Module cvpysdk.datacube.datasource

Main file for performing operations on Datasources, and a single Datasource in the Datacube.

Datasources, and Datasource are 2 classes defined in this file.

Datasources: Class for representing all the Datasources in the Datacube.

Datasource: Class for representing a single Datasource in the Datacube.


init(datacube_object) – initialise object of the Datasources class

str() – prints all the datasources

repr() – returns the string representation of this instance

_get_datasources_from_collections() – gets all the datasources from a list of collections

_get_all_datasources() – gets the collections, and all datasources in it

has_datasource() – checks if a datasource exists with the given name

get(datasource_name) – returns an instance of the Datasource class, for the input datasource name

add(datasource_name, analytics_engine, datasource_type) – adds new datasource to the datacube

delete(datasource_name) – deletes the give datasource to the datacube

refresh() – refresh the datasources associated with the datacube


init( datacube_object, datasource_name, datasource_id=None) – initialize an object of Class with the given datasource name and id, and associated to the datacube

repr() – return the datasource name, the instance is associated with

_get_datasource_id() – method to get the data source id, if not specified in init

_get_datasource_properties() – get the properties of this data source

get_datasource_properties() – get the properties of this data source

get_crawl_history() – get the crawl history of the data source.

get_datasource_schema() – returns information about the schema of a data source

update_datasource_schema(schema) – updates the schema for the given data source

import_data(data) – imports/pumps given data into data source.

delete_content() – deletes the contents of the data source.

refresh() – refresh the properties of the datasource

start_job() – Starts crawl job for the datasource

get_status() – Gets the status of the datasource

share() – Share the datasource with user or usergroup

delete_datasource() – deletes the datasource associated with this

Datasource Attributes

**computed_core_name**              --  Data source core name in index server

**datasource_id**                   --  data source id

**datasource_name**                 --  name of the data source

**data_source_type**                --  data source type value

**properties**                                              --      returns the properties of the data source

**index_server_cloud_id**           --  index server cloudid associated to this data source
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright Commvault Systems, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------

"""Main file for performing operations on Datasources, and a single Datasource in the Datacube.

`Datasources`, and `Datasource` are 2 classes defined in this file.

Datasources:    Class for representing all the Datasources in the Datacube.

Datasource:     Class for representing a single Datasource in the Datacube.


    __init__(datacube_object)           --  initialise object of the Datasources class

    __str__()                           --  prints all the datasources

    __repr__()                          --  returns the string representation of this instance

    _get_datasources_from_collections() --  gets all the datasources from a list of collections

    _get_all_datasources()              --  gets the collections, and all datasources in it

    has_datasource()                    --  checks if a datasource exists with the given name

    get(datasource_name)                --  returns an instance of the Datasource class,
                                                for the input datasource name

        datasource_type)                --  adds new datasource to the datacube

    delete(datasource_name)             --  deletes the give datasource to the datacube

    refresh()                           --  refresh the datasources associated with the datacube


        datasource_id=None)             --  initialize an object of Class with the given datasource
                                                name and id, and associated to the datacube

    __repr__()                          --  return the datasource name, the instance is
                                                associated with

    _get_datasource_id()                --  method to get the data source id, if not specified
                                                in __init__

    _get_datasource_properties()        --  get the properties of this data source

    get_datasource_properties()         --  get the properties of this data source

    get_crawl_history()                 --  get the crawl history of the data source.

    get_datasource_schema()             --  returns information about the schema of a data source

    update_datasource_schema(schema)    --  updates the schema for the given data source

    import_data(data)                   --  imports/pumps given data into data source.

    delete_content()                    --  deletes the contents of the data source.

    refresh()                           --  refresh the properties of the datasource

    start_job()                          --  Starts crawl job for the datasource

    get_status()                         --  Gets the status of the datasource

    share()                              -- Share the datasource with user or usergroup

    delete_datasource()                  -- deletes the datasource associated with this

DataSource Attributes

    **computed_core_name**              --  Data source core name in index server

    **datasource_id**                   --  data source id

    **datasource_name**                 --  name of the data source

    **data_source_type**                --  data source type value

    **properties**                                              --      returns the properties of the data source

    **index_server_cloud_id**           --  index server cloudid associated to this data source


from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import unicode_literals

from .handler import Handlers
from .sedstype import SEDS_TYPE_DICT

from ..exception import SDKException

class Datasources(object):
    """Class for representing all the Datasources in the Datacube."""

    def __init__(self, datacube_object):
        """Initializes an instance of the Datasources class.

                datacube_object     (object)    --  instance of the Datacube class

                object  -   instance of the Datasources class

        self._datacube_object = datacube_object
        self.commcell_obj = self._datacube_object._commcell_object
        self._all_datasources = self.commcell_obj._services[

        self._create_datasource = self.commcell_obj._services[

        self._datasources = None

    def __str__(self):
        """Representation string consisting of all datasources in datacube.

                str - string of all the datasources associated with the datacube

        representation_string = '{:^5}\t{:30}\n\n'.format(
            'ID', 'Data Source Name')
        for datasource in self._datasources.values():
            sub_str = '{:^5}\t{:30}\n'.format(
                datasource['data_source_id'], datasource['data_source_name']
            representation_string += sub_str

        return representation_string

    def __repr__(self):
        """Representation string for the instance of the Datasources class."""
        return "Datasources class instance for Commcell: '{0}'".format(

    def get_datasource_properties(self, data_source_name):
        """Returns the properties of datasources.


                data_source_name    (str)       -- Name of the data source

                dict - dictionary consisting of the properties of  datasources

        return self._datasources[data_source_name]

    def _get_datasources_from_collections(collections):
        """Extracts all the datasources, and their details from the list of collections given,
            and returns the dictionary of all datasources.

                collections     (list)  --  list of all collections

                dict    -   dictionary consisting of dictionaries, where each dictionary stores the
                                details of a single datasource

                        'data_source_1_name': {

                            'data_source_id': 21,

                            'data_source_name': '',

                            'description': '',

                            'data_source_type': '',

                            'total_count': 1234,

                            'state': 1

                        'data_source_2_name': {},

                        'data_source_3_name': {}

        _datasources = {}
        for collection in collections:
            core_name = None
            cloud_id = None
            if 'computedCoreName' in collection:
                core_name = collection['computedCoreName']
            if 'cloudId' in collection:
                cloud_id = collection['cloudId']
            for datasource in collection['datasources']:
                datasource_dict = {}
                if core_name:
                    datasource_dict['computedCoreName'] = core_name
                if cloud_id:
                    datasource_dict['cloudId'] = cloud_id
                datasource_dict['data_source_id'] = datasource['datasourceId']
                datasource_dict['data_source_name'] = datasource['datasourceName']
                datasource_dict['data_source_type'] = SEDS_TYPE_DICT[
                if 'coreId' in datasource:
                    datasource_dict['coreId'] = datasource['coreId']
                if 'description' in datasource:
                    datasource_dict['description'] = datasource['description']
                if 'status' in datasource:
                    datasource_dict['total_count'] = datasource['status']['totalcount']
                    if 'state' in datasource['status']:
                        datasource_dict['state']= datasource['status']['state']
                _datasources[datasource['datasourceName']] = datasource_dict
        return _datasources

    def _get_all_datasources(self):
        """Gets the list of all datasources associated with this Datacube instance.

                dict    -   dictionary consisting of dictionaries, where each dictionary stores the
                                details of a single datasource

