Module cvpysdk.deduplication_engines

Main file for performing deduplication engine related operations on the commcell.

This file has all the classes related to deduplication engine operations.

DeduplicationEnigines: Class for representing all the deduplication engines associated to the commcell.

DeduplicationEninge: Class for representing a single deduplication engine associated to the commcell.

Store: Class for representing a single deduplication store associated to the deduplication engine.

SubStore: Class for representing a single substore associated to the deduplication store.


init(commcell_object) - Initialise the DeduplicationEngines class instance

repr() - Representation string consisting of deduplication engines.

str() - Representation string for the instance of the DeduplicationEngines class.

_get_engines() - returns all engines properties on commcell

get() - returns list of all engines

has_engine() - checkes if a engine exisits for storage policy and copy name

refresh() - refreshes all engine properties


init(commcell_object, storage_policy_name, copy_name) - Initialise the DeduplicationEngine class instance

repr() - Representation string consisting of deduplication engine.

str() - Representation string for the instance of the DeduplicationEngine class.

_initialize_policy_and_copy_id() - Gets deduplication engine properties

_get_engine_properties() - initializes deduplication engine properties

_initialize_stores() - initializes all the stores presnet in deduplication engine

refresh() - refreshes all the deduplication engine properties

all_stores() - Checks if a deduplication store exists in a engine with provided storeid id.

has_store() - returns list of all stores present in deduplication engines

get() - Returns store class object for sssthe store id on deduplication engine


init(commcell_object, storage_policy_name, copy_name, store_id) - Initialise the Store class instance

repr() - Representation string consisting of deduplication store.

str() - Representation string for the instance of the Store class.

_initialize_store_properties() - initializes store properties

_get_substores() - gets all substores in a store along with properties

_initialize_substores() - initializes all substore properties

refresh() - refreshes store properties

has_substore() - checks if a substore exists in a store

get() - gets a substore class object for provided substore id

seal_deduplication_database() - Seals the deduplication database

recover_deduplication_database() - starts DDB Reconstruction job for store

run_space_reclaimation() - starts DDB space reclaimation job for store

run_ddb_verification() - starts DDB verification job for store

config_only_move_partition() - performs config-only ddb move operation on specified substore

move_partition() - performs normal ddb move operation on specified substore


**all_substores**       -- returns list of all substores present on a deduplication store

**store_flags**         -- returns the deduplication flags on store

**store_name**          -- returns the store display name

**store_id**            -- return the store id

**version**             -- returns deduplication store version

**status**              -- returns the store display name

**storage_policy_name** -- returns storage policy name associated with store

**copy_name**           -- returns copy name associated with store

**copy_id**             -- returns copy id the store is associated to

**enable_store_pruning**            -- returns whether purning is enabled or disabled on store

**enable_store_pruning.setter**     -- sets store purning value to true or false

**enable_garbage_collection**       -- returns garbage collection property value for store

**enable_garbage_collection.setter** -- sets garbage collection property value for store

**enable_journal_pruning**           --  Returns the value of journal pruning property

**enable_journal_pruning.setter**    --  Sets the value of journal pruning property


init(commcell_object, storage_policy_name, copy_name, store_id, substore-id) - Initialise the SubStore class instance

repr() - Representation string consisting of substore.

str() - Representation string for the instance of the SubStore class.

_initialize_substore_properties() - initialize substore properties of a store

refresh() - refreshes substore properties

mark_for_recovery() - marks a substore for recovery

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright Commvault Systems, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------

"""Main file for performing deduplication engine related operations on the commcell.

This file has all the classes related to deduplication engine operations.

DeduplicationEnigines:  Class for representing all the deduplication engines associated to the commcell.

DeduplicationEninge:    Class for representing a single deduplication engine associated to the commcell.

Store:  Class for representing a single deduplication store associated to the deduplication engine.

SubStore:   Class for representing a single substore associated to the deduplication store.

    __init__(commcell_object)   - Initialise the DeduplicationEngines class instance

    __repr__()                  - Representation string consisting of deduplication engines.

    __str__()                   - Representation string for the instance of the DeduplicationEngines class.

    _get_engines()              - returns all engines properties on commcell

    get()                       - returns list of all engines

    has_engine()                - checkes if a engine exisits for storage policy and copy name

    refresh()                   - refreshes all engine properties

    __init__(commcell_object, storage_policy_name, copy_name)   - Initialise the DeduplicationEngine class instance

    __repr__()                  - Representation string consisting of deduplication engine.

    __str__()                   - Representation string for the instance of the DeduplicationEngine class.

    _initialize_policy_and_copy_id()    - Gets deduplication engine properties

    _get_engine_properties()    - initializes deduplication engine properties

    _initialize_stores()        - initializes all the stores presnet in deduplication engine

    refresh()                   - refreshes all the deduplication engine properties

    all_stores()                - Checks if a deduplication store exists in a engine with provided storeid id.

    has_store()                 - returns list of all stores present in deduplication engines

    get()                       - Returns store class object for sssthe store id on deduplication engine

    __init__(commcell_object, storage_policy_name, copy_name, store_id)   - Initialise the Store class instance

    __repr__()                  - Representation string consisting of deduplication store.

    __str__()                   - Representation string for the instance of the Store class.

    _initialize_store_properties()  - initializes store properties

    _get_substores()            - gets all substores in a store along with properties

    _initialize_substores()     - initializes all substore properties

    refresh()                   - refreshes store properties

    has_substore()              - checks if a substore exists in a store

    get()                      - gets a substore class object for provided substore id

    seal_deduplication_database() - Seals the deduplication database

    recover_deduplication_database()    - starts DDB Reconstruction job for store

    run_space_reclaimation()    - starts DDB space reclaimation job for store

    run_ddb_verification()      - starts DDB verification job for store

    config_only_move_partition()    - performs config-only ddb move operation on specified substore

    move_partition()            - performs normal ddb move operation on specified substore

    **all_substores**       -- returns list of all substores present on a deduplication store

    **store_flags**         -- returns the deduplication flags on store

    **store_name**          -- returns the store display name

    **store_id**            -- return the store id

    **version**             -- returns deduplication store version

    **status**              -- returns the store display name

    **storage_policy_name** -- returns storage policy name associated with store

    **copy_name**           -- returns copy name associated with store

    **copy_id**             -- returns copy id the store is associated to

    **enable_store_pruning**            -- returns whether purning is enabled or disabled on store

    **enable_store_pruning.setter**     -- sets store purning value to true or false

    **enable_garbage_collection**       -- returns garbage collection property value for store

    **enable_garbage_collection.setter** -- sets garbage collection property value for store

    **enable_journal_pruning**           --  Returns the value of journal pruning property

    **enable_journal_pruning.setter**    --  Sets the value of journal pruning property

    __init__(commcell_object, storage_policy_name, copy_name,
            store_id, substore-id)   - Initialise the SubStore class instance

    __repr__()                  - Representation string consisting of substore.

    __str__()                   - Representation string for the instance of the SubStore class.

    _initialize_substore_properties()   - initialize substore properties of a store

    refresh()                   - refreshes substore properties

    mark_for_recovery()         - marks a substore for recovery
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import unicode_literals

from enum import Enum

from .exception import SDKException
from .job import Job

class StoreFlags(Enum):

class DeduplicationEngines(object):
    """Class for getting all the deduplication engines associated with the commcell."""

    def __init__(self, commcell_object):
        """Initialize object of the DeduplicationEngines class.

                commcell_object (object)  --  instance of the Commcell class

                object - instance of the StoragePolicies class
        self._commcell_object = commcell_object

        self._engines = None

    def __str__(self):
        """Representation string consisting of all deduplication engines of the commcell.

                str - string of all the deduplication associated with the commcell
        representation_string = '{:^5}\t{:^20}\n\n'.format('S. No.', 'Deduplication engine')
        for index, engine in enumerate(self._engines):
            sub_str = '{:^5}\t{}/{}\n'.format(index + 1, engine[0], engine[1])
            representation_string += sub_str
        return representation_string.strip()

    def __repr__(self):
        """Representation string for the instance of the DeduplicationEngines class."""
        return "DeduplicationEngines class instance for Commcell: '{0}'".format(

    def _get_engines(self):
        gets all the deduplication engines associated with the commcell

            dict - consists of all the engines in the commcell

                if response is not success
        request_json = {
            "EVGui_DDBEnginesReq": {
                "filterOptions": {
                    "propertyLevel": 1
                "storagepolicy": {
                    "storagePolicyId": 0
                "spCopy": {
                    "copyId": 0,
                    "storagePolicyId": 0
                "store": {
                    "type": 115
                "flags": 0
        flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'POST', self._commcell_object._services['EXECUTE_QCOMMAND'], request_json
        if flag:
            if response and response.json() and 'engines' in response.json():
                engines = response.json()['engines']

                if engines == []:
                    return {}

                engines_dict = {}

                for engine in engines:
                    temp_sp_name = engine['sp']['name'].lower()
                    temp_sp_id = str(engine['sp']['id']).lower()
                    temp_copy_name = engine['copy']['name'].lower()
                    temp_copy_id = str(engine['copy']['id']).lower()
                    engines_dict[(temp_sp_name, temp_copy_name)] = [temp_sp_id, temp_copy_id]
                return engines_dict
            return {}
        response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text)
        raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)

    def all_engines(self):
        """returns list all the deduplication engines with storage polic and copy name"""
        return list(self._engines.keys())

    def refresh(self):
        """refreshes all the deduplication engines and their properties"""
        self._engines = self._get_engines()

    def has_engine(self, storage_policy_name, copy_name):
        """Checks if a deduplication engine exists in the commcell with the input storage policy and copy name.

                storage_policy_name (str)  --  name of the storage policy

                copy_name (str)  --  name of the storage policy copy

                bool - boolean output whether the deduplication engine exists in the commcell or not

                    if type of the storage policy and copy name arguments are not string
        if not isinstance(storage_policy_name, str) and not isinstance(copy_name, str):
            raise SDKException('Storage', '101')
        return self._engines and (storage_policy_name.lower(), copy_name.lower()) in self._engines

    def get(self, storage_policy_name, copy_name):
        Returns eng class object for the engine on deduplication engines

            storage_policy_name (str) - name of the storage policy

            copy_name (str) - name of the deduplication enabled copy

             object - instance of engine class for a given storage policy and copy name

                if type of arguments are not string

                if no engine exists with given storage policy and copy name
        if not isinstance(storage_policy_name, str) and not isinstance(copy_name, str):
            raise SDKException('Storage', '101')

        storage_policy_name = storage_policy_name.lower()
        copy_name = copy_name.lower()

        if self.has_engine(storage_policy_name, copy_name):
            return DeduplicationEngine(
                self._commcell_object, storage_policy_name, copy_name
        raise SDKException(
            'Storage', '102', f'No dedupe engine exists with name: {storage_policy_name}/{copy_name}'

class DeduplicationEngine(object):
    """Class to get all stores associated for deduplication engine"""

    def __init__(self, commcell_object, storage_policy_name, copy_name, storage_policy_id=None, copy_id=None):
        """Initialise the DeduplicationEngine class instance.

