smartTopology:
            if count_mnemonic == 0:
                raise SDKException('NetworkTopology', '102',
                                   ' One client group should be mnemonic in a smart topology'
            elif count_mnemonic > 1:
                raise SDKException('NetworkTopology', '102',
                                   'There cannot be more than one mnemonic group in a topology')
        elif count_mnemonic != 0:
            raise SDKException('NetworkTopology', '102',
                               ' Mnemonic group cannot be present in Non-smart toplogy'

    def create_firewall_groups_list(client_groups):
        """ Is a helper function which is used to create firewall groups list and count the number of mnemonic groups

            client_groups(list of dict) - client group names and client group types

                    [{'group_type':2, 'group_name': "test1", 'is_mnemonic': False },
                    {'group_type':1, 'group_name': "test2", 'is_mnemonic': False },
                    {'group_type':3, 'group_name': "test3", 'is_mnemonic': False }]

            Tuple - A tuple consisting of firewall_groups_list and number of mnemonic groups

        count_mnemonic = 0
        firewall_groups_list = []

        mnemonic_grp_set = {'My CommServe Computer and MediaAgents', 'My CommServe Computer',
                            'My MediaAgents'}

        for client_group in client_groups:
            is_mnemonic = client_group.get('is_mnemonic', False)
            if is_mnemonic:
                if client_group.get('group_name') not in mnemonic_grp_set:
                    raise SDKException('NetworkTopology', '102',
                                       'Client group {0} is not a mnemonic group'.format(client_group.get('group_name'))
                if client_group.get('group_type') in {3, 4}:
                    raise SDKException('NetworkTopology', '102',
                                       'Proxy Client group {0} cannot be a mnemonic group'.format(
                count_mnemonic += 1
            firewall_groups_dict = {
                "fwGroupType": client_group.get('group_type'),
                "isMnemonic": client_group.get('is_mnemonic', False),
                "clientGroup": {
                    "clientGroupName": client_group.get('group_name')

        return (firewall_groups_list, count_mnemonic)

    def add(self, network_topology_name, client_groups=None, **kwargs):
        """Adds a new Network Topology to the Commcell.

                network_topology_name        (str)        --  name of the new network
                                                              topology to add

                client_groups               (list of dict) -- client group names and
                                                              client group types

                [{'group_type':2, 'group_name': "test1", 'is_mnemonic': False },
                {'group_type':1, 'group_name': "test2", 'is_mnemonic': False },
                {'group_type':3, 'group_name': "test3", 'is_mnemonic': False }]

                ** kwargs               (dict)       -- Key value pairs for supported

                Supported argument values:

                use_wildcard   (boolean)  --   option to use wildcard proxy for proxy type
                                                 Default value: False

                is_smart_topology   (boolean)  --   specified as true for smart topology must be set if one mnemonic group is present
                                                 Default value: False

                topology_type        (int)     --   to specify type of network topology

                topology_description (str)     --   to specify topology description

                display_type         (int)     --   to specify display type for firewall extended properties
                                                    Default value: 0

                encrypt_traffic      (int)     --   to specify whether encrypt traffic or not
                                                    Default vaule: 0

                number_of_streams     (int)     --   to specify number of streams
                                                    Default vaule: 1

                region_id            (int)     --   to sspecify region id
                                                    Default value: 0

                connection_protocol  (int)     --   to specify the protocols
                                                    Default vaule: 2

                Possible input values:

                topology_type :
                1 --- for proxy topology
                2 --- for one-way topology
                3 --- for two-way topology

                0 --- servers
                1 --- laptops

                group_type for client_groups:
                2: first client group in GUI screen
                1: second client group in GUI screen
                3: third client group in GUI screen

                is_mnemonic for client_groups:
                True: if the specified group is a mnemonic
                False: if the specified group is a client group

                object - instance of the NetworkTopology class created by this method

                    if topology creation fails

                    if topology with same name already exists

                    if client group specified is already a part of some topology


        if not isinstance(network_topology_name, str):
            raise SDKException('NetworkTopology', '101')

        if not isinstance(client_groups, list):
            raise SDKException('NetworkTopology', '102',
                               'Client Groups should be a list of dict containing group '
                               'name and group type')

        firewall_groups_list = []
        count_mnemonic = 0

        display_type = kwargs.get('display_type', 0)

        extended_properties = f'''<App_TopologyExtendedProperties displayType=\"{kwargs.get('display_type', 0)}\" encryptTraffic=\"{kwargs.get('encrypt_traffic', 0)}\"
        numberOfStreams =\"{kwargs.get('number_of_streams', 1)}\" regionId=\"{kwargs.get('region_id', 0)}\" connectionProtocol=\"{kwargs.get('connection_protocol', 2)}\" />'''

        firewall_groups_list, count_mnemonic = self.create_firewall_groups_list(client_groups)

        is_smartTopology = kwargs.get('is_smart_topology', False)

        self.verify_smart_topology_groups(is_smartTopology, count_mnemonic)

        if not self.has_network_topology(network_topology_name):

            request_json = {
                "firewallTopology": {
                    "useWildcardProxy": kwargs.get('use_wildcard', False),
                    "extendedProperties": extended_properties,
                    "topologyType": kwargs.get('topology_type', 2),
                    "description": kwargs.get('topology_description', ''),
                    "isSmartTopology": kwargs.get('is_smart_topology', False),

                    "firewallGroups": firewall_groups_list,
                    "topologyEntity": {
                        "topologyName": network_topology_name


            flag, response = self._cvpysdk_object.make_request('POST',

            if flag:
                if response.json():

                    if 'errorMessage' in response.json():
                        error_message = response.json()['errorMessage']
                        raise SDKException('NetworkTopology', '102',
                                           'Failed to create new Network Topology\nError:"{0}"'

                    elif 'topology' in response.json():

                        return self.get(network_topology_name)

                        raise SDKException('NetworkTopology', '102',
                                           'Failed to create new Network Topology')
                    raise SDKException('Response', '102')
                response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text)
                raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)
            raise SDKException('NetworkTopology', '102',
                               'Network Topology "{0}" already exists.'.

    def get(self, network_topology_name):
        """Returns the network topology object of the specified network topology name.

                network_topology_name (str)  --  name of the network topology

                object - instance of the NetworkTopology class for the given network topology name

                    if type of the network topology name argument is not string

                    if no network topology exists with the given name

        if not isinstance(network_topology_name, str):
            raise SDKException('NetworkTopology', '101')
            network_topology_name = network_topology_name.lower()

            if self.has_network_topology(network_topology_name):
                return NetworkTopology(
                    self._commcell_object, network_topology_name,

            raise SDKException('NetworkTopology', '102',
                               'No Network Topology exists with name: {0}'.

    def delete(self, network_topology_name):
        """Deletes the Network Topology from the commcell.