                        'data_source_1_name': {

                            'data_source_id': 21,

                            'data_source_name': '',

                            'description': '',

                            'data_source_type': '',

                            'total_count': 1234,

                            'state': 1

                        'data_source_2_name': {},

                        'data_source_3_name': {}

        flag, response = self.commcell_obj._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'GET', self._all_datasources

        if flag:
            if response.json() and 'collections' in response.json():
                collections = response.json()['collections']
                return self._get_datasources_from_collections(collections)
            elif 'error' in response.json():
                raise SDKException('Datacube', '104')
                response = {}
                return response

    def has_datasource(self, datasource_name):
        """Checks if a datasource exists in the Datacube with the input datasource name.

                datasource_name     (str)   --  name of the datasource

                bool    -   boolean output whether the datasource exists in the datacube or not

                    if type of the datasource name argument is not string

        if not isinstance(datasource_name, str):
            raise SDKException('Datacube', '101')

        return self._datasources and datasource_name in self._datasources

    def get(self, datasource_name):
        """Returns a datasource object of the specified datasource name.

                datasource_name     (str)   --  name of the datasource

                object  -   instance of the Datasource class for the given datasource name

                    if type of the datasource name argument is not string

                    if no datasource exists with the given name

        if not isinstance(datasource_name, str):
            raise SDKException('Datacube', '101')

        if self.has_datasource(datasource_name):
            datasource = self._datasources[datasource_name]

            return Datasource(
                self._datacube_object, datasource_name, datasource['data_source_id']

        raise SDKException(
            'Datacube', '102', 'No datasource exists with the name: {0}'.format(

    def add(self, datasource_name, analytics_engine, datasource_type, input_param):
        """Add a datasource.

                datasource_name (str)   --  name of the datasource to add to the datacube

                analytics_engine (str)  --  name of the analytics engine or index server node to be associated with this

                datasource_type (str)  --  type of datasource to add

                                            Valid values are:
                                            1: Database
                                            2: Web site
                                            3: CSV
                                            4: File system
                                            5: NAS
                                            6: Eloqua
                                            8: Salesforce
                                            9: LDAP
                                            10: Federated Search
                                            11: Open data source
                                            12: HTTP
                input_param(list)      -- properties for datasource
                    if type of the datasource name argument is not string

                    if type of the analytics_engine  argument is not string

                    if type of the datasource_type  argument is not string

                    if failed to add datasource

                    if response is empty

                    if response is not success


        if not isinstance(datasource_name, str):
            raise SDKException('Datacube', '101')

        if not isinstance(analytics_engine, str):
            raise SDKException('Datacube', '101')

        if not isinstance(datasource_type, str):
            raise SDKException('Datacube', '101')

        engine_index = None
        for engine in self._datacube_object.analytics_engines:
            if engine["clientName"] == analytics_engine or engine['engineName'] == analytics_engine:
                engine_index = self._datacube_object.analytics_engines.index(engine)

        if engine_index is None:
            raise Exception("Unable to find Index server for client")

        request_json = {
            "collectionReq": {
                "collectionName": datasource_name,
                "ciserver": {
                    "cloudID": self._datacube_object.analytics_engines[engine_index][
            "dataSource": {
                "description": "",
                "datasourceType": datasource_type,
                "attribute": 0,
                "datasourceName": datasource_name

        if input_param is not None:
            request_json['dataSource']['properties'] = input_param

        flag, response = self.commcell_obj._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'POST', self._create_datasource, request_json
        if flag and response.json():
            if 'error' in response.json():
                error_code = response.json()['error']['errorCode']
                if error_code == 0:
                    self.refresh()  # reload new list.

                error_message = response.json()['error']['errLogMessage']
                o_str = 'Failed to create datasource\nError: "{0}"'.format(error_message)
                raise SDKException('Response', '102', o_str)
            elif 'collections' in response.json():
                self.refresh()  # reload new list.
                raise SDKException('Response', '102')
        response_string = self.commcell_obj._update_response_(
        raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)

    def delete(self, datasource_name):
        """Deletes specified datasource from data cube .

                datasource_name     (str)   --  name of the datasource

                    if type of the datasource name argument is not string

                    if no datasource exists with the given name


        if not isinstance(datasource_name, str):
            raise SDKException('Datacube', '101')

        if not self.has_datasource(datasource_name):
            raise SDKException(
                'Datacube', '102', 'No datasource exists with the name: {0}'.format(

        self._delete_datasource = self.commcell_obj._services[
            'DELETE_DATASOURCE'] % (self.get(datasource_name).datasource_id)

        flag, response = self.commcell_obj._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'POST', self._delete_datasource)
        if flag:
            if 'errLogMessage' in response.json():
                error_message = response.json()['errLogMessage']
                o_str = 'Failed to delete datasource\nError: "{0}"'.format(error_message)
                raise SDKException('Datacube', '102', o_str)
                return True
            raise SDKException('Response', '101', response.text)

    def refresh(self):
        """Refresh the datasources associated with the Datacube."""
        self._datasources = self._get_all_datasources()

class Datasource(object):
    """Class for performing operations on a single datasource"""

    def __init__(self, datacube_object, datasource_name, datasource_id=None):
        """Initialize an object of the Datasource class.

                datacube_object     (object)    --  instance of the Datacube class

                datasource_name     (str)       --  name of the datasource

                datasource_id       (str)       --  id of the datasource
                    default: None

                object  -   instance of the Datasource class
        self._datacube_object = datacube_object
        self._datasource_name = datasource_name
        self._commcell_object = self._datacube_object._commcell_object

        if datasource_id is not None:
            self._datasource_id = str(datasource_id)
            self._datasource_id = self._get_datasource_id()

        self._DATASOURCE = self._datacube_object._commcell_object._services['GET_DATASOURCE'] % (
        self._crawl_history = self._datacube_object._commcell_object._services['GET_CRAWL_HISTORY'] % (

        self._get_datasource_schema = self._datacube_object._commcell_object._services[
            'GET_DATASOURCE_SCHEMA'] % (self.datasource_id)

        self._delete_datasource_contents = self._datacube_object._commcell_object._services[
            'DELETE_DATASOURCE_CONTENTS'] % (self.datasource_id)

        self._datacube_import_data = self._datacube_object._commcell_object._services[
            'DATACUBE_IMPORT_DATA'] % ("json", self.datasource_id)

        self._update_datasource_schema = self._datacube_object._commcell_object._services[

        self._start_job_datasource = self._datacube_object._commcell_object._services[

        self._get_status_datasource = self._datacube_object._commcell_object._services[

        self._delete_datasource = self._datacube_object._commcell_object._services[

        self._share_datasource = self._datacube_object._commcell_object._services['SHARE_DATASOURCE']

        self.handlers = None
        self._handlers_obj = None
        self._computed_core_name = None
        self._cloud_id = None
        self._data_source_type = None
        self._properties = None

    def __repr__(self):
        """String representation of the instance of this class."""
        representation_string = 'Datasource class instance for Commcell: "{0}"'

        return representation_string.format(

    def _get_datasource_id(self):
        """Gets the datasource id associated with this datasource.

                str     -   id associated with this datasource

        datasources = Datasources(self._datacube_object)
        return datasources.get(self.datasource_name).datasource_id

    def _get_datasource_properties(self):
        """Gets the properties of this datasource.