            commcell_object (object)    - instance of class Commcell

            storage_policy_name (str)   - storage policy name on commcell

            copy_name (str)             - copy name under storage policy

            storage_policy_id (int)     - storage policy id for commcell

            copy_id (int)               - copy id under storage policy
        self._storage_policy_name = storage_policy_name.lower()
        self._copy_name = copy_name.lower()
        self._commcell_object = commcell_object
        self._engine_properties = {}
        self._stores = {}
        if not storage_policy_id and not copy_id:
            if not isinstance(storage_policy_id, int) and not isinstance(copy_id, int):
                raise SDKException('Storage', '101')
            self._storage_policy_id = storage_policy_id
            self._copy_id = copy_id

    def __str__(self):
        """Representation string consisting of deduplication engine.

                str - string of all the stores associated with the deduplication engine
        representation_string = '{:^5}\t{:^20}\t{}\n\n'.format('Store ID.', 'Store', 'Sealed Status')

        for store_id in self._stores:
            status = 'sealed' if self._stores[store_id]['sealedTime'] else 'active'
            sub_str = '{:^5}\t{:20}\t{}\n'.format(store_id, self._stores[store_id]['storeName'], status)
            representation_string += sub_str

        return representation_string.strip()

    def __repr__(self):
        """Representation string for the instance of the DeduplicationEngine class."""
        return "DeduplicationEngine class instance for Engine: '{0}/{1}'".format(
            self._storage_policy_name, self._copy_name

    def _initialize_policy_and_copy_id(self):
        """initializes the variables for storage policy and copy id"""
        deduplication_engines = DeduplicationEngines(self._commcell_object)
        policy_and_copy_id = deduplication_engines._engines[(self._storage_policy_name, self._copy_name)]
        self._storage_policy_id = policy_and_copy_id[0]
        self._copy_id = policy_and_copy_id[1]

    def _get_engine_properties(self):
        Gets deduplication engine properties

             dict - engine properties for each store on deduplication engine

                    if response is empty

                    if response is not success
        request_json = {
            "EVGui_DDBEnginesReq": {
                "filterOptions": {
                    "propertyLevel": 20
                "storagepolicy": {
                    "storagePolicyId": self.storage_policy_id
                "spCopy": {
                    "copyId": self.copy_id,
                    "storagePolicyId": self.storage_policy_id
                "store": {
                    "type": 115
                "flags": 0

        flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'POST', self._commcell_object._services['EXECUTE_QCOMMAND'], request_json
        if flag:
            if response and response.json():
                return response.json()
            raise SDKException('Response', '102')
        response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text)
        raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)

    def _initialize_engine_properties(self):
        """initializes deduplication engine properties"""
        self._engine_properties = self._get_engine_properties()

    def _initialize_stores(self):
        """initializes all the stores presnet in deduplication engine"""
        for store in self._engine_properties.get('engines'):
            temp_sp_name = store['sp']['name'].lower()
            temp_copy_name = store['copy']['name'].lower()
            if (temp_sp_name, temp_copy_name) == (self._storage_policy_name, self._copy_name):
                self._stores[store['storeId']] = store

    def refresh(self):
        """refreshes all the deduplication engine properties"""

    def all_stores(self):
        """returns list of all stores present in deduplication engines"""
        stores = []
        for store_id in self._stores:
            status = 'sealed' if self._stores[store_id]['sealedTime'] else 'active'
            stores.append([store_id, self._stores[store_id]['storeName'], status])
        return stores

    def storage_policy_id(self):
        """returns storage policy id associated to engine"""
        return self._storage_policy_id

    def copy_id(self):
        """returns copy id associated to engine"""
        return self._copy_id

    def has_store(self, store_id):
        """Checks if a deduplication store exists in a engine with provided storeid id.
            store_id (int) - deduplication store id to check existance

            bool - boolean output whether the deduplication store exists in the engine or not

                if type of the store id argument is not int
        if not isinstance(store_id, int):
            raise SDKException('Storage', '101')
        return self._stores and store_id in self._stores

    def get(self, store_id):
        Returns store class object for the store id on deduplication engine

            store_id (int) - id of the store on deduplication engine

            object - instance of Store class for a given store id

            if type of store id argument is not integer

            if no store exists with given store id
        if not isinstance(store_id, int):
            raise SDKException('Storage', '101')

        if self.has_store(store_id):
            return Store(self._commcell_object, self._storage_policy_name, self._copy_name, store_id)
        raise SDKException(
            'Storage', '102', f'No store exists with id: {store_id}'

class Store(object):
    """Class for performing deduplication store level operations for deduplication engine"""

    def __init__(self, commcell_object, storage_policy_name, copy_name, store_id):
        """Initialise the Store class instance.

            commcell_object (object)    - commcell class instance

            storage_policy_name (str)   - storage policy name in commcell

            copy_name (str)             - copy name under storage policy

            store_id (int)              - deduplication store id in commcell
        self._storage_policy_name = storage_policy_name.lower()
        self._copy_name = copy_name.lower()
        self._store_id = store_id
        self._commcell_object = commcell_object
        self._substores = {}
        self._store_properties = {}
        self._extended_flags = None
        self._dedupe_flags = None
        self._store_flags = None

    def __str__(self):
        """Representation string consisting of deduplication store.

                str - string of all the substores associated with the deduplication store
        representation_string = '{:^5}\t{:^20}\n\n'.format('SubStore ID.', 'SubStoreList')

        for substore_id in self._substores:
            sub_str = '{:^5}\t[{}]{}\n'.format(substore_id, self._substores[substore_id]['MediaAgent']['name'],
            representation_string += sub_str

        return representation_string.strip()

    def __repr__(self):
        """Representation string for the instance of the Store class."""
        return "Store class instance for Deduplication Store ID: '{0}'".format(self._store_id)

    def _initialize_store_properties(self):
        """initializes the deduplication store proerties"""
        deduplication_engine = DeduplicationEngine(self._commcell_object, self._storage_policy_name, self._copy_name)
        self._store_properties = deduplication_engine._stores[self._store_id]
        self._extended_flags = self._store_properties['storeExtendedFlags']
        self._dedupe_flags = self._store_properties['dedupeFlags']
        self._store_flags = self._store_properties['storeFlags']

    def _get_substores(self):
        Gets properties of all the substores in a deduplication store

             dict - store properties and substore list for each substore on deduplication store

                    if response is empty

                    if response is not success
        request_json = {
            "EVGui_SubStoreListReq": {
                "commcellId": 2,
                "storeId": self.store_id

        flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'POST', self._commcell_object._services['EXECUTE_QCOMMAND'], request_json
        if flag:
            if response.json():
                return response.json()
            raise SDKException('Response', '102')
        response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text)
        raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)

    def _initialize_substores(self):
        """initialisez all the substores present in a deduplication store"""
        substre_raw = self._get_substores()
        for substore in substre_raw.get('subStoreList'):
            self._substores[substore['subStoreId']] = substore

    def refresh(self):
        """refreshes all the deduplication store properties"""

    def all_substores(self):
        """returns list of all substores present on a deduplication store"""
        substores = []
        for substore_id in self._substores:
            substores.append([substore_id, self._substores[substore_id]['Path'],
        return substores

    def has_substore(self, substore_id):
        """Checks if a substore exists in a deduplication store with provided substore id.
            substore_id (int) - substore id to check existance

            bool - boolean output whether the substore exists in the store or not

                if type of the store id argument is not int
        if not isinstance(substore_id, int):
            raise SDKException('Storage', '101')
        return self._substores and substore_id in self._substores

    def get(self, substore_id):
        Returns substore class object for the substore id on deduplication store

            substore_id (int) - id of the substore on deduplication store

             object - instance of subStore class for a given substore id

            if type of substore id argument is not integer

            if no substore exists with given substore id
        if not isinstance(substore_id, int):
            raise SDKException('Storage', '101')

        if self.has_substore(substore_id):
            return SubStore(self._commcell_object, self._storage_policy_name, self._copy_name, self._store_id,
        raise SDKException(
            'Storage', '102', f'No substore exists with id: {substore_id}'

    def store_flags(self):
        """returns the deduplication flags on store"""
        return self._store_flags

    def store_name(self):
        """returns the store display name"""
        return self._store_properties.get('storeName')

    def store_id(self):
        """return the store id"""
        return self._store_id

    def version(self):
        """returns deduplication store version"""
        return self._store_properties.get('ddbVersion')

    def status(self):
        """returns the store display name"""
        return self._store_properties.get('status')

    def storage_policy_name(self):
        """returns storage policy name associated with store"""
        return self._storage_policy_name

    def copy_name(self):
        """returns copy name associated with store"""
        return self._copy_name

    def copy_id(self):
        """returns copy id the store is associated to"""
        return self._store_properties.get('copy').get('id')

    def enable_garbage_collection(self):
        """returns garbage collection property value for store"""
        if (self._extended_flags & 4) == 0:
            return False
        return True

    def enable_store_pruning(self):
        """returns if purning is enabled or disabled on store"""
        return self._store_flags & StoreFlags.IDX_SIDBSTORE_FLAGS_PRUNING_ENABLED.value != 0

    def enable_store_pruning(self, value):
        """sets store purning value to true or false
              value (bool) -- value to enable or disable store pruning
        if not value:
            new_value = self._store_flags & ~StoreFlags.IDX_SIDBSTORE_FLAGS_PRUNING_ENABLED.value
            new_value = self._store_flags | StoreFlags.IDX_SIDBSTORE_FLAGS_PRUNING_ENABLED.value

        request_json = {
            "EVGui_ParallelDedupConfigReq": {
                "processinginstructioninfo": "",
                "SIDBStore": {
                    "SIDBStoreId": self.store_id,
                    "SIDBStoreName": self.store_name,
                    "extendedFlags": self._extended_flags,
                    "flags": new_value,
                    "minObjSizeKB": 50,
                    "oldestEligibleObjArchiveTime": -1
                "appTypeGroupId": 0,
                "commCellId": 2,
                "copyId": self.copy_id,
                "operation": 3
        output = self._commcell_object.qoperation_execute(request_json)
        if output['error']['errorString'] != '':
            raise SDKException('Storage', '102', output['error']['errorString'])


    def enable_garbage_collection(self, value):
        """sets enable garbage collection with true or false
              value (bool) -- value to enable or disable garbage collection
        if self.version == -1:
            if not value:
                new_value = self._extended_flags & ~4
                new_value = self._extended_flags | 4

            request_json = {
                "EVGui_ParallelDedupConfigReq": {
                    "processinginstructioninfo": "",
                    "SIDBStore": {
                        "SIDBStoreId": self.store_id,
                        "SIDBStoreName": self.store_name,
                        "extendedFlags": new_value,
                        "flags": self._store_flags,
                        "minObjSizeKB": 50,
                        "oldestEligibleObjArchiveTime": -1
                    "appTypeGroupId": 0,
                    "commCellId": 2,
                    "copyId": self.copy_id,
                    "operation": 3

    def enable_journal_pruning(self):
        """returns journal pruning property value for store"""
        if (self._extended_flags & 8) == 0:
            return False
        return True

    def enable_journal_pruning(self, value):
        """sets enable journal pruning with true or false
              value (bool) -- value to enable journal pruning
        if not self._extended_flags & 8 and value or self.version == -1:

            if value:
                new_value = self._extended_flags | 8
                new_value = self._extended_flags & ~8

            request_json = {
                "EVGui_ParallelDedupConfigReq": {
                    "processinginstructioninfo": "",
                    "SIDBStore": {
                        "SIDBStoreId": self.store_id,
                        "SIDBStoreName": self.store_name,
                        "extendedFlags": new_value,
                        "flags": self._store_flags,
                        "minObjSizeKB": 50,
                        "oldestEligibleObjArchiveTime": -1
                    "appTypeGroupId": 0,
                    "commCellId": 2,
                    "copyId": self.copy_id,
                    "operation": 3
        elif self._extended_flags & 8 and value:
            raise SDKException("Response", '500', "Journal pruning is already enabled.")
            raise SDKException("Response", '500', "Journal pruning once enabled cannot be disabled.")