                network_topology_name (str)  --  name of the network topology

                    if type of the network topology name argument is not string

                    if failed to delete the network topology

                    if no network topology exists with the given name

        if not isinstance(network_topology_name, str):
            raise SDKException('NetworkTopology', '101')
            network_topology_name = network_topology_name.lower()

            if self.has_network_topology(network_topology_name):
                network_topology_id = self._network_topologies[network_topology_name]

                delete_network_topology_service = self._services['NETWORK_TOPOLOGY']

                flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
                    'DELETE', delete_network_topology_service % network_topology_id

                if flag:
                    if response.json():
                        if 'errorCode' in response.json():
                            error_code = str(response.json()['errorCode'])
                            error_message = response.json()['errorMessage']

                            if error_code == '0':
                                raise SDKException('NetworkTopology', '102',
                                                   'Failed to delete topology\nError: "{0}"'.
                            raise SDKException('Response', '102')
                        raise SDKException('Response', '102')
                    response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text)
                    raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)
                raise SDKException(
                    'No Network Topology exists with name: "{0}"'.format(network_topology_name)

    def refresh(self):
        """Refresh the network topologies associated with the Commcell."""

        self._network_topologies = self._get_network_topologies()

class NetworkTopology(object):
    """Class for performing operations for a specific network topology."""

    def __init__(self, commcell_object, network_topology_name, network_topology_id=None):
        """Initialize the NetworkTopology class instance.

                commcell_object     (object)        --  instance of the Commcell class

                network_topology_name    (str)      --  name of the network topology

                network_topology_id   (str)         --  id of the network topology
                    default: None

                object - instance of the NetworkTopology class


        self._commcell_object = commcell_object

        self._network_topology_name = network_topology_name.lower()

        self._properties = None

        self._description = None

        self._extended_properties = None

        self._network_topology_type = None

        self._firewall_groups = []

        if network_topology_id:

            self._network_topology_id = str(network_topology_id)


            self._network_topology_id = self._get_network_topology_id()

        self._NETWORKTOPOLOGY = (self._commcell_object._services['NETWORK_TOPOLOGY'] %


    def __repr__(self):
        """String representation of the instance of this class.

                str - string containing the details of this NetworkTopology


        representation_string = 'NetworkTopology class instance for NetworkTopology: "{0}"'

        return representation_string.format(self.network_topology_name)

    def _get_network_topology_id(self):
        """Gets the network topology id associated with network topology.

                str - id associated with network topology


        network_topologies = NetworkTopologies(self._commcell_object)

        return network_topologies.get(self.network_topology_name).network_topology_id

    def _initialize_network_topology_properties(self):
        """Gets the network topology properties of network topology and
        initializes the common properties for the network topology

                    if response is empty

                    if response is not success

                    if topology name is not specified in the response

                    if topology type is missing in the response


        flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'GET', self._NETWORKTOPOLOGY

        if flag:
            if response.json() and 'topologyInfo' in response.json():
                network_topology_props = response.json()['topologyInfo']
                raise SDKException('Response', '102')
            response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text)
            raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)

        self._properties = network_topology_props

        if 'topologyName' in network_topology_props['topologyEntity']:
            self._network_topology_name = network_topology_props['topologyEntity']['topologyName']
            raise SDKException(
                'NetworkTopology', '102', 'Network Topology name is not specified in the respone'

        self._description = network_topology_props.get('description')

        self._extended_properties = network_topology_props.get('extendedProperties')

        if 'topologyType' in network_topology_props:
            self._network_topology_type = network_topology_props['topologyType']
            raise SDKException(
                'NetworkTopology', '102', 'Network Topology type is not specified in the response'

        self._firewall_groups = network_topology_props.get('firewallGroups')

    def update(self, firewall_groups=None, **kwargs):
        """Update the network topology properties of network topology.


                firewall_groups(list of dict)  --   client group names and client
                                                    group types

                [{'group_type':2, 'group_name': "test1", 'is_mnemonic': False },
                {'group_type':1, 'group_name': "test2", 'is_mnemonic': False },
                {'group_type':3, 'group_name': "test3", 'is_mnemonic': False }]

                **kwargs             (dict)  -- Key value pairs for supported arguments

                Supported arguments:

                network_topology_name   (str)       --  new name of the network topology

                description             (str)       --  description for the network topology

                topology_type           (int)       -- network topology type

                wildcard_proxy          (boolean)   -- option to use wildcard proxy for
                                                     proxy type topology

                is_smart_topology       (boolean)   -- specified as true for smart topology
                encrypt_traffic      (int)     --   to specify whether encrypt traffic or not
                                                    Default vaule: 0

                number_of_streams     (int)     --   to specify number of streams
                                                    Default vaule: 1

                region_id            (int)     --   to sspecify region id
                                                    Default value: 0

                connection_protocol  (int)     --   to specify the protocols
                                                    Default vaule: 2

                Possible input values:

                topology_type :
                1 --- for proxy topology
                2 --- for one-way topology
                3 --- for two-way topology

                group_type for client_groups:
                2: first client group in GUI screen
                1: second client group in GUI screen
                3: third client group in GUI screen

                is_mnemonic for client_groups:
                True: if the specified group is a mnemonic
                False: if the specified group is a client group

                    if response is empty

                    if response is not success


        firewall_groups_list = []
        count_mnemonic = 0
        if firewall_groups is None:
            firewall_groups_list = self.firewall_groups

            firewall_groups_list, count_mnemonic = NetworkTopologies.create_firewall_groups_list(firewall_groups)

        network_topology_name = kwargs.get('network_topology_name', self.network_topology_name)

        description = kwargs.get('description', self.description)

        topology_type = kwargs.get('topology_type', self.network_topology_type)

        wildcard_proxy = kwargs.get('wildcard_proxy', False)

        is_smart_topology = kwargs.get('is_smart_topology', False)

        NetworkTopologies.verify_smart_topology_groups(is_smart_topology, count_mnemonic)

        extended_properties = self.extended_properties
        properties = ['display_type', 'encrypt_traffic', 'number_of_streams', 'region_id', 'connection_protocol']
        for prop in properties:
            if prop in kwargs:
                temp = prop.split('_')
                for i in range(1, len(temp)):
                    temp[i] = temp[i][0].upper() + temp[i][1:]
                camel_case_prop = ''.join(temp)

                idx = extended_properties.find(camel_case_prop) + len(camel_case_prop) + len("\"=")
                temp = list(extended_properties)
                temp[idx] = str(kwargs.get(prop))
                extended_properties = ''.join(temp)

        request_json = {
            "firewallTopology": {
                "useWildcardProxy": wildcard_proxy,
                "extendedProperties": extended_properties,
                "topologyType": topology_type,
                "description": description,
                "isSmartTopology": is_smart_topology,
                "firewallGroups": firewall_groups_list,
                "topologyEntity": {
                    "topologyName": network_topology_name

        flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'PUT', self._NETWORKTOPOLOGY, request_json

        if flag:
            if response.json():

                error_message = response.json()['errorMessage']
                error_code = str(response.json()['errorCode'])

                if error_code != '0':
                    raise SDKException('NetworkTopology', '102', error_message)

                raise SDKException('Response', '102')
            response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text)
            raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)


    def network_topology_id(self):
        """Treats the network topology id as a read-only attribute."""