                dict - dictionary consisting of the properties of this datasource

                    if response is empty

                    if response is not success

        data_source_dict = self._commcell_object.datacube.datasources.get_datasource_properties(self.datasource_name)
        if 'computedCoreName' in data_source_dict:
            self._computed_core_name = data_source_dict['computedCoreName']
        if 'cloudId' in data_source_dict:
            self._cloud_id = data_source_dict['cloudId']
        self._data_source_type = data_source_dict['data_source_type']
        return data_source_dict

    def start_job(self):
        """Starts the crawl job for the datasource

                    Str  -   Job id of crawl job

                        failed to start job

        flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'POST', self._start_job_datasource % (self._datasource_id))

        if flag:
            if 'error' in response.json():
                error_message = response.json()['error']['errLogMessage']
                o_str = 'Failed to start job on datasource\nError: "{0}"'.format(error_message)
                raise SDKException('Datacube', '102', o_str)
            elif response.json() and 'status' in response.json():
                return response.json()['status']['jobId']
                raise SDKException('Datacube', '102', "Status object not found in response")
        raise SDKException('Response', '101', response.text)

    def delete_datasource(self):
        """deletes the datasource

                        true  -   if success

                            Error message for failed ops

        flag, response = self._datacube_object._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'POST', self._delete_datasource % (self._datasource_id))

        if flag:
            if 'errLogMessage' in response.json():
                error_message = response.json()['errLogMessage']
                o_str = 'Failed to delete datasource\nError: "{0}"'.format(error_message)
                raise SDKException('Datacube', '102', o_str)
                return True
        raise SDKException('Response', '101', response.text)

    def get_status(self):
        """Gets status of the datasource.

                    dict - containing all status information of datasource

                            Failure to find datasource details


        flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'GET', self._get_status_datasource % (self._datasource_id))

        if flag:
            if 'error' in response.json():
                error_message = response.json()['error']['errLogMessage']
                o_str = 'Failed to Get status on datasource\nError: "{0}"'.format(error_message)
                raise SDKException('Datacube', '102', o_str)
            elif response.json() and 'status' in response.json():
                return response.json()
                raise SDKException('Datacube', '102', "Status object not found in response")
        raise SDKException('Response', '101', response.text)

    def get_crawl_history(self, last_crawl_history=False):
        """Gets the Crawling  history for this datasource.

                last_crawl_history (bool)    -- if set to True , returns
                the status of and information about the most recent crawling
                operation for a data source in Data Cube

                list - list consisting of key value pair for history details of this datasource

                        "numFailed": ,
                        "totalcount": ,
                        "endUTCTime": ,
                        "numAccessDenied": ,
                        "numAdded": ,
                        "startUTCTime": ,

                    if response is empty

                    if response is not success

        flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'GET', self._crawl_history

        if flag:
            if response.json():
                return response.json()["status"]
            raise SDKException('Response', '102')
        response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(
        raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)

    def datasource_id(self):
        """Returns the value of the data source id attribute."""
        return self._datasource_id

    def properties(self):
        """Returns all the data source properties"""
        return self._properties

    def datasource_name(self):
        """Returns the value of the data source name attribute."""
        return self._datasource_name

    def computed_core_name(self):
        """Returns the value of the computedcorename attribute."""
        return self._computed_core_name

    def index_server_cloud_id(self):
        """Returns the value of the cloud id attribute."""
        return self._cloud_id

    def data_source_type(self):
        """Returns the value of the data source type attribute."""
        return self._data_source_type

    def get_datasource_schema(self):
        """returns information about the schema of a data source.

                dict - dict consisting of all schema fields of this datasource grouped
                under dynSchemaFields and schemaFields

                "uniqueKey": "contentid",
                "schemaFields": [{properties of field},list of fields]
               "dynSchemaFields":[{properties of field},list of fields]

                    if response is empty

                    if response is not success

        flag, response = self._datacube_object._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'GET', self._get_datasource_schema

        if flag:
            if response.json():
                return response.json()["collections"][0]["schema"]
            raise SDKException('Response', '102')
        response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(
        raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)

    def update_datasource_schema(self, schema):
        """updates the schema of a data source.

                schema (list)   -- list of  properties of schemas represented as key value pair.
                                    "fieldName": "",
                                    "indexed": "",
                                    "autocomplete": "",
                                    "type": "",
                                    "searchDefault": "",
                                    "multiValued": ""
                Valid values for type are as follows:
                    [string, int, float, long, double, date, longstring]
                indexed, autocomplete, searchDefault, multiValued takes 0/1

                    if response is empty

                    if type of the schema argument is not list

                    if response is not success

        if not isinstance(schema, list):
            raise SDKException('Datacube', '101')

        for element in schema:
            if not isinstance(element, dict):
                raise SDKException('Datacube', '101')

        request_json = {
            "datasourceId": int(self.datasource_id),
            "schema": {
                "schemaFields": schema

        flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'POST', self._update_datasource_schema, request_json

        if flag:
            if response.json() and 'errorCode' in response.json():
                error_code = response.json()['errorCode']
                if error_code == 0:
                error_message = response.json()['errLogMessage']
                o_str = 'Failed to update schema\nError: "{0}"'.format(error_message)
                raise SDKException('Response', '102', o_str)
            raise SDKException('Response', '102')
        response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(
        raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)

    def import_data(self, data):
        """imports/pumps given data into data source.

                data (list)   -- data to be indexed and pumped into  solr.list of key value pairs.

                    if response is empty

                    if response is not success

        flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'POST', self._datacube_import_data, data
        if flag:
            if response.json() and 'errorCode' in response.json():
                error_code = response.json()['errorCode']
                if error_code == 0:
                error_message = response.json()['errLogMessage']
                o_str = 'Failed to import data\nError: "{0}"'.format(error_message)
                raise SDKException('Response', '102', o_str)
            raise SDKException('Response', '102')
        response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(
        raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)

    def delete_content(self):
        """deletes the content of a data source from Data Cube.
           The data source itself is not deleted using this API.


                    if response is empty

                    if response is not success

        flag, response = self._datacube_object._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'POST', self._delete_datasource_contents

        if flag:
            if response.json() and 'error' in response.json():
                error_message = response.json()['error']['errLogMessage']
                o_str = 'Failed to do soft delete on datasource\nError: "{0}"'.format(error_message)
                raise SDKException('Datacube', '102', o_str)
        raise SDKException('Response', '101', response.text)

    def refresh(self):
        """Refresh the properties of the Datasource."""
        self._properties = self._get_datasource_properties()
        self.handlers = Handlers(self)

    def ds_handlers(self):
        """Returns the instance of the Handlers class."""
            if self._handlers_obj is None:
                self._handlers_obj = Handlers(self)
            return self._handlers_obj
        except BaseException:
            raise SDKException('Datacube', '102', "Failed to init Handlers")

    def share(self, permission_list, operation_type, user_id, user_name, user_type):
        """ Share datasource with user/usergroup
                    permission_list (list)-- List of permission

                    operation_type (int)  -- Operation type (2-add / 3- delete)

                    user_id (int)         -- User id of share user

                    user_name (str)       -- Share user name

                    user_type (int)       -- Share user type (Ex : 13- User)