    def seal_deduplication_database(self):
        """ Seals the deduplication database """

        request_json = {
                                "SidbStoreId": self.store_id

    def recover_deduplication_database(self, full_reconstruction=False, scalable_resources=True):
        refresh store properties and start reconstruction job if at least one substore is marked for recovery

            full_reconstruction (bool)  - to reconstruct without using previous backup (True/False)
                                        Default: False

            scalable_resources (bool)    - to run reconstruction using scalable resources
                                        Default: True

             object - instance of Job class for DDB Reconstruction job

                if DDB Reconstruction job failed

                if response if empty

                if response in not success
        substore_list = ""
        for substore in self.all_substores:
            if self._substores.get(substore[0]).get('status') == 1:
                substore_list += f"<SubStoreIdList val='{substore[0]}' />"

        if not substore_list:
            o_str = 'No substore is eligible for recon.'
            raise SDKException('Storage', '102', o_str)

        request_xml = f"""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
        flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'POST', self._commcell_object._services['EXECUTE_QCOMMAND'], request_xml
        if flag:
            if response and response.json():
                if "jobIds" in response.json():
                    return Job(self._commcell_object, response.json()['jobIds'][0])
                elif "errorCode" in response.json():
                    error_message = response.json()['errorMessage']
                    o_str = 'DDB recon job failed\nError: "{0}"'.format(error_message)
                    raise SDKException('Storage', '102', o_str)
                raise SDKException('Storage', '112')
            raise SDKException('Response', '102')
        response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text)
        raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)

    def run_space_reclaimation(self, level=3, clean_orphan_data=False, use_scalable_resource=True, num_streams="max"):
        runs DDB Space reclaimation job with provided level

            level (int) - criteria for space reclaimation level (1, 2, 3, 4)
                        Default: 3

            clean_orphan_data (bool) - run space reclaimation with OCL or not (True/False)
                        Default: False

            use_scalable_resource (bool)    - Use Scalable Resource Allocation while running DDB Space Reclamation Job
                        Default: True

            num_streams (str)   -- Number of streams with which job will run.
             object - instance of Job class for DDB Verification job

                if invalid level is provided

                if DDB space reclaimation job failed

                if response if empty

                if response in not success
        if not (isinstance(level, int)) and level not in range(1, 4):
            raise SDKException('Storage', '101')

        if not isinstance(use_scalable_resource, bool):
            raise SDKException('Storage', '101')

        use_max_streams = "true"
        max_num_of_streams = 0
        if str(num_streams) != "max":
            max_num_of_streams = int(num_streams)
            use_max_streams = "false"

        level_map = {
            1: 80,
            2: 60,
            3: 40,
            4: 20
        clean_orphan_data = str(clean_orphan_data).lower()
        request_json = {
            "TMMsg_CreateTaskReq": {
                "taskInfo": {
                    "task": {
                        "taskFlags": {
                            "disabled": "false"
                        "policyType": "DATA_PROTECTION",
                        "taskType": "IMMEDIATE",
                        "initiatedFrom": "COMMANDLINE"
                    "associations": {
                        "copyName": self.copy_name,
                        "storagePolicyName": self.storage_policy_name,
                        "sidbStoreName": self.store_name
                    "subTasks": {
                        "subTask": {
                            "subTaskType": "ADMIN",
                            "operationType": "ARCHIVE_CHECK"
                        "options": {
                            "backupOpts": {
                                "mediaOpt": {
                                    "auxcopyJobOption": {
                                        "useMaximumStreams": use_max_streams,
                                        "maxNumberOfStreams": max_num_of_streams,
                                        "allCopies": "true",
                                        "mediaAgent": {
                                            "mediaAgentName": ""
                                        "useScallableResourceManagement": f"{use_scalable_resource}"
                            "adminOpts": {
                                "archiveCheckOption": {
                                    "ddbVerificationLevel": "DDB_DEFRAGMENTATION",
                                    "backupLevel": "FULL",
                                    "defragmentationPercentage": level_map.get(level),
                                    "ocl": clean_orphan_data,
                                    "runDefrag": "true"
                        "subTaskOperation": "OVERWRITE"
        flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'POST', self._commcell_object._services['EXECUTE_QCOMMAND'], request_json
        if flag:
            if response.json():
                if "jobIds" in response.json():
                    return Job(self._commcell_object, response.json()['jobIds'][0])
                elif "errorCode" in response.json():
                    error_message = response.json()['errorMessage']

                    o_str = 'DDB space reclaimation job failed\nError: "{0}"'.format(error_message)
                    raise SDKException('Storage', '102', o_str)
                raise SDKException('Storage', '113')
            raise SDKException('Response', '102')
        response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text)
        raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)

    def run_ddb_verification(self, incremental_verification=True, quick_verification=True,
                             use_scalable_resource=True, max_streams=0):
        runs deduplication data verification(dv2) job with verification type and dv2 option

            incremental_verification (bool) - DV2 job type, incremental or Full (True/False)
                                            Default: True (Incremental)

            quick_verification (bool)       - DV2 job option, Quick or Complete (True/False)
                                            Default: True (quick verification)

            use_scalable_resource (bool)    - Use Scalable Resource Allocation while running DDB Verification Job
                                            Default: True

            max_streams (int)           - DV2 job option, maximum number of streams to use. By default, job uses max streams.

             object - instance of Job class for DDB Verification job

                if DDB Verification job failed

                if response if empty

                if response in not success

        verification_type = 'INCREMENTAL'
        if not incremental_verification:
            verification_type = 'FULL'

        verification_option = 'QUICK_DDB_VERIFICATION'
        if not quick_verification:
            verification_option = 'DDB_AND_DATA_VERIFICATION'

        use_max_streams = True
        if max_streams != 0:
            use_max_streams = False

        if not isinstance(use_scalable_resource, bool):
            raise SDKException('Storage', '101')

        request_json = {
            "TMMsg_CreateTaskReq": {
                "taskInfo": {
                    "task": {
                        "taskFlags": {
                            "disabled": "false"
                        "policyType": "DATA_PROTECTION",
                        "taskType": "IMMEDIATE",
                        "initiatedFrom": "COMMANDLINE"
                    "associations": {
                        "copyName": self.copy_name,
                        "storagePolicyName": self.storage_policy_name,
                        "sidbStoreName": self.store_name
                    "subTasks": {
                        "subTask": {
                            "subTaskType": "ADMIN",
                            "operationType": "ARCHIVE_CHECK"
                        "options": {
                            "backupOpts": {
                                "mediaOpt": {
                                    "auxcopyJobOption": {
                                        "useMaximumStreams": f"{use_max_streams}",
                                        "maxNumberOfStreams": f"{max_streams}",
                                        "allCopies": "true",
                                        "mediaAgent": {
                                            "mediaAgentName": ""
                                        "useScallableResourceManagement": f"{use_scalable_resource}"
                            "adminOpts": {
                                "archiveCheckOption": {
                                    "ddbVerificationLevel": verification_option,
                                    "backupLevel": verification_type
                        "subTaskOperation": "OVERWRITE"
        flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'POST', self._commcell_object._services['EXECUTE_QCOMMAND'], request_json
        if flag:
            if response and response.json():
                if "jobIds" in response.json():
                    return Job(self._commcell_object, response.json()['jobIds'][0])
                elif "errorCode" in response.json():
                    error_message = response.json()['errorMessage']
                    o_str = 'DDB verification job failed\nError: "{0}"'.format(error_message)
                    raise SDKException('Storage', '102', o_str)
                raise SDKException('Storage', '108')
            raise SDKException('Response', '102')
        response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text)
        raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)

    def config_only_move_partition(self, substoreid, dest_path, dest_ma_name):
        runs config-only ddb move operation on specified substore

            substoreid - (int) - substore Id for partition to be moved

            dest_path - (str) - full path for partition destination directory

            dest_ma_name - (str) - destination media agent name

             boolean - returns true or false value depending on success of config only
        dest_ma = self._commcell_object.media_agents.get(dest_ma_name)
        dest_ma_id = int(dest_ma.media_agent_id)
        substore = self.get(substoreid)

        request_json = {
            "MediaManager_CanDDBMoveRunReq": {
                "intReserveFiled1": 0,
                "sourceMaId": substore.media_agent_id,
                "flags": 1,
                "targetPath": dest_path,
                "stringReserveField1": "",
                "storeId": self.store_id,
                "subStoreId": substoreid,
                "targetMAId": dest_ma_id,
                "sourcePath": substore.path

        flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'POST', self._commcell_object._services['EXECUTE_QCOMMAND'], request_json

        if flag:
            if response and response.json():
                if "errorCode" in response.json():
                    error_message = response.json()['errorMessage']
                    o_str = 'DDB move job failed\nError: "{0}"'.format(error_message)
                    raise SDKException('Storage', '102', o_str)
                    return flag
            raise SDKException('Response', '102')
        response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text)
        raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)

    def move_partition(self, substoreid, dest_path, dest_ma_name):
        runs normal ddb move operation on specified substore

            substoreid - (int) - substore Id for partition to be moved

            dest_path - (str) - full path for partition destination directory

            dest_ma_name - (str) - destination media agent name

             object - instance of Job class for DDB Move job

                if DDB Move job failed

                if response if empty

                if response in not success
        dest_ma = self._commcell_object.media_agents.get(dest_ma_name)
        dest_ma_id = int(dest_ma.media_agent_id)
        substore = self.get(substoreid)

        request_json = {
            "TMMsg_CreateTaskReq": {
                "taskInfo": {
                    "associations": [
                            "sidbStoreId": self.store_id,
                            "_type_": 18,
                            "appName": ""
                    "task": {
                        "ownerId": 1,
                        "taskType": 1,
                        "ownerName": "admin",
                        "sequenceNumber": 0,
                        "initiatedFrom": 1,
                        "policyType": 0,
                        "taskId": 0,
                        "taskFlags": {
                            "disabled": False
                    "subTasks": [
                            "subTaskOperation": 1,
                            "subTask": {
                                "subTaskType": 1,
                                "operationType": 5013
                            "options": {
                                "adminOpts": {
                                    "contentIndexingOption": {
                                        "subClientBasedAnalytics": False
                                    "libraryOption": {
                                        "operation": 20,
                                        "ddbMoveOption": {
                                            "flags": 2,
                                            "subStoreList": [
                                                    "srcPath": substore.path,
                                                    "storeId": self.store_id,
                                                    "changeOnlyDB": False,
                                                    "destPath": dest_path,
                                                    "subStoreId": substoreid,
                                                    "destMediaAgent": {
                                                        "name": dest_ma_name,
                                                        "id": dest_ma_id
                                                    "srcMediaAgent": {
                                                        "name": substore.media_agent,
                                                        "id": substore.media_agent_id
                                "restoreOptions": {
                                    "virtualServerRstOption": {
                                        "isBlockLevelReplication": False
                                    "commonOptions": {
                                        "syncRestore": False

        flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'POST', self._commcell_object._services['EXECUTE_QCOMMAND'], request_json

        if flag:
            if response and response.json():
                if "jobIds" in response.json():
                    return Job(self._commcell_object, response.json()['jobIds'][0])
                elif "errorCode" in response.json():
                    error_message = response.json()['errorMessage']
                    o_str = 'DDB move job failed\nError: "{0}"'.format(error_message)
                    raise SDKException('Storage', '102', o_str)
                raise SDKException('Storage', '108')
            raise SDKException('Response', '102')
        response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text)
        raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)

class SubStore(object):
    """Class to performing substore level operations for Deduplication engine"""

    def __init__(self, commcell_object, storage_policy_name, copy_name, store_id, substore_id):
        """Initialise the SubStore class instance.