        return self._network_topology_id

    def network_topology_name(self):
        """Treats the network topology name as a read-only attribute."""

        return self._network_topology_name

    def network_topology_name(self, val):
        """Sets the value for network topology name


                val(string)  --  new name for network topology


        self.update(**{'network_topology_name': val})

    def description(self):
        """Treats the network topology description as a read-only attribute."""

        return self._description

    def description(self, val):
        """Sets the description for network topology


                val(string)  --  network topology description

        self.update(**{'description': val})

    def network_topology_type(self):
        """Treats the network topology type as read-only attribute"""

        return self._network_topology_type

    def network_topology_type(self, val):
        """Sets the value for network topology type


                val(int)  --  network topology type

                topology_type :
                1 --- for proxy topology
                2 --- for one-way topology
                3 --- for two-way topology

        self.update(**{'topology_type': val})

    def extended_properties(self):
        """Treats the extended properties as read-only attribute"""

        return self._extended_properties

    def firewall_groups(self):
        """Treats the associated client groups as read only attribute"""

        return self._firewall_groups

    def firewall_groups(self, val):
        """Sets the value for associated client groups


                val(list of dict)  --   client group names and client group types

                [{'group_type':2, 'group_name': "test1", 'is_mnemonic': False },
                {'group_type':1, 'group_name': "test2", 'is_mnemonic': False },
                {'group_type':3, 'group_name': "test3", 'is_mnemonic': False }]

                group_type for client_groups:
                2: first client group in GUI screen
                1: second client group in GUI screen
                3: third client group in GUI screen

                is_mnemonic for client_groups:
                True: if the specified group is a mnemonic
                False: if the specified group is a client group

                    if input value is not a list

        if not isinstance(val, list):
            raise SDKException('NetworkTopology', '102',
                               'Client Groups should be a list of dict containing '
                               'group name and group type')


    def wildcard_proxy(self):
        """Treats the use wildcard proxy option as read only attribute"""

        return self._properties.get('useWildcardProxy', False)

    def push_network_config(self):
        """Performs a push network configuration on network topology


                    if failed to push configuration on network topology

                    if response is not success


        push_network_topology_service = self._commcell_object._services['PUSH_TOPOLOGY']

        flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'POST', push_network_topology_service % self._network_topology_id)

        if flag:
            if response.json():
                if 'error' in response.json():
                    error_code = str(response.json()['error']['errorCode'])
                    error_message = response.json()['error']['errorString']

                    if error_code != '0':
                        raise SDKException('NetworkTopology', '102', error_message)
                    raise SDKException('Response', '102')
                raise SDKException('Response', '102')
            response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text)
            raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)

    def refresh(self):
        """Refresh the properties of Network Topology"""



class NetworkTopologies (commcell_object)

Class for getting all the network topologies associated with client groups in commcell.

Initialize the NetworkTopologies object.


commcell_object (object) – instance of the Commcell class


object - instance of the NetworkTopologies class

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class NetworkTopologies(object):
    """Class for getting all the network topologies associated with client groups in commcell."""

    def __init__(self, commcell_object):
        """Initialize the NetworkTopologies object.

                commcell_object    (object)    --  instance of the Commcell class

                object  -   instance of the NetworkTopologies class


        self._commcell_object = commcell_object
        self._cvpysdk_object = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object
        self._services = self._commcell_object._services
        self._NETWORK_TOPOLOGIES = self._services['NETWORK_TOPOLOGIES']
        self._network_topologies = None

    def __repr__(self):
        """Representation string for the instance of NetworkTopologies class."""

        return "NetworkTopologies class instance for Commcell: '{0}'".format(

    def _get_network_topologies(self):
        """Gets all the network topologies associated with the commcell

                dict - consists of all network topologies of the commcell
                         "network_topology_name1": network_topology_id1,
                         "network_topology_name2": network_topology_id2

                    if response is empty

                    if response is not success

        flag, response = self._cvpysdk_object.make_request('GET', self._NETWORK_TOPOLOGIES)
        network_topologies_dict = {}
        if flag:
            if response.json():
                if 'error' in response.json() and response.json()['error']['errorCode'] == 0:
                    if 'firewallTopologies' in response.json():
                        network_topologies = response.json()['firewallTopologies']

                        for network_topology in network_topologies:
                            temp_name = network_topology['topologyEntity']['topologyName'].lower()
                            temp_id = network_topology['topologyEntity']['topologyId']
                            network_topologies_dict[temp_name] = temp_id

                        return network_topologies_dict

                        return network_topologies_dict

                    raise SDKException('NetworkTopology', '102', 'Custom error message')

                raise SDKException('Response', '102')
            response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text)
            raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)

    def all_network_topologies(self):
        """Returns dict of all the network topologies associated with the commcell

            dict - consists of all network topologies of the commcell
                         "network_topology_name": network_topology_id,

                         "network_topology_name": network_topology_id

        return self._network_topologies

    def __len__(self):
        """Returns the number of network topologies associated to the Commcell."""

        return len(self.all_network_topologies)

    def has_network_topology(self, network_topology_name):
        """Checks if a network topology exists in the commcell with the input network topology name.

                network_topology_name (str)  --  name of network topology

                bool - boolean output whether the network topology exists in the commcell or not

                    if type of the network topology name argument is not string

        if not isinstance(network_topology_name, str):
            raise SDKException('NetworkTopology', '101')

        return (self._network_topologies and
                network_topology_name.lower() in self._network_topologies)

    def verify_smart_topology_groups(is_smartTopology, count_mnemonic):
        """ Helper function to verify client groups while creating a smart topology

            is_smartTopology(bool) - If the type of topology is a smart topology

            count_mneomic(int) - The number of mnemonic groups within the input



        if is_smartTopology:
            if count_mnemonic == 0:
                raise SDKException('NetworkTopology', '102',
                                   ' One client group should be mnemonic in a smart topology'
            elif count_mnemonic > 1:
                raise SDKException('NetworkTopology', '102',
                                   'There cannot be more than one mnemonic group in a topology')
        elif count_mnemonic != 0:
            raise SDKException('NetworkTopology', '102',
                               ' Mnemonic group cannot be present in Non-smart toplogy'

    def create_firewall_groups_list(client_groups):
        """ Is a helper function which is used to create firewall groups list and count the number of mnemonic groups

            client_groups(list of dict) - client group names and client group types

                    [{'group_type':2, 'group_name': "test1", 'is_mnemonic': False },
                    {'group_type':1, 'group_name': "test2", 'is_mnemonic': False },
                    {'group_type':3, 'group_name': "test3", 'is_mnemonic': False }]