                        if response is empty

                        if response is not success

                        if failed to share the datasource with User/userGroup
        category_permission_list = []
        for permission in permission_list:
            category_permission_list.append({'permissionId': permission, '_type_': 122})
        request_json = {
            "entityAssociated": {
                "entity": [
                        "_type_": 132,
                        "seaDataSourceId": int(self.datasource_id)
            "securityAssociations": {
                "processHiddenPermission": 1,
                "associationsOperationType": operation_type,
                "associations": [
                        "userOrGroup": [
                                "userId": user_id,
                                "_type_": user_type,
                                "userName": user_name
                        "properties": {
                            "categoryPermission": {
                                "categoriesPermissionList": category_permission_list
        flag, response = self._datacube_object._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'POST', self._share_datasource, request_json)

        if flag:
            if 'response' in response.json():
                resp = response.json()['response']
                resp = resp[0]
                if resp.get('errorCode') is not None and resp.get('errorCode') != 0:
                    error_message = resp['errorString']
                    o_str = 'Failed to share handler on datasource\nError: "{0}"'.format(error_message)
                    raise SDKException('Datacube', '102', o_str)
                elif resp.get('errorCode') is None:
                    raise SDKException('Datacube', '102', "No errorCode mentioned in response")
        raise SDKException('Response', '101', response.text)


class Datasource (datacube_object, datasource_name, datasource_id=None)

Class for performing operations on a single datasource

Initialize an object of the Datasource class.


datacube_object (object) – instance of the Datacube class

datasource_name (str) – name of the datasource

datasource_id (str) – id of the datasource default: None


object - instance of the Datasource class

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class Datasource(object):
    """Class for performing operations on a single datasource"""

    def __init__(self, datacube_object, datasource_name, datasource_id=None):
        """Initialize an object of the Datasource class.

                datacube_object     (object)    --  instance of the Datacube class

                datasource_name     (str)       --  name of the datasource

                datasource_id       (str)       --  id of the datasource
                    default: None

                object  -   instance of the Datasource class
        self._datacube_object = datacube_object
        self._datasource_name = datasource_name
        self._commcell_object = self._datacube_object._commcell_object

        if datasource_id is not None:
            self._datasource_id = str(datasource_id)
            self._datasource_id = self._get_datasource_id()

        self._DATASOURCE = self._datacube_object._commcell_object._services['GET_DATASOURCE'] % (
        self._crawl_history = self._datacube_object._commcell_object._services['GET_CRAWL_HISTORY'] % (

        self._get_datasource_schema = self._datacube_object._commcell_object._services[
            'GET_DATASOURCE_SCHEMA'] % (self.datasource_id)

        self._delete_datasource_contents = self._datacube_object._commcell_object._services[
            'DELETE_DATASOURCE_CONTENTS'] % (self.datasource_id)

        self._datacube_import_data = self._datacube_object._commcell_object._services[
            'DATACUBE_IMPORT_DATA'] % ("json", self.datasource_id)

        self._update_datasource_schema = self._datacube_object._commcell_object._services[

        self._start_job_datasource = self._datacube_object._commcell_object._services[

        self._get_status_datasource = self._datacube_object._commcell_object._services[

        self._delete_datasource = self._datacube_object._commcell_object._services[

        self._share_datasource = self._datacube_object._commcell_object._services['SHARE_DATASOURCE']

        self.handlers = None
        self._handlers_obj = None
        self._computed_core_name = None
        self._cloud_id = None
        self._data_source_type = None
        self._properties = None

    def __repr__(self):
        """String representation of the instance of this class."""
        representation_string = 'Datasource class instance for Commcell: "{0}"'

        return representation_string.format(

    def _get_datasource_id(self):
        """Gets the datasource id associated with this datasource.

                str     -   id associated with this datasource

        datasources = Datasources(self._datacube_object)
        return datasources.get(self.datasource_name).datasource_id

    def _get_datasource_properties(self):
        """Gets the properties of this datasource.

                dict - dictionary consisting of the properties of this datasource

                    if response is empty

                    if response is not success

        data_source_dict = self._commcell_object.datacube.datasources.get_datasource_properties(self.datasource_name)
        if 'computedCoreName' in data_source_dict:
            self._computed_core_name = data_source_dict['computedCoreName']
        if 'cloudId' in data_source_dict:
            self._cloud_id = data_source_dict['cloudId']
        self._data_source_type = data_source_dict['data_source_type']
        return data_source_dict

    def start_job(self):
        """Starts the crawl job for the datasource

                    Str  -   Job id of crawl job

                        failed to start job

        flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'POST', self._start_job_datasource % (self._datasource_id))

        if flag:
            if 'error' in response.json():
                error_message = response.json()['error']['errLogMessage']
                o_str = 'Failed to start job on datasource\nError: "{0}"'.format(error_message)
                raise SDKException('Datacube', '102', o_str)
            elif response.json() and 'status' in response.json():
                return response.json()['status']['jobId']
                raise SDKException('Datacube', '102', "Status object not found in response")
        raise SDKException('Response', '101', response.text)

    def delete_datasource(self):
        """deletes the datasource

                        true  -   if success

                            Error message for failed ops

        flag, response = self._datacube_object._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'POST', self._delete_datasource % (self._datasource_id))

        if flag:
            if 'errLogMessage' in response.json():
                error_message = response.json()['errLogMessage']
                o_str = 'Failed to delete datasource\nError: "{0}"'.format(error_message)
                raise SDKException('Datacube', '102', o_str)
                return True
        raise SDKException('Response', '101', response.text)

    def get_status(self):
        """Gets status of the datasource.

                    dict - containing all status information of datasource

                            Failure to find datasource details


        flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'GET', self._get_status_datasource % (self._datasource_id))

        if flag:
            if 'error' in response.json():
                error_message = response.json()['error']['errLogMessage']
                o_str = 'Failed to Get status on datasource\nError: "{0}"'.format(error_message)
                raise SDKException('Datacube', '102', o_str)
            elif response.json() and 'status' in response.json():
                return response.json()
                raise SDKException('Datacube', '102', "Status object not found in response")
        raise SDKException('Response', '101', response.text)

    def get_crawl_history(self, last_crawl_history=False):
        """Gets the Crawling  history for this datasource.

                last_crawl_history (bool)    -- if set to True , returns
                the status of and information about the most recent crawling
                operation for a data source in Data Cube

                list - list consisting of key value pair for history details of this datasource

                        "numFailed": ,
                        "totalcount": ,
                        "endUTCTime": ,
                        "numAccessDenied": ,
                        "numAdded": ,
                        "startUTCTime": ,

                    if response is empty

                    if response is not success

        flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'GET', self._crawl_history

        if flag:
            if response.json():
                return response.json()["status"]
            raise SDKException('Response', '102')
        response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(
        raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)

    def datasource_id(self):
        """Returns the value of the data source id attribute."""
        return self._datasource_id

    def properties(self):
        """Returns all the data source properties"""
        return self._properties

    def datasource_name(self):
        """Returns the value of the data source name attribute."""
        return self._datasource_name

    def computed_core_name(self):
        """Returns the value of the computedcorename attribute."""
        return self._computed_core_name

    def index_server_cloud_id(self):
        """Returns the value of the cloud id attribute."""
        return self._cloud_id

    def data_source_type(self):
        """Returns the value of the data source type attribute."""
        return self._data_source_type

    def get_datasource_schema(self):
        """returns information about the schema of a data source.

                dict - dict consisting of all schema fields of this datasource grouped
                under dynSchemaFields and schemaFields

                "uniqueKey": "contentid",
                "schemaFields": [{properties of field},list of fields]
               "dynSchemaFields":[{properties of field},list of fields]

                    if response is empty

                    if response is not success

        flag, response = self._datacube_object._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'GET', self._get_datasource_schema

        if flag:
            if response.json():
                return response.json()["collections"][0]["schema"]
            raise SDKException('Response', '102')
        response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(
        raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)

    def update_datasource_schema(self, schema):
        """updates the schema of a data source.