            commcell_object (object)    - commcell class instance

            storage_policy_name (str)   - storage policy name in commcell

            copy_name (str)             - copy name under storage policy

            store_id (int)              - deduplication store id in commcell

            substore_id (int)           - substore id under deduplication store
        self._commcell_object = commcell_object
        self._storage_policy_name = storage_policy_name
        self._copy_name = copy_name
        self._store_id = store_id
        self._substore_id = substore_id
        self._substore_properties = {}
        self._path = None
        self._media_agent = None

    def __repr__(self):
        """Representation string for the instance of the SubStore class."""
        return "SubStore class instance for Deduplication Substore ID: '{0}'".format(

    def _initialize_substore_properties(self):
        """Initialize substore properties for the substore on a deduplication store"""
        store = Store(self._commcell_object, self._storage_policy_name, self._copy_name, self._store_id)
        self._substore_properties = store._substores[self._substore_id]
        self._path = self._substore_properties['Path']
        self._media_agent = self._substore_properties['MediaAgent']['name']
        self._media_agent_id = self._substore_properties['MediaAgent']['id']

    def refresh(self):
        """refresh the properties of a substore"""

    def mark_for_recovery(self):
        """mark a substore for recovery and refresh substore properties"""
        request_json = {
            "EVGui_IdxSIDBSubStoreOpReq": {
                "info": {
                    "mediaAgent": {
                        "name": self.media_agent
                    "SIDBStoreId": self.store_id,
                    "SubStoreId": self.substore_id,
                    "opType": 1,
                    "path": self.path

    def media_agent(self):
        """returns media agent for the substore"""
        return self._media_agent

    def media_agent_id(self):
        """returns media agent id for the substore"""
        return self._media_agent_id

    def path(self):
        """returns path for the substore"""
        return self._path

    def store_id(self):
        """returns store id for the substore"""
        return self._store_id

    def substore_id(self):
        """returns substore id"""
        return self._substore_id


class DeduplicationEngine (commcell_object, storage_policy_name, copy_name, storage_policy_id=None, copy_id=None)

Class to get all stores associated for deduplication engine

Initialise the DeduplicationEngine class instance.


commcell_object (object) - instance of class Commcell

storage_policy_name (str) - storage policy name on commcell

copy_name (str) - copy name under storage policy

storage_policy_id (int) - storage policy id for commcell

copy_id (int) - copy id under storage policy

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class DeduplicationEngine(object):
    """Class to get all stores associated for deduplication engine"""

    def __init__(self, commcell_object, storage_policy_name, copy_name, storage_policy_id=None, copy_id=None):
        """Initialise the DeduplicationEngine class instance.

            commcell_object (object)    - instance of class Commcell

            storage_policy_name (str)   - storage policy name on commcell

            copy_name (str)             - copy name under storage policy

            storage_policy_id (int)     - storage policy id for commcell

            copy_id (int)               - copy id under storage policy
        self._storage_policy_name = storage_policy_name.lower()
        self._copy_name = copy_name.lower()
        self._commcell_object = commcell_object
        self._engine_properties = {}
        self._stores = {}
        if not storage_policy_id and not copy_id:
            if not isinstance(storage_policy_id, int) and not isinstance(copy_id, int):
                raise SDKException('Storage', '101')
            self._storage_policy_id = storage_policy_id
            self._copy_id = copy_id

    def __str__(self):
        """Representation string consisting of deduplication engine.

                str - string of all the stores associated with the deduplication engine
        representation_string = '{:^5}\t{:^20}\t{}\n\n'.format('Store ID.', 'Store', 'Sealed Status')

        for store_id in self._stores:
            status = 'sealed' if self._stores[store_id]['sealedTime'] else 'active'
            sub_str = '{:^5}\t{:20}\t{}\n'.format(store_id, self._stores[store_id]['storeName'], status)
            representation_string += sub_str

        return representation_string.strip()

    def __repr__(self):
        """Representation string for the instance of the DeduplicationEngine class."""
        return "DeduplicationEngine class instance for Engine: '{0}/{1}'".format(
            self._storage_policy_name, self._copy_name

    def _initialize_policy_and_copy_id(self):
        """initializes the variables for storage policy and copy id"""
        deduplication_engines = DeduplicationEngines(self._commcell_object)
        policy_and_copy_id = deduplication_engines._engines[(self._storage_policy_name, self._copy_name)]
        self._storage_policy_id = policy_and_copy_id[0]
        self._copy_id = policy_and_copy_id[1]

    def _get_engine_properties(self):
        Gets deduplication engine properties

             dict - engine properties for each store on deduplication engine

                    if response is empty

                    if response is not success
        request_json = {
            "EVGui_DDBEnginesReq": {
                "filterOptions": {
                    "propertyLevel": 20
                "storagepolicy": {
                    "storagePolicyId": self.storage_policy_id
                "spCopy": {
                    "copyId": self.copy_id,
                    "storagePolicyId": self.storage_policy_id
                "store": {
                    "type": 115
                "flags": 0

        flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'POST', self._commcell_object._services['EXECUTE_QCOMMAND'], request_json
        if flag:
            if response and response.json():
                return response.json()
            raise SDKException('Response', '102')
        response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text)
        raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)

    def _initialize_engine_properties(self):
        """initializes deduplication engine properties"""
        self._engine_properties = self._get_engine_properties()

    def _initialize_stores(self):
        """initializes all the stores presnet in deduplication engine"""
        for store in self._engine_properties.get('engines'):
            temp_sp_name = store['sp']['name'].lower()
            temp_copy_name = store['copy']['name'].lower()
            if (temp_sp_name, temp_copy_name) == (self._storage_policy_name, self._copy_name):
                self._stores[store['storeId']] = store

    def refresh(self):
        """refreshes all the deduplication engine properties"""

    def all_stores(self):
        """returns list of all stores present in deduplication engines"""
        stores = []
        for store_id in self._stores:
            status = 'sealed' if self._stores[store_id]['sealedTime'] else 'active'
            stores.append([store_id, self._stores[store_id]['storeName'], status])
        return stores

    def storage_policy_id(self):
        """returns storage policy id associated to engine"""
        return self._storage_policy_id

    def copy_id(self):
        """returns copy id associated to engine"""
        return self._copy_id

    def has_store(self, store_id):
        """Checks if a deduplication store exists in a engine with provided storeid id.
            store_id (int) - deduplication store id to check existance

            bool - boolean output whether the deduplication store exists in the engine or not

                if type of the store id argument is not int
        if not isinstance(store_id, int):
            raise SDKException('Storage', '101')
        return self._stores and store_id in self._stores

    def get(self, store_id):
        Returns store class object for the store id on deduplication engine

            store_id (int) - id of the store on deduplication engine

            object - instance of Store class for a given store id

            if type of store id argument is not integer

            if no store exists with given store id
        if not isinstance(store_id, int):
            raise SDKException('Storage', '101')

        if self.has_store(store_id):
            return Store(self._commcell_object, self._storage_policy_name, self._copy_name, store_id)
        raise SDKException(
            'Storage', '102', f'No store exists with id: {store_id}'

Instance variables

var all_stores

returns list of all stores present in deduplication engines

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def all_stores(self):
    """returns list of all stores present in deduplication engines"""
    stores = []
    for store_id in self._stores:
        status = 'sealed' if self._stores[store_id]['sealedTime'] else 'active'
        stores.append([store_id, self._stores[store_id]['storeName'], status])
    return stores
var copy_id

returns copy id associated to engine

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def copy_id(self):
    """returns copy id associated to engine"""
    return self._copy_id
var storage_policy_id

returns storage policy id associated to engine

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def storage_policy_id(self):
    """returns storage policy id associated to engine"""
    return self._storage_policy_id


def get(self, store_id)

Returns store class object for the store id on deduplication engine


store_id (int) - id of the store on deduplication engine


object - instance of Store class for a given store id


if type of store id argument is not integer

if no store exists with given store id

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def get(self, store_id):
    Returns store class object for the store id on deduplication engine

        store_id (int) - id of the store on deduplication engine

        object - instance of Store class for a given store id

        if type of store id argument is not integer

        if no store exists with given store id
    if not isinstance(store_id, int):
        raise SDKException('Storage', '101')

    if self.has_store(store_id):
        return Store(self._commcell_object, self._storage_policy_name, self._copy_name, store_id)
    raise SDKException(
        'Storage', '102', f'No store exists with id: {store_id}'
def has_store(self, store_id)

Checks if a deduplication store exists in a engine with provided storeid id.


store_id (int) - deduplication store id to check existance


bool - boolean output whether the deduplication store exists in the engine or not


SDKException: if type of the store id argument is not int

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def has_store(self, store_id):
    """Checks if a deduplication store exists in a engine with provided storeid id.
        store_id (int) - deduplication store id to check existance

        bool - boolean output whether the deduplication store exists in the engine or not

            if type of the store id argument is not int
    if not isinstance(store_id, int):
        raise SDKException('Storage', '101')
    return self._stores and store_id in self._stores
def refresh(self)

refreshes all the deduplication engine properties

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def refresh(self):
    """refreshes all the deduplication engine properties"""
class DeduplicationEngines (commcell_object)

Class for getting all the deduplication engines associated with the commcell.