            Tuple - A tuple consisting of firewall_groups_list and number of mnemonic groups

        count_mnemonic = 0
        firewall_groups_list = []

        mnemonic_grp_set = {'My CommServe Computer and MediaAgents', 'My CommServe Computer',
                            'My MediaAgents'}

        for client_group in client_groups:
            is_mnemonic = client_group.get('is_mnemonic', False)
            if is_mnemonic:
                if client_group.get('group_name') not in mnemonic_grp_set:
                    raise SDKException('NetworkTopology', '102',
                                       'Client group {0} is not a mnemonic group'.format(client_group.get('group_name'))
                if client_group.get('group_type') in {3, 4}:
                    raise SDKException('NetworkTopology', '102',
                                       'Proxy Client group {0} cannot be a mnemonic group'.format(
                count_mnemonic += 1
            firewall_groups_dict = {
                "fwGroupType": client_group.get('group_type'),
                "isMnemonic": client_group.get('is_mnemonic', False),
                "clientGroup": {
                    "clientGroupName": client_group.get('group_name')

        return (firewall_groups_list, count_mnemonic)

    def add(self, network_topology_name, client_groups=None, **kwargs):
        """Adds a new Network Topology to the Commcell.

                network_topology_name        (str)        --  name of the new network
                                                              topology to add

                client_groups               (list of dict) -- client group names and
                                                              client group types

                [{'group_type':2, 'group_name': "test1", 'is_mnemonic': False },
                {'group_type':1, 'group_name': "test2", 'is_mnemonic': False },
                {'group_type':3, 'group_name': "test3", 'is_mnemonic': False }]

                ** kwargs               (dict)       -- Key value pairs for supported

                Supported argument values:

                use_wildcard   (boolean)  --   option to use wildcard proxy for proxy type
                                                 Default value: False

                is_smart_topology   (boolean)  --   specified as true for smart topology must be set if one mnemonic group is present
                                                 Default value: False

                topology_type        (int)     --   to specify type of network topology

                topology_description (str)     --   to specify topology description

                display_type         (int)     --   to specify display type for firewall extended properties
                                                    Default value: 0

                encrypt_traffic      (int)     --   to specify whether encrypt traffic or not
                                                    Default vaule: 0

                number_of_streams     (int)     --   to specify number of streams
                                                    Default vaule: 1

                region_id            (int)     --   to sspecify region id
                                                    Default value: 0

                connection_protocol  (int)     --   to specify the protocols
                                                    Default vaule: 2

                Possible input values:

                topology_type :
                1 --- for proxy topology
                2 --- for one-way topology
                3 --- for two-way topology

                0 --- servers
                1 --- laptops

                group_type for client_groups:
                2: first client group in GUI screen
                1: second client group in GUI screen
                3: third client group in GUI screen

                is_mnemonic for client_groups:
                True: if the specified group is a mnemonic
                False: if the specified group is a client group

                object - instance of the NetworkTopology class created by this method

                    if topology creation fails

                    if topology with same name already exists

                    if client group specified is already a part of some topology


        if not isinstance(network_topology_name, str):
            raise SDKException('NetworkTopology', '101')

        if not isinstance(client_groups, list):
            raise SDKException('NetworkTopology', '102',
                               'Client Groups should be a list of dict containing group '
                               'name and group type')

        firewall_groups_list = []
        count_mnemonic = 0

        display_type = kwargs.get('display_type', 0)

        extended_properties = f'''<App_TopologyExtendedProperties displayType=\"{kwargs.get('display_type', 0)}\" encryptTraffic=\"{kwargs.get('encrypt_traffic', 0)}\"
        numberOfStreams =\"{kwargs.get('number_of_streams', 1)}\" regionId=\"{kwargs.get('region_id', 0)}\" connectionProtocol=\"{kwargs.get('connection_protocol', 2)}\" />'''

        firewall_groups_list, count_mnemonic = self.create_firewall_groups_list(client_groups)

        is_smartTopology = kwargs.get('is_smart_topology', False)

        self.verify_smart_topology_groups(is_smartTopology, count_mnemonic)

        if not self.has_network_topology(network_topology_name):

            request_json = {
                "firewallTopology": {
                    "useWildcardProxy": kwargs.get('use_wildcard', False),
                    "extendedProperties": extended_properties,
                    "topologyType": kwargs.get('topology_type', 2),
                    "description": kwargs.get('topology_description', ''),
                    "isSmartTopology": kwargs.get('is_smart_topology', False),

                    "firewallGroups": firewall_groups_list,
                    "topologyEntity": {
                        "topologyName": network_topology_name


            flag, response = self._cvpysdk_object.make_request('POST',

            if flag:
                if response.json():

                    if 'errorMessage' in response.json():
                        error_message = response.json()['errorMessage']
                        raise SDKException('NetworkTopology', '102',
                                           'Failed to create new Network Topology\nError:"{0}"'

                    elif 'topology' in response.json():

                        return self.get(network_topology_name)

                        raise SDKException('NetworkTopology', '102',
                                           'Failed to create new Network Topology')
                    raise SDKException('Response', '102')
                response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text)
                raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)
            raise SDKException('NetworkTopology', '102',
                               'Network Topology "{0}" already exists.'.

    def get(self, network_topology_name):
        """Returns the network topology object of the specified network topology name.

                network_topology_name (str)  --  name of the network topology

                object - instance of the NetworkTopology class for the given network topology name

                    if type of the network topology name argument is not string

                    if no network topology exists with the given name

        if not isinstance(network_topology_name, str):
            raise SDKException('NetworkTopology', '101')
            network_topology_name = network_topology_name.lower()

            if self.has_network_topology(network_topology_name):
                return NetworkTopology(
                    self._commcell_object, network_topology_name,

            raise SDKException('NetworkTopology', '102',
                               'No Network Topology exists with name: {0}'.

    def delete(self, network_topology_name):
        """Deletes the Network Topology from the commcell.

                network_topology_name (str)  --  name of the network topology

                    if type of the network topology name argument is not string

                    if failed to delete the network topology

                    if no network topology exists with the given name

        if not isinstance(network_topology_name, str):
            raise SDKException('NetworkTopology', '101')
            network_topology_name = network_topology_name.lower()

            if self.has_network_topology(network_topology_name):
                network_topology_id = self._network_topologies[network_topology_name]

                delete_network_topology_service = self._services['NETWORK_TOPOLOGY']

                flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
                    'DELETE', delete_network_topology_service % network_topology_id

                if flag:
                    if response.json():
                        if 'errorCode' in response.json():
                            error_code = str(response.json()['errorCode'])
                            error_message = response.json()['errorMessage']

                            if error_code == '0':
                                raise SDKException('NetworkTopology', '102',
                                                   'Failed to delete topology\nError: "{0}"'.
                            raise SDKException('Response', '102')
                        raise SDKException('Response', '102')
                    response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text)
                    raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)
                raise SDKException(
                    'No Network Topology exists with name: "{0}"'.format(network_topology_name)

    def refresh(self):
        """Refresh the network topologies associated with the Commcell."""

        self._network_topologies = self._get_network_topologies()

Static methods

def create_firewall_groups_list(client_groups)

Is a helper function which is used to create firewall groups list and count the number of mnemonic groups


client_groups(list of dict) - client group names and client group types

    [{'group_type':2, 'group_name': "test1", 'is_mnemonic': False },
    {'group_type':1, 'group_name': "test2", 'is_mnemonic': False },
    {'group_type':3, 'group_name': "test3", 'is_mnemonic': False }]