                schema (list)   -- list of  properties of schemas represented as key value pair.
                                    "fieldName": "",
                                    "indexed": "",
                                    "autocomplete": "",
                                    "type": "",
                                    "searchDefault": "",
                                    "multiValued": ""
                Valid values for type are as follows:
                    [string, int, float, long, double, date, longstring]
                indexed, autocomplete, searchDefault, multiValued takes 0/1

                    if response is empty

                    if type of the schema argument is not list

                    if response is not success

        if not isinstance(schema, list):
            raise SDKException('Datacube', '101')

        for element in schema:
            if not isinstance(element, dict):
                raise SDKException('Datacube', '101')

        request_json = {
            "datasourceId": int(self.datasource_id),
            "schema": {
                "schemaFields": schema

        flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'POST', self._update_datasource_schema, request_json

        if flag:
            if response.json() and 'errorCode' in response.json():
                error_code = response.json()['errorCode']
                if error_code == 0:
                error_message = response.json()['errLogMessage']
                o_str = 'Failed to update schema\nError: "{0}"'.format(error_message)
                raise SDKException('Response', '102', o_str)
            raise SDKException('Response', '102')
        response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(
        raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)

    def import_data(self, data):
        """imports/pumps given data into data source.

                data (list)   -- data to be indexed and pumped into  solr.list of key value pairs.

                    if response is empty

                    if response is not success

        flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'POST', self._datacube_import_data, data
        if flag:
            if response.json() and 'errorCode' in response.json():
                error_code = response.json()['errorCode']
                if error_code == 0:
                error_message = response.json()['errLogMessage']
                o_str = 'Failed to import data\nError: "{0}"'.format(error_message)
                raise SDKException('Response', '102', o_str)
            raise SDKException('Response', '102')
        response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(
        raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)

    def delete_content(self):
        """deletes the content of a data source from Data Cube.
           The data source itself is not deleted using this API.


                    if response is empty

                    if response is not success

        flag, response = self._datacube_object._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'POST', self._delete_datasource_contents

        if flag:
            if response.json() and 'error' in response.json():
                error_message = response.json()['error']['errLogMessage']
                o_str = 'Failed to do soft delete on datasource\nError: "{0}"'.format(error_message)
                raise SDKException('Datacube', '102', o_str)
        raise SDKException('Response', '101', response.text)

    def refresh(self):
        """Refresh the properties of the Datasource."""
        self._properties = self._get_datasource_properties()
        self.handlers = Handlers(self)

    def ds_handlers(self):
        """Returns the instance of the Handlers class."""
            if self._handlers_obj is None:
                self._handlers_obj = Handlers(self)
            return self._handlers_obj
        except BaseException:
            raise SDKException('Datacube', '102', "Failed to init Handlers")

    def share(self, permission_list, operation_type, user_id, user_name, user_type):
        """ Share datasource with user/usergroup
                    permission_list (list)-- List of permission

                    operation_type (int)  -- Operation type (2-add / 3- delete)

                    user_id (int)         -- User id of share user

                    user_name (str)       -- Share user name

                    user_type (int)       -- Share user type (Ex : 13- User)



                        if response is empty

                        if response is not success

                        if failed to share the datasource with User/userGroup
        category_permission_list = []
        for permission in permission_list:
            category_permission_list.append({'permissionId': permission, '_type_': 122})
        request_json = {
            "entityAssociated": {
                "entity": [
                        "_type_": 132,
                        "seaDataSourceId": int(self.datasource_id)
            "securityAssociations": {
                "processHiddenPermission": 1,
                "associationsOperationType": operation_type,
                "associations": [
                        "userOrGroup": [
                                "userId": user_id,
                                "_type_": user_type,
                                "userName": user_name
                        "properties": {
                            "categoryPermission": {
                                "categoriesPermissionList": category_permission_list
        flag, response = self._datacube_object._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'POST', self._share_datasource, request_json)

        if flag:
            if 'response' in response.json():
                resp = response.json()['response']
                resp = resp[0]
                if resp.get('errorCode') is not None and resp.get('errorCode') != 0:
                    error_message = resp['errorString']
                    o_str = 'Failed to share handler on datasource\nError: "{0}"'.format(error_message)
                    raise SDKException('Datacube', '102', o_str)
                elif resp.get('errorCode') is None:
                    raise SDKException('Datacube', '102', "No errorCode mentioned in response")
        raise SDKException('Response', '101', response.text)

Instance variables

var computed_core_name

Returns the value of the computedcorename attribute.

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def computed_core_name(self):
    """Returns the value of the computedcorename attribute."""
    return self._computed_core_name
var data_source_type

Returns the value of the data source type attribute.

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def data_source_type(self):
    """Returns the value of the data source type attribute."""
    return self._data_source_type
var datasource_id

Returns the value of the data source id attribute.

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def datasource_id(self):
    """Returns the value of the data source id attribute."""
    return self._datasource_id
var datasource_name

Returns the value of the data source name attribute.

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def datasource_name(self):
    """Returns the value of the data source name attribute."""
    return self._datasource_name
var ds_handlers

Returns the instance of the Handlers class.

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def ds_handlers(self):
    """Returns the instance of the Handlers class."""
        if self._handlers_obj is None:
            self._handlers_obj = Handlers(self)
        return self._handlers_obj
    except BaseException:
        raise SDKException('Datacube', '102', "Failed to init Handlers")
var index_server_cloud_id

Returns the value of the cloud id attribute.

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def index_server_cloud_id(self):
    """Returns the value of the cloud id attribute."""
    return self._cloud_id
var properties

Returns all the data source properties

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def properties(self):
    """Returns all the data source properties"""
    return self._properties


def delete_content(self)

deletes the content of a data source from Data Cube. The data source itself is not deleted using this API.

Raises: SDKException:

     if response is empty

     if response is not success
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def delete_content(self):
    """deletes the content of a data source from Data Cube.
       The data source itself is not deleted using this API.


                if response is empty

                if response is not success

    flag, response = self._datacube_object._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
        'POST', self._delete_datasource_contents

    if flag:
        if response.json() and 'error' in response.json():
            error_message = response.json()['error']['errLogMessage']
            o_str = 'Failed to do soft delete on datasource\nError: "{0}"'.format(error_message)
            raise SDKException('Datacube', '102', o_str)
    raise SDKException('Response', '101', response.text)
def delete_datasource(self)

deletes the datasource


true - if success


Exception: Error message for failed ops

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def delete_datasource(self):
    """deletes the datasource

                    true  -   if success

                        Error message for failed ops

    flag, response = self._datacube_object._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
        'POST', self._delete_datasource % (self._datasource_id))

    if flag:
        if 'errLogMessage' in response.json():
            error_message = response.json()['errLogMessage']
            o_str = 'Failed to delete datasource\nError: "{0}"'.format(error_message)
            raise SDKException('Datacube', '102', o_str)
            return True
    raise SDKException('Response', '101', response.text)
def get_crawl_history(self, last_crawl_history=False)

Gets the Crawling history for this datasource.


last_crawl_history (bool) – if set to True , returns the status of and information about the most recent crawling operation for a data source in Data Cube


list - list consisting of key value pair for history details of this datasource

[ { "numFailed": , "totalcount": , "endUTCTime": , "numAccessDenied": , "numAdded": , "startUTCTime": , "state": } ]


SDKException: if response is empty

if response is not success
Expand source code Browse git
def get_crawl_history(self, last_crawl_history=False):
    """Gets the Crawling  history for this datasource.