Initialize object of the DeduplicationEngines class.


commcell_object (object) – instance of the Commcell class


object - instance of the StoragePolicies class

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class DeduplicationEngines(object):
    """Class for getting all the deduplication engines associated with the commcell."""

    def __init__(self, commcell_object):
        """Initialize object of the DeduplicationEngines class.

                commcell_object (object)  --  instance of the Commcell class

                object - instance of the StoragePolicies class
        self._commcell_object = commcell_object

        self._engines = None

    def __str__(self):
        """Representation string consisting of all deduplication engines of the commcell.

                str - string of all the deduplication associated with the commcell
        representation_string = '{:^5}\t{:^20}\n\n'.format('S. No.', 'Deduplication engine')
        for index, engine in enumerate(self._engines):
            sub_str = '{:^5}\t{}/{}\n'.format(index + 1, engine[0], engine[1])
            representation_string += sub_str
        return representation_string.strip()

    def __repr__(self):
        """Representation string for the instance of the DeduplicationEngines class."""
        return "DeduplicationEngines class instance for Commcell: '{0}'".format(

    def _get_engines(self):
        gets all the deduplication engines associated with the commcell

            dict - consists of all the engines in the commcell

                if response is not success
        request_json = {
            "EVGui_DDBEnginesReq": {
                "filterOptions": {
                    "propertyLevel": 1
                "storagepolicy": {
                    "storagePolicyId": 0
                "spCopy": {
                    "copyId": 0,
                    "storagePolicyId": 0
                "store": {
                    "type": 115
                "flags": 0
        flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'POST', self._commcell_object._services['EXECUTE_QCOMMAND'], request_json
        if flag:
            if response and response.json() and 'engines' in response.json():
                engines = response.json()['engines']

                if engines == []:
                    return {}

                engines_dict = {}

                for engine in engines:
                    temp_sp_name = engine['sp']['name'].lower()
                    temp_sp_id = str(engine['sp']['id']).lower()
                    temp_copy_name = engine['copy']['name'].lower()
                    temp_copy_id = str(engine['copy']['id']).lower()
                    engines_dict[(temp_sp_name, temp_copy_name)] = [temp_sp_id, temp_copy_id]
                return engines_dict
            return {}
        response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text)
        raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)

    def all_engines(self):
        """returns list all the deduplication engines with storage polic and copy name"""
        return list(self._engines.keys())

    def refresh(self):
        """refreshes all the deduplication engines and their properties"""
        self._engines = self._get_engines()

    def has_engine(self, storage_policy_name, copy_name):
        """Checks if a deduplication engine exists in the commcell with the input storage policy and copy name.

                storage_policy_name (str)  --  name of the storage policy

                copy_name (str)  --  name of the storage policy copy

                bool - boolean output whether the deduplication engine exists in the commcell or not

                    if type of the storage policy and copy name arguments are not string
        if not isinstance(storage_policy_name, str) and not isinstance(copy_name, str):
            raise SDKException('Storage', '101')
        return self._engines and (storage_policy_name.lower(), copy_name.lower()) in self._engines

    def get(self, storage_policy_name, copy_name):
        Returns eng class object for the engine on deduplication engines

            storage_policy_name (str) - name of the storage policy

            copy_name (str) - name of the deduplication enabled copy

             object - instance of engine class for a given storage policy and copy name

                if type of arguments are not string

                if no engine exists with given storage policy and copy name
        if not isinstance(storage_policy_name, str) and not isinstance(copy_name, str):
            raise SDKException('Storage', '101')

        storage_policy_name = storage_policy_name.lower()
        copy_name = copy_name.lower()

        if self.has_engine(storage_policy_name, copy_name):
            return DeduplicationEngine(
                self._commcell_object, storage_policy_name, copy_name
        raise SDKException(
            'Storage', '102', f'No dedupe engine exists with name: {storage_policy_name}/{copy_name}'

Instance variables

var all_engines

returns list all the deduplication engines with storage polic and copy name

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def all_engines(self):
    """returns list all the deduplication engines with storage polic and copy name"""
    return list(self._engines.keys())


def get(self, storage_policy_name, copy_name)

Returns eng class object for the engine on deduplication engines


storage_policy_name (str) - name of the storage policy

copy_name (str) - name of the deduplication enabled copy


object - instance of engine class for a given storage policy and copy name


SDKException: if type of arguments are not string

if no engine exists with given storage policy and copy name
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def get(self, storage_policy_name, copy_name):
    Returns eng class object for the engine on deduplication engines

        storage_policy_name (str) - name of the storage policy

        copy_name (str) - name of the deduplication enabled copy

         object - instance of engine class for a given storage policy and copy name

            if type of arguments are not string

            if no engine exists with given storage policy and copy name
    if not isinstance(storage_policy_name, str) and not isinstance(copy_name, str):
        raise SDKException('Storage', '101')

    storage_policy_name = storage_policy_name.lower()
    copy_name = copy_name.lower()

    if self.has_engine(storage_policy_name, copy_name):
        return DeduplicationEngine(
            self._commcell_object, storage_policy_name, copy_name
    raise SDKException(
        'Storage', '102', f'No dedupe engine exists with name: {storage_policy_name}/{copy_name}'
def has_engine(self, storage_policy_name, copy_name)

Checks if a deduplication engine exists in the commcell with the input storage policy and copy name.


storage_policy_name (str) – name of the storage policy

copy_name (str) – name of the storage policy copy


bool - boolean output whether the deduplication engine exists in the commcell or not


SDKException: if type of the storage policy and copy name arguments are not string

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def has_engine(self, storage_policy_name, copy_name):
    """Checks if a deduplication engine exists in the commcell with the input storage policy and copy name.

            storage_policy_name (str)  --  name of the storage policy

            copy_name (str)  --  name of the storage policy copy

            bool - boolean output whether the deduplication engine exists in the commcell or not

                if type of the storage policy and copy name arguments are not string
    if not isinstance(storage_policy_name, str) and not isinstance(copy_name, str):
        raise SDKException('Storage', '101')
    return self._engines and (storage_policy_name.lower(), copy_name.lower()) in self._engines
def refresh(self)

refreshes all the deduplication engines and their properties

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def refresh(self):
    """refreshes all the deduplication engines and their properties"""
    self._engines = self._get_engines()
class Store (commcell_object, storage_policy_name, copy_name, store_id)

Class for performing deduplication store level operations for deduplication engine

Initialise the Store class instance.


commcell_object (object) - commcell class instance

storage_policy_name (str) - storage policy name in commcell

copy_name (str) - copy name under storage policy

store_id (int) - deduplication store id in commcell

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class Store(object):
    """Class for performing deduplication store level operations for deduplication engine"""

    def __init__(self, commcell_object, storage_policy_name, copy_name, store_id):
        """Initialise the Store class instance.

            commcell_object (object)    - commcell class instance

            storage_policy_name (str)   - storage policy name in commcell

            copy_name (str)             - copy name under storage policy

            store_id (int)              - deduplication store id in commcell
        self._storage_policy_name = storage_policy_name.lower()
        self._copy_name = copy_name.lower()
        self._store_id = store_id
        self._commcell_object = commcell_object
        self._substores = {}
        self._store_properties = {}
        self._extended_flags = None
        self._dedupe_flags = None
        self._store_flags = None

    def __str__(self):
        """Representation string consisting of deduplication store.

                str - string of all the substores associated with the deduplication store
        representation_string = '{:^5}\t{:^20}\n\n'.format('SubStore ID.', 'SubStoreList')

        for substore_id in self._substores:
            sub_str = '{:^5}\t[{}]{}\n'.format(substore_id, self._substores[substore_id]['MediaAgent']['name'],
            representation_string += sub_str

        return representation_string.strip()

    def __repr__(self):
        """Representation string for the instance of the Store class."""
        return "Store class instance for Deduplication Store ID: '{0}'".format(self._store_id)

    def _initialize_store_properties(self):
        """initializes the deduplication store proerties"""
        deduplication_engine = DeduplicationEngine(self._commcell_object, self._storage_policy_name, self._copy_name)
        self._store_properties = deduplication_engine._stores[self._store_id]
        self._extended_flags = self._store_properties['storeExtendedFlags']
        self._dedupe_flags = self._store_properties['dedupeFlags']
        self._store_flags = self._store_properties['storeFlags']

    def _get_substores(self):
        Gets properties of all the substores in a deduplication store

             dict - store properties and substore list for each substore on deduplication store

                    if response is empty

                    if response is not success
        request_json = {
            "EVGui_SubStoreListReq": {
                "commcellId": 2,
                "storeId": self.store_id

        flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'POST', self._commcell_object._services['EXECUTE_QCOMMAND'], request_json
        if flag:
            if response.json():
                return response.json()
            raise SDKException('Response', '102')
        response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text)
        raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)

    def _initialize_substores(self):
        """initialisez all the substores present in a deduplication store"""
        substre_raw = self._get_substores()
        for substore in substre_raw.get('subStoreList'):
            self._substores[substore['subStoreId']] = substore

    def refresh(self):
        """refreshes all the deduplication store properties"""

    def all_substores(self):
        """returns list of all substores present on a deduplication store"""
        substores = []
        for substore_id in self._substores:
            substores.append([substore_id, self._substores[substore_id]['Path'],
        return substores

    def has_substore(self, substore_id):
        """Checks if a substore exists in a deduplication store with provided substore id.
            substore_id (int) - substore id to check existance

            bool - boolean output whether the substore exists in the store or not

                if type of the store id argument is not int
        if not isinstance(substore_id, int):
            raise SDKException('Storage', '101')
        return self._substores and substore_id in self._substores

    def get(self, substore_id):
        Returns substore class object for the substore id on deduplication store

            substore_id (int) - id of the substore on deduplication store

             object - instance of subStore class for a given substore id

            if type of substore id argument is not integer

            if no substore exists with given substore id
        if not isinstance(substore_id, int):
            raise SDKException('Storage', '101')

        if self.has_substore(substore_id):
            return SubStore(self._commcell_object, self._storage_policy_name, self._copy_name, self._store_id,
        raise SDKException(
            'Storage', '102', f'No substore exists with id: {substore_id}'

    def store_flags(self):
        """returns the deduplication flags on store"""
        return self._store_flags

    def store_name(self):
        """returns the store display name"""
        return self._store_properties.get('storeName')

    def store_id(self):
        """return the store id"""
        return self._store_id

    def version(self):
        """returns deduplication store version"""
        return self._store_properties.get('ddbVersion')

    def status(self):
        """returns the store display name"""
        return self._store_properties.get('status')

    def storage_policy_name(self):
        """returns storage policy name associated with store"""
        return self._storage_policy_name

    def copy_name(self):
        """returns copy name associated with store"""
        return self._copy_name

    def copy_id(self):
        """returns copy id the store is associated to"""
        return self._store_properties.get('copy').get('id')

    def enable_garbage_collection(self):
        """returns garbage collection property value for store"""
        if (self._extended_flags & 4) == 0:
            return False
        return True

    def enable_store_pruning(self):
        """returns if purning is enabled or disabled on store"""
        return self._store_flags & StoreFlags.IDX_SIDBSTORE_FLAGS_PRUNING_ENABLED.value != 0

    def enable_store_pruning(self, value):
        """sets store purning value to true or false
              value (bool) -- value to enable or disable store pruning
        if not value:
            new_value = self._store_flags & ~StoreFlags.IDX_SIDBSTORE_FLAGS_PRUNING_ENABLED.value
            new_value = self._store_flags | StoreFlags.IDX_SIDBSTORE_FLAGS_PRUNING_ENABLED.value

        request_json = {
            "EVGui_ParallelDedupConfigReq": {
                "processinginstructioninfo": "",
                "SIDBStore": {
                    "SIDBStoreId": self.store_id,
                    "SIDBStoreName": self.store_name,
                    "extendedFlags": self._extended_flags,
                    "flags": new_value,
                    "minObjSizeKB": 50,
                    "oldestEligibleObjArchiveTime": -1
                "appTypeGroupId": 0,
                "commCellId": 2,
                "copyId": self.copy_id,
                "operation": 3
        output = self._commcell_object.qoperation_execute(request_json)
        if output['error']['errorString'] != '':
            raise SDKException('Storage', '102', output['error']['errorString'])


    def enable_garbage_collection(self, value):
        """sets enable garbage collection with true or false
              value (bool) -- value to enable or disable garbage collection
        if self.version == -1:
            if not value:
                new_value = self._extended_flags & ~4
                new_value = self._extended_flags | 4

            request_json = {
                "EVGui_ParallelDedupConfigReq": {
                    "processinginstructioninfo": "",
                    "SIDBStore": {
                        "SIDBStoreId": self.store_id,
                        "SIDBStoreName": self.store_name,
                        "extendedFlags": new_value,
                        "flags": self._store_flags,
                        "minObjSizeKB": 50,
                        "oldestEligibleObjArchiveTime": -1
                    "appTypeGroupId": 0,
                    "commCellId": 2,
                    "copyId": self.copy_id,
                    "operation": 3

    def enable_journal_pruning(self):
        """returns journal pruning property value for store"""
        if (self._extended_flags & 8) == 0:
            return False
        return True

    def enable_journal_pruning(self, value):
        """sets enable journal pruning with true or false
              value (bool) -- value to enable journal pruning
        if not self._extended_flags & 8 and value or self.version == -1:

            if value:
                new_value = self._extended_flags | 8
                new_value = self._extended_flags & ~8

            request_json = {
                "EVGui_ParallelDedupConfigReq": {
                    "processinginstructioninfo": "",
                    "SIDBStore": {
                        "SIDBStoreId": self.store_id,
                        "SIDBStoreName": self.store_name,
                        "extendedFlags": new_value,
                        "flags": self._store_flags,
                        "minObjSizeKB": 50,
                        "oldestEligibleObjArchiveTime": -1
                    "appTypeGroupId": 0,
                    "commCellId": 2,
                    "copyId": self.copy_id,
                    "operation": 3
        elif self._extended_flags & 8 and value:
            raise SDKException("Response", '500', "Journal pruning is already enabled.")
            raise SDKException("Response", '500', "Journal pruning once enabled cannot be disabled.")