Tuple - A tuple consisting of firewall_groups_list and number of mnemonic groups

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def create_firewall_groups_list(client_groups):
    """ Is a helper function which is used to create firewall groups list and count the number of mnemonic groups

        client_groups(list of dict) - client group names and client group types

                [{'group_type':2, 'group_name': "test1", 'is_mnemonic': False },
                {'group_type':1, 'group_name': "test2", 'is_mnemonic': False },
                {'group_type':3, 'group_name': "test3", 'is_mnemonic': False }]

        Tuple - A tuple consisting of firewall_groups_list and number of mnemonic groups

    count_mnemonic = 0
    firewall_groups_list = []

    mnemonic_grp_set = {'My CommServe Computer and MediaAgents', 'My CommServe Computer',
                        'My MediaAgents'}

    for client_group in client_groups:
        is_mnemonic = client_group.get('is_mnemonic', False)
        if is_mnemonic:
            if client_group.get('group_name') not in mnemonic_grp_set:
                raise SDKException('NetworkTopology', '102',
                                   'Client group {0} is not a mnemonic group'.format(client_group.get('group_name'))
            if client_group.get('group_type') in {3, 4}:
                raise SDKException('NetworkTopology', '102',
                                   'Proxy Client group {0} cannot be a mnemonic group'.format(
            count_mnemonic += 1
        firewall_groups_dict = {
            "fwGroupType": client_group.get('group_type'),
            "isMnemonic": client_group.get('is_mnemonic', False),
            "clientGroup": {
                "clientGroupName": client_group.get('group_name')

    return (firewall_groups_list, count_mnemonic)
def verify_smart_topology_groups(is_smartTopology, count_mnemonic)

Helper function to verify client groups while creating a smart topology


is_smartTopology(bool) - If the type of topology is a smart topology

count_mneomic(int) - The number of mnemonic groups within the input



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def verify_smart_topology_groups(is_smartTopology, count_mnemonic):
    """ Helper function to verify client groups while creating a smart topology

        is_smartTopology(bool) - If the type of topology is a smart topology

        count_mneomic(int) - The number of mnemonic groups within the input



    if is_smartTopology:
        if count_mnemonic == 0:
            raise SDKException('NetworkTopology', '102',
                               ' One client group should be mnemonic in a smart topology'
        elif count_mnemonic > 1:
            raise SDKException('NetworkTopology', '102',
                               'There cannot be more than one mnemonic group in a topology')
    elif count_mnemonic != 0:
        raise SDKException('NetworkTopology', '102',
                           ' Mnemonic group cannot be present in Non-smart toplogy'

Instance variables

var all_network_topologies

Returns dict of all the network topologies associated with the commcell

dict - consists of all network topologies of the commcell { "network_topology_name": network_topology_id,

         "network_topology_name": network_topology_id
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def all_network_topologies(self):
    """Returns dict of all the network topologies associated with the commcell

        dict - consists of all network topologies of the commcell
                     "network_topology_name": network_topology_id,

                     "network_topology_name": network_topology_id

    return self._network_topologies


def add(self, network_topology_name, client_groups=None, **kwargs)

Adds a new Network Topology to the Commcell.


network_topology_name (str) – name of the new network topology to add

client_groups (list of dict) – client group names and client group types

[{'group_type':2, 'group_name': "test1", 'is_mnemonic': False }, {'group_type':1, 'group_name': "test2", 'is_mnemonic': False }, {'group_type':3, 'group_name': "test3", 'is_mnemonic': False }]

** kwargs (dict) – Key value pairs for supported arguments

Supported argument values:

use_wildcard (boolean) – option to use wildcard proxy for proxy type topology Default value: False

is_smart_topology (boolean) – specified as true for smart topology must be set if one mnemonic group is present Default value: False

topology_type (int) – to specify type of network topology

topology_description (str) – to specify topology description

display_type (int) – to specify display type for firewall extended properties Default value: 0

encrypt_traffic (int) – to specify whether encrypt traffic or not Default vaule: 0

number_of_streams (int) – to specify number of streams Default vaule: 1

region_id (int) – to sspecify region id Default value: 0

connection_protocol (int) – to specify the protocols Default vaule: 2

Possible input values:

topology_type : 1 — for proxy topology 2 — for one-way topology 3 — for two-way topology

display_type: 0 — servers 1 — laptops

group_type for client_groups:
first client group in GUI screen
second client group in GUI screen
third client group in GUI screen
is_mnemonic for client_groups:
if the specified group is a mnemonic
if the specified group is a client group


object - instance of the NetworkTopology class created by this method


SDKException: if topology creation fails

if topology with same name already exists

if client group specified is already a part of some topology
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def add(self, network_topology_name, client_groups=None, **kwargs):
    """Adds a new Network Topology to the Commcell.

            network_topology_name        (str)        --  name of the new network
                                                          topology to add

            client_groups               (list of dict) -- client group names and
                                                          client group types

            [{'group_type':2, 'group_name': "test1", 'is_mnemonic': False },
            {'group_type':1, 'group_name': "test2", 'is_mnemonic': False },
            {'group_type':3, 'group_name': "test3", 'is_mnemonic': False }]

            ** kwargs               (dict)       -- Key value pairs for supported

            Supported argument values:

            use_wildcard   (boolean)  --   option to use wildcard proxy for proxy type
                                             Default value: False

            is_smart_topology   (boolean)  --   specified as true for smart topology must be set if one mnemonic group is present
                                             Default value: False

            topology_type        (int)     --   to specify type of network topology

            topology_description (str)     --   to specify topology description

            display_type         (int)     --   to specify display type for firewall extended properties
                                                Default value: 0

            encrypt_traffic      (int)     --   to specify whether encrypt traffic or not
                                                Default vaule: 0

            number_of_streams     (int)     --   to specify number of streams
                                                Default vaule: 1

            region_id            (int)     --   to sspecify region id
                                                Default value: 0

            connection_protocol  (int)     --   to specify the protocols
                                                Default vaule: 2

            Possible input values:

            topology_type :
            1 --- for proxy topology
            2 --- for one-way topology
            3 --- for two-way topology