            last_crawl_history (bool)    -- if set to True , returns
            the status of and information about the most recent crawling
            operation for a data source in Data Cube

            list - list consisting of key value pair for history details of this datasource

                    "numFailed": ,
                    "totalcount": ,
                    "endUTCTime": ,
                    "numAccessDenied": ,
                    "numAdded": ,
                    "startUTCTime": ,

                if response is empty

                if response is not success

    flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
        'GET', self._crawl_history

    if flag:
        if response.json():
            return response.json()["status"]
        raise SDKException('Response', '102')
    response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(
    raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)
def get_datasource_schema(self)

returns information about the schema of a data source.


dict - dict consisting of all schema fields of this datasource grouped under dynSchemaFields and schemaFields

{ "uniqueKey": "contentid", "schemaFields": [{properties of field},list of fields] "dynSchemaFields":[{properties of field},list of fields]


SDKException: if response is empty

if response is not success
Expand source code Browse git
def get_datasource_schema(self):
    """returns information about the schema of a data source.

            dict - dict consisting of all schema fields of this datasource grouped
            under dynSchemaFields and schemaFields

            "uniqueKey": "contentid",
            "schemaFields": [{properties of field},list of fields]
           "dynSchemaFields":[{properties of field},list of fields]

                if response is empty

                if response is not success

    flag, response = self._datacube_object._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
        'GET', self._get_datasource_schema

    if flag:
        if response.json():
            return response.json()["collections"][0]["schema"]
        raise SDKException('Response', '102')
    response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(
    raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)
def get_status(self)

Gets status of the datasource.


dict - containing all status information of datasource


Exception: Failure to find datasource details

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def get_status(self):
    """Gets status of the datasource.

                dict - containing all status information of datasource

                        Failure to find datasource details


    flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
        'GET', self._get_status_datasource % (self._datasource_id))

    if flag:
        if 'error' in response.json():
            error_message = response.json()['error']['errLogMessage']
            o_str = 'Failed to Get status on datasource\nError: "{0}"'.format(error_message)
            raise SDKException('Datacube', '102', o_str)
        elif response.json() and 'status' in response.json():
            return response.json()
            raise SDKException('Datacube', '102', "Status object not found in response")
    raise SDKException('Response', '101', response.text)
def import_data(self, data)

imports/pumps given data into data source.


data (list) – data to be indexed and pumped into solr.list of key value pairs.


SDKException: if response is empty

if response is not success
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def import_data(self, data):
    """imports/pumps given data into data source.

            data (list)   -- data to be indexed and pumped into  solr.list of key value pairs.

                if response is empty

                if response is not success

    flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
        'POST', self._datacube_import_data, data
    if flag:
        if response.json() and 'errorCode' in response.json():
            error_code = response.json()['errorCode']
            if error_code == 0:
            error_message = response.json()['errLogMessage']
            o_str = 'Failed to import data\nError: "{0}"'.format(error_message)
            raise SDKException('Response', '102', o_str)
        raise SDKException('Response', '102')
    response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(
    raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)
def refresh(self)

Refresh the properties of the Datasource.

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def refresh(self):
    """Refresh the properties of the Datasource."""
    self._properties = self._get_datasource_properties()
    self.handlers = Handlers(self)
def share(self, permission_list, operation_type, user_id, user_name, user_type)

Share datasource with user/usergroup


permission_list (list)– List of permission

operation_type (int) – Operation type (2-add / 3- delete)

user_id (int) – User id of share user

user_name (str) – Share user name

user_type (int) – Share user type (Ex : 13- User)





if response is empty

if response is not success

if failed to share the datasource with User/userGroup
Expand source code Browse git
def share(self, permission_list, operation_type, user_id, user_name, user_type):
    """ Share datasource with user/usergroup
                permission_list (list)-- List of permission

                operation_type (int)  -- Operation type (2-add / 3- delete)

                user_id (int)         -- User id of share user

                user_name (str)       -- Share user name

                user_type (int)       -- Share user type (Ex : 13- User)



                    if response is empty

                    if response is not success

                    if failed to share the datasource with User/userGroup
    category_permission_list = []
    for permission in permission_list:
        category_permission_list.append({'permissionId': permission, '_type_': 122})
    request_json = {
        "entityAssociated": {
            "entity": [
                    "_type_": 132,
                    "seaDataSourceId": int(self.datasource_id)
        "securityAssociations": {
            "processHiddenPermission": 1,
            "associationsOperationType": operation_type,
            "associations": [
                    "userOrGroup": [
                            "userId": user_id,
                            "_type_": user_type,
                            "userName": user_name
                    "properties": {
                        "categoryPermission": {
                            "categoriesPermissionList": category_permission_list
    flag, response = self._datacube_object._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
        'POST', self._share_datasource, request_json)

    if flag:
        if 'response' in response.json():
            resp = response.json()['response']
            resp = resp[0]
            if resp.get('errorCode') is not None and resp.get('errorCode') != 0:
                error_message = resp['errorString']
                o_str = 'Failed to share handler on datasource\nError: "{0}"'.format(error_message)
                raise SDKException('Datacube', '102', o_str)
            elif resp.get('errorCode') is None:
                raise SDKException('Datacube', '102', "No errorCode mentioned in response")
    raise SDKException('Response', '101', response.text)
def start_job(self)

Starts the crawl job for the datasource


Str - Job id of crawl job


Exception: failed to start job

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def start_job(self):
    """Starts the crawl job for the datasource

                Str  -   Job id of crawl job

                    failed to start job

    flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
        'POST', self._start_job_datasource % (self._datasource_id))

    if flag:
        if 'error' in response.json():
            error_message = response.json()['error']['errLogMessage']
            o_str = 'Failed to start job on datasource\nError: "{0}"'.format(error_message)
            raise SDKException('Datacube', '102', o_str)
        elif response.json() and 'status' in response.json():
            return response.json()['status']['jobId']
            raise SDKException('Datacube', '102', "Status object not found in response")
    raise SDKException('Response', '101', response.text)
def update_datasource_schema(self, schema)

updates the schema of a data source.


schema (list) – list of properties of schemas represented as key value pair. [{ "fieldName": "", "indexed": "", "autocomplete": "", "type": "", "searchDefault": "", "multiValued": "" }] Valid values for type are as follows: [string, int, float, long, double, date, longstring] indexed, autocomplete, searchDefault, multiValued takes 0/1


SDKException: if response is empty

if type of the schema argument is not list

if response is not success
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def update_datasource_schema(self, schema):
    """updates the schema of a data source.

            schema (list)   -- list of  properties of schemas represented as key value pair.
                                "fieldName": "",
                                "indexed": "",
                                "autocomplete": "",
                                "type": "",
                                "searchDefault": "",
                                "multiValued": ""
            Valid values for type are as follows:
                [string, int, float, long, double, date, longstring]
            indexed, autocomplete, searchDefault, multiValued takes 0/1

                if response is empty

                if type of the schema argument is not list

                if response is not success

    if not isinstance(schema, list):
        raise SDKException('Datacube', '101')

    for element in schema:
        if not isinstance(element, dict):
            raise SDKException('Datacube', '101')

    request_json = {
        "datasourceId": int(self.datasource_id),
        "schema": {
            "schemaFields": schema

    flag, response = self._commcell_object._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
        'POST', self._update_datasource_schema, request_json

    if flag:
        if response.json() and 'errorCode' in response.json():
            error_code = response.json()['errorCode']
            if error_code == 0:
            error_message = response.json()['errLogMessage']
            o_str = 'Failed to update schema\nError: "{0}"'.format(error_message)
            raise SDKException('Response', '102', o_str)
        raise SDKException('Response', '102')
    response_string = self._commcell_object._update_response_(
    raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)
class Datasources (datacube_object)

Class for representing all the Datasources in the Datacube.