    def seal_deduplication_database(self):
        """ Seals the deduplication database """

        request_json = {
                                "SidbStoreId": self.store_id

    def recover_deduplication_database(self, full_reconstruction=False, scalable_resources=True):
        refresh store properties and start reconstruction job if at least one substore is marked for recovery

            full_reconstruction (bool)  - to reconstruct without using previous backup (True/False)
                                        Default: False

            scalable_resources (bool)    - to run reconstruction using scalable resources
                                        Default: True

             object - instance of Job class for DDB Reconstruction job

                if DDB Reconstruction job failed

                if response if empty

                if response in not success
        substore_list = ""
        for substore in self.all_substores:
            if self._substores.get(substore[0]).get('status') == 1:
                substore_list += f"<SubStoreIdList val='{substore[0]}' />"

        if not substore_list:
            o_str = 'No substore is eligible for recon.'
            raise SDKException('Storage', '102', o_str)

        request_xml = f"""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
        flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'POST', self._commcell_object._services['EXECUTE_QCOMMAND'], request_xml
        if flag:
            if response and response.json():
                if "jobIds" in response.json():
                    return Job(self._commcell_object, response.json()['jobIds'][0])
                elif "errorCode" in response.json():
                    error_message = response.json()['errorMessage']
                    o_str = 'DDB recon job failed\nError: "{0}"'.format(error_message)
                    raise SDKException('Storage', '102', o_str)
                raise SDKException('Storage', '112')
            raise SDKException('Response', '102')
        response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text)
        raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)

    def run_space_reclaimation(self, level=3, clean_orphan_data=False, use_scalable_resource=True, num_streams="max"):
        runs DDB Space reclaimation job with provided level

            level (int) - criteria for space reclaimation level (1, 2, 3, 4)
                        Default: 3

            clean_orphan_data (bool) - run space reclaimation with OCL or not (True/False)
                        Default: False

            use_scalable_resource (bool)    - Use Scalable Resource Allocation while running DDB Space Reclamation Job
                        Default: True

            num_streams (str)   -- Number of streams with which job will run.
             object - instance of Job class for DDB Verification job

                if invalid level is provided

                if DDB space reclaimation job failed

                if response if empty

                if response in not success
        if not (isinstance(level, int)) and level not in range(1, 4):
            raise SDKException('Storage', '101')

        if not isinstance(use_scalable_resource, bool):
            raise SDKException('Storage', '101')

        use_max_streams = "true"
        max_num_of_streams = 0
        if str(num_streams) != "max":
            max_num_of_streams = int(num_streams)
            use_max_streams = "false"

        level_map = {
            1: 80,
            2: 60,
            3: 40,
            4: 20
        clean_orphan_data = str(clean_orphan_data).lower()
        request_json = {
            "TMMsg_CreateTaskReq": {
                "taskInfo": {
                    "task": {
                        "taskFlags": {
                            "disabled": "false"
                        "policyType": "DATA_PROTECTION",
                        "taskType": "IMMEDIATE",
                        "initiatedFrom": "COMMANDLINE"
                    "associations": {
                        "copyName": self.copy_name,
                        "storagePolicyName": self.storage_policy_name,
                        "sidbStoreName": self.store_name
                    "subTasks": {
                        "subTask": {
                            "subTaskType": "ADMIN",
                            "operationType": "ARCHIVE_CHECK"
                        "options": {
                            "backupOpts": {
                                "mediaOpt": {
                                    "auxcopyJobOption": {
                                        "useMaximumStreams": use_max_streams,
                                        "maxNumberOfStreams": max_num_of_streams,
                                        "allCopies": "true",
                                        "mediaAgent": {
                                            "mediaAgentName": ""
                                        "useScallableResourceManagement": f"{use_scalable_resource}"
                            "adminOpts": {
                                "archiveCheckOption": {
                                    "ddbVerificationLevel": "DDB_DEFRAGMENTATION",
                                    "backupLevel": "FULL",
                                    "defragmentationPercentage": level_map.get(level),
                                    "ocl": clean_orphan_data,
                                    "runDefrag": "true"
                        "subTaskOperation": "OVERWRITE"
        flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'POST', self._commcell_object._services['EXECUTE_QCOMMAND'], request_json
        if flag:
            if response.json():
                if "jobIds" in response.json():
                    return Job(self._commcell_object, response.json()['jobIds'][0])
                elif "errorCode" in response.json():
                    error_message = response.json()['errorMessage']

                    o_str = 'DDB space reclaimation job failed\nError: "{0}"'.format(error_message)
                    raise SDKException('Storage', '102', o_str)
                raise SDKException('Storage', '113')
            raise SDKException('Response', '102')
        response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text)
        raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)

    def run_ddb_verification(self, incremental_verification=True, quick_verification=True,
                             use_scalable_resource=True, max_streams=0):
        runs deduplication data verification(dv2) job with verification type and dv2 option

            incremental_verification (bool) - DV2 job type, incremental or Full (True/False)
                                            Default: True (Incremental)

            quick_verification (bool)       - DV2 job option, Quick or Complete (True/False)
                                            Default: True (quick verification)

            use_scalable_resource (bool)    - Use Scalable Resource Allocation while running DDB Verification Job
                                            Default: True

            max_streams (int)           - DV2 job option, maximum number of streams to use. By default, job uses max streams.

             object - instance of Job class for DDB Verification job

                if DDB Verification job failed

                if response if empty

                if response in not success

        verification_type = 'INCREMENTAL'
        if not incremental_verification:
            verification_type = 'FULL'

        verification_option = 'QUICK_DDB_VERIFICATION'
        if not quick_verification:
            verification_option = 'DDB_AND_DATA_VERIFICATION'

        use_max_streams = True
        if max_streams != 0:
            use_max_streams = False

        if not isinstance(use_scalable_resource, bool):
            raise SDKException('Storage', '101')

        request_json = {
            "TMMsg_CreateTaskReq": {
                "taskInfo": {
                    "task": {
                        "taskFlags": {
                            "disabled": "false"
                        "policyType": "DATA_PROTECTION",
                        "taskType": "IMMEDIATE",
                        "initiatedFrom": "COMMANDLINE"
                    "associations": {
                        "copyName": self.copy_name,
                        "storagePolicyName": self.storage_policy_name,
                        "sidbStoreName": self.store_name
                    "subTasks": {
                        "subTask": {
                            "subTaskType": "ADMIN",
                            "operationType": "ARCHIVE_CHECK"
                        "options": {
                            "backupOpts": {
                                "mediaOpt": {
                                    "auxcopyJobOption": {
                                        "useMaximumStreams": f"{use_max_streams}",
                                        "maxNumberOfStreams": f"{max_streams}",
                                        "allCopies": "true",
                                        "mediaAgent": {
                                            "mediaAgentName": ""
                                        "useScallableResourceManagement": f"{use_scalable_resource}"
                            "adminOpts": {
                                "archiveCheckOption": {
                                    "ddbVerificationLevel": verification_option,
                                    "backupLevel": verification_type
                        "subTaskOperation": "OVERWRITE"
        flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'POST', self._commcell_object._services['EXECUTE_QCOMMAND'], request_json
        if flag:
            if response and response.json():
                if "jobIds" in response.json():
                    return Job(self._commcell_object, response.json()['jobIds'][0])
                elif "errorCode" in response.json():
                    error_message = response.json()['errorMessage']
                    o_str = 'DDB verification job failed\nError: "{0}"'.format(error_message)
                    raise SDKException('Storage', '102', o_str)
                raise SDKException('Storage', '108')
            raise SDKException('Response', '102')
        response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text)
        raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)

    def config_only_move_partition(self, substoreid, dest_path, dest_ma_name):
        runs config-only ddb move operation on specified substore

            substoreid - (int) - substore Id for partition to be moved

            dest_path - (str) - full path for partition destination directory

            dest_ma_name - (str) - destination media agent name

             boolean - returns true or false value depending on success of config only
        dest_ma = self._commcell_object.media_agents.get(dest_ma_name)
        dest_ma_id = int(dest_ma.media_agent_id)
        substore = self.get(substoreid)

        request_json = {
            "MediaManager_CanDDBMoveRunReq": {
                "intReserveFiled1": 0,
                "sourceMaId": substore.media_agent_id,
                "flags": 1,
                "targetPath": dest_path,
                "stringReserveField1": "",
                "storeId": self.store_id,
                "subStoreId": substoreid,
                "targetMAId": dest_ma_id,
                "sourcePath": substore.path

        flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'POST', self._commcell_object._services['EXECUTE_QCOMMAND'], request_json

        if flag:
            if response and response.json():
                if "errorCode" in response.json():
                    error_message = response.json()['errorMessage']
                    o_str = 'DDB move job failed\nError: "{0}"'.format(error_message)
                    raise SDKException('Storage', '102', o_str)
                    return flag
            raise SDKException('Response', '102')
        response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text)
        raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)

    def move_partition(self, substoreid, dest_path, dest_ma_name):
        runs normal ddb move operation on specified substore

            substoreid - (int) - substore Id for partition to be moved

            dest_path - (str) - full path for partition destination directory

            dest_ma_name - (str) - destination media agent name

             object - instance of Job class for DDB Move job

                if DDB Move job failed

                if response if empty

                if response in not success
        dest_ma = self._commcell_object.media_agents.get(dest_ma_name)
        dest_ma_id = int(dest_ma.media_agent_id)
        substore = self.get(substoreid)