            0 --- servers
            1 --- laptops

            group_type for client_groups:
            2: first client group in GUI screen
            1: second client group in GUI screen
            3: third client group in GUI screen

            is_mnemonic for client_groups:
            True: if the specified group is a mnemonic
            False: if the specified group is a client group

            object - instance of the NetworkTopology class created by this method

                if topology creation fails

                if topology with same name already exists

                if client group specified is already a part of some topology


    if not isinstance(network_topology_name, str):
        raise SDKException('NetworkTopology', '101')

    if not isinstance(client_groups, list):
        raise SDKException('NetworkTopology', '102',
                           'Client Groups should be a list of dict containing group '
                           'name and group type')

    firewall_groups_list = []
    count_mnemonic = 0

    display_type = kwargs.get('display_type', 0)

    extended_properties = f'''<App_TopologyExtendedProperties displayType=\"{kwargs.get('display_type', 0)}\" encryptTraffic=\"{kwargs.get('encrypt_traffic', 0)}\"
    numberOfStreams =\"{kwargs.get('number_of_streams', 1)}\" regionId=\"{kwargs.get('region_id', 0)}\" connectionProtocol=\"{kwargs.get('connection_protocol', 2)}\" />'''

    firewall_groups_list, count_mnemonic = self.create_firewall_groups_list(client_groups)

    is_smartTopology = kwargs.get('is_smart_topology', False)

    self.verify_smart_topology_groups(is_smartTopology, count_mnemonic)

    if not self.has_network_topology(network_topology_name):

        request_json = {
            "firewallTopology": {
                "useWildcardProxy": kwargs.get('use_wildcard', False),
                "extendedProperties": extended_properties,
                "topologyType": kwargs.get('topology_type', 2),
                "description": kwargs.get('topology_description', ''),
                "isSmartTopology": kwargs.get('is_smart_topology', False),

                "firewallGroups": firewall_groups_list,
                "topologyEntity": {
                    "topologyName": network_topology_name


        flag, response = self._cvpysdk_object.make_request('POST',

        if flag:
            if response.json():

                if 'errorMessage' in response.json():
                    error_message = response.json()['errorMessage']
                    raise SDKException('NetworkTopology', '102',
                                       'Failed to create new Network Topology\nError:"{0}"'

                elif 'topology' in response.json():

                    return self.get(network_topology_name)

                    raise SDKException('NetworkTopology', '102',
                                       'Failed to create new Network Topology')
                raise SDKException('Response', '102')
            response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text)
            raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)
        raise SDKException('NetworkTopology', '102',
                           'Network Topology "{0}" already exists.'.
def delete(self, network_topology_name)

Deletes the Network Topology from the commcell.


network_topology_name (str) – name of the network topology


SDKException: if type of the network topology name argument is not string

if failed to delete the network topology

if no network topology exists with the given name
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def delete(self, network_topology_name):
    """Deletes the Network Topology from the commcell.

            network_topology_name (str)  --  name of the network topology

                if type of the network topology name argument is not string

                if failed to delete the network topology

                if no network topology exists with the given name

    if not isinstance(network_topology_name, str):
        raise SDKException('NetworkTopology', '101')
        network_topology_name = network_topology_name.lower()

        if self.has_network_topology(network_topology_name):
            network_topology_id = self._network_topologies[network_topology_name]

            delete_network_topology_service = self._services['NETWORK_TOPOLOGY']

            flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
                'DELETE', delete_network_topology_service % network_topology_id

            if flag:
                if response.json():
                    if 'errorCode' in response.json():
                        error_code = str(response.json()['errorCode'])
                        error_message = response.json()['errorMessage']

                        if error_code == '0':
                            raise SDKException('NetworkTopology', '102',
                                               'Failed to delete topology\nError: "{0}"'.
                        raise SDKException('Response', '102')
                    raise SDKException('Response', '102')
                response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text)
                raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)
            raise SDKException(
                'No Network Topology exists with name: "{0}"'.format(network_topology_name)
def get(self, network_topology_name)

Returns the network topology object of the specified network topology name.


network_topology_name (str) – name of the network topology


object - instance of the NetworkTopology class for the given network topology name


SDKException: if type of the network topology name argument is not string

if no network topology exists with the given name
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def get(self, network_topology_name):
    """Returns the network topology object of the specified network topology name.

            network_topology_name (str)  --  name of the network topology

            object - instance of the NetworkTopology class for the given network topology name

                if type of the network topology name argument is not string

                if no network topology exists with the given name

    if not isinstance(network_topology_name, str):
        raise SDKException('NetworkTopology', '101')
        network_topology_name = network_topology_name.lower()

        if self.has_network_topology(network_topology_name):
            return NetworkTopology(
                self._commcell_object, network_topology_name,

        raise SDKException('NetworkTopology', '102',
                           'No Network Topology exists with name: {0}'.
def has_network_topology(self, network_topology_name)

Checks if a network topology exists in the commcell with the input network topology name.


network_topology_name (str) – name of network topology


bool - boolean output whether the network topology exists in the commcell or not


SDKException: if type of the network topology name argument is not string

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def has_network_topology(self, network_topology_name):
    """Checks if a network topology exists in the commcell with the input network topology name.

            network_topology_name (str)  --  name of network topology

            bool - boolean output whether the network topology exists in the commcell or not

                if type of the network topology name argument is not string

    if not isinstance(network_topology_name, str):
        raise SDKException('NetworkTopology', '101')

    return (self._network_topologies and
            network_topology_name.lower() in self._network_topologies)
def refresh(self)

Refresh the network topologies associated with the Commcell.

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def refresh(self):
    """Refresh the network topologies associated with the Commcell."""

    self._network_topologies = self._get_network_topologies()
class NetworkTopology (commcell_object, network_topology_name, network_topology_id=None)

Class for performing operations for a specific network topology.

Initialize the NetworkTopology class instance.


commcell_object (object) – instance of the Commcell class

network_topology_name (str) – name of the network topology

network_topology_id (str) – id of the network topology default: None


object - instance of the NetworkTopology class

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class NetworkTopology(object):
    """Class for performing operations for a specific network topology."""

    def __init__(self, commcell_object, network_topology_name, network_topology_id=None):
        """Initialize the NetworkTopology class instance.

                commcell_object     (object)        --  instance of the Commcell class

                network_topology_name    (str)      --  name of the network topology

                network_topology_id   (str)         --  id of the network topology
                    default: None

                object - instance of the NetworkTopology class


        self._commcell_object = commcell_object

        self._network_topology_name = network_topology_name.lower()

        self._properties = None

        self._description = None

        self._extended_properties = None

        self._network_topology_type = None

        self._firewall_groups = []

        if network_topology_id:

            self._network_topology_id = str(network_topology_id)


            self._network_topology_id = self._get_network_topology_id()

        self._NETWORKTOPOLOGY = (self._commcell_object._services['NETWORK_TOPOLOGY'] %


    def __repr__(self):
        """String representation of the instance of this class.

                str - string containing the details of this NetworkTopology


        representation_string = 'NetworkTopology class instance for NetworkTopology: "{0}"'

        return representation_string.format(self.network_topology_name)

    def _get_network_topology_id(self):
        """Gets the network topology id associated with network topology.