Initializes an instance of the Datasources class.


datacube_object (object) – instance of the Datacube class


object - instance of the Datasources class

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class Datasources(object):
    """Class for representing all the Datasources in the Datacube."""

    def __init__(self, datacube_object):
        """Initializes an instance of the Datasources class.

                datacube_object     (object)    --  instance of the Datacube class

                object  -   instance of the Datasources class

        self._datacube_object = datacube_object
        self.commcell_obj = self._datacube_object._commcell_object
        self._all_datasources = self.commcell_obj._services[

        self._create_datasource = self.commcell_obj._services[

        self._datasources = None

    def __str__(self):
        """Representation string consisting of all datasources in datacube.

                str - string of all the datasources associated with the datacube

        representation_string = '{:^5}\t{:30}\n\n'.format(
            'ID', 'Data Source Name')
        for datasource in self._datasources.values():
            sub_str = '{:^5}\t{:30}\n'.format(
                datasource['data_source_id'], datasource['data_source_name']
            representation_string += sub_str

        return representation_string

    def __repr__(self):
        """Representation string for the instance of the Datasources class."""
        return "Datasources class instance for Commcell: '{0}'".format(

    def get_datasource_properties(self, data_source_name):
        """Returns the properties of datasources.


                data_source_name    (str)       -- Name of the data source

                dict - dictionary consisting of the properties of  datasources

        return self._datasources[data_source_name]

    def _get_datasources_from_collections(collections):
        """Extracts all the datasources, and their details from the list of collections given,
            and returns the dictionary of all datasources.

                collections     (list)  --  list of all collections

                dict    -   dictionary consisting of dictionaries, where each dictionary stores the
                                details of a single datasource

                        'data_source_1_name': {

                            'data_source_id': 21,

                            'data_source_name': '',

                            'description': '',

                            'data_source_type': '',

                            'total_count': 1234,

                            'state': 1

                        'data_source_2_name': {},

                        'data_source_3_name': {}

        _datasources = {}
        for collection in collections:
            core_name = None
            cloud_id = None
            if 'computedCoreName' in collection:
                core_name = collection['computedCoreName']
            if 'cloudId' in collection:
                cloud_id = collection['cloudId']
            for datasource in collection['datasources']:
                datasource_dict = {}
                if core_name:
                    datasource_dict['computedCoreName'] = core_name
                if cloud_id:
                    datasource_dict['cloudId'] = cloud_id
                datasource_dict['data_source_id'] = datasource['datasourceId']
                datasource_dict['data_source_name'] = datasource['datasourceName']
                datasource_dict['data_source_type'] = SEDS_TYPE_DICT[
                if 'coreId' in datasource:
                    datasource_dict['coreId'] = datasource['coreId']
                if 'description' in datasource:
                    datasource_dict['description'] = datasource['description']
                if 'status' in datasource:
                    datasource_dict['total_count'] = datasource['status']['totalcount']
                    if 'state' in datasource['status']:
                        datasource_dict['state']= datasource['status']['state']
                _datasources[datasource['datasourceName']] = datasource_dict
        return _datasources

    def _get_all_datasources(self):
        """Gets the list of all datasources associated with this Datacube instance.

                dict    -   dictionary consisting of dictionaries, where each dictionary stores the
                                details of a single datasource

                        'data_source_1_name': {

                            'data_source_id': 21,

                            'data_source_name': '',

                            'description': '',

                            'data_source_type': '',

                            'total_count': 1234,

                            'state': 1

                        'data_source_2_name': {},

                        'data_source_3_name': {}

        flag, response = self.commcell_obj._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'GET', self._all_datasources

        if flag:
            if response.json() and 'collections' in response.json():
                collections = response.json()['collections']
                return self._get_datasources_from_collections(collections)
            elif 'error' in response.json():
                raise SDKException('Datacube', '104')
                response = {}
                return response

    def has_datasource(self, datasource_name):
        """Checks if a datasource exists in the Datacube with the input datasource name.

                datasource_name     (str)   --  name of the datasource

                bool    -   boolean output whether the datasource exists in the datacube or not

                    if type of the datasource name argument is not string

        if not isinstance(datasource_name, str):
            raise SDKException('Datacube', '101')

        return self._datasources and datasource_name in self._datasources

    def get(self, datasource_name):
        """Returns a datasource object of the specified datasource name.

                datasource_name     (str)   --  name of the datasource

                object  -   instance of the Datasource class for the given datasource name

                    if type of the datasource name argument is not string

                    if no datasource exists with the given name

        if not isinstance(datasource_name, str):
            raise SDKException('Datacube', '101')

        if self.has_datasource(datasource_name):
            datasource = self._datasources[datasource_name]

            return Datasource(
                self._datacube_object, datasource_name, datasource['data_source_id']

        raise SDKException(
            'Datacube', '102', 'No datasource exists with the name: {0}'.format(

    def add(self, datasource_name, analytics_engine, datasource_type, input_param):
        """Add a datasource.

                datasource_name (str)   --  name of the datasource to add to the datacube

                analytics_engine (str)  --  name of the analytics engine or index server node to be associated with this

                datasource_type (str)  --  type of datasource to add

                                            Valid values are:
                                            1: Database
                                            2: Web site
                                            3: CSV
                                            4: File system
                                            5: NAS
                                            6: Eloqua
                                            8: Salesforce
                                            9: LDAP
                                            10: Federated Search
                                            11: Open data source
                                            12: HTTP
                input_param(list)      -- properties for datasource
                    if type of the datasource name argument is not string

                    if type of the analytics_engine  argument is not string

                    if type of the datasource_type  argument is not string

                    if failed to add datasource

                    if response is empty

                    if response is not success


        if not isinstance(datasource_name, str):
            raise SDKException('Datacube', '101')

        if not isinstance(analytics_engine, str):
            raise SDKException('Datacube', '101')

        if not isinstance(datasource_type, str):
            raise SDKException('Datacube', '101')

        engine_index = None
        for engine in self._datacube_object.analytics_engines:
            if engine["clientName"] == analytics_engine or engine['engineName'] == analytics_engine:
                engine_index = self._datacube_object.analytics_engines.index(engine)

        if engine_index is None:
            raise Exception("Unable to find Index server for client")

        request_json = {
            "collectionReq": {
                "collectionName": datasource_name,
                "ciserver": {
                    "cloudID": self._datacube_object.analytics_engines[engine_index][
            "dataSource": {
                "description": "",
                "datasourceType": datasource_type,
                "attribute": 0,
                "datasourceName": datasource_name

        if input_param is not None:
            request_json['dataSource']['properties'] = input_param

        flag, response = self.commcell_obj._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'POST', self._create_datasource, request_json
        if flag and response.json():
            if 'error' in response.json():
                error_code = response.json()['error']['errorCode']
                if error_code == 0:
                    self.refresh()  # reload new list.

                error_message = response.json()['error']['errLogMessage']
                o_str = 'Failed to create datasource\nError: "{0}"'.format(error_message)
                raise SDKException('Response', '102', o_str)
            elif 'collections' in response.json():
                self.refresh()  # reload new list.
                raise SDKException('Response', '102')
        response_string = self.commcell_obj._update_response_(
        raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)

    def delete(self, datasource_name):
        """Deletes specified datasource from data cube .