        request_json = {
            "TMMsg_CreateTaskReq": {
                "taskInfo": {
                    "associations": [
                            "sidbStoreId": self.store_id,
                            "_type_": 18,
                            "appName": ""
                    "task": {
                        "ownerId": 1,
                        "taskType": 1,
                        "ownerName": "admin",
                        "sequenceNumber": 0,
                        "initiatedFrom": 1,
                        "policyType": 0,
                        "taskId": 0,
                        "taskFlags": {
                            "disabled": False
                    "subTasks": [
                            "subTaskOperation": 1,
                            "subTask": {
                                "subTaskType": 1,
                                "operationType": 5013
                            "options": {
                                "adminOpts": {
                                    "contentIndexingOption": {
                                        "subClientBasedAnalytics": False
                                    "libraryOption": {
                                        "operation": 20,
                                        "ddbMoveOption": {
                                            "flags": 2,
                                            "subStoreList": [
                                                    "srcPath": substore.path,
                                                    "storeId": self.store_id,
                                                    "changeOnlyDB": False,
                                                    "destPath": dest_path,
                                                    "subStoreId": substoreid,
                                                    "destMediaAgent": {
                                                        "name": dest_ma_name,
                                                        "id": dest_ma_id
                                                    "srcMediaAgent": {
                                                        "name": substore.media_agent,
                                                        "id": substore.media_agent_id
                                "restoreOptions": {
                                    "virtualServerRstOption": {
                                        "isBlockLevelReplication": False
                                    "commonOptions": {
                                        "syncRestore": False

        flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'POST', self._commcell_object._services['EXECUTE_QCOMMAND'], request_json

        if flag:
            if response and response.json():
                if "jobIds" in response.json():
                    return Job(self._commcell_object, response.json()['jobIds'][0])
                elif "errorCode" in response.json():
                    error_message = response.json()['errorMessage']
                    o_str = 'DDB move job failed\nError: "{0}"'.format(error_message)
                    raise SDKException('Storage', '102', o_str)
                raise SDKException('Storage', '108')
            raise SDKException('Response', '102')
        response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text)
        raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)

Instance variables

var all_substores

returns list of all substores present on a deduplication store

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def all_substores(self):
    """returns list of all substores present on a deduplication store"""
    substores = []
    for substore_id in self._substores:
        substores.append([substore_id, self._substores[substore_id]['Path'],
    return substores
var copy_id

returns copy id the store is associated to

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def copy_id(self):
    """returns copy id the store is associated to"""
    return self._store_properties.get('copy').get('id')
var copy_name

returns copy name associated with store

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def copy_name(self):
    """returns copy name associated with store"""
    return self._copy_name
var enable_garbage_collection

returns garbage collection property value for store

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def enable_garbage_collection(self):
    """returns garbage collection property value for store"""
    if (self._extended_flags & 4) == 0:
        return False
    return True
var enable_journal_pruning

returns journal pruning property value for store

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def enable_journal_pruning(self):
    """returns journal pruning property value for store"""
    if (self._extended_flags & 8) == 0:
        return False
    return True
var enable_store_pruning

returns if purning is enabled or disabled on store

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def enable_store_pruning(self):
    """returns if purning is enabled or disabled on store"""
    return self._store_flags & StoreFlags.IDX_SIDBSTORE_FLAGS_PRUNING_ENABLED.value != 0
var status

returns the store display name

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def status(self):
    """returns the store display name"""
    return self._store_properties.get('status')
var storage_policy_name

returns storage policy name associated with store

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def storage_policy_name(self):
    """returns storage policy name associated with store"""
    return self._storage_policy_name
var store_flags

returns the deduplication flags on store

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def store_flags(self):
    """returns the deduplication flags on store"""
    return self._store_flags
var store_id

return the store id

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def store_id(self):
    """return the store id"""
    return self._store_id
var store_name

returns the store display name

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def store_name(self):
    """returns the store display name"""
    return self._store_properties.get('storeName')
var version

returns deduplication store version

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def version(self):
    """returns deduplication store version"""
    return self._store_properties.get('ddbVersion')


def config_only_move_partition(self, substoreid, dest_path, dest_ma_name)

runs config-only ddb move operation on specified substore


substoreid - (int) - substore Id for partition to be moved

dest_path - (str) - full path for partition destination directory

dest_ma_name - (str) - destination media agent name


boolean - returns true or false value depending on success of config only

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def config_only_move_partition(self, substoreid, dest_path, dest_ma_name):
    runs config-only ddb move operation on specified substore

        substoreid - (int) - substore Id for partition to be moved

        dest_path - (str) - full path for partition destination directory

        dest_ma_name - (str) - destination media agent name

         boolean - returns true or false value depending on success of config only
    dest_ma = self._commcell_object.media_agents.get(dest_ma_name)
    dest_ma_id = int(dest_ma.media_agent_id)
    substore = self.get(substoreid)

    request_json = {
        "MediaManager_CanDDBMoveRunReq": {
            "intReserveFiled1": 0,
            "sourceMaId": substore.media_agent_id,
            "flags": 1,
            "targetPath": dest_path,
            "stringReserveField1": "",
            "storeId": self.store_id,
            "subStoreId": substoreid,
            "targetMAId": dest_ma_id,
            "sourcePath": substore.path

    flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
        'POST', self._commcell_object._services['EXECUTE_QCOMMAND'], request_json

    if flag:
        if response and response.json():
            if "errorCode" in response.json():
                error_message = response.json()['errorMessage']
                o_str = 'DDB move job failed\nError: "{0}"'.format(error_message)
                raise SDKException('Storage', '102', o_str)
                return flag
        raise SDKException('Response', '102')
    response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text)
    raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)
def get(self, substore_id)

Returns substore class object for the substore id on deduplication store


substore_id (int) - id of the substore on deduplication store


object - instance of subStore class for a given substore id


if type of substore id argument is not integer

if no substore exists with given substore id

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def get(self, substore_id):
    Returns substore class object for the substore id on deduplication store

        substore_id (int) - id of the substore on deduplication store

         object - instance of subStore class for a given substore id

        if type of substore id argument is not integer

        if no substore exists with given substore id
    if not isinstance(substore_id, int):
        raise SDKException('Storage', '101')

    if self.has_substore(substore_id):
        return SubStore(self._commcell_object, self._storage_policy_name, self._copy_name, self._store_id,
    raise SDKException(
        'Storage', '102', f'No substore exists with id: {substore_id}'
def has_substore(self, substore_id)

Checks if a substore exists in a deduplication store with provided substore id.


substore_id (int) - substore id to check existance


bool - boolean output whether the substore exists in the store or not


SDKException: if type of the store id argument is not int

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def has_substore(self, substore_id):
    """Checks if a substore exists in a deduplication store with provided substore id.
        substore_id (int) - substore id to check existance

        bool - boolean output whether the substore exists in the store or not

            if type of the store id argument is not int
    if not isinstance(substore_id, int):
        raise SDKException('Storage', '101')
    return self._substores and substore_id in self._substores
def move_partition(self, substoreid, dest_path, dest_ma_name)

runs normal ddb move operation on specified substore


substoreid - (int) - substore Id for partition to be moved

dest_path - (str) - full path for partition destination directory

dest_ma_name - (str) - destination media agent name


object - instance of Job class for DDB Move job


SDKException: if DDB Move job failed

if response if empty

if response in not success

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def move_partition(self, substoreid, dest_path, dest_ma_name):
    runs normal ddb move operation on specified substore

        substoreid - (int) - substore Id for partition to be moved

        dest_path - (str) - full path for partition destination directory

        dest_ma_name - (str) - destination media agent name

         object - instance of Job class for DDB Move job

            if DDB Move job failed

            if response if empty

            if response in not success
    dest_ma = self._commcell_object.media_agents.get(dest_ma_name)
    dest_ma_id = int(dest_ma.media_agent_id)
    substore = self.get(substoreid)

    request_json = {
        "TMMsg_CreateTaskReq": {
            "taskInfo": {
                "associations": [
                        "sidbStoreId": self.store_id,
                        "_type_": 18,
                        "appName": ""
                "task": {
                    "ownerId": 1,
                    "taskType": 1,
                    "ownerName": "admin",
                    "sequenceNumber": 0,
                    "initiatedFrom": 1,
                    "policyType": 0,
                    "taskId": 0,
                    "taskFlags": {
                        "disabled": False
                "subTasks": [
                        "subTaskOperation": 1,
                        "subTask": {
                            "subTaskType": 1,
                            "operationType": 5013
                        "options": {
                            "adminOpts": {
                                "contentIndexingOption": {
                                    "subClientBasedAnalytics": False
                                "libraryOption": {
                                    "operation": 20,
                                    "ddbMoveOption": {
                                        "flags": 2,
                                        "subStoreList": [
                                                "srcPath": substore.path,
                                                "storeId": self.store_id,
                                                "changeOnlyDB": False,
                                                "destPath": dest_path,
                                                "subStoreId": substoreid,
                                                "destMediaAgent": {
                                                    "name": dest_ma_name,
                                                    "id": dest_ma_id
                                                "srcMediaAgent": {
                                                    "name": substore.media_agent,
                                                    "id": substore.media_agent_id
                            "restoreOptions": {
                                "virtualServerRstOption": {
                                    "isBlockLevelReplication": False
                                "commonOptions": {
                                    "syncRestore": False

    flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
        'POST', self._commcell_object._services['EXECUTE_QCOMMAND'], request_json

    if flag:
        if response and response.json():
            if "jobIds" in response.json():
                return Job(self._commcell_object, response.json()['jobIds'][0])
            elif "errorCode" in response.json():
                error_message = response.json()['errorMessage']
                o_str = 'DDB move job failed\nError: "{0}"'.format(error_message)
                raise SDKException('Storage', '102', o_str)
            raise SDKException('Storage', '108')
        raise SDKException('Response', '102')
    response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text)
    raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)
def recover_deduplication_database(self, full_reconstruction=False, scalable_resources=True)

refresh store properties and start reconstruction job if at least one substore is marked for recovery


full_reconstruction (bool) - to reconstruct without using previous backup (True/False) Default: False

scalable_resources (bool) - to run reconstruction using scalable resources Default: True


object - instance of Job class for DDB Reconstruction job


SDKException: if DDB Reconstruction job failed

if response if empty

if response in not success

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def recover_deduplication_database(self, full_reconstruction=False, scalable_resources=True):
    refresh store properties and start reconstruction job if at least one substore is marked for recovery

        full_reconstruction (bool)  - to reconstruct without using previous backup (True/False)
                                    Default: False

        scalable_resources (bool)    - to run reconstruction using scalable resources
                                    Default: True

         object - instance of Job class for DDB Reconstruction job

            if DDB Reconstruction job failed

            if response if empty

            if response in not success
    substore_list = ""
    for substore in self.all_substores:
        if self._substores.get(substore[0]).get('status') == 1:
            substore_list += f"<SubStoreIdList val='{substore[0]}' />"

    if not substore_list:
        o_str = 'No substore is eligible for recon.'
        raise SDKException('Storage', '102', o_str)

    request_xml = f"""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
    flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
        'POST', self._commcell_object._services['EXECUTE_QCOMMAND'], request_xml
    if flag:
        if response and response.json():
            if "jobIds" in response.json():
                return Job(self._commcell_object, response.json()['jobIds'][0])
            elif "errorCode" in response.json():
                error_message = response.json()['errorMessage']
                o_str = 'DDB recon job failed\nError: "{0}"'.format(error_message)
                raise SDKException('Storage', '102', o_str)
            raise SDKException('Storage', '112')
        raise SDKException('Response', '102')
    response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text)
    raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)
def refresh(self)

refreshes all the deduplication store properties

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def refresh(self):
    """refreshes all the deduplication store properties"""
def run_ddb_verification(self, incremental_verification=True, quick_verification=True, use_scalable_resource=True, max_streams=0)

runs deduplication data verification(dv2) job with verification type and dv2 option


incremental_verification (bool) - DV2 job type, incremental or Full (True/False) Default: True (Incremental)

quick_verification (bool) - DV2 job option, Quick or Complete (True/False) Default: True (quick verification)

use_scalable_resource (bool) - Use Scalable Resource Allocation while running DDB Verification Job Default: True

max_streams (int) - DV2 job option, maximum number of streams to use. By default, job uses max streams.