                str - id associated with network topology


        network_topologies = NetworkTopologies(self._commcell_object)

        return network_topologies.get(self.network_topology_name).network_topology_id

    def _initialize_network_topology_properties(self):
        """Gets the network topology properties of network topology and
        initializes the common properties for the network topology

                    if response is empty

                    if response is not success

                    if topology name is not specified in the response

                    if topology type is missing in the response


        flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'GET', self._NETWORKTOPOLOGY

        if flag:
            if response.json() and 'topologyInfo' in response.json():
                network_topology_props = response.json()['topologyInfo']
                raise SDKException('Response', '102')
            response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text)
            raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)

        self._properties = network_topology_props

        if 'topologyName' in network_topology_props['topologyEntity']:
            self._network_topology_name = network_topology_props['topologyEntity']['topologyName']
            raise SDKException(
                'NetworkTopology', '102', 'Network Topology name is not specified in the respone'

        self._description = network_topology_props.get('description')

        self._extended_properties = network_topology_props.get('extendedProperties')

        if 'topologyType' in network_topology_props:
            self._network_topology_type = network_topology_props['topologyType']
            raise SDKException(
                'NetworkTopology', '102', 'Network Topology type is not specified in the response'

        self._firewall_groups = network_topology_props.get('firewallGroups')

    def update(self, firewall_groups=None, **kwargs):
        """Update the network topology properties of network topology.


                firewall_groups(list of dict)  --   client group names and client
                                                    group types

                [{'group_type':2, 'group_name': "test1", 'is_mnemonic': False },
                {'group_type':1, 'group_name': "test2", 'is_mnemonic': False },
                {'group_type':3, 'group_name': "test3", 'is_mnemonic': False }]

                **kwargs             (dict)  -- Key value pairs for supported arguments

                Supported arguments:

                network_topology_name   (str)       --  new name of the network topology

                description             (str)       --  description for the network topology

                topology_type           (int)       -- network topology type

                wildcard_proxy          (boolean)   -- option to use wildcard proxy for
                                                     proxy type topology

                is_smart_topology       (boolean)   -- specified as true for smart topology
                encrypt_traffic      (int)     --   to specify whether encrypt traffic or not
                                                    Default vaule: 0

                number_of_streams     (int)     --   to specify number of streams
                                                    Default vaule: 1

                region_id            (int)     --   to sspecify region id
                                                    Default value: 0

                connection_protocol  (int)     --   to specify the protocols
                                                    Default vaule: 2

                Possible input values:

                topology_type :
                1 --- for proxy topology
                2 --- for one-way topology
                3 --- for two-way topology

                group_type for client_groups:
                2: first client group in GUI screen
                1: second client group in GUI screen
                3: third client group in GUI screen

                is_mnemonic for client_groups:
                True: if the specified group is a mnemonic
                False: if the specified group is a client group

                    if response is empty

                    if response is not success


        firewall_groups_list = []
        count_mnemonic = 0
        if firewall_groups is None:
            firewall_groups_list = self.firewall_groups

            firewall_groups_list, count_mnemonic = NetworkTopologies.create_firewall_groups_list(firewall_groups)

        network_topology_name = kwargs.get('network_topology_name', self.network_topology_name)

        description = kwargs.get('description', self.description)

        topology_type = kwargs.get('topology_type', self.network_topology_type)

        wildcard_proxy = kwargs.get('wildcard_proxy', False)

        is_smart_topology = kwargs.get('is_smart_topology', False)

        NetworkTopologies.verify_smart_topology_groups(is_smart_topology, count_mnemonic)

        extended_properties = self.extended_properties
        properties = ['display_type', 'encrypt_traffic', 'number_of_streams', 'region_id', 'connection_protocol']
        for prop in properties:
            if prop in kwargs:
                temp = prop.split('_')
                for i in range(1, len(temp)):
                    temp[i] = temp[i][0].upper() + temp[i][1:]
                camel_case_prop = ''.join(temp)

                idx = extended_properties.find(camel_case_prop) + len(camel_case_prop) + len("\"=")
                temp = list(extended_properties)
                temp[idx] = str(kwargs.get(prop))
                extended_properties = ''.join(temp)

        request_json = {
            "firewallTopology": {
                "useWildcardProxy": wildcard_proxy,
                "extendedProperties": extended_properties,
                "topologyType": topology_type,
                "description": description,
                "isSmartTopology": is_smart_topology,
                "firewallGroups": firewall_groups_list,
                "topologyEntity": {
                    "topologyName": network_topology_name

        flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'PUT', self._NETWORKTOPOLOGY, request_json

        if flag:
            if response.json():

                error_message = response.json()['errorMessage']
                error_code = str(response.json()['errorCode'])

                if error_code != '0':
                    raise SDKException('NetworkTopology', '102', error_message)

                raise SDKException('Response', '102')
            response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text)
            raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)


    def network_topology_id(self):
        """Treats the network topology id as a read-only attribute."""

        return self._network_topology_id

    def network_topology_name(self):
        """Treats the network topology name as a read-only attribute."""

        return self._network_topology_name

    def network_topology_name(self, val):
        """Sets the value for network topology name


                val(string)  --  new name for network topology


        self.update(**{'network_topology_name': val})

    def description(self):
        """Treats the network topology description as a read-only attribute."""

        return self._description

    def description(self, val):
        """Sets the description for network topology


                val(string)  --  network topology description

        self.update(**{'description': val})

    def network_topology_type(self):
        """Treats the network topology type as read-only attribute"""

        return self._network_topology_type

    def network_topology_type(self, val):
        """Sets the value for network topology type


                val(int)  --  network topology type

                topology_type :
                1 --- for proxy topology
                2 --- for one-way topology
                3 --- for two-way topology

        self.update(**{'topology_type': val})

    def extended_properties(self):
        """Treats the extended properties as read-only attribute"""

        return self._extended_properties

    def firewall_groups(self):
        """Treats the associated client groups as read only attribute"""

        return self._firewall_groups

    def firewall_groups(self, val):
        """Sets the value for associated client groups


                val(list of dict)  --   client group names and client group types

                [{'group_type':2, 'group_name': "test1", 'is_mnemonic': False },
                {'group_type':1, 'group_name': "test2", 'is_mnemonic': False },
                {'group_type':3, 'group_name': "test3", 'is_mnemonic': False }]

                group_type for client_groups:
                2: first client group in GUI screen
                1: second client group in GUI screen
                3: third client group in GUI screen

                is_mnemonic for client_groups:
                True: if the specified group is a mnemonic
                False: if the specified group is a client group

                    if input value is not a list

        if not isinstance(val, list):
            raise SDKException('NetworkTopology', '102',
                               'Client Groups should be a list of dict containing '
                               'group name and group type')


    def wildcard_proxy(self):
        """Treats the use wildcard proxy option as read only attribute"""

        return self._properties.get('useWildcardProxy', False)

    def push_network_config(self):
        """Performs a push network configuration on network topology


                    if failed to push configuration on network topology

                    if response is not success


        push_network_topology_service = self._commcell_object._services['PUSH_TOPOLOGY']

        flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'POST', push_network_topology_service % self._network_topology_id)

        if flag:
            if response.json():
                if 'error' in response.json():
                    error_code = str(response.json()['error']['errorCode'])
                    error_message = response.json()['error']['errorString']

                    if error_code != '0':
                        raise SDKException('NetworkTopology', '102', error_message)
                    raise SDKException('Response', '102')
                raise SDKException('Response', '102')
            response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text)
            raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)

    def refresh(self):
        """Refresh the properties of Network Topology"""


Instance variables

var description

Treats the network topology description as a read-only attribute.