                datasource_name     (str)   --  name of the datasource

                    if type of the datasource name argument is not string

                    if no datasource exists with the given name


        if not isinstance(datasource_name, str):
            raise SDKException('Datacube', '101')

        if not self.has_datasource(datasource_name):
            raise SDKException(
                'Datacube', '102', 'No datasource exists with the name: {0}'.format(

        self._delete_datasource = self.commcell_obj._services[
            'DELETE_DATASOURCE'] % (self.get(datasource_name).datasource_id)

        flag, response = self.commcell_obj._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
            'POST', self._delete_datasource)
        if flag:
            if 'errLogMessage' in response.json():
                error_message = response.json()['errLogMessage']
                o_str = 'Failed to delete datasource\nError: "{0}"'.format(error_message)
                raise SDKException('Datacube', '102', o_str)
                return True
            raise SDKException('Response', '101', response.text)

    def refresh(self):
        """Refresh the datasources associated with the Datacube."""
        self._datasources = self._get_all_datasources()


def add(self, datasource_name, analytics_engine, datasource_type, input_param)

Add a datasource.


datasource_name (str) – name of the datasource to add to the datacube

analytics_engine (str) – name of the analytics engine or index server node to be associated with this datacube.

datasource_type (str) – type of datasource to add

                        Valid values are:
                        1: Database
                        2: Web site
                        3: CSV
                        4: File system
                        5: NAS
                        6: Eloqua
                        8: Salesforce
                        9: LDAP
                        10: Federated Search
                        11: Open data source
                        12: HTTP

input_param(list) – properties for datasource


SDKException: if type of the datasource name argument is not string

if type of the analytics_engine  argument is not string

if type of the datasource_type  argument is not string

if failed to add datasource

if response is empty

if response is not success
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def add(self, datasource_name, analytics_engine, datasource_type, input_param):
    """Add a datasource.

            datasource_name (str)   --  name of the datasource to add to the datacube

            analytics_engine (str)  --  name of the analytics engine or index server node to be associated with this

            datasource_type (str)  --  type of datasource to add

                                        Valid values are:
                                        1: Database
                                        2: Web site
                                        3: CSV
                                        4: File system
                                        5: NAS
                                        6: Eloqua
                                        8: Salesforce
                                        9: LDAP
                                        10: Federated Search
                                        11: Open data source
                                        12: HTTP
            input_param(list)      -- properties for datasource
                if type of the datasource name argument is not string

                if type of the analytics_engine  argument is not string

                if type of the datasource_type  argument is not string

                if failed to add datasource

                if response is empty

                if response is not success


    if not isinstance(datasource_name, str):
        raise SDKException('Datacube', '101')

    if not isinstance(analytics_engine, str):
        raise SDKException('Datacube', '101')

    if not isinstance(datasource_type, str):
        raise SDKException('Datacube', '101')

    engine_index = None
    for engine in self._datacube_object.analytics_engines:
        if engine["clientName"] == analytics_engine or engine['engineName'] == analytics_engine:
            engine_index = self._datacube_object.analytics_engines.index(engine)

    if engine_index is None:
        raise Exception("Unable to find Index server for client")

    request_json = {
        "collectionReq": {
            "collectionName": datasource_name,
            "ciserver": {
                "cloudID": self._datacube_object.analytics_engines[engine_index][
        "dataSource": {
            "description": "",
            "datasourceType": datasource_type,
            "attribute": 0,
            "datasourceName": datasource_name

    if input_param is not None:
        request_json['dataSource']['properties'] = input_param

    flag, response = self.commcell_obj._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
        'POST', self._create_datasource, request_json
    if flag and response.json():
        if 'error' in response.json():
            error_code = response.json()['error']['errorCode']
            if error_code == 0:
                self.refresh()  # reload new list.

            error_message = response.json()['error']['errLogMessage']
            o_str = 'Failed to create datasource\nError: "{0}"'.format(error_message)
            raise SDKException('Response', '102', o_str)
        elif 'collections' in response.json():
            self.refresh()  # reload new list.
            raise SDKException('Response', '102')
    response_string = self.commcell_obj._update_response_(
    raise SDKException('Response', '101', response_string)
def delete(self, datasource_name)

Deletes specified datasource from data cube .


datasource_name (str) – name of the datasource


SDKException: if type of the datasource name argument is not string

if no datasource exists with the given name
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def delete(self, datasource_name):
    """Deletes specified datasource from data cube .

            datasource_name     (str)   --  name of the datasource

                if type of the datasource name argument is not string

                if no datasource exists with the given name


    if not isinstance(datasource_name, str):
        raise SDKException('Datacube', '101')

    if not self.has_datasource(datasource_name):
        raise SDKException(
            'Datacube', '102', 'No datasource exists with the name: {0}'.format(

    self._delete_datasource = self.commcell_obj._services[
        'DELETE_DATASOURCE'] % (self.get(datasource_name).datasource_id)

    flag, response = self.commcell_obj._cvpysdk_object.make_request(
        'POST', self._delete_datasource)
    if flag:
        if 'errLogMessage' in response.json():
            error_message = response.json()['errLogMessage']
            o_str = 'Failed to delete datasource\nError: "{0}"'.format(error_message)
            raise SDKException('Datacube', '102', o_str)
            return True
        raise SDKException('Response', '101', response.text)
def get(self, datasource_name)

Returns a datasource object of the specified datasource name.


datasource_name (str) – name of the datasource


object - instance of the Datasource class for the given datasource name


SDKException: if type of the datasource name argument is not string

if no datasource exists with the given name
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def get(self, datasource_name):
    """Returns a datasource object of the specified datasource name.

            datasource_name     (str)   --  name of the datasource

            object  -   instance of the Datasource class for the given datasource name

                if type of the datasource name argument is not string

                if no datasource exists with the given name

    if not isinstance(datasource_name, str):
        raise SDKException('Datacube', '101')

    if self.has_datasource(datasource_name):
        datasource = self._datasources[datasource_name]

        return Datasource(
            self._datacube_object, datasource_name, datasource['data_source_id']

    raise SDKException(
        'Datacube', '102', 'No datasource exists with the name: {0}'.format(
def get_datasource_properties(self, data_source_name)

Returns the properties of datasources.


data_source_name (str) – Name of the data source


dict - dictionary consisting of the properties of datasources

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def get_datasource_properties(self, data_source_name):
    """Returns the properties of datasources.


            data_source_name    (str)       -- Name of the data source

            dict - dictionary consisting of the properties of  datasources

    return self._datasources[data_source_name]
def has_datasource(self, datasource_name)

Checks if a datasource exists in the Datacube with the input datasource name.


datasource_name (str) – name of the datasource


bool - boolean output whether the datasource exists in the datacube or not


SDKException: if type of the datasource name argument is not string

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def has_datasource(self, datasource_name):
    """Checks if a datasource exists in the Datacube with the input datasource name.

            datasource_name     (str)   --  name of the datasource

            bool    -   boolean output whether the datasource exists in the datacube or not

                if type of the datasource name argument is not string

    if not isinstance(datasource_name, str):
        raise SDKException('Datacube', '101')

    return self._datasources and datasource_name in self._datasources
def refresh(self)

Refresh the datasources associated with the Datacube.

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def refresh(self):
    """Refresh the datasources associated with the Datacube."""
    self._datasources = self._get_all_datasources()