object - instance of Job class for DDB Verification job


SDKException: if DDB Verification job failed

if response if empty

if response in not success

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def run_ddb_verification(self, incremental_verification=True, quick_verification=True,
                         use_scalable_resource=True, max_streams=0):
    runs deduplication data verification(dv2) job with verification type and dv2 option

        incremental_verification (bool) - DV2 job type, incremental or Full (True/False)
                                        Default: True (Incremental)

        quick_verification (bool)       - DV2 job option, Quick or Complete (True/False)
                                        Default: True (quick verification)

        use_scalable_resource (bool)    - Use Scalable Resource Allocation while running DDB Verification Job
                                        Default: True

        max_streams (int)           - DV2 job option, maximum number of streams to use. By default, job uses max streams.

         object - instance of Job class for DDB Verification job

            if DDB Verification job failed

            if response if empty

            if response in not success

    verification_type = 'INCREMENTAL'
    if not incremental_verification:
        verification_type = 'FULL'

    verification_option = 'QUICK_DDB_VERIFICATION'
    if not quick_verification:
        verification_option = 'DDB_AND_DATA_VERIFICATION'

    use_max_streams = True
    if max_streams != 0:
        use_max_streams = False

    if not isinstance(use_scalable_resource, bool):
        raise SDKException('Storage', '101')

    request_json = {
        "TMMsg_CreateTaskReq": {
            "taskInfo": {
                "task": {
                    "taskFlags": {
                        "disabled": "false"
                    "policyType": "DATA_PROTECTION",
                    "taskType": "IMMEDIATE",
                    "initiatedFrom": "COMMANDLINE"
                "associations": {
                    "copyName": self.copy_name,
                    "storagePolicyName": self.storage_policy_name,
                    "sidbStoreName": self.store_name
                "subTasks": {
                    "subTask": {
                        "subTaskType": "ADMIN",
                        "operationType": "ARCHIVE_CHECK"
                    "options": {
                        "backupOpts": {
                            "mediaOpt": {
                                "auxcopyJobOption": {
                                    "useMaximumStreams": f"{use_max_streams}",
                                    "maxNumberOfStreams": f"{max_streams}",
                                    "allCopies": "true",
                                    "mediaAgent": {
                                        "mediaAgentName": ""
                                    "useScallableResourceManagement": f"{use_scalable_resource}"
                        "adminOpts": {
                            "archiveCheckOption": {
                                "ddbVerificationLevel": verification_option,
                                "backupLevel": verification_type
                    "subTaskOperation": "OVERWRITE"
    flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
        'POST', self._commcell_object._services['EXECUTE_QCOMMAND'], request_json
    if flag:
        if response and response.json():
            if "jobIds" in response.json():
                return Job(self._commcell_object, response.json()['jobIds'][0])
            elif "errorCode" in response.json():
                error_message = response.json()['errorMessage']
                o_str = 'DDB verification job failed\nError: "{0}"'.format(error_message)
                raise SDKException('Storage', '102', o_str)
            raise SDKException('Storage', '108')
        raise SDKException('Response', '102')
    response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text)
    raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)
def run_space_reclaimation(self, level=3, clean_orphan_data=False, use_scalable_resource=True, num_streams='max')

runs DDB Space reclaimation job with provided level


level (int) - criteria for space reclaimation level (1, 2, 3, 4) Default: 3

clean_orphan_data (bool) - run space reclaimation with OCL or not (True/False) Default: False

use_scalable_resource (bool) - Use Scalable Resource Allocation while running DDB Space Reclamation Job Default: True

num_streams (str) – Number of streams with which job will run.


object - instance of Job class for DDB Verification job


SDKException: if invalid level is provided

if DDB space reclaimation job failed

if response if empty

if response in not success

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def run_space_reclaimation(self, level=3, clean_orphan_data=False, use_scalable_resource=True, num_streams="max"):
    runs DDB Space reclaimation job with provided level

        level (int) - criteria for space reclaimation level (1, 2, 3, 4)
                    Default: 3

        clean_orphan_data (bool) - run space reclaimation with OCL or not (True/False)
                    Default: False

        use_scalable_resource (bool)    - Use Scalable Resource Allocation while running DDB Space Reclamation Job
                    Default: True

        num_streams (str)   -- Number of streams with which job will run.
         object - instance of Job class for DDB Verification job

            if invalid level is provided

            if DDB space reclaimation job failed

            if response if empty

            if response in not success
    if not (isinstance(level, int)) and level not in range(1, 4):
        raise SDKException('Storage', '101')

    if not isinstance(use_scalable_resource, bool):
        raise SDKException('Storage', '101')

    use_max_streams = "true"
    max_num_of_streams = 0
    if str(num_streams) != "max":
        max_num_of_streams = int(num_streams)
        use_max_streams = "false"

    level_map = {
        1: 80,
        2: 60,
        3: 40,
        4: 20
    clean_orphan_data = str(clean_orphan_data).lower()
    request_json = {
        "TMMsg_CreateTaskReq": {
            "taskInfo": {
                "task": {
                    "taskFlags": {
                        "disabled": "false"
                    "policyType": "DATA_PROTECTION",
                    "taskType": "IMMEDIATE",
                    "initiatedFrom": "COMMANDLINE"
                "associations": {
                    "copyName": self.copy_name,
                    "storagePolicyName": self.storage_policy_name,
                    "sidbStoreName": self.store_name
                "subTasks": {
                    "subTask": {
                        "subTaskType": "ADMIN",
                        "operationType": "ARCHIVE_CHECK"
                    "options": {
                        "backupOpts": {
                            "mediaOpt": {
                                "auxcopyJobOption": {
                                    "useMaximumStreams": use_max_streams,
                                    "maxNumberOfStreams": max_num_of_streams,
                                    "allCopies": "true",
                                    "mediaAgent": {
                                        "mediaAgentName": ""
                                    "useScallableResourceManagement": f"{use_scalable_resource}"
                        "adminOpts": {
                            "archiveCheckOption": {
                                "ddbVerificationLevel": "DDB_DEFRAGMENTATION",
                                "backupLevel": "FULL",
                                "defragmentationPercentage": level_map.get(level),
                                "ocl": clean_orphan_data,
                                "runDefrag": "true"
                    "subTaskOperation": "OVERWRITE"
    flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
        'POST', self._commcell_object._services['EXECUTE_QCOMMAND'], request_json
    if flag:
        if response.json():
            if "jobIds" in response.json():
                return Job(self._commcell_object, response.json()['jobIds'][0])
            elif "errorCode" in response.json():
                error_message = response.json()['errorMessage']

                o_str = 'DDB space reclaimation job failed\nError: "{0}"'.format(error_message)
                raise SDKException('Storage', '102', o_str)
            raise SDKException('Storage', '113')
        raise SDKException('Response', '102')
    response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(response.text)
    raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)
def seal_deduplication_database(self)

Seals the deduplication database

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def seal_deduplication_database(self):
    """ Seals the deduplication database """

    request_json = {
                            "SidbStoreId": self.store_id
class StoreFlags (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)

An enumeration.

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class StoreFlags(Enum):


  • enum.Enum

Class variables

class SubStore (commcell_object, storage_policy_name, copy_name, store_id, substore_id)

Class to performing substore level operations for Deduplication engine

Initialise the SubStore class instance.


commcell_object (object) - commcell class instance

storage_policy_name (str) - storage policy name in commcell

copy_name (str) - copy name under storage policy

store_id (int) - deduplication store id in commcell

substore_id (int) - substore id under deduplication store

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class SubStore(object):
    """Class to performing substore level operations for Deduplication engine"""

    def __init__(self, commcell_object, storage_policy_name, copy_name, store_id, substore_id):
        """Initialise the SubStore class instance.

            commcell_object (object)    - commcell class instance

            storage_policy_name (str)   - storage policy name in commcell

            copy_name (str)             - copy name under storage policy

            store_id (int)              - deduplication store id in commcell

            substore_id (int)           - substore id under deduplication store
        self._commcell_object = commcell_object
        self._storage_policy_name = storage_policy_name
        self._copy_name = copy_name
        self._store_id = store_id
        self._substore_id = substore_id
        self._substore_properties = {}
        self._path = None
        self._media_agent = None

    def __repr__(self):
        """Representation string for the instance of the SubStore class."""
        return "SubStore class instance for Deduplication Substore ID: '{0}'".format(

    def _initialize_substore_properties(self):
        """Initialize substore properties for the substore on a deduplication store"""
        store = Store(self._commcell_object, self._storage_policy_name, self._copy_name, self._store_id)
        self._substore_properties = store._substores[self._substore_id]
        self._path = self._substore_properties['Path']
        self._media_agent = self._substore_properties['MediaAgent']['name']
        self._media_agent_id = self._substore_properties['MediaAgent']['id']

    def refresh(self):
        """refresh the properties of a substore"""

    def mark_for_recovery(self):
        """mark a substore for recovery and refresh substore properties"""
        request_json = {
            "EVGui_IdxSIDBSubStoreOpReq": {
                "info": {
                    "mediaAgent": {
                        "name": self.media_agent
                    "SIDBStoreId": self.store_id,
                    "SubStoreId": self.substore_id,
                    "opType": 1,
                    "path": self.path

    def media_agent(self):
        """returns media agent for the substore"""
        return self._media_agent

    def media_agent_id(self):
        """returns media agent id for the substore"""
        return self._media_agent_id

    def path(self):
        """returns path for the substore"""
        return self._path

    def store_id(self):
        """returns store id for the substore"""
        return self._store_id

    def substore_id(self):
        """returns substore id"""
        return self._substore_id

Instance variables

var media_agent

returns media agent for the substore

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def media_agent(self):
    """returns media agent for the substore"""
    return self._media_agent
var media_agent_id

returns media agent id for the substore

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def media_agent_id(self):
    """returns media agent id for the substore"""
    return self._media_agent_id
var path

returns path for the substore

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def path(self):
    """returns path for the substore"""
    return self._path
var store_id

returns store id for the substore

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def store_id(self):
    """returns store id for the substore"""
    return self._store_id
var substore_id

returns substore id

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def substore_id(self):
    """returns substore id"""
    return self._substore_id


def mark_for_recovery(self)

mark a substore for recovery and refresh substore properties

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def mark_for_recovery(self):
    """mark a substore for recovery and refresh substore properties"""
    request_json = {
        "EVGui_IdxSIDBSubStoreOpReq": {
            "info": {
                "mediaAgent": {
                    "name": self.media_agent
                "SIDBStoreId": self.store_id,
                "SubStoreId": self.substore_id,
                "opType": 1,
                "path": self.path
def refresh(self)

refresh the properties of a substore

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def refresh(self):
    """refresh the properties of a substore"""