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def description(self):
    """Treats the network topology description as a read-only attribute."""

    return self._description
var extended_properties

Treats the extended properties as read-only attribute

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def extended_properties(self):
    """Treats the extended properties as read-only attribute"""

    return self._extended_properties
var firewall_groups

Treats the associated client groups as read only attribute

Expand source code Browse git
def firewall_groups(self):
    """Treats the associated client groups as read only attribute"""

    return self._firewall_groups
var network_topology_id

Treats the network topology id as a read-only attribute.

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def network_topology_id(self):
    """Treats the network topology id as a read-only attribute."""

    return self._network_topology_id
var network_topology_name

Treats the network topology name as a read-only attribute.

Expand source code Browse git
def network_topology_name(self):
    """Treats the network topology name as a read-only attribute."""

    return self._network_topology_name
var network_topology_type

Treats the network topology type as read-only attribute

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def network_topology_type(self):
    """Treats the network topology type as read-only attribute"""

    return self._network_topology_type
var wildcard_proxy

Treats the use wildcard proxy option as read only attribute

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def wildcard_proxy(self):
    """Treats the use wildcard proxy option as read only attribute"""

    return self._properties.get('useWildcardProxy', False)


def push_network_config(self)

Performs a push network configuration on network topology



if failed to push configuration on network topology

if response is not success
Expand source code Browse git
def push_network_config(self):
    """Performs a push network configuration on network topology


                if failed to push configuration on network topology

                if response is not success


    push_network_topology_service = self._commcell_object._services['PUSH_TOPOLOGY']

    flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
        'POST', push_network_topology_service % self._network_topology_id)

    if flag:
        if response.json():
            if 'error' in response.json():
                error_code = str(response.json()['error']['errorCode'])
                error_message = response.json()['error']['errorString']

                if error_code != '0':
                    raise SDKException('NetworkTopology', '102', error_message)
                raise SDKException('Response', '102')
            raise SDKException('Response', '102')
        response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text)
        raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)
def refresh(self)

Refresh the properties of Network Topology

Expand source code Browse git
def refresh(self):
    """Refresh the properties of Network Topology"""

def update(self, firewall_groups=None, **kwargs)

Update the network topology properties of network topology.


firewall_groups(list of dict) – client group names and client group types

[{'group_type':2, 'group_name': "test1", 'is_mnemonic': False }, {'group_type':1, 'group_name': "test2", 'is_mnemonic': False }, {'group_type':3, 'group_name': "test3", 'is_mnemonic': False }]

**kwargs (dict) – Key value pairs for supported arguments

Supported arguments:

network_topology_name (str) – new name of the network topology

description (str) – description for the network topology

topology_type (int) – network topology type

wildcard_proxy (boolean) – option to use wildcard proxy for proxy type topology

is_smart_topology (boolean) – specified as true for smart topology

encrypt_traffic (int) – to specify whether encrypt traffic or not Default vaule: 0

number_of_streams (int) – to specify number of streams Default vaule: 1

region_id (int) – to sspecify region id Default value: 0

connection_protocol (int) – to specify the protocols Default vaule: 2

Possible input values:

topology_type : 1 — for proxy topology 2 — for one-way topology 3 — for two-way topology

group_type for client_groups:
first client group in GUI screen
second client group in GUI screen
third client group in GUI screen
is_mnemonic for client_groups:
if the specified group is a mnemonic
if the specified group is a client group


SDKException: if response is empty

if response is not success
Expand source code Browse git
def update(self, firewall_groups=None, **kwargs):
    """Update the network topology properties of network topology.


            firewall_groups(list of dict)  --   client group names and client
                                                group types

            [{'group_type':2, 'group_name': "test1", 'is_mnemonic': False },
            {'group_type':1, 'group_name': "test2", 'is_mnemonic': False },
            {'group_type':3, 'group_name': "test3", 'is_mnemonic': False }]

            **kwargs             (dict)  -- Key value pairs for supported arguments

            Supported arguments:

            network_topology_name   (str)       --  new name of the network topology

            description             (str)       --  description for the network topology

            topology_type           (int)       -- network topology type

            wildcard_proxy          (boolean)   -- option to use wildcard proxy for
                                                 proxy type topology

            is_smart_topology       (boolean)   -- specified as true for smart topology
            encrypt_traffic      (int)     --   to specify whether encrypt traffic or not
                                                Default vaule: 0

            number_of_streams     (int)     --   to specify number of streams
                                                Default vaule: 1

            region_id            (int)     --   to sspecify region id
                                                Default value: 0

            connection_protocol  (int)     --   to specify the protocols
                                                Default vaule: 2

            Possible input values:

            topology_type :
            1 --- for proxy topology
            2 --- for one-way topology
            3 --- for two-way topology

            group_type for client_groups:
            2: first client group in GUI screen
            1: second client group in GUI screen
            3: third client group in GUI screen

            is_mnemonic for client_groups:
            True: if the specified group is a mnemonic
            False: if the specified group is a client group

                if response is empty

                if response is not success


    firewall_groups_list = []
    count_mnemonic = 0
    if firewall_groups is None:
        firewall_groups_list = self.firewall_groups

        firewall_groups_list, count_mnemonic = NetworkTopologies.create_firewall_groups_list(firewall_groups)

    network_topology_name = kwargs.get('network_topology_name', self.network_topology_name)

    description = kwargs.get('description', self.description)

    topology_type = kwargs.get('topology_type', self.network_topology_type)

    wildcard_proxy = kwargs.get('wildcard_proxy', False)

    is_smart_topology = kwargs.get('is_smart_topology', False)

    NetworkTopologies.verify_smart_topology_groups(is_smart_topology, count_mnemonic)

    extended_properties = self.extended_properties
    properties = ['display_type', 'encrypt_traffic', 'number_of_streams', 'region_id', 'connection_protocol']
    for prop in properties:
        if prop in kwargs:
            temp = prop.split('_')
            for i in range(1, len(temp)):
                temp[i] = temp[i][0].upper() + temp[i][1:]
            camel_case_prop = ''.join(temp)

            idx = extended_properties.find(camel_case_prop) + len(camel_case_prop) + len("\"=")
            temp = list(extended_properties)
            temp[idx] = str(kwargs.get(prop))
            extended_properties = ''.join(temp)

    request_json = {
        "firewallTopology": {
            "useWildcardProxy": wildcard_proxy,
            "extendedProperties": extended_properties,
            "topologyType": topology_type,
            "description": description,
            "isSmartTopology": is_smart_topology,
            "firewallGroups": firewall_groups_list,
            "topologyEntity": {
                "topologyName": network_topology_name

    flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
        'PUT', self._NETWORKTOPOLOGY, request_json

    if flag:
        if response.json():

            error_message = response.json()['errorMessage']
            error_code = str(response.json()['errorCode'])

            if error_code != '0':
                raise SDKException('NetworkTopology', '102', error_message)

            raise SDKException('Response', '102')
        response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text)
        raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)
